Blown Up

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What seriously has to be wrong with the world in order for something like this to actually happen. There has got to be some kind of injustice at work in order for someone as pure, and kind as Rebecca to be victimized like this. Fergal was still in shock, his entire body shook with rage as his now partially bloody and now all red hand was tightly clenched into a fist. Security eventually came over and it took the better part of four men each weighing at least two hundred and fifty pounds to remove Fergal from absolutely pummeling this man into a bloody heap. Pam didn't care, her focus was to make sure that Rebecca was okay, that there was no more damage done to her body, her arms appeared to be gashed under the surface. Rebecca shook with a bad mixture of fear and rage, something that shouldn't be mixed together..ever. Fergal was pressed against one of the big trucks and forced to calm down. It was at this really bad time, that Ashley came around the corner and at first she didn't stop..but just as she got out of sight she saw Rebecca's trademark orange hair..she stopped now. Freezing in place and coming to terms with what the hell she was looking at. "B-Becks?" She began walking rather quickly over. The distance between them was somewhat great, but the more real this became, the faster Ashley moved. She dropped her bags and ran now. Rebecca turned over and saw Ashley, "B-baby.." She began sobbing again and did her best to run, but as she did she fell down. Rebecca's body was very weak right now, whether it be from the stress she was just forced to endure, or the fact that her entire body was beaten. Ashley ran faster, "Oh my god..Rebecca." As she FINALLY got to Rebecca she immediately dropped to the ground and helped her into her arms, "Oh my god..what did they do to you..What happened sweetheart..please talk to me." Rebecca was a blubbering mess now, there was no way she was going to be able to get out a sentence. Ashley looked up and saw Pam, her eyes were wide and dilated for she was absolutely frightened for how Ashley was going to act from here on out. "Someone BETTER start talking. WHAT happened to her!!!" Fergal was the one who had to be brave here, he pushed the security guards out of the way and walked over to Ashley. He didn't notice, but his hand was violently shaking from how enraged he was. "We don't know Ash. Pam and I were comin' to visit and Pam noticed this..scream..We soon found out this piece of shit over there was..I don't know. Mugging her, trying to rape her. We don't know Ash." Ashley began to tear up, but at the same time, Fergal noticed that Ashley's entire face was becoming flushed with a dark, rage filled red color. Pam took her time getting closer to her.

"We're lucky to have been coming through here when we did..I wish there was more we could have done for her. We tried our best. Fergal tackled the guy to the ground and I went to her.." During this entire conversation, Rebecca cried into Ashley's chest. This was possibly the most frightened she has ever been in her entire life. Nothing has happened to her that has EVER had such a sinister motive, such a down right nasty point to it. But this? This did. "I-I'm sorry I wasn't strong like you..A-Ashley.." Rebecca sniffled loudly and Ashley looked down at her, kissing the top of her warm head as gently as she possibly could. "You don't apologize for anything sweetheart..I'm so proud of you for being this strong..Okay?" Rebecca grunted and re-buried her face right back into Ashley's chest. Pam dropped to her knees right in front of Ashley, "I'm sorry.." She was interrupted, "Don't. You did what you could. Now you both need to do me a really really big favor now..You need to keep me from killing this son of a bitch.."

The scary part about her saying that was Fergal, Pam, and Rebecca all knew that she was serious. Ashley knew how to throw hands and throw them very hard. She was also being driven by an intense rage that would only be satiated by destroying the person who was responsible for trying to take her one and only from her. This was not exactly how Fergal and Pam expected to spend their Tuesday night. The both somewhat formed a little wall to block Ashley, "Look, you don't want to go at him now Ash. You're too important to everyone to throw your life away like this. Rebecca is fine, she'll heal up in no time flat and all will be well..Just don't do anything you'll regret. Alright?" Fergal was really trying to be the voice of reason with Ashley here, it was at this time where Pam reached over and grasped at Fergal's hand gently. Intertwining their fingers, she felt a little stronger inside after she did this. "Well.. I love you Ashley. Everyone does, okay? And I know if this was you, you wouldn't want Becks doing anything to get herself in deep trouble..Please don't do this." Rebecca then pulled Ashley closer and eventually got up on her two feet, using Ashley as support the entire time. It was now that the rest of the locker room had heard of what happened, they pour out in droves. First came Jon, he peeled around the corner and stopped at them, "Holy shit..Are you okay Becky?" Then came Nicole, (Bella) she stopped at them, "Oh my gosh, is everyone okay? Please tell me everyone is okay." Bryan was next in line followed quickly by Lexi. Bryan approached everyone and tried to get order restored, "Alright guys we need to let Becky breathe, she's okay.." Rebecca spotted Lexi and Lexi parted the crowd to get to her. Since the brand split, Lexi and Rebecca were literally road buddies, they traveled together, roomed together. They became really close friends. Contrary to what television shows, they care about each other quite a lot. Lexi began to get teary eyed, and hugged Rebecca, "I am so sorry I wasn't there Becks..I'm so sorry.." Lexi was trying to be strong for her, Rebecca didn't get upset at Lexi, it was obviously not her fault this happened. "It isn't your fault Lex. Calm down.." The more they spoke, the louder the surrounding crowd got and the tighter the hug got. Fergal and Pam were left standing there, trying to figure out what they could do to help out. They quickly realized the best course of action was to help get everyone away from Rebecca. People luckily weren't being unbearable assholes about it, they simply walked very slowly away. The whole locker room loved Rebecca, all forms of talent from World Champion Allen, (A.J. Styles) to Intercontinental Champion Mike (The Miz). Everyone loved her that is why they all funneled out so fast to see if the heart of the locker room was going to be okay.

