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The next day came all too soon, and yet not soon enough..Weirdest thing in the world, Fergal lie in bed next to Pam all snuggled up and comfortable. The night before was honestly just magical, everything was perfect. The food was great, the wine was delicious, Pam was..happy. It was almost like he was dreaming, but this dream actually happened and it happened to him. Happy things were rare, life is a series of unfortunate events with the occasional ray of sunshine that sometimes decides to poke on through. Last night was the first ray of sun that Fergal has experienced in months at this point. That was the first time that he remembered something going right and going right the whole entire time. They laughed, smiled, having so much fun and just enjoying their own company..No one else was there, it was just them. Just where they started..The two of them spending amazing time with one another. And for anyone wondering, no, they did not have sex after either. They were both exhausted and decided that snuggles and bed were the best course of action. Fergal rolled over and placed his hand on her hip, he had forgotten that Pam was sleeping in a big t-shirt and no freaking pants. She definitely enjoyed raising the sexual tension with him at all times. He placed his hand on her thigh and slowly, very very slowly raised it up her thigh and rested it on her hip. It made him almost freak out at how peaceful and perfect she really is. Her skin was so incredibly soft, he could just touch her all day if he had the opportunity. He used this time to pull her little body closer to him so that they were as close as possible, Pam slowly woke up but didn't make him aware. She felt him...Touching her, so she decided to mess with him. She poked her butt back so it came into severe contact with him, causing Fergal to blush and get even dirtier thoughts. After she..felt it, she giggled, "Good morning, big guy..." She kept her hips bucked backwards and stretched her arms. Fergal felt goofy now, knowing that she was basically messing with him the whole time. "Mornin' babe. How'd you sleep?" He kept rubbing her hip and now wanted to mess with her back, he moved his hand to her butt and grabbed as much as his hand could take, squeezing gently in a massaging type of way. "I slept g-good.." As he did this it caused her words to slip up a bit. Goodness he was perfect at making her not know what to say or do at almost all times, literally almost all times. "That's good darlin', I slept pretty amazin' too. Havin' the girl of your dreams literally in your arms really makes sleepin' all that much easier, y'know?" Fergal giggled quietly, continuing the massaging type of squeezing her was performing on her butt.

Pam was flustered, she didn't think that she'd wake up and be turned on immediately. This was a new emotion for her. Most of their entire relationship, it had been nothing but emotions, literally. They really didn't come close to having sex but a few times, and when they did? They both were overly ready for it but something had always come up and stopped them mid action. It was the funniest thing if they actually thought about it, but with their schedules and Pam never being there..It was really, really hard for them to stop and smell the roses..for lack of a better analogy. Fergal's mind was also beginning to wander, he was also being a little..on the sexual side with his thoughts, that he was far too scared to let out. He didn't want Pam to think that the only thing he wanted right now was sex. Cause if she thought that, it would really be the furthest thing from the truth that there could possibly be. All he could do is try and slow his heart rate down by breathing slowly, and continuing to softly trace hearts in her little, adorable hip bone. Pam on the other hand was struggling bad to not just roll over and take full control of this situation right now..

"How's the shoulder, baby boy?" Pam bit down on the inside of her cheek. She wanted to try and distract her mind from what she wants to do, by asking something that would require a lot of thought to explain. Fergal knew this was happening and welcomed it. For how long they've been dating, and sex hasn't happened yet? The tension was through the roof, I mean after all they were just simply humans..They have needs that if they go unfulfilled? That could make more problems than originally thought. "It's okay. I'm makin' wicked good progress on it. Should be back in no time now!" This was true, his shoulder was almost fully healed now, it was only a matter of time before the buildup for his return would begin. "That is amazing sweetheart! I'm so happy and freaking proud of you..I really miss you, like a lot and all the time. Like the road is fun, and it really is all I've ever wanted out of life. But I have to do it without you, my wittle baby boy isn't with me.." Pam actually looked down and closed her eyes, at this moment Fergal dove in face first and kissed the back of her neck, "I'm here now, aren't I?" His voice was quiet and he continued to plant little kisses on her and smiled a little bit. This was quite the reassurance that Pam needed from him right now and she practically quivered at his touch, "I-I know.." She reached her arm back and placed her hand on his thigh, squeezing down on it gently. There was that sexual tension yet again. How easy it would be for her right now to just roll over, climb up on him, and take full control of this. But she resisted. Even though, her attire didn't make it very easy for him to not touch her, I mean wearing nothing but a big shirt, panties and that is all..REAAAAALLLY doesn't help the cause here. Or at least the resisting factor of all of this. He ran his hand up and down her thigh, squeezing at random intervals, it was a loose, somewhat quick massaging type action. Pam welcomed it as a matter of fact, throughout all the days filled with stress from Mercedes, work, other drama with April, even as far as just waking up in the morning..This tiny moment was something that Pam was going to hold close to her little heart for quite a while. She let out a quiet little grunt and released his leg. "Look, Fergal..I-I.." He had a really bad feeling about where she was going with this, he had no clue if he was going to break up with him, or perhaps even reject his advances. Fergal's mind wandered now to places that he really, really didn't need it to go. The fear of that sentence was burning a hole in his heart now.

