Planning For Tommorrow

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The time for fun and games was officially over. It was return to work time, and neither Fergal nor Pam was really looking forward to it, things were utter chaos at work that it was incredibly tense. Tense all around, from the front office stooges to the in ring talent. Everywhere there was tension, there was an actual sense of competition and it was quite nice to look at from afar. But being involved in it? Fergal had to go toe to toe with the Undertaker, and Pam had to make her return AFTER Ember Moon debut's? That just is unacceptable and Pam knew that she had to make her return memorable and somehow get the fans going and get them back on her side. The last time she saw them? They mercilessly booed her out of the arena, two times. It was time to get the back on the side of the hugger. Pam began to pack her favorite gear and get ready to leave their new found home behind for a little while. Fergal was out grabbing travel supplies that they needed for the road, so she had some time to kill while inside the house. She finished packing her gear and continued packing the rest of her shit. While packing, she fell down, literally. Pam was trying to walk across the bedroom and she slipped on one of her socks. Classic Pam, can't even walk four feet over and not look like a complete asshole doing it. While she lay there on her back, she stared up at the ceiling, wondering exactly what she did to deserve these clumsy legs. At least her ass was big enough to break her fall. She laughed at that thought, that her bubble butt served more purposes other than just making Fergal get aroused. She sat up slowly and looked over at their television stand, eyeballing their gaming consoles. She saw the Xbox.. Playstation.. Nintendo Switch. She really did enjoy her video games when she had any kind of free time. She saw a picture of Fergal and herself from when Pam first arrived at the performance center.. Her heart sank, she crawled over to it and grabbed it gently before removing the photo from the frame. She looked behind it and it simply read, 'First time meeting you. Loved you with all my heart ever since.' Right next to the words there was a crudely drawn heart and Pam felt a tear stream down her cheek. This was the cutest little piece of history she has ever honestly seen. She didn't even know that Fergal had this photo, she remembers when it was taken, and specifically how good Fergal actually smelled. It was one of the first things that she remembered, besides the fact that he had a silly voice, and a cute accent. She was hardly surprised that he was such a great guy, back then all she had ever heard was how amazing he was as an in ring technician.. But the man behind the paint was just as incredible as the man in it. Fergal took Pam under his wing and protected her with all he had. Sounds like nowadays honestly, nothing has really changed. Possibly all that has changed is that they got even closer, and Fergal kissed her a lot more. Which was a nice change, honestly.

Fergal quietly entered the home and looked for Pam. He didn't see her in any of the first rooms that he looked inside of, and decided that it was time to go upstairs. When he did, he was silent, like a little Irish ninja. Peeking into the bedroom, he saw Pam sitting on the floor. Half dressed, tank top, booty shorts still on.. Pam literally hadn't gotten dressed yet. Fergal walked inside and Pam was crying slightly.. And Fergal saw it. He walked into the room and saw what she was looking at.. "Do you remember that?" He knelt down slowly to her. Pam looked up at him and sniffled loudly before lunging at him with a giant hug, wrapping her arms around him tight. Fergal fell backwards and Pam now lay on top of him. "I love you so much Fergal Devitt.."

It was entirely new to Fergal that Pam was so deep into the affection that they shared. Typically she liked to maintain a control on this, but ever since they got back together? It was like they were inseparable. Fergal looked up at the adorable, crying hugger and smiled, "I love you too. Are you okay? This.. This isn't really like you." Pam tilted her head at him slowly, "What do you mean? I can't say I love you? I can't sit on your lap?" Fergal laughed, "You can ALWAYS sit on my lap.. I just didn't know if you were sad or anything babe. I love it when you're like this, my affectionate little kitten.." Fergal was feeding into her kink, Pam smiled and blushed, "Heeey.. You said it.. I thought you felt weird about saying it.." She whispered quietly as Fergal rubbed her sides. "No, I had to grow the hell up honestly. Being a little bitch boy about things is not really what I needed to do anymore." Fergal was changing, but it was for the better, the funny thing about their relationship was the longer it went.. The better it became. Long ago, Fergal never would have thought that he would find happiness. Long ago, Fergal thought of Pam as simply the most beautiful, naturally gifted women's wrestler that he has ever seen. Long ago.. He would have never imagined that this beautiful, talented woman would be set to marry him. But, times change. And now that is exactly what was going to happen. "We need to talk about our wedding.." Fergal finally asked her. He finally said it. Pam smiled wide, her eyes dilated, "FINALLY. Shit. I've been waiting for so long for you to talk about it. You realize in the time that we've first talked about it and now.. We've both been injured, I almost died, our friends almost died, and we bought a freakin' house together?" Pam's words made Fergal laugh quietly. "Well well well. Is it ironic that I was waiting for you to bring it up? Basically because I didn't want to annoy you with an insurmountable amount of pressure from all sides. I didn't want you thrashing about as a ball of relentless stress.." Fergal admitted that he was going to bring it up as well, but Pam was not in the right state of mind. Now? They BOTH were in the right state of mind.. And it was time to begin the preparations. But first.. "You need to get dressed, we're going to be late." Pam grinded on his lap slowly, "But.. Can we have a quickie first? I feel all this stress.. I want it to all go away.." Pam whispered as Fergal was entirely enjoying this. "I think that can be arranged.." What followed was possibly the best quickie that Pam has ever experienced ever.

