Couldn't Have Gone Better

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Rami darting away from Pam as soon as she saw Fergal's face in the doorway was a little alarming, almost like he had to warn him about something. It was also, on a completely separate note,  kind of adorable how April leaned her head over top of Pam's lap and was unconscious; She finally was sleeping again and all it took was mama Pam to rub her little head until she drifted off to sleep. Leah on the other hand was like the energizer bunny, just refusing to sleep due to the amount of coffee she had coursing through her system. April did too, her blood practically was coffee, but she was far too tired to actually be awake anymore. "Hey.. Leah? Do you hear what Fergal and Rami are talking about out there? I'm waaay too curious and I kind of have a sleeping baby on my leg." Pam whispered as quietly as she could, while still being loud enough to be understood. Leah looked over at Pam and saw April's tiny little head resting peacefully on Pam's thigh, "Aww.. Oh my goodness lemme get a picture first.." Pam rolled her eyes and made some dorky pose while Leah snapped the photo. "Okay, what now?" Leah was whispering too, letting April sleep was in their best interest. NOT waking the beast known as AJ was kind of smart. Pam whispered again, "Can you hear what they're talking about..?" Leah looked over, listened for a second, "All I hear is mumbles and no words.. I can't babe." Pam sighed quietly and continued to run her fingers through April's soft locks. She was really worried that something was wrong out there, Rami and Fergal were out there for quite some time. And almost on some kind of divine queue, Rami came back in the room with his head hung low. "Hey, wait Rami what happened? Where's Fergal?" Pam was like a curious little cat who just discovered if you bat around a little toy with your paw it'll move all around. Rami didn't make any eye contact with Pam, "Uh nothing happened. Fergal just had to take a phone call in the hallway, he'll probably be in soon. How are you feeling?" Pam furrowed her eyebrows and bit the inside of her cheek. Leah seeing this face slightly smiled, knowing that Detective Pam was in full swing. "Hmm.. I feel fine, I'm going to ask the doctor if I can leave like tomorrow. I don't need to be monitored anymore." She really was trying her absolute best to get life back to the way it was; her definition of normal. I say it like that, because obviously her life is anything from normal, but she missed the way it used to be. Before all of this tragedy involving so many people she loves, and now herself? Let it all stop, please?

Then it happened, Fergal said something really loudly in the hallway that got everybody's attention. Even sleepy April lifted her head up, "I-Is everyone okay?" She rubbed the sleepies out of her eyes and looked around, Pam was extremely concerned and Rami began to walk back out towards the hallway. When he arrived, he saw a frantic Fergal pacing around in little circles, still somewhat on the phone. Somewhat because every few moments he would drop the phone from his ear and look around. "Fergal holy shit buddy what are you doing??" Rami was kind of frightened by this, Fergal didn't hear him genuinely at first, "What's that?" Fergal spoke and continued to walk around in circles. "What are you doing? What happened?" Rami spoke again. And continued to watch his friend gradually freak out. "Dude.. LEXI IS OKAY!" He kind of shouted again, Rami beamed a smile. "Holy shit that's amazing! How do you know? Is that Matt on the phone?" Fergal smiled and nodded, "Yeah, he said when they lost her they um, they kept doing doctor shit and trying to bring her back and eventually she did..! She was declared dead for seven minutes but they never gave up on her and and Lexi is back!" Rami gave Fergal a big ass hug.

It really is insane how life manages to throw curve ball after knuckleball and again back to a curve ball. There is really no guarantee that tomorrow is coming for you. Everyday is a fight and everyday's a struggle to make it to the next day. This was never more prevalent than with Fergal's life as of late. Not only is his career a risk every time he goes to work, but his own personal future is tied in with it. And getting into the car accident? He almost lost three of his most important influences in his life, technically he did lose one of them. But she's back to the world of the living once more. Pam being attacked and almost killed is another HUGE EXAMPLE of appreciate what you have, WHILE you have it. Because you never know when life is going to turn its ugly head at you and take everything that you hold dear to your heart. Rami walked back into the room and Pam was literally at the edge of her bed. "Talk. Now." She was in full mom mode and needed to figure out what happened, and figure it out fast. April was literally still struggling to remain awake, but her angry friend was preventing any sort of relaxation from happening right now. "Well. Long story. So I get a call about ten minutes ago. And that's why I went out the first time. It was Matt. He told me a, a little thing that was really not all that good." Rami paused, Pam nodded and had a horrible feeling she knew where this was going. "And Lexi had passed away." Leah's eyes widened and literally at an instant filled up with tears. "N-no.." Leah whispered as she covered her mouth with her hands. April woke up finally, that shot in the brain really got her going. Pam was in absolute shock, she felt entirely responsible for all of this, what happened to Becky, Lexi, shit even Shinsuke even though he did nothing wrong or make her feel insecure. Besides the way that he dances to the ring, the boy has moves what can I say? "I.. I'm speechless.." Pam spoke quietly and hung her head down low, "BUT!!" Rami chimed in again, "I told Fergal, who then did what any good friend would do, and he called Matt, and apparently seven or eight minutes later from when she left? She came back! The doctors declared her legally dead for seven minutes and fought each second to bring her back and they did! Matt told Fergal, and that's why he shouted in the hallway." Everybody in the room collectively let out a sigh of relief. Even AJ who wasn't close close with Alexis still felt that sense of relief that one of her best friends, friend.. Is still alive! "That is absolutely incredible.. Honestly she needs to write a book." Pam smiled and looked over at April, "Hey. I got that reference just now. Jerk." They all laughed a nervous kind of laugh now.

