The Invitation

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There was a general sense of unease in the air after RAW turned its cameras off. It kind of lingered around like a poisonous gas, almost thicker than the air itself..It was the strangest feeling ever. Almost like, Paul's vision of what he wanted from Colby, Fergal and Pam was just that, a vision. It would be impossible for his dream to get made a reality with stuff like this. Not because his performers couldn't produce the result he expected, but because the fans were already so deadset on Fergal being with Pam no matter what that this almost seemed weird for him to NOT immediately help her. It was an odd situation, but Paul was satisfied, he knew that the beginning would be difficult, but the end result would have the fans appalled and shocked horrified. And THAT was the ultimate goal. Colby got backstage and was satisfied with his work, he tried to find Mercedes who was clearly not enjoying this due to her lack of even being around. But that was the least of his problems, as of late, he was getting sick and tired of her and her worries. Pam was next to get backstage and as soon as the curtain fell behind her, she looked for Fergal. Her man was isolating himself in the room filled with crew and other wrestlers. The other staff knew they shouldn't dare mess with him when he's upset, it really is just disrespectful. And since most of Fergal's closest friends who CAN approach him at a time like this weren' here, nobody would do it. Lexi, Rebecca, Shinsuke, Joe, Matt, they weren't even on the same shows. As for people like Rami, Kevin, and Mercedes? They either left already, or were not able to be found. Fergal truly hated this brand split and it was more obvious that he did each day that moved forward. She walked up to Fergal who slowly raised his head to look up at her, "Well hello there." She weakly smiled, knowing he hated what he just had to see. Here's Fergal's dilemma, he knew how the story would end, he knew it would end with Pam double crossing him, and going with Colby. He KNEW that was coming..Pam, did not. She figured it would be good triumphing over evil, and she would get to be with him on television for the first time ever. But it was not allowed for him to tell her what he knew, it was just something he would have to keep inside of his heart and mind, constantly battling over why the hell he even agreed to do this crap. "Hey babe.." As Pam spoke, her phone vibrated a few times, as she pulled it up and unlocked it. She actually managed to pull out a smile, "Hey sweetie? Do you wanna go to Smackdown tomorrow night and visit Becks? She just asked us to come out and see her, if you don't feel up to it..I'm sure she'd understand.."

Fergal nodded, he really was okay with going to see anybody, I mean at the end of the day it isn't like he was some kind of asshole or anything. "Yea we can do that, love." Fergal stood up and had..this look on his face. He literally has never been dreading something at work this much before in his entire career. It was just such an uncomfortable storyline, he almost felt it would have been better to just keep his relationship quiet..But then again that really is bullshit, the WWE capitalizes on things they really have no goddamn right doing. And Fergal knew this was unfair not only to him, but to Pam, Colby, and Mercedes. Of course they didn't know the wedge that was already spreading Colby and Mercedes apart, but this kind of storyline has not been attempted since..shit..Kane? I think Kane is the last one..and guess what? IT REALLY DIDN'T WORK! "Let's get outta here first..The air here is makin' me sick." Fergal began to walk, and Pam followed suit right next to him. She grabbed his hand firmly and squeezed it..Inside her mind she was literally going insane seeing him like this..But she was powerless to stop the downfall of emotions..

The ride back to the hotel was quiet, which bothered Pam to no end. She didn't get many chances to do things with Fergal and even though he would be back on the road, it didn't matter. That was all for work, when it came to not being at the buildings, or signings, or appearances..she cherished those moments. Like this. A nice, calm, quiet car ride with her man should be something to be really happy over. But instead? She feels a nagging sense of dread, like something awful is about to happen and she just doesn't know what it is. After they arrived, Fergal still treated her like a lady, opening her door, helping her out of the car, etc..Pam appreciated his actions for she knew he was so bothered by all that drama bullshit at work it had to be giving him gray hairs. As they quietly went back to the room, the door was opened for her and she walked in. After she heard it close behind her, she sprinted back over to him and latched onto him with both of her arms. "H-hey..Are you okay?" Fergal was shocked by her actions and almost a little bit confused. He wrapped bit arms around her little waist and held her close, "Baby girl..what's a matter?" Pam buried her face in his neck and was just trying to cherish the little time she had with him at a more intimate level. She didn't want sex or anything, she just wanted her man to hold her and make her feel like the world hadn't ended around her. "I love you Fergal Devitt. Okay? Nothing is going to change that. Ever. No measure of bad thoughts, dreams, work ideas, life things..Anything. Nothing will change how I feel about you..Literally you're the best thing that has ever happened to me.." Fergal was taken back by her sudden shift to adorable affection, he blushed very, very lightly. "Well..I love you too. And I can't help but have that fear..When you have something that literally matters more to you than life itself, you begin to grow fears about losing that thing. If I ever lost you I don't know what I'd do. I don't know how I'd be able to even get out of bed in the morning. I'm sorry I fear these things-" Pam cut him off, "No. Don't be sorry. I of all people should understand what it feels like to be worried about losing someone. I mean, I kind of did almost beat Mercedes up for just being friends with you.." Fergal giggled quietly. Not just at her words, but because whenever Pam got super emotional like this, her lisp was ramped up and he thought it was just the cutest thing in the entire world. "The Hugger almost killed the Boss..that is true.."

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