Keep It Silent

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Today felt odd. It felt like something was off since the moment Fergal took his head off of the pillow and rolled out of bed. He lumbered downstairs very early, his alarm was set to four thirty. He was an early riser when he was alone, why would he want to stay somewhere he was supposed to feel cozy and at home when the one person who made him feel that way was not here? He shook his head as he walked down, the careful yet lengthy descend into his living room was one that just seemed to be different today. He went into his kitchen and grabbed his shaker, protein powder and a pan. He sprayed the pan with anti stick spray and opened up his fridge. Fergal had his mind everywhere except making breakfast right now. He needed to calm down about work and Pam. Those were the only two things he worried about now a days. It wasn't a surprise of course, they were the two most important things in his life, so why not spend an extreme amount of time worrying about them? Fergal glanced out the window in his kitchen and saw fog, a lot and a lot of fog. It almost looked like traditional zombie weather which almost made him feel better about his worrying. For some reason Fergal was such a worrisome person these days..The uncertainty that continued to mount with Pam each and every day he didn't get to see her. All of his friends were systematically falling apart..Lexi..Mercedes..Hell even Rami didn't know what to do with himself anymore. The only person who knew who they were and where they wanted to go was Rebecca. She had her Ashley and she loved every second of it. Fergal hadn't heard from Lexi in weeks now, he wondered if she was like abducted by aliens or something similar. He cracked open an egg and let it fall into the bowl he had in front of him on the counter. Fergal sighed heavily as he hated being in the dark from them. He worried about Lexi. Poor thing was alone on Smackdown, and her future was uncertain if the crowd doesn't somehow get behind her soon. Also her fear of the cheating spouse was left untouched. He didn't know a damn thing that was going on with Matt primarily due to the main roster push that Fergal got. He continued to make his little breakfast and try to be as calm as humanly possible. This early in the morning it was really easy to do, it was so quiet and peaceful..he felt a certain unease about the day just felt like something wasn't aligned with the stars or something shitty was brewing up on the horizon. It was really a feeling that he couldn't shake..

After Fergal prepared to make breakfast, he began the careful process of putting the several beaten up eggs into the steamy hot pan. The noise that it made always made him way hungrier than he was before, ever since he was a little kid that sound of eggs hitting a really hot pan..and that sizzle, oh my goodness that sizzle made him hungrier with each passing second. He grabbed his phone and saw he had a missed text from Pam of all people. That was really out of the ordinary for her to be up this early. Little lady liked to sleep a lot, what the hell was she doing up at quarter to five in the morning..Her text read, 'Hey baby boy. I'm gonna be in town this morning. Can I stop by and maybe see you and snuggle you?' Fergal felt a little bit of butterflies in his tummy after he read it. He replied, 'I'm always here when it comes to you darling.' They were so cute it was gross, the little things that they did for one another were frequent at times, and downright rare at others. Fergal continued to make his breakfast peacefully, now with the thought of Pam being there soon? He felt his nerves shake up almost like the first time she had ever stopped by.. This day might just have a chance to have a pretty rad turn around.

Back over on planet Pam, the plane ride was quick and painful. Yea I said painful. There was a delay very early for her ride back to Florida. It was frustrating but there was nothing she could really do about it to be honest. I mean getting mad is an option, but what would that really solve in the end? She would be irritated, and there would be no solution in sight. She already had a big day ahead of her with Fergal..She was going to tell him..what happened. And there was no excitement in her entire body for doing so. She already felt guilty about not telling Fergal right away what he did to her. But it just didn't feel right at the time..nor does it still feel right, but she had to do it regardless. That was her boyfriend that was in the dark about something really really serious, there was not a chance in hell he wouldn't like to know. Pam got off of her plane and walked out, flagging down a taxi cab and climbing inside. She sighed as the traffic was ridiculously thick. It was already almost ten in the morning now, she was growing weary that she wouldn't be able to catch him before he went to the gym and that would suck to have to wait that long to get inside. It wasn't raining which was a rarity at this day and age, she had grown so used to the rain every single freaking time she visited him. But today was foggy, nothing but a weird fog. This cause the taxi to have to drive more carefully than the traffic was demanding from him anyways. She texted Fergal, 'Please be home..' Fergal replied immediately, 'I'm waiting for you baby.' Pam was so relieved to get that text from him, she had thought that he would surely be gone by now, but to her..luck, or not luck, he was still there waiting for her arrival. Fergal was such an amazing catch, she was just the luckiest lady in the entire world. Too bad she had such fear of how this day was going to go..she didn't know if she was going to get dumped on her head by him, or if he would be understanding..Perhaps he would get silently depressed like he was famous for. Who knows. She is going into this as a happily taken woman..She just had high high hopes that the day would conclude with the same feeling inside. Pam looked out the window and began to recognize familiar things, it was becoming more and more apparent that she was getting closer to his apartment. She felt nervous, very nervous. She felt like she would get sick right here in the cab. No, she couldn't do that..Not now. Or ever for that matter. Pam began to rehearse how she was going to tell him what happened in her head..In NO scenario that she tried this ended well for her..

