Momentary Distraction

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Fergal sat in his locker room now. The night had ended technically for the show, and he was now in the..technical finals for the newly dubbed Universal Title. He could not resist the urge to smile anymore. His anxiety over Pam was definitely skyrocketing right now and it was driving him through the roof. He finally decided to leave the solitude that he has delved into for the entire night, and he walked by the newly crowned Women's Champion. She was on FaceTime with someone, the cameras had finally left her alone and she was laughing, oh so loudly. Fergal walked by and tapped her on the shoulder, "Hey, lass. Congratulations on the title.-" As he glanced at the phone when Mercedes looked up at him, he saw it was none other than Pam..That was something that he really didn't expect to see just now. He totally didn't expect to see her as he has been basically waiting for her to call him or even text him with some kind of words all freaking night. Fergal felt so low right now. Just low as dirt. And all of in a span of two seconds, Mercedes tried to get up, but her lower back was nagging her badly right now, her hand put some sort of pressure on it as she one arm hugged Fergal. "Thanks dude, I feel like I'm still floating right now in the sky. Doesn't seem real, you know?" Fergal's good mood was totally eviscerated. It was entirely gone and he didn't even vocally acknowledge that Pam was there. Just focusing on making sure that Mercedes was okay. "You okay? Still your back? I almost shit myself when I saw you fold up like that.." Mercedes laughed at his words and looked at the phone, "Hey Pam? I'll call you in a bit. I think I needa try and walk this off. Talk to you later girl." She hung up and Fergal bit down on the inside of his cheek harshly. He was an uncomfortable mixture of anger, sadness, and frustration. "You okay?" Mercedes looked up at the distraught Irishman and shrugged, "Dude I don't know. It hurts like hell right now..Should I go to the doc?" Fergal sighed quietly, looking around at the backstage area that was indeed slowly turning into a ghost town. "Turn around." Mercedes nodded and she turned, her hand was still pressed firmly on her lower back to try and keep some of her pain down just a little bit to make it manageable.

"Move your hand.." Fergal spoke quietly and wanted to test something. Usually, when you had an injury, if you touched it, it didn't hurt, but pressure from an outside force would show the gravity of how bad the injury actually was. Mercedes reluctantly removed her hand, revealing a giant red mark where her hand once was. "If this hurts? I'm really sorry." Fergal gently pressed two fingers onto the red mark, pushing now and applying some more pressure to it..It only took a mere three seconds for her to wince violently in pain at his touch. "Gah okay okay...Where's the doctor? Is he still here?" Fergal now knew how..serious her lower back injury really was. It must have been something that was accumulating over quite a while. With her body style, in the wrestling world, the smaller you are, the more beating you take. And she was indeed one of the smaller wrestlers on the roster, it was merely a dominance thing. WWE was indeed the land of the giants, always has and always will. Even Fergal tonight felt the wrath of the 'mighty and powerful' when he wrestled Roman Reigns. WWE's new 'strong guy'. "C'mon, I can help you get there." Not once did Fergal even ask about Pam, he was actually extremely upset at her for not even bothering to take five seconds to send him a happy cheery text, or a call. But she had the time to call Mercedes and congratulate her? That was kind of messed up. He was definitely not forgetting that but right now he had to worry about his potentially seriously injured friend here.

Mercedes was reluctant to get up. She didn't want to realize the fact that she was having such issues with her back. She painfully and slowly rose to her feet once more. Fergal took her arm and tossed it over his shoulder, "I got you lass. Just take this slow. I don't really wanna carry your ass now." He laughed quiety and she let out one loud laugh followed by wincing in pain. "I don't want you to carry me. You freakin' smell like crap." They both laughed now, just trying to lighten both of their equally as shitty moods. She was worried about her back, as well as him. She didn't know why he wasn't crazy happy right now..Going to Summerslam..Pam's debut is drawing nearer and nearer, she had just won the Women's Championship on RAW..There was a lot of happy things going on right now but for some reason..He found a way to be sad right now. "And you're sure you're okay Ferg? I don't wanna see you upset and whatever. Just talk to me if you've got a problem." Fergal listened to her and looked around, "Where's Colby? Shouldn't he be here with you right now..? You guys still are a thing, yea?" He remembered that they were an item, and have been for quite some time at this point. But he had to go do other things for the media which required him to, well, be there. "Yea we are, thanks for remembering..Ass.." She laughed lightly, "He's busy with media crap right-" She winced once more as Fergal opened the door to the on site doctor who was immediately worried upon seeing two of RAW's top stars stroll in, one of which looked way worse than the other. "Whoa look what the cat dragged in..What can I help you two out with tonight?" The doctor was always in a good mood, even for a guy who's sole job was to tell people that they are either injured, or not injured. It was a scary job to hold and you can guarantee that there were way more bad days than good. Fergal gently guided Mercedes to the little bed thing that they had in there and sat her down, her hand immediately went to her lower back yet again. "Fergal thinks that my back is jacked up right now..Wanna like, look?" The doctor knew that Mercedes, when frightened, was someone who was confrontational, and standoff-ish. Right now being one of those times. "Yea, I can do that for you, champ." She smiled lightly and hid her face behind her pink hair, she hadn't heard that since the good old days of NXT..Now she was the champion of the company. Crazy crazy..