They were now pressed for time worse than before, Pam put leggings on and a hoodie, their bags were luckily all packed up and ready to go.. "Pam we have to get going!" Fergal rushed out of the house and towards the car. "My legs are so sore!!" Their little quickie left Pam battered and sore, Fergal knew exactly how Pam liked it, and this meant that she liked to be destroyed with love and affection. But the key to that was indeed the destroying part, "Well who's fault is that!?" Fergal laughed as he got into the car, Pam got in now and he started it.. She looked over at him, "That would honestly be your fault. No one told you to go that crazy on me. But.. I loved it. As I love you." Fergal looked over at Pam now and smiled, "I love you too." The lack of problems in their life was honestly the most refreshing thing in the entire world, it meant that they finally made it and that they have matured as a relationship. They would no longer be hindered by the likes of petty bullshit. Fergal drove to the arena, it was only about an hour away from where they lived.. Luckily for them, well that is why they went home after the Mae Young Classic. Because they had word of where the show would be. Pam didn't know her creative direction, even though she was indeed medically cleared to make her return to WWE.

After they arrived, Fergal parked and he was on his way inside. Pam followed behind him, but she had to have her hoodie popped upright so nobody saw her. Those pesky fans and their cell phones really made it hard for the WWE to surprise them about literally anything. Fergal was only really thinking about their wedding, he was considering who he wanted to be his best man and there really was only one man for the job. He just needed to find/call him. As for Pam? There was only one, tiny native to New Jersey who could fill the roll for her Maid of Honor. They both were silently planning out how they wanted things to go, basically due to the fact that they couldn't stop walking. Once inside the building, Fergal needed to find where the card was. Luckily for him he was main eventing against Braun and Roman. What a main event.. Braun vs Roman vs Finn. The fans would eat it up, and honestly Fergal loved working with big guys like Braun, it made for such a funny story that a little guy who can't even break two hundred pounds can stand toe to toe with a monster like the Braun character. Fergal took in air for what felt like the first time since they left home. And Pam rubbed his back, "Looks like we weren't late after all, huh?" She smiled and Fergal nodded, "Aye. So now we have time to talk, don't we?" Pam nodded and they walked towards the Universal Champions locker room. Once inside they clearly shut the door behind them, and sat down. "So.. Rami is going to be my best man." Fergal began the discussion. Pam nodded and smiled, "I knew it. That's exactly what I was thinking.. I was going to have AJ be my Maid of Honor.. I also really only want four bridesmaids. Leah, Lexi, Ashley, and Becks." Fergal nodded at her words now, "I knew it. Wow this is going to be easier than I expected, yeah?" He added and Pam smiled. The fact they were practically agreeing on everything now was hopefully an idea for what they were set to need to figure out next. The setting, lighting, catering, everything else was where the real headache started. Happiness was something that was welcome as well as a common occurrence. "We'll figure everything else out soon enough. Right now? We got this done. We are making progress.. When did you wanna have it by the way?" Fergal asked, he had an idea in his head, but he was curious to what Pam was thinking. He was always curious as to what she was wondering and what thoughts were running through her head. "Well. I was thinking Christmas time. Like the week before? Y'know?" Fergal shook his head from side to side, "That's.. Literally exactly what I was thinking. Because we both love snow, and Christmas is already magical anyways. What's a better time to have the happiest day in our lives than right next to Christmas? I can't think of one.."

Fergal laughed at his own words and laughed as well as to how easy this was going to be. Granted, scheduling everything might be a bit of a bitch, but that's a different kind of headache altogether. Pam smiled and felt a warm sensation in her heart, "I love you." She quietly said while blushing. Fergal smiled too, taking her hand into his and rubbing it softly. "I love you too. I cannot wait to spend the rest of my freakin' life with you." His words always made Pam's heart skip a beat, or two, or most times, three. Three times Pam's heart typically skipped beats. These cute times that they were allowed to share with one another were such a great thing, and much deserved. "I gotta get out there, I think the main event it next." Fergal leaned forward and kissed Pam on her cute little lips, as he would say. Pam nodded after the kiss. Be careful, and have fun sexy." Pam smiled as he walked away and Fergal shut the door behind him. Pam sat back in the chair and let out a sigh of relief.. She could possibly get no happier..

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