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The next few months went by without a whisper, entire moments and full days went without a thing to complain about. Pam's return to the ring was well received and she was finally happy with how the Bayley character was being built up. You know, it only took them over a year to get it right. She was locked in a program with Adrienne, (Ember Moon) and Alexis. The contention over the RAW Women's title has been a build that the fans were finally able to sink their teeth into. Meanwhile in the main event picture, Fergal and Mark (The Undertaker) were subliminally killing it without so much as a match, or a promo versus one another. The company was riding high right now, in no small part to Fergal and Pam's success. Behind the scenes? Everything was coming together just the way that they wanted it to. Fergal was coping with his depression and getting better with expressing his feelings, Pam was feeling insecure about nothing and nobody. It was.. Not even progress, saying progress wouldn't do it justice for how hard they both worked to perfect their self control. The wedding plans had been done for a while now. The catering people were booked as well as the location. Things were literally almost finished here. And by almost finished, all that needed to happen would be for them to seal the deal. The day has come. Fergal and Pam were dreading this day, for it was bittersweet honestly. They both were dying to get married, and call each other husband and wife, FINALLY. But at the same time it was scary. Not being married before for either of them meant that they had no literal idea on what they were getting themselves into. But that fear also meant they they could expect everything from this new life of theirs. Fergal and Pam were kept quite separate from one another, tradition screams that they cannot see one another before the ceremony and Fergal was not going to do anything to jinx it. "Honestly man, I don't even know what to think right now. I just can't believe today is the day I get to marry her.. Like holy fuck dude, look how far.." Fergal was beginning to rant and freak out a little bit, "Hey hey. Don't flake out on me buddy. You've wanted this for. MONTHS. Don't think that you don't deserve a little happiness now." Rami reassured his friend and Fergal nodded, "Yeah. You as always are right bud. Thanks." Rami smiled and nodded at Fergal, "At least you guys decided to go all out for this, everything here is so grand it's crazy awesome." Rami complemented Fergal and Pam's choices about decor, catering, the location, the outfits for people, everything. Rami was big into weddings, and now his best friends are getting married? To each other!? He could NOT be happier for them..

    "Thank you so much Rami. For everythin' mate.. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about how important you are to me. Or Pam for that matter. You have been there throughout everything since day one. And for that I feel as if I can never repay you. So all I can do is thank you, for just being you." Fergal's kind, warm sentiment made Rami smile, "Aw shucks. I just love you guys a lot. Don't think that you need to pay me back, I'm not like that. I can make a request for when I get married that YOU be my best man, what do ya say?" Rami's request made Fergal smile and laugh, "Of course! I would love to mate. Thank you for basically picking me." Fergal and Rami both shared a laugh that they needed to cool down the stress levels in the room. Fergal was a lucky man, he had the best friend anyone would die for, and the woman of his dreams, getting ready to marry him. There could be no sweeter feeling in the world. Fergal paced around the room, before looking at Rami. "Is it too early to hit the booze?"

    Pam in her quiet quarters was having a mental breakdown. Not in a bad way, although I'm unsure if having a mental breakdown in general can be perceived as a good thing.. But she was so overly happy, and overly excited that she was literally losing her mind. The makeup crew was struggling to keep her calm and she had one of her bridesmaids, as well as her Maid of Honor with her. April laughed at her spazzing out friend, "Dude. Calm your freakin' tits. You're gonna start sweating and then poof, all your makeup will be gone." Alexis chimed in too, "Yeah, try and stay cool and calm, you don't need to look like a hot mess when you're under the lights." Both the tiny women that Pam specifically chose to be back there with her made good points, but it was Pam's freakin' wedding day for god's sake! She has every right to freak out just as much as she wants to. "Do you think I'm pretty enough for him?" Pam asked her friends, who both glared at her in a playful way. "Do you want this one, Lexi?" Alexis nodded at April's question and laughed. "Oh Pammie.. You make pretty insecure. You are drop dead gorgeous. Fergal is the one who isn't good enough for you." Alexis' words made Pam smile and laugh a little bit, "Okay over exaggerating much? Fergal is a handsome devil! I love that boy, did you know that?" Pam giggled and the other two ladies followed suit. "Yeah, he is a pretty little boy." April added, as Pam's makeup crew continued working on her face. "Is it bad that I thought about having my entrance music play for when I walked out? We actually discussed how cool it would be to do our entrances during our walk downs." Pam's idea actually sounded pretty funny, and it was not rejected. "That would definitely be unique to be honest. I would have no complaints.." Alexis added, April just nodded in agreement and smiled at Pam. "I am so proud of you Pamela. Dude, I'm gonna fucking cry." Alexis walked over to April and wrapped her arms around the tiny skipper. "Aw! Don't' cry April.. You are the most precious little thing..." April was such a delicate soul, she has been tormented by this cruel world for her entire life. From birth, she had to struggle for everything that she has today.. Her small frame is in slightly attributed to how she had to grow up, lack of food and nutrition meant that she couldn't properly grow. Alexis rubbed April's arms up and down. "I'm just so proud.. Do you even know how much I'm your momma bear?" Alexis smiled at April's words, and Pam smiled bigger than anyone in the whole room. The makeup crew was finished, and Pam rose to her feet, moving closer to April. Wrapping her arms around April and Alexis. "I love you ladies. Goodness, don't let me cry don't let me cry!" Pam giggled and they all did as well. This was going to be a magical day. Perhaps it was the realization of Pam's imperfections that she was able to be at peace with who she was. There was no way of avoiding imperfect, flaws make us human beings. Denying them.. Is bad..

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