Christmas Day

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Christmas day is here. These two you'd confuse them for ten year old children, which was entirely okay to be honest. Having some level of fun in a life of stress and everyday problems really can get exhausting. Fergal and Pam both hobbled down the stairs from his bedroom and looked at the tree, both of them knew that, in the middle of the night, they had put their collective presents under the tree and just wanted to surprise each other. As I said, they're practically ten year old children. Fergal was very sleepy, almost sleeping as he walked slowly down the steps. "Goodness me, look at that tree.." His voice broke as he walked into the kitchen to start the coffee for both of them. Pam had that childlike energy spewing out of her body and she was just the most excited she has ever been. Her first Christmas with the love of her life? This was not only monumental, but it was amazing and almost storybook perfect. She sprinted to the tree and dropped to her knees looking at everything, "Holy moly! Santa really came through this year baby!! You gotta see this!!" In classic Pam fashion, she was overly happy but that's what kept Fergal coming back and back for more and more of her. Fergal began the coffee pot and looked out at Pam, she still had bedhead and looked absolutely adorable. In Fergal's mind, he almost hated how much makeup the crew had to put on her almost tarnished her natural beauty. He yawned sleepily, "Well I'm comin' dear, I just need to get the wakeup juice flowin' first then I'll be out in a jiffy." Pam giggled at his sleepy talk, it was truly hilarious for him to use a word like jiffy, but nevertheless, that's Fergal. A big kid trapped inside an adult's body. Pam was so excited to see his face when he finally opened up the gifts that she got for him, it was such a new feeling for her to try and understand. Primarily due to this being the first real time that she can admit to being in love, pure, and true. Fergal was just thinking about past Christmas events with his family and friends, having Pam here was surely to top everything that he has been through and has seen. His mind wandered back to when he was a little kid, unsure about his place in the world and just generally not too sure when and where he would finally be able to make sense of things that were going on around him. All he knew was professional wrestling, it sounds typical of a wrestler to think that way and to say things like that. But in reality when it came to Fergal, that is exactly how his life played out. He heard the coffee pot finally finish and he grabbed two mugs, pouring the hot liquid into the cups and adding some coffee creamer into it. Pam liked the liquid creamer, Fergal on the other hand loved it. It made the coffee not taste like dirt, is what he thought about it.

As Fergal came walking out into the living room, he saw Pam's little cute face, just beam up a smile at him..It was the most precious thing he has ever seen in his entire life. There was nothing more sacred to him than Pam's happiness. And today of course, Pam was exceptionally happy. That was a hundred percent okay with Fergal of course. He loved when she had that adorable little smile on, it was something that he held very close to his heart, it was something that made him want to see it again, and again. "Here's your coffee baby girl." Fergal leaned down and handed the mug to the woman who promptly took it in both of her hands and nodded, "Thank you baby boy." The little pet names were just the icing on the cake when it came to them to be honest, it was something that..without it they almost felt silly. Like calling them by each other's names was too serious, and adult like. Only in times of, well, serious things did that really qualify and deserve such a tone. Pam took a sip of the coffee and grunted, "Oh my goodness this is incredible."

Pam bounced with excitement, "Open your stuff open your stuff! I really feel like you'll like it..I tried really hard.." She giggled quietly and felt a level of happiness that was unrivaled in her entire life. Fergal set his mug down on the coffee table and leaned over to her, he watched as she too set the mug down on the end table just behind her head and then she slowly turned back to him. Fergal made his advancements onto her and Pam opened herself up to him, she smiled a bit and blushed, "Well hey babe..I though-" Fergal leaned in and kissed her very passionately, holding it and himself over top of her for what felt like a necessary eternity. She blushed, and let out a breath as the kiss broke. Pam looked deep into his dark brown eyes and Fergal gazed into hers as well. He whispered, "Merry Christmas.." His hand rested on her hip area and Pam had her hand on his lower back. She felt so loved when she was in his presence, she felt like she finally belonged and finally there was an idea of..'This makes sense in my life'. Pam blushed more now, a brighter shade of crimson and bit down on her bottom lip, "Merry Christmas baby. I love you so much.." She initiated the kiss this time, leaned her head forward and yanking Fergal back with her, there was no denying the fact that Pam was usually the one to take the back seat and let Fergal lead her around when it came to things like this..Intimate, sensitive little moments involving the two of them. Fergal kissed back and was so, overwhelmed with happiness it felt like a tidal wave was rushing over his entire body. After he needed to break the kiss, he whispered, "I love you too..So so much.." The love they shared was unbreakable..Pam felt her eyes well up with happy tears, an emotion of such joy and love that the only reaction her body could have and do? Cry. Fergal saw her eyes become shiny and he smiled lightly at her, "There is no one in this world that I would rather spend my holidays with..than you..You're my everything and then some.." That was it, Pam was so far beyond triggered in a good way there was no stopping her crying at this point. She let loose the floodgates that were her eyes and water began to pour out. Fergal pulled back and embraced Pam in the gentlest of hugs as he pulled her into his lap. "Oh sweetheart. I'm always gonna be here. Okay? No person, and nothing at all will ever take me from you." Pam nodded, "I..I'm just so happy. I thought love like this was confined to stories and make believe.."

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