After a few more minutes, Fergal came into the room. It felt like forever since Pam has laid eyes on his beautifully sculpted face. Fergal still held onto the secret of what happened at the bar, what happened after was just as disturbing to him but he was in no position to tell anybody what happened. "Hey babe. And everyone else. Other babes? What do I call you? Mystery Inc.?" Fergal laughed and Pam BUSTED out laughing at the obvious Scooby-Doo reference. "Dude Mystery Inc. was Law and Order, before Law and Order was Law and Order." April laughed now too, that was pretty clever and at a time like this? Jokes were more valuable than gold. Fergal leaned down and hugged his love and kissed her cheek, as soon as he sat down next to the bedside, closer to April, the doctor emerged. "Hello everyone. Ms. Martinez, are you ready for your final exams?" Leah sighed quietly, "I don't know if she is Doc, Pam over here is kind of buns when it comes to taking tests." The chuckle that everyone collectively shared was so genuine it was almost adorable. "Oh ha ha ha. Yes Doctor, I am absolutely ready to get the hell out of here. No offence." The doctor chuckled and nodded, "None taken ma'am. Let's get everyone out first."

Literally almost in some kind of musical number, everyone rose to their feet and left the room. Hopefully the testing wouldn't take all that long and they would be able to get out of this hell hole sooner rather than later. "April are you just like a Kodiak Bear? Just never really awake right.. I mean it isn't winter anymore, you kind of NEED to wake up.." Fergal felt like poking fun at the tiny woman who was foetal position on the floor. "You're an asshole you know that?" She snapped back at him with a grin. Rami looked over at Leah and poked her thigh, "Wanna play pool?" Leah smiled a little and nodded, "Sure! Lemme start though, I hate breaking." They started the little pool game on their iPhones and literally a bomb could go off next to them and they wouldn't pay attention. "Where are you gonna go after she gets out.." Fergal looked at April and sat down next to her on the floor. She had to think for a moment, not only because she didn't know where to go, but because she had to shake the cobwebs out of her brain in order to think about this question. "Honestly? I might just go back to New Jersey. I'm sure Jon is so worried about me right now he's probably sick over it." Fergal gasped a little, "You mean for all this time you told him nothing?" Fergal shook his head and April hid her face, whispering. "Nnnoooo... I'm awful I know. Note to self, let no person date me ever. And I mean ever ever, not like seventh grade ever where tomorrow you already do it again." April was trying to make light of her foolish decision to forget her phone.. Who knows where honestly. She thought for a moment, "I think I left my phone at my hotel room.. I don't know, it's just a phone. I'm more pissed that I have to find another freaking Batman case for it if I lose it. That one was so cool.." Fergal listened to her literally ramble about silly things and shook his head, "You're too much I swear. But if you go back to Jersey, won't Pam be sad? She needs you, I need you. You serious? I couldn't have done HALF the shit I've done recently if it weren't for you being around. You can't just run off like that.." Fergal was right, April was a necessary force in both of their lives and it would be heartbreaking for Fergal AND Pam if she were to just dip out at a time like this. "I mean I have to go back on the road as soon as I can, you have time off.. The company will give me a little more time to be with Pam but since she's doing so well so fast? They'll want me back.. I'm freaking Universal Champion after all.. I can't pull Lesnar and show up once every three months.. Doesn't work like that for me. Look, just.. Think about it? I'm sorry if it seems like I'm pressuring you, I'm really not.. At least not intentionally.."

Fergal was such a sweetheart. April smiled and leaned her head on him, "Oh Fergie Fergie Fergie.. You are a kind man. And you're also right.. I can't just leave like that.. I'll stick around for a while and make sure our residential hugging goddess doesn't get spooked by anything.." These two were as close as brother and sister now, the bond they shared was so unique and it all started because of their separate, but equally as powerful, love for Pam. Finally the door opened and Pam was the one who came out, "Sooo... Guess who's ready to go home!?" April, Fergal, Leah and Rami all stopped what they were doing and cheered, "Thank GOD!" April chimed in and laughed. "Let's go out to eat, that seems to be what we do after some crazy shit goes down, right? Food soothes the soul.." Fergal added his piece in and literally everyone was happy to have that idea. "Great. Let's go to Denny's. Everyone loves Denny's." They all walked out of the hospital in a far better place than they walked in. Walking in? They were separate, they were scared, alone, hurt even.. But now? Right now at this point in time they were leaving that dreadful, cold and scary hospital in the best possible way imaginable; Together.

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