What Just Happened

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A few weeks had gone by since that..eventful few days. Fergal had resumed his physical therapy, his rigorous physical therapy that consumed his life day in and day out. He didn't mind that however, for the reason he was alive was to get better, to get back to fighting form and to eventually climb back into that ring. Pam went back on the road to work. Booking kept her away from Mercedes for the most part, they didn't cross paths except for the occasional Live Event. But on a friend level? Mercedes was dead to the world. Her best friend had basically dropped her off of a cliff and didn't care about stopping the freefall. The backstage area almost felt..not as fun as it used to for everyone else there. They were all so used to the goofy antics that Mercedes and Pam were usually up to. But now a days? They stayed as far away from each other as possible. Mercedes actually lived in fear of Pam, she wanted nothing to do with her once close friend, for the thought of being belittled by someone she loved so dearly crushed her tiny, fragile heart. Pam on the other hand felt like a monster, she felt like a part of her died when she hurt Mercedes for it was obviously not her intention to do so. How could she let her rage become so consuming that she exploded on someone who cared more about her than herself? It was a thought that actually kept her up at night..a thought that made her hate coming into work. And it wasn't any easier when Mercedes was getting a lot of the spotlight right now. They were forced to tag team coming up at Survivor Series in the traditional Survivor Series elimination tag match. Pam knew this and that also meant for the next few weeks they would be forced to have matches and interactions on camera. She was already dreading this for she knew that the flame that once kindled between these two, died a long while back now. Pam, sat on a crate in the backstage area, the once bubbly and happy lady was now a quiet, secluded shell of her former self. She heard footsteps all around her but paid exactly no attention to them. Her eyes were fixated on the floor in front of her, and she saw two feet walk over to her and stop right in front of her..of course someone decides they wanna talk to her when she has no interest in the rest of the world. Pam slowly looked up and to her amazement..It was Aaron. (Her ex boyfriend) She hadn't seen Aaron in months, at least, not since he deceived her and left her for somebody else. "Um..." Her voice rang up a bit. These two had history, they went to Disney together, they wrestled together, went to Miami Dolphin Football games together..All of that was in the past, and so long ago, it was a miracle that she hadn't pushed him out of her mind yet..

"Before you get mad I just wanna talk to you.." Aaron spoke softly, almost trying to ensure that she didn't freak out over his presence. Pam grinded her teeth together, frustration and build up rage toward him was beginning to seep through the cracks. "Go on. What do you want from me." Pam was still trying to be as civil as she possibly could be. This poor girl, here she already has to deal with the weight of the world on her chest every single day, she has an injured man at home, a best friend who hates her, and a job that is so demanding that if she even smiles wrong she can lose her television spot. Aaron shuffled his feet after her heated words came out, he slowly looked up at her, "It's been a really long time Pam..How have you been? You look amazing.." He complimented her and Pam was immediately turned off by his words, she really didn't want to talk to practically anybody right now, nevertheless this complete bag of shit. "I know I look amazing. It really is a perk of staying true to myself, unlike you." She tossed out a fast insult to him for she was really not having this shit tonight. Aaron nodded slowly, "Well I'm glad you stayed true to yourself Pam. It's a reason why I fell in love with you in the first place.." He looked down again and reshuffled his feet. Pam was losing patience right now and she was actually hardly paying any attention to him anymore.

"I really missed you. Life without you hasn't been the same to be honest. I don't know what else to really say about it.." Pam shook her head as he spoke, trying to almost get her mushy like he used to be so good at doing. "No, you don't miss me. You miss my idea, the idea that I was always there for you, that I, stupid little naive Pam would neeeever do anything to jeopardize our relationship. That I would always be here to pick up the pieces of things that YOU broke and put them back together. You don't miss me, Aaron. Stop lying to yourself, and me." Pam was heated now, she wanted nothing more than for this guy to just go away. Leave her alone and leave her alone for good. Aaron had been inching his way closer and closer to her. "No, I miss you. I miss the way you used to smile when I made stupid jokes. I miss the way you do your hair. I miss the way you walk, I miss the way your lips move when you're talking about something. I miss every little detail about you, Pamela. Remember the football games we used to go to? My favorite picture still in existence is the one with you and the Dolphins hat. Remember? Your old favorite orange one? That literally makes me so happy it isn't even funny.." He slowly reached over and grabbed one of her hands and caressed it in his own. At that moment, Pam was weak, she felt almost sorry for him and what she had just said to him. Going down memory lane at her current state was incredibly painful. Pam really wasn't having fun thinking about the good old days with him and kind of just wished that he would stop immediately. She did not pull her hand away however and instead looked up at him with doe eyes, "I'm sorry for what I just said, I've just been under so much pressure recently I..How are you doing?" She didn't really care about his hand holding, instead she was trying to change the subject whilst still talking to him. Aaron took a few more steps forward, Pam closed her eyes so alleviate some pressure and pain that was accumulating in her eyes. "I wanted to marry you, Pam..I had every intention to put a ring on that cute little finger of yours..It was my fault that we split, I had a bad day..T-that day..And I made a mistake letting you go..I can never forgive myself for that..I'm sorry.." It was at this time that Aaron did something entirely stupid, he leaned forward and swiftly pressed his lips to hers, kissing her as hard as he possibly could. Pam was beside herself now, she kept her eyes closed the whole time but pulled away really fast. Before she could speak and open her eyes, she felt her hand fall and he was gone. Pam looked up in utter shock, her heart was pounding with frustration and a bit of confusion. She was just..kissed by another man and she couldn't even tell him off for doing it. As she looked around she saw no one was around her, no one except a certain pink haired woman, leaning against the wall near catering. Holy. Shit. This could not have been happening, Pam could not believe that she was there. This was not happening..

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