Summerslam 2017

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It was a tough pill to swallow, Pam had to deal with the fact that the creative plans of having her take on Alexis at Summerslam were squashed by this shoulder injury, and she also had to remember the fact that Fergal felt internal pain due to the lack of her being with him at a time like this. And considering how they were happy, the house was beautiful, no complaints within the relationship.. But there was still an empty feeling in Fergal that he didn't really explain to her, but she knew was present. Pam was in a tough spot, but Fergal however was in a tougher spot. It was just made apparent to him that tonight at Summerslam he was NOT losing the title.. The RAW before Summerslam saw a qualifier match between Joe and Adam Scherr (Braun Strowman), both men had claims to be included in the match between Colby and Fergal. But both men had to beat one another, and didn't. It ended in a brutal contest that had no winner. So what did creative do? Make it hard to guess the winner, and added both of them; making it a Fatal Fourway. Fergal was also instructed that his next program after this title defense was to get involved with Pam. But since Pam wasn't here, he had to be with someone else. The plan was to have Pam win the title, but be viciously attacked by Alexis after the match, Alexis would then have an unnamed man come to the ring and trap Pam while Alexis beat her up. Fergal was to come down, save Pam and make a statement. But since she was injured? They didn't even sort out who Alexis' partner would be.. No. Now the creative plan is to the returning Mercedes, who has missed time due to her self inflicted injuries, take the title off of Alexis, and flip the roles. Alexis would then be trapped by Joe, who would then be run in on by Fergal, setting up a double feud for the RAW Women's Title, and the Universal Title. Fergal honestly liked the first idea better, being on screen partners with Pam would have been one of the coolest things in the whole world. But.. Times change. This plan was to set Fergal into a rage, and the fans would get to see the Demon King two times during the pay-per-view, which was set to be wicked cool. Fergal sat backstage, still isolating himself and not drawing too much attention. It was almost time for him to get the paint on and wait for the next few hours. Pam was finishing her session for the day, this concluded her week and it was a long ass week at that.. She was again sweating terribly bad, and was worried about Fergal now that her mind was clear from focusing on the therapy. She called him and grabbed her small gym bag, heading toward the exit. Fergal answered, "Hello?" Pam smiled to herself, "Hey sweetheart. Tonight is the night!" Pam was trying to be happy and peppy, she knew her man wasn't all okay.. But she tried..

    "Yes it is.." Fergal was not buying into the idea of being happy tonight, he didn't want to do this storyline with Alexis, it was going to be so awkward for him and could NOT tell Pam that the original plan was to be with her. "Hey, cheer up champ. You're gonna do great, and you're finally gonna get to go on that vacation that you've always wanted to go on.. Just get through tonight and you'll be happier. I promise babe." Pam opened the trunk to her car and tossed the light bag inside, closing it and walking to the driver's side. "Yeah. I hope so babe." Fergal was tired already, but he was not physically tired. Just mentally drained from himself, he constantly was beating himself to death and badgering his actions. Nothing Fergal did was forgiven or forgotten, at least not in his own mind. Fergal was truly his own worst enemy. "Hey I've gotta go babe, but.. Good luck tonight. I'll obviously be watching.. Complete with wings and pizza.."

    Pam letting him know that she was going to watch tonight made his stomach curl up into a tight knot. "Okay love. You enjoy the show. It is a long one tonight. I'll talk to you later. I love you. Bye." Pam responded quickly, "I will! Thanks baby boo. I love you more. Goodbye!" She hung up and sat in her car.. She knew he was so mentally torn up by this distance thing. For some reason, it was worse than last time. Fergal's injury was hard, but perhaps he wasn't as mentally strong as he once was. Perhaps he was more damaged.. Perhaps it was just because when he was injured, that was the single biggest thing to concentrate on. Now? His creative direction was all jacked up, Pam knew he hasn't been content with his direction for a long while now, mainly because it felt like there was NO point. His Universal Title reign has been good however, he was a strong independent champion who didn't need to cheat, his name carried weight, his theme song struck fear into his enemies. So everything on that end was going well. As Pam drove back to her house, she actually was somewhat confused as to why he wasn't happy with where he was going and what he was doing. Pam got back to her apartment and parked her car, it was almost pre-show time anyways. Back to Fergal, he sat in his little chair and was about halfway done with the paint. Luckily, it took excessive sweating combined with friction to have the paint come off entirely. He heard a knock on his door, "Come in." He still sounded so fucking miserable. It was none other than the soon to be former Women's Champion, Alexis. "Hey Ferg.. Um.. You've heard, right?" She spoke softly, and Fergal nodded, "Of course I've heard lass. Are you okay with all of this?" He asked her quietly and Alexis shrugged her shoulders. "I mean I don't want to drop the title to Mercedes.. I want to drop it to Savelina. Mercedes has been nothing but intentionally cruel to me and I honest to god can't think of a worse person to lose that title to. But I like the idea of us teaming against her. I feel bad for Joe.. He actually doesn't want to do it either." Fergal turned his head a little, his face was done with paint, it was his chest that needed work. "Joe doesn't want to either?" As Fergal said that, Joe poked his head inside the room, "Joe doesn't wanna do what now?" He said with a joking tone in his voice. Fergal smiled and Alexis greeted him with a friendly hug. "Hey Joe, we were talking about tonight.." The tiny blonde spoke and Joe nodded. "Yeah honestly I don't want to really team with her all that much. I've seen her be down right mean to fans, and hasn't she hurt you on purpose before, Lex?" Joe asked and Alexis nodded, "Yeah.. NXT, she broke my nose intentionally. Look I just. I can't ask you guys to look out for me, but.." Joe nodded and shook his head, "Say no more. Fergal and I will be on the Alexa Bliss defense team forever."

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