Panic And Hospitals

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Dealing with a bum shoulder was possibly the most irritating thing for Fergal to deal with. So the fact that he has to do this day in and day out..Without painkillers? Just a pain right in the ass. Fortunately, his return wasn't finalized just yet. He knew that and that was the only way he was able to keep going on with how he was forced to live. Pam was right there by his side, as always. There was just something so special about her..she was someone who was just the most supportive and understanding person he has ever known. Pam was getting her things ready, as well as organizing Fergal's for him just to be a kind little soul. "Hey babe are you gonna be read to go at noon?" She finished putting her things away, being off the road for any amount of time was such a relief to get to participate in. Fergal was stretching, having to make sure his shoulder never really got to 'rest' was important in a full recovery. "Yea sweetheart. Just finish what you're doin' and I'll be right there." Fergal was someone who was busy right now with focusing on not only his return, but focused on the future. The future with everything, from his relationship to his career, Fergal was always making sure that he was busy. It was far too important to keep the future with your life in mind to actually get to your goal. Fergal finally, and I mean finally finished getting ready and he walked out of the bedroom, looking at Pam. "You good baby?" He adjusted his shirt and exhaled deeply. The two had an appearance to go make. The part of their job that most didn't like doing. Primarily due to the seriousness and reality check that happened afterwards. But Fergal and Pam collectively would do this every chance they had. Pam perked up and smiled, "Yea, I'm good. Let me grab my keys." She grabbed her car keys and walked over to him, "You sir. Owe me a kiss. You said we'd mess around last night and then you dozed off. You owe me an apology." Fergal giggled quietly, his meltdown at work was deep in the past now, a decent week in the past and he was busting his ass to make sure pain like that never, ever returned. He smiled at her and blushed, "I am so sorry I didn't get to fool around with you. Will a kiss suffice for now?" He puffed out his bottom lip like a little child. Pam giggled up at him and embraced him in a giant hug, "Yes, yes it will. Key word is for now. Butthead." Fergal smiled a little and shrugged, "Good enough for me." He leaned down and pecked her right on the lips and Pam was now the one who was pouting, "Kiss me like you mean it." He nodded and proceeded to give her a much longer, and deeper kiss. This time making Pam blush a whole lot more than she expected to.

"You amaze me Fergal, every single day you make me realize how lucky I am to wake up next to you.." Fergal blushed a bit and couldn't help but feel like a million bucks after she said that to him. "Well well well. I do my very best to make sure that adorable little smile is always on your face." and typically Fergal did do just that, he did try his very best for her..thank goodness that he was succeeding. "C'mon darling. Let's go." Pam smiled a bit and tugged him out towards the door, they had a greeting sort of thing to go to and he was going to be late if he drug his slow ass any more than he already was. After they got outside and in the car, Pam was driving, she thought that pampering Fergal was to do everything for him, including drive him. "I do owe you so much by the way." Pam looked over at him, "What do you mean..? You realistically don't owe me anything..You know that, right?" Fergal shook his head and reached over, placing a hand gently on her thigh. He had to make sure that she understood him, "No, I really owe you..You've done so much for me since I went down in August. And you've been there through everything.."

These two in the last two and a half months really have been around the world and back. From her promo, to the incident with Rebecca, to Mercedes and Saraya almost having a backstage brawl..Everything has only brought them closer to one another. And honestly it was times like these that made them realize it. Fergal looked over at her and smiled, "Lemme pay you back sometime, okay? I promise it'll be all okay." Pam nodded finally and gave in. She smiled a little bit at him, "Alright alright. We'll see about that.." Pam didn't really know what he was talking about, but if she knew anything about Fergal, she would know rather shortly about his plan. The car ride was filled with giggles and crappy jokes, the typical happy and enjoyable environment that was so normal between them. Pam's little battle with insecurity as well as her fear of not being pretty was, well they actually were almost the same thing, but then again in her mind they were actually two different problems entirely. She hated the fact that sometimes when she saw even friends she thought she wasn't good enough. Even someone like Rebecca who was entirely harmless to their relationship still scared her to her core. It was just frightening to know the history that they had knowing each other, and the fact that they I mean, OBVIOUSLY love each other meant a lot to her. And weighed quite a lot on her conscious. It actually made her feel like shit to have thoughts of jealousy with Rebecca of all people. She was just the nicest possible person in the world it was almost a sin to even think she had a mean bone in her body, nobody ever put her in the mean category. I mean, when Pam thought about it Lexi was more of a 'threat' even though Fergal didn't speak to her or even of her. She literally shook her head as they arrived at their destination, trying to bury her wandering mind right back where it should be. "You read to go make some kids days?" Fergal nodded and was very nervous..this was only the second or third time he has ever done something like this. It was so worrisome if he was going to be enough to bring a smile to a small childs face..He didn't know if they would even warm up to him. And not making one of them smile and forget about how hard their lives are, or how much pain they are in? Would be just the biggest defeat he'd ever have to try and deal with. "I'm really nervous Pamela." Pam looked over at him and saw the doubt in his eyes, he was fighting with the urge to freak out, and she could see it in his eyes. But at the end of the day? This is a part of the job..