As the dust settled, the only remaining people were Rebecca, Ashley, Fergal, Pam, Lexi, and Bryan. Bryan stopped finally and calmed himself down as the police made their way around them to arrest the man. "Rebecca, Lexi. You guys have the night off. Obviously we don't want you guys doing anything after this. No chance in hell. You guys take tonight off. Lex? I'll see you next week. Rebecca? Feel better soon." Rebecca nodded at him and hugged Bryan. She always thought he was a good guy, quite an unpopular belief sometimes with the stories that she has heard about him. Bryan smiled weakly and eventually walked back into the building. Lexi finally calmed her stressed out self down a tad and everyone was at a level headed mindset. "Is everyone okay?" Pam shuffled her feet a bit, she felt entirely powerless to help anyone but in reality, her and Fergal acting that quickly might have just saved Rebecca's life from god only knows what could have happened..Pam was still in utter shock over everything..

The police had to stop all of them and get their statement, starting with Rebecca and ending with Ashley. Lexi arriving so late means she was exempt from having to give up a statement, but she hated seeing all of this. It felt like life was literally becoming one tragedy after another. After about thirty six minutes of bullshit questioning, the police left with the man and everyone scowled at him, thinking just terrible, nasty things and wishing even worse upon him. Paramedics had arrived at some point during the chaos and then tended to Rebecca's wounds. Revealing that she had rather sizable gashes on her arms, pretty deep as well. Stitches were avoided they informed her as long as she was careful with herself. Her ankle was also severely sprained and had several big scrapes on her knees. Fergal was given ice for his hand and the paramedics were thanked by everybody and quietly drove away. Nobody luckily needed a hospital. Perhaps except the guy, his face looked like about a hundred and fifty pounds of chewed bubble gum after Fergal was done with him. It then grew silent, nobody knew what to say next..until.."Can..can we go to Denny's?" Rebecca quietly spoke, she was so overwhelmed with stress that in her mind why not go somewhere with people she loves and eat some deliciously disgusting food? Everyone else quietly giggled, classic Becks. Something truly horrific happens and she is always trying to be positive about it all. Fergal's hand was so sore, it was beginning to swell up rapidly after he released the tightly held fist. Literally all at the same time they nodded, and Ashley spoke. "Let's go babe. I'm up for it." Lexi smiled over at her very hurt orange headed friend, "I'll go wherever you want to." Fergal and Pam looked at each other and shrugged, "Let's go!" Rebecca had the chance for another joke, "Then it's settled, Autobots; roll out!" Now everyone let out a laugh that released a lot more tension than it was intended to. Ashley hooked Rebecca's arm over her shoulder and assisted her in doing something as simple as walking. Pam kept a firm grip on Fergal, this was honestly just a reality check, although they are all WWE Superstars, they are in fact just human beings, and they are all so vulnerable..Lexi walked close to Rebecca, making sure that if she were to start falling, the line of support that was Ashley and Lexi were there to ensure that she did not take too hard of a tumble. Pam looked over at Fergal and began to silently tear up, she was literally scared to death of anything happening to her, or him.

After they all made their way to Denny's and sat down, ordering food was quick. Everyone knew what they wanted so fast it was almost comical. Ashley was getting a FaceTime request from Mercedes. She answered it, "Hey.." Mercedes was clearly shaken, "Is Becky okay?? Are you okay?? Is EVERYONE okay???" She had heard the news from a friend at Smackdown, and was terrified for what she was about to her. "Are Denny's?" Ashley giggled quietly and so did Rebecca, "Yes we are. And relax honey, Becks is okay.." She moved the camera over and showed a shaken but smiling Rebecca, "Hey lass. How goes it on Team Red?" Mercedes was so relieved to see Rebecca actually being okay, "I was so worried Becks, I'm sooo happy you're okay though.." Rebecca smiled warmly, "Thank you. If it wasn't for Fergal and Pam I might not be..but, you're too sweet." It was so nice to know that everything that could have been..tragic, was avoided. "Well god bless them..but, okay, I don't wanna be a bother to you guys, so I'll let you go enjoy food and and yea. Love you girl. Bye!" "Love ya too. Bye." They both hung up and resumed the dinner. The general unease was now lifted, the scary reality of the situation was so real and right in their faces..Something as simple as signing autographs for several fans can be so deadly..  

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