After the cab got to Fergal's apartment, Pam climbed out and Fergal swung the door open. He was so happy to see her, his little baby. He missed her so much he actually ran out with his socks still on. He embraced her in a giant hug and lifted her as best he could off the ground. Pam wrapped her legs around him and his hands were forced to her thighs. "God I missed you.." Fergal whispered as he leaned up and kissed her softly on her lips. Pam bit down on the inside of her cheek after the kiss concluded, "I missed you more baby boy.." She gave him a kiss of her own. Pam then clung onto her tiny bag as Fergal carried her back up into his apartment, she held onto her man as she admired the sharp angles of his jawline. He was such a good looking guy, it was still amazing to her that she managed to snag this one before someone else got a hold of him. Pam leaned in and nipped at his earlobe and proceeded to hug him. Fergal giggled at her ear nipping and closed the door behind them. He walked over to his sofa and laid her on her back, his heart raced for a hot second as he looked upon his lady laying on her back, in his apartment. He had to face the facts that his mind did go in the gutter for just a few moments..But he then realized that this couldn't be just a visit visit. Pam didn't have much time to talk to him about..something..

Fergal dropped to his knees right in front of Pam and placed a hand on her upper thigh, squeezing it gently. "So what happened. What is it that brought you in here literally on a moment's notice..Don't try and sugar coat nothin' Pam, I know you better than that by now.." Fergal jumped right in on it. For two seconds while he caressed her thigh, Pam forgot why she even needed to talk to him in the first place..But then again it really hit home when Fergal got super serious with her and the dread settled back inside of her heart..Pam closed her eyes briefly and sat back up, his hand remained on her thigh and he watched each and every move she made. "Well..Something happened backstage the other day..And by the other day I mean like, two weeks ago.." Fergal was already worried about what she was going to tell him, did she get into another fight? Did she slip on equipment? What happened.. Pam then proceeded as cautiously as she possibly could, "My ex showed up..and..I talked to him for a little bit, I mean I'm at work what else can I do? I can't exactly get my check and leave.." Fergal swallowed hard at her words, he had a gut feeling about what was coming next. "He kissed me..and ran off.." Fergal looked down and exhaled shakily, that cut into his heart like the jagged edge of a survival knife. Fergal looked up at her and there was clearly pain in his eyes, "Did you kiss him back?" Pam shook her head no, "Then I'm fine. Thank you for telling me. I wish you told me when it happened but, I understand Pam." She felt his grip on her thigh loosen up on her thigh and it was sinking in that he was deeply bothered by this. "Look, baby, you know there's only one person for me, and-" "There' no need to explain yourself Pam, you already did. You didn't do anything wrong, it really is okay. I promise babe." He gripped her again tighter back to how it was originally. Pam knew it bugged him, but the extent that it bothered him was a mystery to her, she can read people's emotions just by looking at their faces and seeing how they react to certain words or perhaps even certain actions. But Fergal was like a rubix cube, he was such a mysterious person to get a reaction out of for you never really knew which side of him would wind up turning up. She nodded at his words and wanted the topic to just die and go away forever. "So what do you wanna do now baby? I'll do whatever you want me to do." Normally, Fergal would have a snarky sexual joke that would be met with giggles. But he didn't feel anything right now. His entire heart felt numb and his mind was almost empty of all normality that he had previously clung onto for dear life. This was a scary side of Fergal..

"We can go to the gym if you want. I still have to go and I know you don't have much time anyways.." Fergal got up slowly and helped her to her feet as well. "Yea sure babe, I still have things here I can use, don't I?" Pam smiled at him, it made her slightly happy to know that some of her belongings were still present at his apartment, it almost made her feel like they were living together..a thought that was, at this moment in time, just a dream for her. Fergal nodded and walked up the stairs with her and into his bedroom. He got changed quickly for he was almost already in his full workout gear. Consisting simply of shorts and a t-shirt, Fergal was ready quickly. Pam was ready almost equally as fast, leggings and a loose tank top, Pam looked over at Fergal and giggled, "Nice butt." He turned back and smiled, letting out a quiet giggle as she did with him. Fergal was silently feeling awful, the dread he had in his heart was ridiculous now. The numb feeling was lingering, but it wasn't as present as the horrible feeling he held inside. He hid it from Pam, fearing that if he showed even the slightest bit of pain that they would fight immediately. They left his apartment and made way for the gym. Fergal needed time to mentally recover from this news..It wasn't like it was every day someone was told that their girlfriend's ex locked lips with them..Fergal needed to silently mend his wounds..Nothing more, nothing less.

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