Calm And Collected

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Well well well. If that just wasn't the worst possible timing on anything in the history of ever, I honestly don't know what is. Lexi had to snap out of her little funk she was in about Matt, well, as soon as she saw him walk up. "Hey babe, what are you guys doin' out here at this hour? You know it's like, midnight right? Pam you too? Damn..Champs hang out late I suppose." Pam giggled, the tension in the air was so thick it made it hard to breathe. Lexi was doing her nervous thing now, every time she was nervous or stressed about something, she breathed out so deep that it looked like her chest would cave in due to pressure. "Yea, just kinda having a girls night I suppose.." Pam had to get out of there, Lexi needed this time with Matt and she needed to get back to Fergal before he began to worry, which..didn't take too long. "Well, I gotta go to bed and all. Four thirty comes early.." Pam slowly rose to her feet and looked around, making sure she didn't forget anything during this brief, yet extremely awkward, encounter. "Ah crap, ruined girls night. Pam if you wanna stay, I can go." Matt was so nice. He was truly such a good person. It was insanity to Pam that Lexi even was thinking of..god only knows what. "Oh, no no it's okay. I'll see you guys in the morning, yea?" Pam smiled weakly and looked at Lexi whom was in full panic mode as of right this very second. She nodded at Pam and smiled back, "See ya girly." And with that, Pam was off, disappearing into the night.

Back at the hotel; Fergal was still somewhat tired.. Pam claimed she only had to get out and get some fresh air, little did he know a half hour later he'd still be sitting around like a goon waiting for her to get back. He sighed quietly and grabbed his phone, Flappy Bird was the game he liked now a days. Sure, he was a little late to the hype of the phone game, but hey, he was here now. Getting all the way up to forty six, he bonked his head on the beam and his bird sank below the screen. Fergal laughed to himself quietly for he had never gotten that far before, he had seen people get in the hundreds and sometimes thousands. Confused about how they did it, he downloaded the game and went at it. He glanced at the clock and saw it was nearing quarter after midnight. Growing..worried now for Pam's actual safety, he put his phone down and closed his eyes tight, almost hoping that as he would open them, she would be right back to him, safe in his arms. He sighed quietly and that was of course when he heard footsteps approaching the door. As he heard a keycard get inserted into the slot, the door buzzed for a half of a second before opening. His very sleepy eyes peeled open to see a somewhat nervous, and stressed out Pam slide in the room before shutting the door behind her. He didn't say any words at all, just glanced at her before she saw him awake, and closed his eyes yet again. Fergal was kind of curious to see just what she would do right now, if she slept on the tiny love seat, then she was either upset at him, or she did something wrong and knew he'd be mad. If she climbed back into bed with him, she was rocking a clear conscious with him and there was nothing shady about anything right now. Pam sighed quietly, grabbing her ice cold water bottle that still sat on the tiny little desk that the room had. She took a big swig of the cold beverage and set it back down. Glancing at Fergal, just so adorably in bed like a little child, she beamed a warm smile and her heart began to scream colors inside of her chest. She slowly approached the bed and removed her sweat pants before climbing gingerly back into bed. Pam curled up against Fergal's warm body and wrapped her leg around him like a little spider, before nuzzling her face into his chest.

That was enough clarification for Fergal to know that his little baby was okay. Her being the cutest human being alive was something that he was still trying to adjust to..Perhaps he was just trying to adjust to someone who actually genuinely cared for him and loved him as much as she claimed she did. He tried to let his hand fall to her back, in a sleepy haze and it eventually rested on her. She loved his touch, it made her feel so alive and happy. The odd thing was, that when she got back to the room she was tired, she was so very tired. But after cuddling up next to her man like this? She felt awake and alert. She had to make sure that nothing happened to her precious little snowflake, even though he was a grown man and could very easily defend himself from literally anyone..She didn't care; after seeing how far apart Lexi and Matt had grown? No way in hell would she ever let that happen to her precious Fergie Ferg. It was the weirdest thing in the world to her. She was not only his lady, the love that he had seeked for so long, and likewise for her as well. But she also felt like she was his protector. Fergal had a grim and lonesome past, it was not a secret to be honest. And Pam hadn't exactly had the easiest of pasts as well. But for some reason she felt so protective of him..It was so odd to her. She eventually grew more and more sleepy, Fergal on the other hand? He had passed out as soon as his hand hit her back. She slowly rubbed little circles into his tummy and quietly hummed, insuring that the man would fall peacefully into a nice slumber. It was one of the best things that Pam has ever felt. Just the warm embrace of the one that you love. After an additional half hour, Pam felt the weight of being so exhausted drag her eyes down and eventually close. She silently drifted off into sleep and was more than happy to do so.

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