Gotta Get Away

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The door shut behind Fergal and he darted to his car, he figured that if he got in there as fast as possible it would eliminate the potential opportunity of either Pam or Mercedes walking out to stop him. But he was lucky, for once. They decided to let him go. He shut his car door and started his vehicle, calling April as he backed out of the driveway. "Hey. Do you really need a ride? Thanks for doing that for me by the way." Fergal spoke almost too calmly right now. April was overly confused and wanted nothing more than a goddamn explanation as to what the hell was going on. "Uh, yes. Yes come here and pick me up you ass." Fergal laughed, he could hear the confusion in her voice as she spoke to him. "I promise I'll tell you what just happened when I get you. Bye." He hung up and began the irritating drive to go get April. Fergal had his thoughts right to himself, no one would bother him, he was finally alone. He thought about how this was all really a setup. Mercedes called Pam to go to his house as she knows damn well that they are both on SUPER shaky grounds. All that did was make the ground shrink more rapidly beneath their feet. He was growing not sad, but disappointed in Pam about what just happened. She could have told Mercedes no, she could have said that this was a super super bad idea but she didn't.. She didn't even bother to do that. No, instead she tried to 'fix this' problem by adding herself to the equation. And all that wound up doing was making Fergal more frustrated, and feel more alone than he ever has before. Fergal didn't notice, but his eyes were beginning to produce tears that slowly rolled down his cheeks. He couldn't believe how far everybody has fallen. He couldn't believe where the happy road to marriage and a nice life had lead him. Instead of the dream woman with the dream house and a dream life? He got the opposite of all of it, the nightmare girl, with no house, and a hellish life. Fergal knew where it all went wrong too, it isn't like the fact that his relationship crumbled so fast shocked him. Pam has a lot of deep rooted issues that never were fixed. There was a lot of effort on both of their parts to suppress these dark thoughts and ideas, and fear was so common within Pam that there was, in the end, no other emotion she felt about her relationship. Fergal began to not feel well. His head was slowly beginning to spin, sweat began to form on his forehead and his vision became blurry. He slammed his eyes shut for a moment and opened them, the feeling didn't go away. His stomach felt like it was doing backflips inside of his body and he knew what was coming. Fergal pulled over to the shoulder of the road as quickly as he possibly could and parked his car. Fergal lunged out forward and ran to the side of the road where the grass was, he dropped down to his knees and began violently throwing up. He cried the whole time he did this. That nauseous feeling perhaps was due to his body being backed up, or maybe stress was the cause for it..

    Fergal didn't know, nor did he care. Right now he just had to keep his mind off of the fact that he is throwing up on the side of the road. He didn't give a shit who knew he was, not even a little bit. Fergal stayed in the same position for several minutes as he breathed very heavily, he was lucky this time. Nothing got lodged in his nose like it normally does. Yes I'm aware, that is indeed nasty as hell. But If there was one thing that he was thankful for, that would be it. He finally looked up, his face was red, redder than a tomato.. Eyes were watery and tears were soaking his cheeks. He was in an immense amount of pain and the worst part about all of this is that Fergal had absolutely nobody next to him to tell him he's going to be okay.. Nobody.

    Fergal didn't know this, but he was developing a fever. A rather high fever and his body temperature began to rise rapidly. His mind was playing tricks on him and his thoughts were corrupted. He was thinking about Alexis. Her voice, the things she said to him, her advice. Her little smile when someone embarrassed her, but in a good way. Fergal was missing her, he was missing her affection. He needed that kind of support right now and the only person he wanted it from was her. But Alexis was dealing with her own problems, she also was set to be married and Fergal was NOT going to be the guy who wedged himself in between them selfishly. Fergal thought about all he has done for his friends. All the sacrifices he's made and all the good he thought he has done for them. But if he had done so much good, and if he had affected them so positively.. Where were they now when he needed them most? Fergal hated crying, he also hated asking for help. But right now above all else he needed help. Was Alexis the 'forbidden fruit' that Fergal desired right now? Was her love and attention what he needed in his life? Was Pam even the right woman for him? Fergal sat on his knees and wept like an infant who just dropped their ice cream on the ground during a hot day. He hated where his life had gone, he hated this charade of happiness that he had to put up for the public eye to witness. Fergal came to the conclusion that he was going to come up with a feud to lose his title to, and he was then going to take a much needed vacation away from the entire rest of the world. Fergal was there for Pam during everything. He was there when she needed him professionally, when she needed a friend, a lover, when she was viciously attacked.. Who was the first one there? He was.. But if Pam knew Fergal so well, and she knew how he behaved all the time. Where was she now? Why was she not the first person lining up at the door to make sure Fergal was in fact okay Why was he kneeling on the side of the road, throwing up his intestines.. Alone.. That just isn't right. Who knows what Pam is doing right now, she probably has done things she never told him and perhaps she has done things she isn't proud of. But that is no excuse for THIS. Fergal finally rose to his feet. He only had about two miles left before he got to April, after he would request that she drive back. He is in no shape to drive any long length of time. He got back in his car and shut the door, pulling away quickly. After a short five minutes, Fergal pulled up to where April was. She instantly began to freak out, running to the driver's side window, "Fergal. Get out. Please." April made her rapid demand and Fergal got out, wobbly as all hell. "What happened to you, hey no wait c'mere.." April grabbed him gently and held onto him. She felt how physically weak he was at the moment and she knew he was in no shape to drive. She hit the unlock button for the doors and swiftly opened the back doors up for him.