Pam reached over and grabbed at his hand, "C'mon babe, there isn't anything to be scared of. Fergal, you're a wonderful person. Possibly. POSSIBLY the nicest most sweet lovable dork that has ever existed. Those kids will love you..I pinky swear.." Pam slowly raised her hand up and extended her pinky out for him. In a goofy little way to make him believe in her, and if there was one thing that Fergal believed in..he believed in her. Slowly he raised his hand and intertwined his pinky with hers. "You better be right darling. Now let's go.." He smiled easily and slowly got out of the car. His shoulder pain was actually minimizing right now which was amazing for him. He wanted to make sure that no matter what, he didn't let them know if anything was bad in his life. This was about them, and it was about them making some smiles happen. It was really nice to get away from the ring sometimes, the locker room could be such a pool of pain and frustration. Seeing the same people over and over and over again who are..well, the same. It kind of sucked to deal with. So getting away from all the crazy people and crazy things was just nice to have and nice to know your effort was going to be noticed. Fergal hobbled around the car and got to Pam's side and grabbed her hand tight, Pam squeezed back too..This was really nice.

Fergal was not going to let his fear of failing get in the way of inspiring hope in those kids..Fergal has always wanted to do something like this consistently and he always wanted to make sure they knew how important their fighting was. Walking inside they were greeted by a wall of little kids who charged them, squealing loudly and happily. Stephanie McMahon was there, standing at the front desk and she turned when she heard the squeals. Smiling at the sight, it was literally one of the most precious things she has ever seen. And Stephanie went to almost all of these little meetings. It was one of her favorite things to do with the WWE. Slowly, Stephanie walked over to the couple who was trying to make sure they hugged every single child. "Hey you two. Do me a favor?" Fergal and Pam looked up, "Of course. What's going on?" Fergal spoke quietly as he hugged more kids. "Give little Jenny here a hug.." Fergal nodded, "Of course! Where's she at..?" Stephanie furrowed her eyebrows a bit and it immediately hit both Fergal and Pam. "Oh.." As the kids peeled away and resumed their activities, Fergal and Pam stood up and a somber, quiet mood immediately came over them. "Lead the way.." Pam was nervous herself now, she smiled though, remaining confident and wanting to do nothing more than to see another smile. Fergal had his own thoughts about how this was going to go now, the dual goal that Fergal and Pam shared about this was immense and powerful. They walked in the room to see a sight that both saddened them, as well as gave them so much hope..They saw little pictures, drawings included. It was of Fergal and Pam..Together. The actual photos were from the event in NXT where they dressed up as each other and did each others entrances. Possibly Fergal's favorite night in NXT, if not wrestling as a whole. It was not only the most touching thing he has ever seen in his whole life, but possibly the best thing he has ever seen. Pam was speechless ..she never thought that something so simple as their relationship just being shown in public like that was going to make..anyone happy. They both walked slowly up to the sleeping kid and Pam was damn near in tears..Stephanie patted Pam on the back, "Be strong..I'll be in the other room." Stephanie walked out of the room to give them some privacy, and Pam was literally two seconds from crying and falling right on her face. Fergal squeezed her hand tight and felt her squeeze back. They sat down on the chairs right on the side of the bed and Pam left her hands on the bed. Slowly they noticed the little girl wake up from her sleeping. Fergal and Pam didn't know what she had, nor did they care. This was a fan, a fan who loved them both so much..Whatever is wrong? Can't mean more than their happiness and affection.

The little girl stirred and peeled her eyes open, locking with Pam's, all that was seen was the biggest smile ever. Pam smiled and grabbed the girl's hand. Fergal went to the other side and grabbed her other hand. The amount of happiness on her face was unbelievable. "B-Bayley?" She looked over at Fergal. "F-Finn..? H-How's your shoulder.." You could visibly see tears welling in her eyes. "Did..did I die and go to heaven?" Pam shook her head, tearing up as well. "Don't worry about my shoulder, I'm doin' A-Okay darling. But, no..You're still here. And we are too. Your fight is more important than every match we've ever had.." Fergal nodded, "That's right sweetheart. Never forget that we believe in you, and we will literally always be here for you." The little girl began to cry, causing Fergal and Pam to both lean in and give the little girl a very gentle, but reassuring hug. In the eyes of a celebrity, a hug and a kind word is just that. A hug and a kind word..But for most all others? Especially sick kids? Those 'small things' can mean the difference between hope and hopelessness. 

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