A Shocking Night

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Fergal was really having a hard time with this whole being injured and not on the road thing. Pam was always his sidekick, or better yet, the Batman to his Robin. And without her by his side everyday, he felt..lost. Like there was no point in a lot of the things that he was doing in his life. Wrestling included. There were so many things that were boiling inside of him that there was almost no feasible way that he'd be even remotely able to contain all of his doubt and worry. There was a group text message setup between Fergal, Lexi, Pam, Leah, Mercedes, and Colby. It was nice to see what the rest of the gang was doing on a daily basis, but it was even more nice to know that Pam's phone was..working. There were instances where she would just drop all contact with him outside of the group chat, and it was the strangest thing. It was almost like she didn't even really care about what he was doing personally whatsoever. It was always the group, she wasn't that busy that she couldn't shoot him a text just to make sure that his injury was indeed making some kind of good progress. Any recession right now would derail any kind of happiness he had going for him in his life currently. Fergal sat on his couch, watching old wrestling things as he just was trying to unwind from his annoyingly busy/stressful day. It was regular now for him to dislike waking up, for he knew what the rest of his day would hold for him before he even rolled out of bed. And with Pam's seemingly regular absence, it made it all that much worse. She more than likely was doing it on accident, she wasn't a mean person to him on purpose, just the accidental things that she probably thought nothing of at the moment were the things that cut the deepest. Fergal was not exactly a hundred percent cool with Colby after Summerslam, I mean let's face it..Accident or no accident; he got hurt due to a blown up spot. Colby made a mistake, Fergal tried to adjust, and he had to pay the ultimate price.

Nevertheless however, Fergal was always willing to be the bigger person and move on from things and not let the past dictate his future. He never forgot, but he did forgive. He learned from things that have happened to him, for if you did not, you were doomed to repeat them forever. Fergal did remember that Colby was hanging onto a very serious, possibly relationship ending secret that he had no word on if he told Mercedes or not. It was bugging him to no end primarily due to the fact that Colby was being sneaky about it. And now? Several weeks removed from it? All it is going to do in the end is make the wound on Mercedes that much larger and deeper. He wanted to make sure that there was nothing going on without his knowledge, he tossed a personal text to Colby, 'Hey bud. You have the talk yet? About the thing?' And set his phone on his lap as he watched the Royal Rumble from 2001. It was one of his favorites due to the fact that Stone Cold returned from injury to reclaim his spot in the most dramatic of fashions; winning the Royal Rumble match and going on to Wrestlemania. It was inspirational for him cause let's face it coming back from something like this took time, and careful recovery. Any hiccup would absolutely steer him off what he hopes is a repeat of what Austin managed to pull off all those years ago. He felt his phone go off and looked at it, 'No man. I haven't. It doesn't feel right telling her.' Colby's answer left a sour taste in Fergal's mouth, it bothered him that Colby wouldn't man up and tell his woman something that was super important. Fergal didn't even bother to respond, luckily, he turned his 'Read' option of for his IPhone, no one knew when he read the messages and in this situation, it paid off heavily. He tossed his head back in frustration and sighed quietly.

As much as the problem had nothing to do with Fergal, it still had a negative effect on him. Pam was so close with Mercedes that there would be problems overall if this blew up in the way that Fergal, honestly, knew it was going to blow up. He finally texted Colby back, 'You need to have that chat with her. Keeping her in the dark only delays the inevitable.' Fergal was absolutely right here, he needed to make sure that everyone was absolutely okay and there were no problems with anyone at all. Mercedes was also on injury reserve currently working out lower back issues, derailing any kind of title momentum that she had going for her. If her relationship with Colby were to fall apart as well? Who knows how low she would feel, what would happen to her in the realm of tomorrow..A very scary thought to everyone that was close to her. Colby too of course, his happiness was super important to a lot of people and the fact that this relationship was literally on death row..it was just scary. Fergal then decided it was time..The moment had arrived..He was trying to resist it for so long. He slowly rose to his feet and thought about it for a few seconds longer, it took deep thought and concentration for him to come to this decision..But Fergal had finally decided on what he was going to do. His mind was made up, he walked towards the kitchen..opened the fridge and..and..grabbed the pizza box. GASP! Weird right? Thought that was going somewhere else? Nah. Not really. You should know better by now..Anyways, Fergal walked back into his living room and plopped right down on the sofa. He was physically drained and emotionally strained..Rhymed..Weird. His phone rang and he picked up, it was Pam texting him. Finally holy shit. He read the message, 'Have you heard from Lexi at all. She's been scarce.' And here he thought she was texting him just to text him. There was always something, always an underlying issue that was getting addressed with him..There was rarely ever a 'Hey how are you feeling?' text. Usually that honestly came from Mercedes, she was actually the one who cared enough to ask him random things like that. It was nice however that someone in the world actually cared to text him things. Even if it was a meme just to perhaps make him smile. She was amazing at that sometimes, specific I know, But Mercedes was a handful as a friend.

