Not So Good News

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Knock knock.. Fergal opened the door slowly and walked right into Paul's office. "Hey man, god it really is good to see you back here." Paul, AKA Triple H, approached Fergal and embraced the Irishman in a welcome back hug. The two men were close friends and have been since Fergal was snagged from New Japan Pro Wrestling. Paul has protected Fergal the entire time he was in NXT and when he popped up on RAW, Fergal was forever grateful for what he did, but he knew that the only way this was going to keep going, was if Fergal kept putting asses in seats. "It feels good to be back. I can tell Colby still holds onto guilt about the thing though." The 'think' was when Colby accidentally hurt Fergal at Summerslam, Paul shook his head slowly, "Don't even worry about it or him. It was an accident, things happen in the ring that nobody really expects to happy. Remember Summerslam '97? I don't really think that the piledriver heard round the world was something that went over well if you know what I mean." Paul had a point, and the piledriver he was referring to was the one that left WWE icon Stone Cold Steve Austin with years of neck problems and was the ultimate reason he had to retire at such a young age. Fergal nodded slowly, agreeing with his boss. "Yea I know. Poor lad needs to hear this, not me. I'm not mad about it whatsoever. I was more or less hurt emotionally over it at first cause I thought there was a way to avoid that whole thing, but after I thought about it. It went both ways. So me personally I'm good. Him? Not so much." Fergal was actually a little upset with Colby about the whole..not exactly appropriate comment to Pam. But that was personal, they were discussing business. Paul let out a laugh and smiled, "That sounds like classic Colby though. He can't get out of his own head to save his life. But on a serious note, we have to discuss what's gonna go down with you now that you're back." This is what Fergal was waiting for the whole time, he was waiting to hear what Paul had in mind and he was already prepared to give him feedback about the topic. Paul sat back down behind his little desk and rubbed his chin with his thumb, "We were thinking of bringing back an old angle. I mean, everybody who has a cellphone knows you're with Pam, and I commend you for that. Pam is a great kid." Fergal felt slightly embarrassed, he still for some reason thought it was his and her little secret. He nodded slowly, this, as fate would have it, was not exactly what he had in mind when he made his in ring return. "And people love a good 'love conquers all' story. So we were thinking of putting you in an angle with Pam, as well as Colby. To re-establish him as the top bad guy on Monday Night RAW. How does that sound?"

This could not have been worse timed. Fergal grinded his teeth together for now business was becoming a personal issue. He nodded of course though, being the professional that he is and tilted his head back and forth. "Yea I can see that working out. Colby gets to be the bad guy, and Pam and I get to be the triumphing couple. It's bold, Paul. But if we get the time it can work. The point of it of course cannot be her though. It has to be the title. If it's only her? Then it just makes both of us look desperate for a person which..this day and age won't accept. Pam can be the motivation on two fronts with it, she can push me for the title as well as beating him." Paul looked up at him, "Oh we planned on having Pam turn heel on you. I forgot to mention that part of the deal." Fergal was floored. He in no way expected to hear that. A heel Bayley? That the hell would that even be achieved. Pam was always a good guy and her Bayley was the dominate good guy since she debuted in NXT even..Fergal was absolutely speechless.

" plan a double swap? Is that how it was gonna be done?" Fergal was actually feeling kind of gross right now. If after what Colby said backstage was now going to be said in front of a camera, he literally wanting nothing to do with this angle anymore. At all. Fergal could feel his brain tightening up, almost like if you were squeezing juice out of a lemon. Paul shrugged a little, "If Pam as a bad guy doesn't pan out? Sure she can double swap right at the last second when you need her. But this was gonna be a slow burn story, you know me man, I like things that take a long time to set up. This would be a great storyline to end at one of the big four if you know what I mean." The big four for the WWE were their biggest pay-per-view events of the year. Consisting of Royal Rumble, Wrestlemania, Summerslam, and Survivor Series. Fergal felt disgusted right now. To think that his love life was now being monitored by..a staff of creative idiots who couldn't write a five star anything, even if they already had the script. But how can he say no to a program involving Pam? It was going to be the first time ever that Fergal was going to be working with a significant other. And who better than his lovely Pam. Paul let him think about it, "Look man I know it isn't exactly the best story to be involved in with your woman..But I had to do it before. I pedigreed Stephanie on multiple occasions. It sucks. But at the end of the day it is just business. Right?" Fergal nodded quickly, "Yes sir, it is indeed business." Fergal hated this, he couldn't tell him that he wasn't a fan of Colby being involved with Pam..god that remark was so shitty, it was so sly and just covered in filth. He more than likely meant nothing by it, but how can he know that? There were MONTHS they were on the road together..Where Pam and Mercedes were competing to be close with Colby on a camera, the world still wasn't too sure if he dated Mercedes. Even so far as making a video of Pam freaking out over him. The thought of it made Fergal queasy. But he nodded again, "If this is what we're doin', then I'll do it." Fergal swallowed his pain and just decided then and there that there was no alternative for this. He was going to be stuck working one of the most uncomfortable angles ever. And Pam was going to go with him?? This was only going to be a disaster for him, only going to make him the insecure one and only going to make him hate going to work every day. "Great, I think this can be great business. From you who is an amazing storyteller, and Pam to Colby who can tell great things with just some faces and actions. This is gonna be amazing. Thanks man for being on board with it."

