Fire & Flames

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A little over a week has passed since the pay-per-view. Life for practically everyone has almost gone back to normal. And when I say practically everyone I'm exempting Fergal from that list, life for him was not going to be anywhere close to normal until he gets back in the ring. That is where he was home, that's where he belonged. He had to watch show after show, the fans growing more impatient with the product. Some fans adored the fact that they were allowing more and more people from the Golden Age of NXT to shine through the rest. Others hated the fact that the long waiting talent were, 'glossed over' for the new breed of Superstars. Fergal had to sit and watch as his friend paraded around with his Universal Title that he should have never lost..It drove him mad to see sometimes. Knowing that this portion of his life was going to be time he'd never get back. Time that he could be developing himself as well as other talent into the future of the WWE. But no, one little accident forced him to sit back and do nothing but spectate. The fiery anger that brewed inside him increased in intensity with each passing day. The literal living flame nestled itself deep into his heart. He worked harder and harder every single day to get himself ring ready, ready to go back into the squared circle and kick everyone's ass. He finished up therapy and rested on the little table, drenched in sweat, shirt removed, trying to catch his breath from the back breaking work he had to just put in all day. He looked over as he noticed out of the corner of his eye and saw two familiar people sitting there. It was Colby and Mercedes. That was..odd. Was he hallucinating? Or perhaps by some divine miracle, she had forgiven him for having sex with Saraya..He had not realized that she even knew, but she must have. Hence why Pam was so worried about her all the time, it made all the sense in the world but seeing them together like this? It just didn't add up. Fergal kept his head down, his muscles burned with both fury and pain. He really was sick of this, sick of being injured, sick of having to watch his friends succeed while he sits idle and watches as his mystique fizzles away into ashes. Mercedes was the first to notice that he was over there, Fergal's face was red, not with embarrassment, more so filled a burning anger and fury towards the rest of the world. Mercedes slowly walked over to Fergal after she pointed him out to Colby, she had a look of concern plastered on her face as she got closer to the furious Irishman, "Fergal? Hey..are you okay..?" She spoke quietly, trying to not anger him further.

Fergal looked up, his eyes were showing a mild shade of bloodshot as he cleared his throat, "Hm? Oh hey 'Cedes. I'm fine, how are you? Are you here because of your back?" Fergal didn't forget the fact that Mercedes was nursing a back injury throughout all of this time. She shrugged a little bit and looked back at Colby, "Yea, and his ankle has been bothering him a little bit. Better to check than keep going and snap the freakin' thing in half mid match, yea?" She let out a quiet, tension reducing giggle and Fergal nodded, only smiling. "Yea, that does make sense. How's work? I haven't seen you in forever. Kinda sucks." Mercedes listened to him and grew more and more agitated inside of her own mind, knowing that the reason they didn't talk all that much was due to Pam's insecurity..only being exasperated by her meltdown and, well, talking to the owl last week. She nodded though, playing as dumb as she possibly could, "Yea it does suck. Life does get in the way like that sometimes. Maybe we can catch up and have coffee sometime? We're all here for a little while, Pam should be landing in an hour or two.." Fergal smiled upon hearing Pam's name, "That sounds lovely, lass. I think Colby wants you..."

Fergal wasn't exactly trying to get rid of Mercedes, but he was trying to get rid of her. He just wanted to be alone to stew in his own frustration, not wanting to lash out on her at all. She sighed a little bit, "I know he wants me. I might not be the only one though. Nice talking to you, Ferg." She slowly turned and walked away from him. If Fergal wasn't so caught up in his own agony he might have asked her to stop leaving. But for now? He was being a little immature with his emotions. He should have cared about what had her so messed up, and visibly doubting her own man. But he didn't..So not like him, this is when he realized that he was in fact not doing okay, mentally or physically. Fergal watched as she almost gave him a quick look back to let him know that she was really, REALLY not okay. He closed his eyes hard and felt his heart sink into the pit of his stomach as Colby waved at him, saying bye. Fergal waved back and then laid himself down on his back, thinking about how big of an asshole he really was right now. On the bright side, Pam was coming into town, granted she had to work but she was still going to come see him if she wanted to of course. That was going to be so nice..Have her warm company back at his side again..He needed to be reminded that his heart was still a thing that was valued..He actually felt himself get a little excited..His mind wandered to making breakfast with her, or having another movie marathon. Maybe even hitting the gym up. Goodness he felt like a highschool boy right now excited for his first date ever. Fergal sat up and his nurse came back into his room to check up on him. She massaged out his arm a little more and made her way up to his shoulder. Fergal wasn't sure that it wasn't his blind rage that wouldn't allow himself to feel pain, that it wasn't letting him acknowledge the fact that his arm was still a wreck. But right now he was focused on too many things to care about a little shoulder injury. He was more concerned with Pam, her flying always scared the shit out of him for he would always have his thoughts go to places that they really shouldn't involving planes. It was weird, he didn't worry about himself when it came to flying, it was only when the plane had his one and only on it did he actually freak out a little over it. After his nurse was done aggravating his arm, he smiled at her and nodded as she left the room. Fergal struggled to put his shirt on and get himself ready to leave. Finally..It felt like he has been there for decades at this point..

