Impending Doom

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Once that three count rang out, the building exploded. The fans did NOT expect that whatsoever and it was one of their favorites finally winning the title for the first time in her career. As Pam still lay on top of a defeated Mercedes, Pam began to softly cry as she whispered into Mercedes' ear, "Thank you for this.." Mercedes fought back tears, she was so content with where she was right now, her match with Pam was going to.. Hopefully go down as one of their best, and Pam was the new champion. There was no feeling of being biter, it was just happiness for her friend. As Pam was helped to her feet by the referee, she slowly looked down at a defeated, former champion, it was sad to know that Mercedes' Wrestlemania title defense was taken away from her just four weeks away from the big show. But there was no time to be sad now, she was handed the title as Jojo announced who the NEW RAW Women's Champion is. Pam couldn't hear anything, it was almost as if she was shellshocked, she was handed her title and raised it above her head for the first time. She didn't hear the fans, but she felt it, the guttural roar they let out shot straight into her heart. Pam's makeup began to run as she now was softly crying in the ring, she turned to face each side of the squared circle and have the title raised. A quiet 'You deserve it!' Chant began, and within seconds it was being shouted loud and proud. The only thing that bothered Pam was that Mercedes kept entirely in character, silently rolling out of the ring and making her way up the ramp. She figured that just like in Brooklyn, Mercedes would break the 'Boss' gimmick and hug her friend, taking a moment like this in and making it super special.. But not on this night. The plan was not to have Mercedes defending the title at Wrestlemania and it was finally sinking into her brain. Backstage? Fergal was leaping around the locker room as the match concluded, he was screaming practically "MY BABY IS THE CHAMPION!!" After Pam raised the title, Fergal ran out of the locker room, darting over to the stage entrance and even walked out on stage briefly as Pam was walking up the ramp. Seeing Fergal out there and their relationship again was getting spotlight caused Pam to instantly cry. Fergal met her with his warm embrace, wrapping his arms around his sweaty girlfriend, hugging her as tight as he could. Pam did the same and began to softly cry, "I'm so proud of you Pamela. You deserve this baby." Fergal whispered into her ear, as Pam had no words, she continued to cry and Fergal spun her around and raised her arm with the title into the air, getting that one last crowd pop to end the show.

Fergal helped Pam backstage and once she walked through the curtain she was met with a round of applause by every single person there. Cheering happened too at the same time. Fergal had to release her for Ashley was walking up to her and she hugged her tightly, "This is your time, sister." Pam hugged her back with one arm, her other one was rather sore from the hellacious match she just had. The lengthy physical test was something that was going to have her sore for the next freaking week. Fergal watched as he noticed all the people there to congratulate her, except Mercedes. Mercedes was nowhere to be found.. It made no sense, these two are best friends, why the hell is she not there right now soaking up this moment. Surely she doesn't care about dropping the title, she practically played pinball with it with Ashley for months. He thought about it and looked around for a few moments before ultimately giving up. Perhaps Mercedes had to leave and she didn't get the chance to really stick around, he noticed she scooted out of the ring rather quickly once the match finished.. Curiosity was gripping his mind.

Fergal walked up to Pam and grabbed her hand, "Let's go get your sideplates, yea?" Pam nodded, her side ponytail bounced as she did. "I really want to see what they made for me.." Fergal smiled at her cute little words and they began to walk out of the 'prepping area' and more towards the table that had all the title stuff around it. Pam was so happy right now, floating was a good descriptive term to put words to her emotions. "I can't believe this is real. Are you sure I'm not dreaming? Cause.." Pam looked at HER title, "I can't believe this." Fergal tightened his grip on the smaller woman's hand, "Trust me darling, this is as real as it gets." Pam blushed a bit and began to reflect on the passed year. She thought about how insecure she is, she thought about the pain that it caused. The amount of trouble she can get herself in is staggering, and it takes no effort, just thought. Pam's insecurities were not gone, she just suppressed them from the rest of the world including Fergal. She always thought of her coworkers as being more talented, more attractive, more charismatic, everything that she wasn't? She felt as if they were. It almost ruined her relationship with Fergal, her friendships with Rebecca AND Mercedes. But now Pam was like a bottle with a cork nestled deep into the top. Nothing would get in, and nothing would get out. Of course we all know how that works, you can only hold so much in before it just bursts and explodes all over the place. Pam knew all too well that it would eventually sink in, her insecurities that is. But for now? She's the new Women's Champion and she was going to get her freaking sideplates on, even though her legs felt like pure jello. They arrived at the table and Pam laid the belt down, the man who replaces the plates was nice enough, he congratulated Pam and she thanked him for the kind words. Rami was there, walking around backstage and he saw the two at the table and decided to walk over to them. Pam greeted Rami warmly, "Rami!!" She hugged the red headed man tightly and Fergal took a quick step back. He looked around awkwardly at the area and noticed someone sitting down a little ways in the hall, their head was hung rather low for the only thing he could see is.. Pink. Pink hair. Was that Mercedes? Did she run away to a dark corner of the backstage area, literally? "I'll.. I'll be back you two.." Fergal felt awkward as shit anyways, taking this chance to get away and unwind his increasingly tightening heart due to the extreme awkwardness that this situation was mounting up to be with each passing second.

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