Fergal nodded and Paul got a phone call, he answered it, "Hello? Yes I know. Wait slow down. What the hell? Where is she?? Is she conscious? I'll be right there. With him." Paul stood as quickly as he could and slammed the phone down on the cradle. Fergal furrowed his eyebrows and spoke with a broken voice, "What's happening??" He stood as well, concern gripped Fergal's face, for Paul never freaked out over anything, literally ever. He is the COO of the WWE, he doesn't have room for shaky nerves, "Come on, I'll tell you while we're leaving." Both men ran out of Paul's office and darted down the hall. Fergal's mind was racing, his heart was pounding. There really is no reason why he had to be going too, unless something happened to like, Mercedes, or Pam. But what the hell could have happened in the fifteen minutes that Fergal was in Paul's office talking? There was nothing that could have gone wrong unless something REALLY went wrong. And didn't he say 'she'? Oh god it was Mercedes or Pam. But who and what the hell happened to them..Fergal began to feel fear wrap its tendrils around his heart as tight as a vice grip, squeezing any kind of feeling of hope he may have been holding onto right at this very moment..

"It's Pam, Fergal. Apparently she almost fainted just now and nobody knows why.." Paul told him as they began to slow down near the trainers room. Walking in, Fergal was now a panicking mess. He saw Colby and Mercedes were right by her side. Fergal didn't give a rats ass if god himself was in the way, he pushed them both to the side and grabbed Pam's hand, "Hey..hey hey no, what's wrong? Pam? I'm here.." His voice began to sound like he was going to cry. Well how the hell could he not? His lady was laying there, a sweaty, pale mess. It looked like she was going to freaking die right now and Fergal was not going to let that happen. Not even close, Mercedes walked up from behind Fergal and whispered, "Ferg..She needs to rest. She's gonna be okay. I promise you." Fergal shivered at the words she spoke..It made him think of her being terminally ill and the freaking doctors trying to reassure him. This was a nightmare. A straight up nightmare. "Shhh..It's okay.." Mercedes didn't want to touch him, Fergal might be a volatile person in a situation like this and the last thing she wanted to do was to ignite his fuse. She felt horrible, "Yea buddy it's gonna be okay. We gotta let her get some rest and water. C'mon..Let's get you some too." Colby insisted, Fergal was not a volatile person, at all. Even after the disrespectful comment made by Colby, Fergal didn't have it in him to be mean. He held onto Pam's hand tight, she was slipping in and out of being awake. Her vision was so blurry it was impossible to see who was even in front of her. Her hearing was..broken at best. It sounded in her ears like she was underwater, and shellshocked with a loud ringing that was more dominant than anything else she could hear. Mercedes approached him slowly and put a hand on his shoulder, "Hey, Fergal..Let's go..She's gonna be okay..We need to make sure you are too.." Colby followed suit with a hand on his other shoulder. Colby didn't notice, but Mercedes did..Fergal was shaking with fear and anger. He normally was such a calm and content person, but right now? He was neither. Mercedes tightened her grip on him, "Please.." He turned over to face her and his face was red, tears were mounting rapidly in his dark little eyes. He nodded slowly and breathed so quietly that nobody even heard him draw them in. It was a scary tense moment. Fergal turned his head back at Pam and bent over while lifting her hand up, he planted a slow kiss on the top of her hand and rubbed it in with his free hand. "I'll be right here, Pam.." Letting her go was the hardest thing Fergal has ever had to do. He wanted to just sit in there with her for moral support...But..In reality his friends had a point. She needed rest and liquids if she was sweating this badly.

Mercedes helped Fergal out of the room, Colby was a little more fearful to get close to him. Again, he still had weird feelings about the injury incident. But when it came to her friends, Mercedes was fearless. She helped him over to a table and sat him down on a chair. "Hey. She's gonna be okay. She's gonna sleep it off, drink some water. And be hugging before you know it. Okay Fergie? I promise you." Colby rubbed the back of his head gently, "Yea..Honestly you just have to be patient..She'll be fine, you know she will." Fergal's mind was formulating all the responses his mouth couldn't get out. He wanted to snap at both of them with, 'You don't know anything right now. She could be dying for all we know.' But he didn't have it in him to speak, Fergal carried this weird sense of responsibility about this. For some reason he this was his fault somehow, he felt so weak and powerless. Seeing a loved one in that condition takes a lot out of a person. And knowing that there is literally nothing in this world he can do to fix her makes it all the more painful, and drives the feeling of being helpless right through the heart..

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