Eternal Suffering Awaits

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It was now the weekend, and it was time for this shit show to really get started. Friday rolled up on everybody faster than anticipated. Fergal still has not heard from Pam and Pam has not heard from him. It was becoming almost obvious that they were actually done with each other. But why? Why didn't Pam reach out to Fergal in this entire stressful time? Fear; fear held onto her heart and conscious and as bad as she felt for basically betraying him like that.. She couldn't do anything about it.. She was fearful of what Fergal was thinking about, she was scared of the reaction she would get in the face of a man who.. In all actuality has lost everything. Let's review. He's lost Alexis, Mercedes, Colby basically, I mean let's face it after what happened? No amount of apologies and trying to mend old wounds will make their friendship the way it was. And now Pam sided against him too? It's a certain type of garbage feeling someone gets when they feel betrayed, and she was almost sure of why he was feeling that way. But why didn't Fergal get in touch with her? He should be the one who reaches out, right? Wrong; Fergal was ashamed of Pam right now. Absolutely ashamed that she would do that to not only him, but their relationship. They're supposed to be on each others side at all times no matter what.. Defend.. That's the word, she didn't defend him, ever. And now it's reached a boiling point, and a point of no return. The fact that they were both so damn stubborn really didn't help the cause all that much. Primarily due to the fact that they were both in the wrong here, Pam was in the wrong for fearing him, I mean come on. They are set to technically get married still. And she can't talk to him? Bad Pam. Bad. And Fergal was just too angry at her to talk to her. Bad Fergal. Bad. Well, Pam was trying to muster the courage to get up and go find him. Fergal was apparently answering no phone calls or texts from anybody. The only time anyone ever saw him was at work. He was almost like a myth.. A ghost even, he never appeared except for one particular place.. The only place he technically had to show up at. Pam paced around her living room, for the one day off right now was definitely needed, she would take hours to get this psyched up to talk to him. It's been almost a week since the blow out in the hospital, and Mercedes had been checked out of it and was recovering at home now. Pam was quite happy about it and Fergal had no idea, honestly he didn't care. Not because he didn't care about someone else's well being, of course not. Fergal obviously would be happy. But right now at this point in time? Fergal didn't care about literally anything at all in his life, at all.

    April's attempt at reaching Fergal was working, until she left. He needed that supporting person in his life and he didn't want to go to Alexis, no no no. Never. He never would involve her in his bullshit ever again. Fergal was at the office in Florida where they did things for and he was asked very kindly to help out with a segment involving a friend, Cathy, where Fergal was making jokes, and recalling old wrestling things for new collections on the WWE Network. He really didn't want to go, primarily due to the fact that Cathy was a bubbly, bouncy, happy girl and Fergal was the literal opposite; including the girl part. Funny I know, but in all seriousness he was not ready to be around someone who was so peppy and full of life. He did want to go though, he got ready as quickly as he could and off he went. Fergal managed to catch every single red light from his apartment, all the way to the WWE Headquarters. It was absolutely enraging and only set him into a shittier mood than he was ten minutes ago whilst laying in bed.

    Fergal FINALLY arrived, and he was still early. Well if Fergal left when normal people do he would have been extremely late. But he loved to be early, even if he didn't want to go to a specific place he STILL WANTED to be early. He's a strange boy. Walking inside people greeted him left and right, all he cared about was getting to Cathy, getting this shit out of the way, and leaving. He found the little ball of sunshine and greeted her, "Hey lass." Hugging her quickly and she hugged him back, holding it for a moment. "Fergal! Hey! Thank you so much for coming out, we all weren't sure if you were up for it or not." Fergal got a little sad about that statement, people were worrying about him due to his lack of appearing in public, as well as his actions while he is in public. He hung his head low, Cathy instantly felt like ass for making him sad, "Wait, Fergal no hey I'm sorry." She tried to plead with him, and he raised it and offered a weak, bullshit smile. "It's okay, my neck just hurts lass. So what are we doin' here today?" Being a professional was hard, and Fergal didn't want to do it whatsoever. But you gotta do what you gotta do. Cathy smiled, this one was real. "Well it's basically a shoot promo. I ask you honest questions about old clips and moments, and you recall how you were when you first saw them. Sounds easy, right?" She nudged him gently and tried to make him giggle, succeeding slightly. "Sounds great. Let's get started." Fergal was ready to go the fuck home already and he wanted to start this as soon as possible. Cathy broke into her typical intro; "Hello WWE Universe! Cathy Kelley here and today I have an amazing guest with me to help with remembering some of the most ICONIC moments in WWE history! Please welcome WWE Universal Champion; Finn Bálor!" She was too good at this being a journalist thing it made Fergal laugh internally. As the segment pulled on, Fergal wound up finding himself feeling just a little bit better, like he was before Pam was even a huge force in his life. He broke down things when he first saw them occur, such as when Stone Cold drove the beer truck, Jericho becoming the first Undisputed Champion in history, and when Undertaker threw Mankind off of the Hell In A Cell. After going fifteen minutes over the allowed time, the segment ended and the cameras shut off. Cathy and Fergal went over to the refreshment table and got some coffee. "You did so amazingly well Fergal. I'm so happy you decided to come out." Cathy was just bubbling over how much of a sweetheart Fergal really is, well.. When he's in a goodish mood. "Why thank you lass. You were quite wonderful to talk to as well. I could do this more often to be honest. I miss the old days.."

