Trust Your Senses

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Fergal had to try his hardest not to weep like a small child at her reaction to seeing him like this. He was a mess. A visible, clear, mess. He couldn't speak, instead all he found himself doing without even realizing, was wrapping his arms around her waist gently as she buried her face into the middle of his chest. There was nothing he could do right now to seem like the tough guy, he was acting big all night inside his head; it was all that kept him from actually breaking down. But right now he could hardly process thoughts in order to keep this little dose of paradise going. He rubbed her back gently, as she immediately began to softly stroke the back of his head. She finally whispered to him, "I am so sorry." Why an apology..? Pam hadn't done anything wrong, at all actually. Technically Fergal was just someone who had feelings for Pam. There were probably hundreds of thousands of people who felt the same way as him. But the difference here is that Fergal had a chance with Pam. (Sorry rest of the world) He whispered back as the loud crack of thunder was heard in the near distance, "Please, come inside before you get sick.." Even at a time like this he still managed to be a sweetheart to her. He didn't realistically have a mean bone in his body. And when she was around any mean bone turned into nothing. No amount of anything else in the world would make him happier than to just see her peel a little smile out right now. He would do anything he possibly could to cause one to show up. Pulling her inside with him and he closed the door, Pam looked around to see his place was like a ghost town in how much life seemed to be in it. Usually, Fergal had lights on, if nothing else, he would have candles lit and burning brightly for that..Zen like aura that he loved so much. She didn't speak a word of the darkness and bad energy that was filled within his home, but she didn't exactly forget it either. She followed next to him, accidentally their hands managed to find one another and intertwine their fingers together. It was a cute little moment, besides the sadness that Fergal still had weighing his heart down right now for he didn't know why Pam decided to show up in the first place, perhaps Rami wasn't the person for her. Perhaps something bad happened to her. Maybe she got abandoned..Maybe something happened at home with her family. He had no idea what caused this appearance by her but he grew more and more curious as the seconds peeled on.

"Is..everything alright?" As he sat them down he felt her leg brush against his, an indicator that she sat down wicked close to him on his sofa. She sat down slowly and exhaled shakily. Looking over at him with her deep brown eyes, "Well I'm okay..Mister Devitt. But I can't exactly say the same about you..Now can I?" She knew he was in pain, a lot of it. Cowering almost at her words, Fergal looked away and squeezed his eyes closed very fast to block out any kind of crying that could have possibly been building up in there. "That obvious, huh?" He was so done with the little games of not telling her about this. He was so ready for her to ask him what he was feeling, he was so ready to be asked that question. Although he was frightened greatly by the thought of admitting that he was madly in love with her..Right to her face. Pam took a deep breath and leaned her head on his shoulder, exhaling slowly and attempting to get her lungs back on her side, "I needed to come see you..I just..The dinner was okay, it was actually eye opening.." That was something that came out a little weird to be honest, Pam wasn't someone to leave things up to interpretation, if it was meant to be taken a certain way; she'd ensure that it was taken in that way. She swallowed hard and fought her thoughts to try and clear a path for her confession, but before she got it out, Fergal had enough of torturing his heart. He interrupted her train of thought for this admission; "Pam, I know you had something to say..and it must be important..But listen, I uh. I have something I need to seriously get off of my chest and I can't bear it another moment longer.." Fergal was speaking from the bottom of his heart, from that little door that everyone possessed yet everyone feared greatly to open up. He was taking a great risk in spilling his heart out to this unsuspecting woman. "I kind of am..I kind I-in love with you. And shit I know that sounds so bad, and so odd to come from me and I don't even know at this rate if I'm makin' a lick of sense right now but damn it I can't get over my pain until you just know what I'm feelin'. Since I got brought into NXT I just..I can't keep myself from you..I see you everywhere, social media, locker room..backstage and I know you work there but there's more..than just that..I know it sounds odd, and maybe a little crazy..But I feel like I can't..get away from you..and in the best way possible. That does sound bad; shit. Look I'm sorry this is soundin' all wacko and shit I just..I never get lost at my words and not know what to say..But sometimes one must take matters into ones own hands..And I just, I feel like this is one of those times. I literally see your cute little face and my heart crumbles under your soft touch. I see you succeed in the ring and out of it and I just can't comprehend how happy and proud of you I really feel.." Fergal's speech was something that Pam was trying to mentally prepare herself for in all honesty. She listened to and clung to each and every sweet little word that this man was saying to her, it was all so breathtaking to be perfectly honest. She didn't know that someone could feel this raw passion for her at this stage in her life. Coming out of that crap she just managed to crawl away from was difficult, life felt like it was caving in on all sides. It felt like she could never really get out of the darkness where she light died. Her judgement was swift and without too much thought. She smiled as he praised her work in the ring, clearly making her day and showing just how much he really did care for her. She lifted her head after it sunk in that she just confessed his love for her.

