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The next few weeks went by.. Slowly. Almost as if life was doing it on purpose to torture Fergal. He was entirely unsure if Pam was doing the things she was doing at this point intentionally, or if she was just oblivious to the fact that the damage her little actions caused were beginning to add up. Not even once did she try to fix the problem she caused, not once did she attempt to make amends for the fights she caused.. He was unsure if progress was even being made about this.. Problem of hers, she never really talked about it with him until it was FAR too late and there was no going back. The fucked up thing is; Fergal still had to worry about her, he had to worry about this stalker who has disappeared for weeks now and has been utterly silent. The pay-per-view was tonight. It was a long process to get here and honestly not a soul knew that he was battling with extreme internal problems. He struggled without ever saying a word about it. The day of the event was always the most hectic, press meetings, fan signings.. But the hardest part for Fergal was keeping this front up, keeping himself upbeat and not letting a single soul know what was going on behind his deep brown eyes. It was almost dramatic irony at his signing. The literal last person who got to see him was a familiar face.. It was the kid from the hotel that he met MONTHS ago.. How Fergal even recognized the kid was incredible, and of course he wasn't a kid. Young adult, not kid kid. "Hey buddy how's it going!?" Fergal was actually somewhat excited to see this person yet again, it was weird how life kept this up, but he was overjoyed to see a familiar face in the wake of all this chaos. "Hey! It's been a while. I'm good, ish. Kind of. Sort of. Not really.. But hey! That's fine because I made the deadline today!" The kid was smiling up a storm, but Fergal saw a familiar look on his face, it was one that he actually managed to identify with ease.. Fergal signed the replica WWE Championship with his custom side plates embedded in it. "What's been goin' on?" Fergal always was willing to listen to people about their problems, that's why this issue with Pam is so frustrating, she treats him like he won't ever listen, and when he does? She yells at him saying he doesn't understand. It's a slippery slope that has no end, and Fergal didn't like it anymore. "Well it's just fighting with my lady friend. She doesn't.. Like a lot of things that I do, namely wrestlers and she gets STUPIDLY insecure about them." This was irony at its best. Fergal nodded, knowing full well that they are in the same exact situation..

"My advice, my man? Just stick with it. Endure it and try to make her better. It sucks and it's confusing, yea I know that full well. But if you think she's worth it, then you'll deal with the crap and try to make somethin' out of it.." After Fergal spoke the kid grew suspicious, furrowing his eyebrows, "You're okay, right? Nothing bugging you too much?" They shifted for a photo and Fergal had to lie, how could he even BEGIN explaining his problems.. It was impossible and he knew that shit. "Yea of course buddy. Thanks for askin' though! But really, just be easy with her issues, things suck and they always will suck. But they also will be great too. Insecurity is a headless monster, you just have to find a way to walk around it." The kid nodded, after priceless peptalk with Fergal ended, and the photo was taken. The kid hugged him, "Thank you so much, I hope you retain tonight!!" Ah yes, the full circle has been completed. Back to wrestling. "I do too." They both laughed and the kid vanished into the shadows. That right there is a kid that has his head on right, he just has to do EXACTLY what Fergal has to do as well.. Just endure this crap and suffer, life always tries to bring you down, and sometimes it wins.. You CANNOT let it do that.

Pam didn't have to go to the signing, but she did anyways. She was there for a few reasons, one was to keep an eye on Fergal and make sure he wasn't fucking around on her.. And two was to keep an eye on Alexis to make sure she wasn't trying to get with Fergal. She really has slipped so far from where she once was it was almost sad to know where she was at mentally. The insecurity and fear had almost consumed her entirely and it manifested itself into her actions now. Before? They were just dark thoughts, dreams sometimes.. But now it had evolved into something that she didn't want it to ever get to. Let's clear the air; Pam is NOT a bad person. She actually is one of the most genuine human beings in the entire world. Just right now she's blinded with fury and jealousy. Even the greatest of hearts can fall. What was the expression? Madness is like gravity.. All it takes is a little push. And Pam didn't receive a 'little' push. She was hurled off the madness cliff, and crashed hard into the madness ravine head first. Pam hardly even supported Fergal's work, all his hard work in the ring and the things he did outside of it were soundly pushed to the side in favor of this anger that she felt towards him at all times. She didn't use it as a weapon, but he was to blame for the lack of a friendship between Pam and Alexis. Fergal knew it too, he hated it a lot. He hated knowing that a negative thing spawned because of something he did without even realizing it. Pam lingered around the signing until she saw Alexis leave, and then she did the same. Going back to the arena now, she got into her locker room and began to think.. This was not going to end well.. Pam began to reflect on the damage she has inflicted upon Fergal, Mercedes, Colby, Alexis.. This was so recurring and it was so dangerous honestly. The shitty thing is that she has a match WITH Alexis TONIGHT. FOR the title... And Pam had a bad feeling about what they were going to do with it. Alexis was the returning warrior who has been through hell and back, even claiming that she has seen the afterlife. There was no stopping her tonight, this triumphant return was going to come full circle and RUN OVER Pam, more so Bayley. The thought crossed her mind on how to prevent this, it was stupid and unbelievable that her mind even WENT to that place, but it was there.. And Pam actually planned on implementing that fully. She shook her head, disgusted with her own idea, but it was final..

