Main Event

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"Pam you need to sleep.. You've been up for almost the entire week.. I literally don't even remember you sleeping once.." Fergal's concern with Pam not wanting to go to a relaxed state was growing as her big title match came closer and closer. It was now that day, that fateful Monday Night RAW in which Pam would have her chance at the Women's Championship. Leading into Wrestlemania? There was no way that she was going to screw this up, no way that this chance would slip through her little fingers, there was just not a chance in hell that she would allow that to happen. Pam looked over at Fergal who wore the most concerned look on his face that she has ever seen on him before, she inhaled deeply and exhaled, "How much time till the show starts?" She was obviously tired, but trying to be the best in the world weighed a lot on her conscious. Especially coming off of a damn near tragic event like a pregnancy, she never really got to address those thoughts and that possibility inside of her mind.. She didn't even get to recognize that it almost happened. That was a dangerous game to be playing with your mind, the game of ignoring something that needed to be accepted as truth, that needed to be recognized for what it was. Pam's eyes were struggling to stay awake, she was on the boat of 'If I don't think about it then I'll be fine.' And Fergal had just mentioned it to her causing her to grow very very tired. "Well showtime isn't for another hour, but we've got at least three before they expect you to be out there.. Please just take a quick nap before your match. Do that much for yourself." Fergal's worry/concern was so high right now he didn't need to have Pam go out there in the most important match of her career and blow a spot, hurting either herself or Mercedes. It is highly.. Unprofessional to not go into a wrestling match fully prepared. You needed to make sure that everything was right there and on the table regardless of time constraint. You are a professional, and with that responsibility means preparation at a moment's notice. There was no build for this match, not on RAW for AJ's return consumed so much time and effort that Pam's title match was only hyped via social media and mentioned briefly on Smackdown Live. Putting a slight damper on it in Pam's eyes, but then again she was getting main event spotlight on Monday Night RAW with her best friend.. For a title? There was nothing more you could actually ask for in a night of work.

"Fine.. I'll grab some sleep.." Pam positioned herself onto the little sofa that was in the locker room, luckily Fergal made it a point to have some kind of sofa/chair to be nice and comfy on before a long night of work. His program with Colby and Saraya was falling very, very short. Fergal felt as if it were time to end it and not drag this shit out until Wrestlemania. Killing a program with either a decent change to one of them was very possible.. But would the front office accept his request? That remained to be seen. Pam laid down more on the loveseat and fell quickly into a deep slumber. Fergal watched her do this and he admired in his head just how adorable she was. Pam is such a pure soul, she need not to be plagued with worry or doubt like she is all the time. She never did anything wrong to anybody and yet she acted as if she were guilty of all the world's wrongdoings. It was sad and not necessary.. Fergal felt it necessary to keep her mind out of that dark corner as much as possible. It was time for him however, to take his complaints to the office and pitch his idea to Paul, it would be risky as well as nerve racking for Fergal to take the initiative like that, but then again sometimes the WWE praised things like this.. This is what made Steve Austin shape into Stone Cold, he did it himself, not given anything..

Fergal reluctantly left the locker room and walked down the halls. He was greeted by some people, even a fan or two with VIP Passes who wanted to meet all of their favorites. Of course Fergal stopped to see them and give them a hug with a picture. He didn't have a problem with that whatsoever. After he slipped around the crowd he found his way into Paul's office and he walked inside. Paul was doing C.O.O. things, papers were all over the place and it seemed as if he was having just the worst of times with all of this chaos. "Hey Fergal. What brings you into my tornado of crap tonight?" Fergal laughed lightly as he looked around and considered not talking about this until later on. "Well, I was thinking about the program I'm locked into right now." Paul sat down for he knew that Fergal had something up his sleeve. It was obvious due to the stress that was smothering him, it was visibly gripping his face. "Well take a seat man, let's hear what you've got to say." Fergal slowly sat down and immediately DID NOT regret coming in here, Paul is one of the best bosses he has ever had and he definitely understood the creative power that a talent may or may not be able to help out with. Fergal inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly. "Well. I think it needs to stop for one. It has zero traction.. And honestly I feel as if I might need a rework if this is what I'm going to get.." Paul furrowed his eyebrows, he secretly hated the angle that Fergal was in due to the fact that Paul thought it was bad television. But that is what he was ordered basically, to throw the three of them in. "I see. Did you know what you want out of yourself?" Fergal shook his head, "Haven't given it much thought to be honest, the Demon must stay obviously. But I think it might almost need to happen more frequently, as well as a serious.. Overhaul." Paul was now curious, "I'm all ears man. Let's see what you've got." Fergal lay out on the desk a few pieces of paper that showed a rather.. MORE terrifying appearance to Fergal's demonic aspect to Finn. It was something that caught Paul's attention as well as only gave him a few questions. "Is this what you had planned?" Fergal nodded quickly. "Cause, honestly I don't see why we can't do this. How do you want this transformation to happen man? 'Mania is in a few weeks and we wanted you to have a title shot there. What's the best plan?" Fergal shook his head, but then.. Almost like it was supposed to happen, he was hit by a bolt of lightning of an idea. It really came to him almost as easy as breathing, "I need to get 'taken out' by Kevin." Paul knew exactly where he was going with this and to be a hundred percent honest? It was genius. It was the only way as well..