Back over in planet Pam, she was clueless that her man was so enraged at the world. She had no idea that Fergal was so hot with rage about literally almost everything in his life. Thank god that Mercedes decided to not out Pam like that and say how she was feeling. Granted that wasn't who Mercedes was as a person, so for that? She was very lucky. As Pam watched the ground beneath her literally, for lack of a better pun, fly by her. She just pondered over the thought of being back with her happy Fergal, seeing that dorky little smile followed by all of the things he liked to do. Just so pure. There really wasn't another person like Fergal in the whole world. He had everything at his fingertips, he was an absolutely jaw dropping man with incredible looks, an amazing personality..And he was all hers? It was just something that she couldn't wrap her head around entirely. For some reason she was still on the boat that he could do better than her, hence why she had growing trust issues with Mercedes. She thought Mercedes was everything she wasn't and just better for him than she was. Obviously that was something that was so far from the truth it was almost scary that her mind went to that place. Pam's plane was closing in the landing, the time to surprise Fergal was hopefully closer than she actually realized..

Of course, unbenounced to Pam, Mercedes had already spilled the beans that she was coming in for the shows. Pam purposely didn't tell him so that she had this surprise hiding up her sleeve and she was going to unleash it on him and barrage him with kisses. That of course was still the plan in her mind, but she didn't know that the element of surprise was entirely gone. Her plane landed and she got off of it, grabbing her one big bag and finding a cab to get herself to him as fast as possible. Pam was so excited, she just wanted to jump into his arms and bury her little face into the crook of his neck. She hadn't forgotten the other night with Mercedes, the little heart to heart after the pay-per-view was something that she was holding very close to her. It was nice to know that even though the tension ran high between them sometimes, that no matter what she would be there for her. Mercedes was indeed her best friend and nothing was going to change that..Ever. She was having a hard time getting that adorable little snowy owl out of her mind..Just what the heck was it doing probably so far from home..Why did it not fly away when she not only approached it, but spoke to it, AND Mercedes came up as well. It was something that weighed on her mind heavily for she just didn't understand how and why that happened. Pam's mind was all over the place, she still was thinking about..sexual things when it came to Fergal, and she wondered why he hadn't tried to ever push the issue on her like most, if not all others would have. Maybe he just didn't want her that way..maybe he wasn't as sexually attracted to her as he was emotionally. Which in all other cases is totally okay, it really is. Not every relationship needs sex in order to thrive, actually, no relationship needs it. It just kind of happens after a while. She was so happy to be back home, she was so happy knowing that she was a mere hour away from seeing her beautiful man once again. Pam grabbed her phone and saw Fergal had texted her, his message was short and sweet, causing her heart to flutter and beat at a rapid pace. 'I love you' Is all he wrote..Goodness he was just the most precious little angel that has ever lived. She responded, 'I am totally not blushing right now. Eek. I love you too!' Her message was just a portrayal of how much of a little girl she really was at heart. After she sent it, she placed the phone over top of her heart and tossed her head back, embracing the moment..The cab slowly approached his apartment and she felt the jitters return, her excitement was at an all time high.

"Thank you kindly." She spoke to the cab driver who was happy to help, and Pam got out with her big bag. She took a moment to gather her breath and then she ascended the steps, breathing slowly, but heavily. She opened the door slowly, "Baby boy? Mama's home.." She giggled quietly to herself and noticed that the whole place was dark as hell. There were no lights on at all and Fergal was nowhere to be found..There was no way in hell he had gone to sleep without texting her, was there? That would be totally not like him at all. Pam began to panic just a little bit. She has seen far too many suspense movies to not freak out. Either he was dead or he was with another girl. There was no in between right now..She set her bag down in the living room and she entered the dining room. What she was made her jaw drop, her cheeks lit up a bright shade of crimson. Fergal was standing there, all nice dressed with candles lighting his lavish dinner table..A bottle of wine and two fancy glasses rested atop the table. As well as a giant feast of food waited for her. Fergal smiled upon seeing how stunned she was, he opened his arms up a bit, his heart was actually racing now. All of his anger from just a few short hours ago was erased as soon as he laid his eyes on her, she was just as beautiful as ever.. Pam looked up and saw the giant grin that he had on his face and she teared up a little bit. Fergal finally managed to speak, "Welcome home, baby."

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