The event started and it saw a rather loud crowd reaction, it was rare in this day and age of everything sucking majorly at WWE, but hey. Sometimes you strike gold, sometimes you strike out. Fergal was set to wrestle inside of a steel cage, and Pam was set to wrestle in an extreme rules match. The rare occurrence at a pay-per-view was something to write home about, but it was also the first time she has been in a match like this. Perfect for carrying out her shitty plan. Fergal and Pam actually had separate locker rooms now, he requested it.. Claiming that it was too distracting right now to have them together. For in his mind, he really couldn't focus on ANYTHING whilst these problems staring him right in the eyes. Fergal was starting to get ready, excited for the match that he was going to have.. For it was not just one competitor he had to face, but three. Brock Lesnar, Joe, and an unknown competitor that they have not named just yet. The plan to surprise people was absolute; and WWE needed to be better equipped to surprise their fans. Matches rolled on and the fans slowly but surely lost interest, primarily due to the outcomes of some of them. Outcomes were so janky now a days, the fans wanted THEIR guys/girls to win and FUCK everybody else. If your favorite didn't win? Time to flame the WWE on Instagram, or Twitter, complaining about how 'RAW is shit.' or 'Smackdown is shit'.. Satisfaction? What a joke.

Pam's match was set to take place next and she was waiting behind the curtain. Alexis was there, but no words were spoken between them, it was one of the most tense/awkward situations in the entire world. Alexis thought to herself why Fergal wasn't there, but who was she to ask where he was? Pam would just lose her mind even knowing that she knows how to say Fergal, nonetheless wondering where he is and if he is okay. Pam's bouncy music hit and you could actually see her slap on a fake smile to entertain the fans. They popped for her pretty loudly, Pam was a crowd favorite. But sadly for her, she was not THE favorite in this situation. Pam got in the ring and did the Bayley things, tossing her arms out and embracing the fans. As the music died down a chant of 'We want Bliss!' Began to echo throughout the arena and it pissed Pam off to no end.. Just hearing her name was bad enough, but seeing the fans embrace her as one of their own made her hate the world more than she already did. Alexis' music hit and she stormed out to the loudest crowd pop of the night. She almost cried, it was obvious to everyone who could see it. But nevertheless, she did not cry and made her way to the ring, sass and all. As the match went underway, Fergal watched it from his locker room. His friend who applied his paint was there, working on his rather lavish back paint. The front was done, but the back needed some fine tuning. Fergal took note of how Pam was being extra stiff with Alexis, and she was throwing potatoes at her. (Wrestling slang for ACTUALLY hitting her via punches) Fergal grew worried, he had a nasty feeling Pam had something up her sleeve.. Rage began to manifest itself inside of Fergal, he relaxed when Alexis was allowed to take control of the match, at least it would be harder for an 'accident' to occur if she was dominating. Fergal watched as she grabbed a chair from the outside of the ring, the match was getting lengthy now.. Twenty minutes or so in and the weapons became apparent. Kendo sticks, chairs, sledgehammers even. It was a violent little contest and it was new for both ladies involved. But this one was important.. Alexis slid back in the ring with the chair and was tripped up by Pam who grabbed it from her.. Alexis was on her knees, execution style and begged for her life. Pam looked around at the fans, and then at the title which sat at ringside.. She pointed at it, and raised her arms up, cracking Alexis in the skull..

That noise.. That dreaded noise.. What the fuck was Pam thinking? You can't hit people in the head with chairs now a days! That gives too many concussions! Fergal's paint was finished, he gasped when this happened.. Rose to his feet and covered his mouth as best as he could. He saw the look in Alexis' eyes, he knew she was hurt.. Pam turned her back to Alexis, regret was sinking in, she was going to catch HELL for this.. She tossed the chair to the side as Alexis laid motionless in the ring.. A few painful minutes.. It was incredibly unsettling.. Fergal stared at that television, his blood boiling inside of him.. Finally Alexis stirred, she crawled behind Pam and gave her one of the shittiest rollups in WWE history.. Holy fuck deja-vu.. One, two, three.. Pam lost her title, but she would be damned to go down alone. This was terrifying, doctors rushed the ring and two of them helped Alexis to her feet and she had the title in her hand, barely.. Fergal saw that far away look in her eyes.. The lights were on, but nobody was home.. Fergal ran to the staging area, typically he isn't allowed to due to the surprise of the paint.. But this was different. Pam was the first to emerge, and when she saw Fergal, and the fire in his eyes, she didn't even bother to talk to him, she walked right passed him. At best, Alexis has a concussion, a bad one.. At worst? Who the hell knows.. Fergal darted after Pam, searching for her.. This shit has to be stopped..

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