He began to knead out some of the knots that were visibly in her back, starting from her upper and descending slowly. He did feel some irregularities once he got to her lower back and noticed that she squirmed a lot more once he got there. "That hurt?" Mercedes looked at Fergal who was getting ready to leave, he had seen enough pain on her face and didn't wanna be there anymore. "Ferg wait." As his hand grasped the doorknob, Mercedes called him back, she extended her hand for him and he took it. Slowly she pulled him into a sorry little hug, "Thanks for being here with me hun. Means a thank you a ton. I owe you.." Mercedes felt kind of bad, this was twenty minutes extra he had to stay, well to be honest he didn't have to stay at all. He did it out of the kindness in his heart, which knowing Fergal? There was a lot of that to go around. He smiled weakly and pulled away from the hug, squeezing her hand once, "Y'know I'm always here lass. That's kind of what I do." He smiled now a little better than before, then released her hand and exited the room. He knew she was frightened, but he was also feeling all the wrong emotions at the exact wrong time. Fergal closed the door behind him and exhaled deeply, walking back towards his locker room to finally get the hell out of here.. In his mind, his first night on Monday Night RAW had finally come to an end.

The first night of RAW for Fergal could have been better..It really could have been better in his opinion. The crowd reaction was incredible, it was amazing to see all of the fans freak out for him, as well as the people backstage who were absolutely crazy over the reaction he got. Fergal couldn't be okay with this all. Pam still hadn't tried to get ahold of him and it was actually depressing him to no end now. Now he was going to get himself ready, tossing his ring gear into his bag and slinging it over his shoulder. He walked towards the exit before he felt a tiny hand grab his arm. He was spun around by this person and it was revealed to be a crying Mercedes, something happened in the half hour since he last saw her with the doctor. "Holy crap..Hey what the hell happened?" Mercedes sniffled once in hard before burying her face in his chest sobbing. Fergal embraced her in a weak hug, "Calm down.Calm down..Let's find a seat.." He looked around and found a few crates that would work. They both walked over to tohem and she slowly sat down, finally getting her words back into her throat. "I can't wrestle..It is..It's gotten bad.." She grunted quietly and placed a hand on her lower back again, "I literally have to drop the title soon..Like soon soon..I don't even think It'll make a month.." Fergal was floored right now. There was no way that she was going to have to drop this title, there was just no way. Mercedes was one of the more over people in the company right now, and the fans were quite proud and happy for her to have finally gotten the title after a year of being on the main roster. It took far too long in their eyes to get there. But at the same time, injuries do happen, and if this was really as bad they thought..Then holy shit this could mean like, surgery if they're not careful.. "Hey..It is gonna be okay. I promise, you just gotta listen to'em and take it easy. Okay?" Fergal actually was okay with being the boulder right now, it distracted him from his own issues.

She gasped and to tried to calm herself down, Fergal's words were comforting, but she couldn't help but feel like this was entirely not fair. The long scheme of things was being safe, drop the title, take some time and heal up, come back better than ever. She didn't wanna hear it though, she JUST won the title, and was already being told that she has to drop it? What kind of unfair life shit is that. Fergal sighed a little, "You okay now? I see the waterworks stopped." Mercedes weakly smiled and giggled, "Yea..I'm fine..I just can't believe over ten years of hard work is gonna be tossed out due to one little mistake..God this really hurts, Fergal.." She was not okay right now, even though she told him that she was. For she knew deep down that he was also not okay. And that was something that would take a night to get out of his system. Fergal was someone who kept to himself until he literally exploded from the pressure, it was well documented that he did get to that point quite frequently when a problem carried enough weight. "Ferg? What's on your haven't been yourself all night..I know you better than that dude..What honestly has been on your mind." Fergal needed to dodge this shit like a bullet. "Me? I'm just tired and hungry. Kind of cranky cause of that. No reason to be all worried and such like that Mercedes. Just take it easy right now okay? You're under a lot of pressure right now. No need to add any kind of worry about me ontop of your other problems. I appreciate it though, okay? Totally appreciate you worrying about little old me." He smiled a bit and nudged her arm, trying to get her to drop the issue all together. "Well, okay. Just remember that I am here for you, okay? I've got a good pair of ears here that totally can listen to anything you gotta say.." Fergal smiled, rising to his feet slowly. "Thank you lass, do you need a hand to the parking lot?" "No, I'm okay..Thank you."  

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