"That is exactly what I was thinking.. I'll tell you what, let's start it tonight. We have no time to really spare right now and I think it'll go over well with everyone including the fans." Paul gave Fergal the stamp of approval that he was dying to have. He got up and headed towards the door, "I gotta go now, gotta psych up Pam for her big match tonight." Paul smiled, knowing how important this was to her. "Take care buddy." Fergal left after Paul's words and shut the door behind him. A big sigh of relief exited his body as he now knew that the.. Eheem, Fast Lane to Wrestlemania was going to be amazing and full proof. He walked back into his shared locker room with Pam who was still unconscious on the couch. Fergal walked over towards the sleeping beauty and got on both knees in front of her. He softly caressed her weak and sleepy body, rubbing her rather excessively soft skin. Pam was so deep in slumber it almost felt like a crime to even wake her up.. After about a half hour of Fergal taking a micro nap, he awoke and he did NOT want to wake her up.. But her time had come. He squeezed her hip so gently with his hand.. The touch almost seemed too intimate for the moment but.. It happened just that way.

And it was the best way that Pam could ever wake up. She peeled her little brown eyes open and smiled at Fergal who was also smiling, just the sight of Pam made Fergal feel so warm, so welcome, so alive. "Hello babe.." Fergal whispered, the best part about Pam in his eyes was, simply that he could be himself around her, even if something he did really didn't resonate with her all the way, or perhaps even pushed her towards the forcing herself to be content, it still was accomplished. As a matter of fact, an argument could be made that without Pam being the driving force in Fergal's life he as a person may not have ever grown to the man that he is today. Pam sat up slowly, words still didn't come to her lips just yet for she was overly reluctant to actually wake up. She stretched and this caused her shirt to further expose her tummy. Fergal climbed onto the couch and sat with her, his hand instantly went to her soft, and extremely warm belly where he rubbed gentle little circles. "You about ready? Your match is really soon.." Pam leaned on him and enjoyed the tummy rub, it was the little things that made Pam's life worth living. "I am ready.. I was born ready for this." Fergal allowed her some space and Pam stood, she had this new found determination embedded in her eyes, she WAS ready for this.. Nothing would stand in her way. "I'm so excited for this baby boy, I worked SO HARD to get here.." She began to pace back and forth, nerves were obviously getting to a more tense, less relaxed state than she was just minutes ago. The call came out and it was time for Pam's match.. Fergal stood as he saw Pam almost start crying. He hugged her very gently and buried her face into the crook of his neck, "You will do amazing Pamela. We all believe in you. And I love you so much.." Pam lifted her head slowly, locking eyes with the Irishman, "I love you too Fergal. Thank you for always being here to keep my freakin' head on tight.." He hugged her tighter before patting her butt like a coach, "No problem, and hey. Go kill it out there." Pam smirked a bit and walked out of the room. Fergal found his way to the sofa and sat down again, watching the television as the announcement for her match was made. He himself was even becoming just a little bit over nervous for this huge moment.

Pam's music hit and the crowd exploded, it almost all went dark in her head, she almost lost consciousness due to how nervous she was. The next thing she knew, she was locking up with the champ and Mercedes was trying to ask her if she was okay. Pam nodded and let out a quiet, "I'm fine 'Cedes." Mercedes was always looking out for her friend, always having her best interests in mind no matter the time or place. The match went on.. And then they hit the twenty minute mark in a blockbuster main event for RAW. Pam was receiving the ass kicking of her life right now and it felt.. Incredible. Feeling the fans energy fly towards her and enter her soul, practically making her superhuman was an indescribable feeling. Thirty minutes passed, now we're almost at forty and the fans are just as tired as these ladies are. Mercedes locked eyes with Pam in this moment and they both knew the end had to happen. The referee gave instructions on how the finish would be done and it was going to steal the breath right out of the ENTIRE WWE Universe.. After Pam hit a second rope Swanton Bomb and Mercedes kicked out, Pam stood and threw her headband on the floor, Mercedes in the angle's aspect, stood disoriented and spun right into a Bayley-To-Belly suplex and was dropped right there in the center of the ring. Fergal jumped up, still on the edge of his seat so to speak for the entire marathon of a match. "COVER HER!!!" Fergal shouted at the top of his lungs and almost lost his voice, he felt his heart race as this could be her moment. Pam lay on top of Mercedes in the middle of the ring.. One.. Two.. Three..

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