Infinite Agony

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What did Fergal do so wrong in life to have this happen? What kind of strange thing did he do that made Pam, the love of his life and future wife AND mother of his children, suffer like this. Pam is the most innocent creature, the most harmless and peaceful person Fergal has ever known in his entire life and this happens to her. Is this even fair? The ambulance came racing into the parking lot and skidded into a parked state, the EMT's came barreling out of the back with the stretcher and the one woman saw who it was and muttered quietly to herself, "Holy shit, this is Bayley.." She looked then at Fergal who was on the verge of sobbing violently, "Help.. Her.." Fergal was caressing Pam's hand gently and didn't even know what to say, his words were weak, his heart felt like it was bleeding inside of his chest. If you grabbed a.. Hm, how can this be put in perspective. If you grabbed a tight water balloon, you know. The ones where any force would burst it. But if you squeeze one of those and pop it in your hand. That's basically what Fergal's heart feels like at this moment in time. The EMT's loaded Pam onto the stretcher as the one man looked at her injuries and clearly wasn't too optimistic about being able to do much quickly. As in, Pam needs to be hooked up to machines in order to be brought out of her defeated state, and that was an impossibility until they could arrive at the hospital. Fergal climbed inside of the ambulance with them and the doors were slammed shut, he grabbed onto Pam's frail, cold hand and squeezed it tight with his two. Thoughts were darting throughout his head and he was unable to really decipher what most of them meant.. All that was a recurring theme was he fucked up. Because Fergal was such a fuck up this happened, if he had been a better boyfriend, Pam wouldn't have had her body destroyed like this by who knows who. He looked up at the EMT's, "What is wrong with her.. Tell me." The EMT's were frantically scanning over her body with their gloved hands trying to find the extent of all of her damage. The woman looked over at Fergal, she was clearly trying the hardest to make sure that everything was going to wind up being okay. "Well. She took massive trauma to the skull, several times. Her wrists are pretty banged up, possibly meaning that somebody either tied her up or held her tightly.. I can't say what else honestly, we have to wait and see Mr. Devitt." Fergal nodded, rubbing her hand gently with his thumb, his blurry vision finally focused in to see that her wrists shined a bright red, someone clearly DID squeeze her wrists very tight, possibly dislocating them or something. But what did they want? Did they steal money from her? Was it a lust crime? Fergal had that dark, plagued thought enter his mind that someone tried to kill her.. It was not easy for him to resist the urge to vomit as it became clearer that.. Well, that happened. He looked over at her, "Is there any chance she can die from this?" The EMT looked over at Fergal and shook her head, "She just got really banged up, it doesn't appear to be SEVERE damage, like a bullet wound or a knife gash. But she will need to be kept at the hospital for several days.."

It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out she will be okay, but nevertheless? Fergal was disgusted with the world now, panic set in that he was never going to be okay with her being by herself. Pam was going to have so much damage done to her psychologically that this was such a cruel act of pure aggression. "I see." Fergal kept his head down as the ambulance arrived at the hospital, just in the nick of time. If Fergal had to sit with this uncertainty any longer he would go insane.

The doors swung open as if there was a tornado yanking them off the hinges. Fergal got out and assisted them even in getting Pam out, he walked with them until they asked him nicely to give them space to help her. He sadly had to stop outside the big double doors leading to the emergency room. Fergal paced, and paced, his mouth grew incredibly dry.. The pain he felt in his heart was immense, almost unbearable at this point. He pushed his head against the wall and began to cry, this was real pain. Physical pain was one thing, it was temporary that ultimately led to recovery. Psychological pain? The pain of one's mind? That's scarring that could BARELY be fixed. Inside the emergency room, the EMT's now turned into three doctors and four nurses. They all analyzed Pam's wounds and the lead doctor asked the question, "What's the analysis?" His personal nurse came in with a clipboard, "Patient has severe head trauma, internal bleeding most likely from trauma to the mid section, wrists possibly fractured. She has redness in the vaginal region." The doctor turned to her, "She wasn't raped, so that is a positive thing. But someone definitely tried to end her life." The nurse nodded, rape cases were ones that every doctor hated dealing with, luckily here, that was not the case.. Nobody was comfortable really talking about that issue, and doctor's at the end of the day were people. "Call the police. We need to let them know everything you just told me." The doctor then walked over to Pam and put a hand on her arm, "We'll fix everything. Just stay relaxed." All throughout this time Pam had faded in and out of consciousness with sporadic episodes. Now was one of those times where she was awake enough to have her eyes open. The nurse analyzed her, and Pam spoke, with her broken and extremely quiet voice. "T-two.." The doctor spun his head around and leaned in closer, "What was that?" Pam tried again, this time her voice quieter than last time. "T-here were.. T-two.. M-men.." Her eyes closed but just in time for the doctor to hear what she had said. "Let's stitch her up.. The police are going to have their hands full looking for two assailants with this one." The doctor's quickly began to stitch up her minor wounds and he knew she had a concussion from the severe trauma, all he needed to do was clean her up, get her in a more comfortable spot, hopefully awake. And then give her the scan. "Rami. Listen, you need to come to the hospital, something horrible has happened to Pamela and I need you. Okay." Fergal just called Rami and asked him to come, Fergal absolutely needed some form of support group now more than ever. He knew this was a shot in the dark at this point.. But.. He dialed the phone again.. Ring ring.. Ring ring.. "Hello?" A small voice sounded almost sleepy, "Hey. I'm really sorry to wake you, but can you come to the hospital right now? It's down the road from the arena.." Fergal spoke, the fact that Smackdown and RAW were both always so close made this call easier. "Y-yea, what happened?" The voice was so sleepy, Fergal almost felt bad.. But, didn't. "Pam.. Something happened to Pam.. Please come, Leah. She needs you." "Holy shit. I'm on my way right now." The phone hung up.