"There's no way you can feel that way about me Ferg..Like no honest way when I-" She paused and it caused him to turn his head over and lock eyes with her immediately. "When you what, Pam.." He couldn't help but feel a little feeling of hope and happiness directed directly at her right now, she was just too perfect and just too involved in everything to do with him. "I LOVE you..Fergal Devitt..I just can't honestly believe that you do too..Like I can't understand how you can love someone as simple, and basic as me. There are tons of beautiful ladies in the world and all of them are waaaay prettier and probably funnier than I could ever, EVER be.." She was firm in her statement, attempting to deter him from her almost in a way, she was trying to see how much he really did care for her, how much fight he has left inside of his heart. In her mind, if he fought back the sadness, fought back the resistance, fought it all back and still pushed through it for the ultimate goal...Then he was telling the truth, then he would not be like other guys. Fergal simply looked over at her and leaned his head in closer, pressing his lips softly to her cheek, before retracting them and whispering. "You know damn well that's a lie, Pamela.." He had never called her by her full name before, never did she think that he would kiss her cheek like that...Just what the hell got into him.

Pam blushed at his soft, gentle kiss and turned her head, facing him and she slightly pulled her head back, her hair still soaked from the rain. "Fergal, I just find it hard to believe that someone like you could honestly find any some sort of interest in someone like me." She sighed heavily and looked down slowly, "What on Earth is that supposed to mean? Pam was trying to say that she wasn't worth it, that she wasn't worth the trouble or the work. Which all of those statements were incorrect. She was worth everything in the world and then some. Fergal let out a deep breath as Pam spoke, "I know that there are tons of the other girls even that deserve you waaaay more than I do.." Her tests were all being blown over by him, he was killing any thought of doubt. The impending truth that she was just going to have to get used to and hopefully accept was that he did care for her. The emotion of love takes a while to develop, but sometimes there is that special case where love can happen at first sight. And from the story that he told her which was all too believable? He had loved her since the very first time he laid eyes on her side ponytail wearing self. Her love for him was being devoured by the insatiable desire to just give in to the feelings that she was keeping inside of her body. She wanted so badly to just go with this rush, to just fall over and have him catch her. But Pam's cautious side still waited for his response, this cute little moment was highlighted by the fact that they were indeed snuggling on his soft, warm sofa in the middle of a thunderstorm. Fergal was feeling a kind of childish rush course through his body, anxiety was quickly taking place of hope for he wasn't sure just what she was trying to get out of him. Perhaps she was trying to confuse him and make him slip up..No..she would NEVER do that. "I don't honestly care if they do. Cause..I know what I feel in my heart..I know who makes my knees weak when I just lay eyes on her..I know who makes me happier than anyone ever could be, and will be." She paused a moment, and thought of the most clever response she ever has thought of. "Ever will be? can I make you happier if I'm involved.."

The question confused Fergal a bit, but it made sense. In a way, she was asking how could her alone make him happier if she was with him. How could she make him a better person IF they were together simply by..Just being together? It made no sense to her, but it was the last thing he had to answer, the last difficult thing he had to get down and figure out. But at the same time he didn't care about the question, he answered it as soon as he figured out how to word it. "There is an exception to every rule..And you? I would just..just love it if you were my exception..Pamela.." His words were soft, and genuine. It was so reassuring to know that he wouldn't get stressed being put under her pressure, the hot seat was welcomed by Fergal, and in her eyes, he knocked it out of the park. The fire re awoke from his insides and burned hot, he held onto her tight, almost trying to get her to realize the amount of tender care that lie inside of his heart, the amount of thought that went into this confession which rested far too long inside his mind. Pam on the other hand was overwhelmed, with Rami confessing his homosexual nature, and now her and Fergal just confessed their true feelings for one another.."So now what?" Pam was satisfied with Fergal's answers, she only awaited to see what he was wanting to do right now. Her heart fluttered so much under his arms that she figured it would fly away from her body. Fergal closed his eyes and relaxation took hold of his face, his brows relaxed to the sides a little and his chest sank in for a breath. "Well..I have some dough, sauce, cheese..And The Dark Knight trilogy.." She smiled a bit and pulled back, the smile grew in a rapid fashion, "Are you asking me to.." He nodded, "Will you help make homemade pizza and watch Batman with me?" She blushed a bright shade of crimson and nodded slowly, "With you? Of course."  

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