    April gently laid Fergal down on his back. She climbed back in with him to adjust his body so he fit just a little bit better. After she got him fully in and comfortable, she knelt down as best as she could and put her hand on his chest. "What happened to you? Have you been crying?" She softly rubbed his chest and felt his insanely rapid heart beat. "Y-Yeah. I got sick too." April bit down on her bottom lip harshly. She moved her hand to his forehead and pushed gently down on it. He was indeed burning up. "Holy shit Fergal. Your forehead is stupidly hot right now.. Sit up, I'm gonna give you something to knock it down.." She leaned down and gently lifted Fergal so he was upright. She then reached into the front seat and dug through her bag to find something for his fever. Finding it, she then grabbed her water bottle and handed it to him.

    Fergal took the pill and bottle. Gently he tossed it back into his mouth and took a big drink of water. The water and the pill were felt going down his throat all the way down.. He closed his eyes tight and April gently placed a hand on the back of his head. "Shhh. It's okay. I know it sucks to take pills when you don't feel well. But you have to. That fever is fucking ruthless right now, and I refuse to let you die to a fever." April softly rubbed the back of his head with her thumb and Fergal wrapped his arm around April's tiny body gently. He buried his face into her stomach and began to weep. April closed her eyes tightly, refusing to cry in front of him. "S-Shh.. It's okay Fergal. Let it out. Let it all out on my shirt that shows liquid on it really easily.." She tried to make a joke, and continued to rub his head softly. "It's okay babe. Just relax. I'm here, and I'm not gonna go anywhere. You're stuck with me until you don't want me anymore." Fergal squeezed her little body and kept crying.. It was about time that he let all of this shit out of his system, he held onto so many dark feelings, and negative thoughts that it was crazy how he could manage all of it on a daily basis. "Do you wanna talk about why you needed an escape route?" She kept rubbing his head gently, feeling the tears seep through her thin shirt and come into contact with her bare belly. "Y-yes." Fergal whimpered quietly and moved his head away from her stomach. He laid on his back and April began to rub his tummy like he was a sick child who came home early from school. "This is what happened.. What she did.." Fergal began to take the time to in depth explain what happened with Pam, and Mercedes. How Mercedes popped by only to have Pam come as well in an elaborate plan to get Fergal to see 'the error in his ways'. But all it did was make Fergal resent them both more than he did before they tried to fix the problem. After Fergal explained himself; he reached and grabbed April's hand and squeezed it kind of hard. "So now? I don't know what to do about this. Not anymore. It all just doesn't make sense. She knows how I feel, she knows how bad we got, and yet she acted as if she doesn't care.. Like she's completely shielded from all of these problems." April was stunned. She was absolutely in stunned disbelief that Pam would EVEN forgive Mercedes, nonetheless act as if nothing happened and that what she did was even forgivable. Which, newsflash; it was not forgivable. April shook her head back and forth, rubbing her thumb over his hand gently. "I am so sorry sweetheart. I don't normally get involved in other people's stuff, but this, very clearly has affected you so much that you're becoming physically ill, you could have gotten into car crash and hurt really fucking badly.. Or worse.." April shook her head again. "I can't believe Pam forgave that disgusting snake of a woman. No, she doesn't even deserve to be called a snake, or a woman. They're too important.. I can't believe she forgave that.. That THING.."

    Fergal sniffled loudly. "After I drop this title, I'm going to actually disappear. I plan on asking Paul for an extended vacation and I'm going to take my ass out of here." April nodded slowly. "That would probably help you better than that STUPID intervention style garbage that they just tried to pull on you. God, I'm so sorry Fergal. Honest to god I don't know what's gotten into Pam that she can think that everything just gets a big ass bandage slapped on it and it heals instantly." She leaned down and hugged him as best as she could, Fergal adjusted himself and sat up so he could hug her right back. "But remember, I'm here for you. I think sometime next week? Once you get your next day off? Tell Lexi about this. I know you miss that girl so much." Fergal squeezed April again. "O-okay. Thank you for this.. Can you drive the rest of the way to work? I don't think I will be able to do it.." April nodded gently as the hug broke, "Anything for you."

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