Fergal was making these calls in an attempt to get people here to aid her spiritually. Calling one final person was all he could do. "April? Hey. Sorry if you're asleep but you NEED to come to the hospital just down from the arena. Don't ask questions, Pam was assaulted and she's in the emergency room." April was speechless, "Um.. Fuck? I'm coming!" She hung up and Fergal then sat down in the kind of comfortable chair, holding his increasingly heavy head in both of his hands. He also called them because he could NOT do this alone.. Why did so much tragedy have to always strike those that he cares about the most.. First Shinsuke, Rebecca, and Lexi.. Now this. Four people Fergal cares about significantly and they all have to suffer.. Why not him?

Fergal began to feel his sanity slip away from him. Like sand falling through your fingers at an alarming rate. The thing is, the sand slipping from his hands was small, but the amount that began to surround him was growing at a violent, rapid rate. Meaning; Fergal was literally going crazy right now and having an anxiety attack. His chest tightened, his throat closed up and he began to lightly shake. Shaking to the point where nobody could notice, but he in fact was shaking. His bones began to feel brittle, now each shake was filled with unspeakable pain. Fergal now felt alone in the world.. His life partner now lay in a hospital bed being patched up like some Frankenstein monster.. And what did he do to help her? NOTHING. Fergal did absolutely nothing and his failure reverberated inside of his brain. Like striking a gong with a mallet, the echo of his failure lingered in his brain. Pam was being put through the CAT scan right now, she couldn't decipher what was real life and what was her fear.. After a few moments of claustrophobic induced terror, they removed her from her tube of anxiety and she closed her eyes again, feeling her heart beat race rapidly now. "The results may take a little while Ms. Martinez, please just try to stay relaxed." Pam squeezed her eyes closed, attempting to figuratively pinch herself and hopefully wake up from this horrible nightmare. She slipped back into an unconscious state, the panic and lack of relaxing was really taking their toll. She couldn't find a way to peacefully accept the fact that NOW things were going to get better, and as a result? Her brain continued to shut her body down. Fergal never raised his head up from where it previously was. He heard the automatic doors open up and still didn't bother. Little footsteps were heard as they got closer, and closer. No words were spoken, but someone sat next to him. Fergal felt a cold hand touch his back and rub up and down gently. "Shhh. Hey, Ferg.. C'mere.." It was Leah, of course it was Leah. She probably drove a thousand miles an hour to get here. Fergal didn't look up, he just shifted his weight over and Leah embraced him in a reassuring hug, Fergal began to cry again.. "Shh.. Oh my gosh.. Hey hey relax.. Shhh..." Leah looked at the door and saw Rami come in, and moments later April did. Both of them came straight over to Fergal and tried their best to comfort him. Fergal was absolutely breaking right now, cracking like a beautiful glass painting having little rocks constantly thrown at it. Rami sat on the other side of Fergal, and April sat on the floor. Rami rubbed his back as April held onto one of his hands. "Fergal, buddy. We're all here. We're here for you and her. And she WILL be okay." Rami was practically Fergal's brother. The two men were so close and have been through so much that there was nobody else he would have called first.

April chimed in too, "Pam is one of the strongest.. People I know. And you? You are right next to her, as always. She's gonna be okay. Please try to slow your breathing.." She squeezed his hand tight now, it almost made April begin to cry when she felt him squeeze right back. Leah was like the mother of this situation, her best friend was in fact in the emergency room with.. To her; unknown injuries. "We literally are going nowhere until we see her and hopefully get her outta here. Alright? P-Please don't cry Fergal." Leah was really having to be strong here, she could feel Fergal shaking in her arms. The man who normally had such a good lid on his emotions, could control nothing right now. In his mind he was falling apart, actually he was literally thinking of himself free falling off of a cliff and the only problem was there was no end to this vision. He just was stuck in an infinite loop of falling off a giant ledge and screaming in agony the entire way down, with the sweet release of an end never coming to him. Fergal did not know what to do..

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