Raise Them Up

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After Fergal made sure Mercedes got out of the building safely, he had to return to his locker room and make sure that he had all of his things in order to get out of the area without losing anything. He has a history of doing stuff like that, it was never big things he forgot, but he did indeed forget quite a bit of things in his day. He was concerned that Mercedes was going to not be okay, his normally positive attitude and cheery vibe was replaced with doubt and fear. This was triggered by how Pam STILL hasn't even texted him about his giant night. That..well, he literally no longer even cared about. He was still so deflated by the fact that the one actual person he wanted to hear from the most just..didn't even bother. He looked at his phone and the time read twelve thirty two. Still no call, still no text. He wondered for a moment if she was even okay right now, he wasn't even really too sure if Pam was like..safe? He shrugged his shoulders at his own thoughts, it wasn't like this has happened before, this was something entirely new and out of the ordinary. Fergal heard a knocking at his door, he didn't expect anyone to still even really be here, none the less trying to bother him at all. "Who is it." There was no happy tone in his voice and he really didn't care who it was. "The clique." Fergal..recognized that voice. But he was supposed to be on the other show..Smackdown was where his home was now, and Fergal to RAW. "No way.." He walked over to the door and swung it open, and there stood Allen (AJ Styles), one of his oldest and best friends that he has. The two embraced in a welcoming hug and laughs, "How you been? I feel like it's been forever since I saw you." Fergal questioned his friend, it has been literally years since he has seen Allen, and a good catching up with a friend could be in order right about now, especially with the problems going on with Mercedes, as well as now Pam. "I'm good. Too bad I gotta go to the blue brand, the gang is all split up now..Kinda blows doesn't it?" Allen had been drafted to Smackdown, while the rest of their old crew, or Club in this sense, was on RAW. It was a true bummer for him for he was super excited when he found out Fergal was literally a guarantee to go to RAW.

"Yea..It does suck bad, but hey. Nature of the beast my friend." Fergal being his typical calm, cool, and collected self had just that to say. Allen half smiled a bit, "Yea you got that right brother. Nothin' wrong with how the wheel turns to be honest. Well hey, I gotta get outta here. Gotta get to the next town for Smackdown. Just wanted to check up on you cause you looked like..you literally didn't give a crap in the main event. Glad to see you're doin' okay buddy." Allen's words struck a cord in Fergal, it took him a long few seconds to even realize what Allen had just said at all. He shook his head, "No man I'm good, thank you though, maybe I'll stop by the blue brand to see how it goes and all. First night outta be a crazy house." Allen nodded, shrugging his shoulders a little, "Well they all pay to see the Phenomenal One anyways, gotta give'em their money's worth." They both laughed a bit as Allen went to leave the locker room, "See you around buddy." "Yea, see you later." With that the door had closed, and Fergal was yet again alone with his thoughts. It was good to know that it looked like he just didn't give a shit now on national television, that's really good publicity. Sarcasm of course intended and provided, he was so mad at himself for letting personal life get in the way of work, what kind of rookie was he to let something like that go down. His big debut was practically tarnished due to a personal quarrel. That really stung and sank deep into the pit of his stomach. A disgusted feeling took hold of his whole body.

Fergal was not the kind of person to dwell on an issue, but he also was the kind of person that if something went wrong, literally one thing, it affected him greatly. The thoughts that he had before the evening began of Pam calling him, perhaps even talking about how great he did, or looked, were floating in his head as if he was in zero gravity. He had the old butterflies demolishing his stomach like a construction crew, and he was filled with the utmost excitement. Of course, as history would have it, he didn't get any of those moments. And instead; it was replaced with frustration, displeasure, and fear. He had to watch a close friend of his nearly snap herself in half, and he got to experience the most exciting moment of his career alone. Not a single person took the time to personally congratulate him on a job well done. It was the group round of applause, followed by..nothing. It was odd, since Paul wasn't on sight tonight it wasn't like he could express how proud he was, and don't get me wrong, Fergal needed no reassurance of how well he did, just by how happy the crowd was he knew that he has indeed arrived. But it was just a void, a little dark patch of negative energy that lingered in his mind that he couldn't shake, he couldn't get it to just go the hell away for some odd reason. And it was at this moment, he felt his phone buzz for the first time in hours. He thought a moment about ignoring whoever was calling him anyways, there was no need to call him now. What if he was actually sleeping? What if he actually had gone to the hotel instead of helped his friend out with her back? It was an annoying few seconds of thinking for him and he finally decided to check just who the hell was calling him. And of course, low and behold, it was Pam. Of all people to call him this late it was her. He almost felt a rush of rage flow through his body when he saw it was her..with that adorable little contact photo he had of her in there..He answered the phone.

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