    Cathy furrowed her eyebrows at him and motioned for them to go take a seat. "C'mon, I wanna talk to you for a few minutes, okay?" Fergal nodded at her and followed her to the seat. He sat and she did across from him. Cathy immediately lost the bubbly personality, she lost the happiness, she lost her confidence immediately. "There's something I wanted to tell you. For like, a few months now. And I know it's totally screwed up and I shouldn't but.. If I was in your shoes I'd want to know as well.." Fergal watched her entire body language shift to a nervous state and he immediately kicked on the concerned friend look. He was actually not sure what she was going to say.. Had Cathy seen something that he possibly should have? Did she see Pam.. Doing something she really shouldn't have been doing? Fergal nodded with her words, "Go on lass, I'm right here. And hey, don't be afraid to talk to me, that's kind of what these are here for.." Fergal put his two index fingers under each of his ears and flicked them gently. Fergal always knew how to make a situation that really wasn't going well, feel like it was alright.

    Cathy inhaled deeply and exhaled as well. "Okay so. I just might as well come out and say it then." She placed her hands on the table in front of her, clearly having a massive internal battle over how to handle herself right now. "I have feelings.. For you. I know I'm COMPLETELY out of line telling you this because of Pam and all that jazz.. But I just, I couldn't not tell you. I just. You should know, right? I've been trying to just throw it away and stuff but I just wanted to make sure that you knew.. Maybe I'm hoping you can let me down easy and tell me that I'm just dreaming.. I don't know. I'm sorry if this like, came off totally creepy and I hope you still want to be friends.." Cathy was so damn sweet, even admitting something like secret feelings still managed to sound like.. Just adorable. Fergal smiled and placed his hand on top of hers, reassuringly of course. "Look.. That is so flattering. And honestly Cathy? You are an incredible woman. You are possibly one of the best catches I've ever seen. You're smart, funny, passionate, adorable. You will make someone very happy someday. In another universe? It may have been me. But.. Not in this one, not right now." Cathy nodded and her eyes became shiny, resisting the urge to cry. She looked him dead in the eyes and smiled, "Thank you Fergal, for being such a great guy." The little bell rang and it was time for Cathy to go back to work. She patted him on top of the hand, "I'll see you later. Okay? And please, take care of yourself, Fergal Devitt." Fergal felt bad, but Cathy was still smiling. He nodded at her, "I'm always here, lass. Have fun at work." She nodded and walked off. Fergal slowly rose to his feet, and without anyone seeing him, he left the building. He had two missed text messages from.. Pam. Sitting in his car, Fergal grinded his teeth together and opened them. She requested to meet him at his apartment and apologized if she was intruding. That good vibe Fergal got from Cathy and her adorable confession just turned to ashes in his mouth. He responded. 'Ten minutes.' That's all he said to her, that's all she deserved in his mind.. Fergal drove back to his apartment, slowly.. Very slowly. He again got stuck at every single red light and was sure that she was going to get there first, then was going to ask him a million fucking questions. Alas, for the first time Fergal got lucky. She didn't get there first and she was the one who was actually running a little bit late. Fergal opened the door to his flat and looked around, he really didn't notice how depressing his apartment really was.. There was clearly no life in here anymore, all life inside him is dead.

    The only thing Fergal ever believed in was her. He never ever once thought that she would deny him.. And she denied him of her trust.. It was going to take Fergal a long time for that to heal, being so invested into someone like that and only to have them rip your heart out of your chest really.. Doesn't sit well. Pam was driving, driving slow as fuck and she was doing it on purpose. Fergal sat down on his couch and looked down at the floor. His head hung low and he rubbed the back of his head, just trying to not flip the fuck out on her upon laying eyes on her. He had so many emotions running through his body right now that he didn't know which one would win, as he dubbed it, 'The Battle For Fergal Dominance'. He made himself laugh with his own stupidity, but it was short lived. He knew that a fight was coming, at best.. He made a pact with himself to not let it get to a bloodthirsty fight between them. He refused to let that happen.. But then again in the heat of the moment? Who was to say that it DIDN'T get ugly.. Who was to say that she wouldn't get pissed at him first and lash out? He had no idea anymore.. Hearing a car park in his driveway.. Fergal braced himself.. A few moments later, he heard the knocking..

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