Pam was at a loss for words, she struggled to get over her own..Being turned on feelings and tried to spurt words out. It probably looked bad on her part to not have the ability to finish her own sentence. It was both funny and awkward. Almost like their entire relationship to be a hundred percent honest. They both were super weird and they both also super loved each other a shit ton. The love they shared..it was almost crazy to try and put into words would do it all of no justice whatsoever. Pam realized that he was panicking, she could actually feel his heartbeat against her back, "Are..you okay baby boy?" Fergal inhaled a very shaky breath and slowly let it out, "Yea, Yea I'm fine..what were you saying?" He wanted her to get her thoughts out before he jumped to any kind of mad dash conclusion. That would be bad, lesson learned everyone..don't jump to conclusions when you're unsure about something, especially when the person involved is SUPER SENSITIVE..it only ends bad, trust me. Pam inhaled deeply, and then exhaled deeply, "I was just trying to say..That..I really..really want you right now. Like really really really..b-badly." Pam's voice broke and her little lisp became worse with the rising intensity in the room, she was getting nervous now, hoping that her obvious move forward wasn't met with resistance.

Fergal was so relieved. He thought for sure she was going to tell him to go away, or stop touching her. Perhaps she would have literally gotten up and just walked out of his life. The mind does terrible things when fear is injected into it. But luckily his fear was nothing more that just a thought, a mere shimmer in his mind. He smiled a bit, doing his best to turn her over to face him. As Pam felt her body being turned, she turned with him and eventually looked up into his deep dark eyes, "Y-yes? Are you gonna like, reject me now..Wouldn't be the first..Maybe I just like, thought too far ahead, or your freaking magical fingers doing...m-magical things again made me think you actually w-wanted-" Before she was finished speaking her fears, Fergal interjected with a swift kiss to the lips. Not to shut her up, but to quell her anxiety that was mounting rapidly. He knew that the only way to calm this precious little soul down was to prove that he in fact wanted her just as bad if not more than she wanted him. After a few, long, amazing seconds of this kiss taking place, Pam needed to breath. "G-god..you're like superhuman.." Fergal smiled a bit and was curious, "How do you figure..?" He softly began to stroke her bare sides, fiddling with the hem of her soft underwear. "You like..never need to breath during our kisses, like I have to break them up all the time and it really is amazing. You're amazing." Her words were silly and a rattled mess right now. But what can she really think right now. Her man lay right in front of her, shirtless and she lay there, uh...pantless..Weird how that works right? Almost like a cute gross 'you complete me' complex has been established and yet they didn't even realize it. "So how does Pogo the Clown go from absolutely adorable and hilarious, to downright sexy in a matter of seconds.." Fergal was referencing Pam's Mortal Kombat X matchup versus Mercedes on Austin Creed's YouTube channel, UpUpDwnDwn. It was a hilarious little time where a ton of superstars got to relax, play video games, and punk out the competition. In this case however, Mercedes dominated Pam and beat her 2-0. The stipulation? Mercedes got to do Pam's makeup..And you guessed it, she made her look like a clown. Pam's cheeks lit up red, she had no idea that Fergal even had the time to watch the video, "Oh my god..Don't do that..." She giggled and he giggled too, the tension was being reduced and it was all a little plan of Fergal's. Reduce tension, make baby girl happy. That's his thought process at the moment. "What? You aren't my adorable little clown lady?"

Pam thought about making some kind of joke about Fergal to bash him right back, but it occurred to her that she was just too damn happy right now. She raised a hand to him only to rest it on his cheek, "Anything for you. And yes, that does mean that I would totally dawn that makeup again if it mean you would get a laugh out of it." He smiled a bit and didn't think she'd manage to amaze him with how precious she could actually be. She did it though. "Aw..Aren't you just the sweetest little angel ever.." Fergal smiled and Pam has had enough, she rolled herself over and was now basically mounting him. She looked down and saw confidence seep away from his face. He was nervous, words of what she wanted did not even need to be uttered at this moment. She bit down on her bottom lip fiercely, and Fergal blushed a shit ton. She ran her finger up and down the middle of his chest, feeling him get more and more excited for what she was about to ask. All Fergal could do was stare at the middle of her chest, not at her boobs, just at the motion of her chest..Her breathing was steadily increasing and Fergal knew that this was going to happen. Pam finally had the courage to speak, "Let me have you.." Fergal took his hands and rode them up and down her butt, tugging on her panties gently now, he whispered, "I thought you'd never ask.."

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