Fergal exhaled again deeply, somewhat irritated with Pam now. The woman who played such a huge role in them even being together was now missing from the topic of conversation with seemingly everybody. He took about five minutes to text her back and simply said, 'Nope. No word here.' He really didn't want to talk about this whatsoever, he didn't need anything else on his plate considering how the person who texted him was actually on his list of things that worried/stressed him out actually. Fergal continued watching the show and was actually in a state of relaxation right now. It was rare at this time in his life, but relaxing was as valuable as diamonds are. Fergal was so worried about the state of his relationship with Pam, that was his love, his little butthead that he'd do anything for int he whole world. But her distance from him almost felt like it was driving a inevitable wedge in between them, he was wondering if she was feeling the same way, or perhaps she was doing it on purpose. The fear of the unknown is the greatest fear of all, and with Pam? Right now? There was a helluva lot of unknown going on right now..His breathing was so slow he was damn near about to fall asleep when he heard a crack of thunder ring out and it caused him to jump up just a little bit. There was another noise he heard however, something that was not the weather..Something that was going to definitely shape the rest of his evening.

It was a knock at his front door. Of all the things he could hear at a time like this, in a sudden storm like this..knocking was something that he hadn't expected to hear all that much. He had to wait and as soon as he heard it again, a tiny little voice followed it, "Fergal?? Please be awake..I'm cold..!" He sprang up to his feet and ran over to the door as quick as his sleepy body would let him. As he touched the lock on his door, thunder cracked yet again and he jumped. Thunder didn't frighten him, but it definitely did startle the crap out of him. He finally opened the door up after unlocking it and looked down. He saw Lexi standing there, she was soak and wet, it appears that she had been crying or perhaps it was just due to the torrential downpour of rain that was happening outside right now. There was a hurricane that hit the coast and it appears that he was finally experiencing the aftershocks of it. "Holy, oh my goodness Lex..C'mon in.." She almost slipped taking the final step up into his apartment and he had to grab her to prevent a fall, "Hey hey slow down.." Lexi was frantic, she couldn't really stand up all too well. Fergal briefly thought to himself about asking her if she had been drinking or taken anything. He didn't, out of respect and trust of her, but he did guide her to the sofa where he sat her down and tried to figure out what to say, "Do you need anything? Water? Tea? Food?" Lexi shook her head, "Please sit down.." Her voice was smaller than normal, it was making him super uncomfortable with how just dim she was being. For a good metaphor, Lexi was like a fire, she shined and burned so bright..But it only took a few things to go down that would extinguish her. Fergal sat down next to her and looked as concerned as ever over at her. She had something to say, something was eating at her mind and making her go crazy. This was the realization that the whole world didn't revolve around Fergal and Pam, that the whole world also had problems of their own and that his were no more important than the next person in line. He waited for her to talk, and finally she lifted her wet head up and looked at him, "I think Matt is cheating on me.."

That hit Fergal like a truck, it was so unexpected and it literally all made sense to him now why she had been so distant from everyone, she was terrified of telling anyone how she was feeling due to how much the rest of the locker room talked about everything to do with everyone else there. The drama that stirred around everyone was insane at times, and now that Lexi was on Smackdown? Main roster drama was starting to weigh on her heavily. "Why..would you think that?" Fergal just wanted an explanation. "Well..We rarely talk anymore. He doesn't like, check up on me..Or talk to me about almost anything in my life anymore. If I don't text him, or call him first then I usually don't hear from him period..He's closer with a few of the girls now in NXT and it just weirds me out that I don't feel like..like his number one anymore..I don't know..I had nowhere else to go, no one else to go to.." Fergal..understood all of what she was saying. The timing of her coming to him literally as he had the exact same thoughts..And ironically the same things were happening to him and Pam as well. Pam was also getting closer to Colby..Another thing that made him scared especially with Pam's sudden, random absences. "Do you get it? Like..where I'm coming from Ferg?" Lexi looked up at him, her blonde hair was drenched still. Fergal literally was having flashbacks of all the things him and Pam have done together as a couple, and how now all of those things are just that..Memories. He nodded slowly, clearing his throat and swallowing very hard, he looked back over at Lexi with glistening eyes, "Y-yea, lass..I absolutely understand..everything.." He hung his head low, and her eyes lit up after he spoke..

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