Since Day One

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The coincidence coming to light that Pam's arm/shoulder is injured almost exactly a year after Fergal's arm exploded was really crazy to think about. She had no idea what was wrong with her and there was no conclusion from the doctors, apparently the swelling was too much right now and they needed to wait until it went down before they could make a diagnostic. Pam was home now, her arm was in a sling and she was really unsure about her future. There were so many questions lingering in her mind, what were her and Fergal even right now? Was the WWE going to let her heal and go back to work the way she used to? Or did she have to bust her ass from the bottom all the way back to where she was. The plan was to have Pam become number one contender and challenge Alexis at Summerslam. But.. Those plans were dislocated right from her hands. Fergal sadly couldn't be there for her, well not all the time. Today was one day in which he could be there. Currently he was out getting some takeout for the two of them. Pam sat on the edge of her bed, she had a black tank top and leggings on. Her body felt so horrible right now it was almost insane. No pain, just overall she felt terrible due to the fact that she was too weak to endure that throw Savelina gave her. She took the blame for the injury, feeling like if anyone were to blame Savelina that would be not only unfair, but really shitty to do to her. Pam took a bad bump; end of story. She looked at her arm, and looked at it all gimped out with the sling and sighed heavily, "I can't believe you." She spoke out loud to her own arm, basically calling it out. Pam was waiting for Fergal to get back for multiple reasons, they had quite a lot to talk about.. She still loved him, but the last time they spoke about this issue he seemed like he did not anymore. Then of course he disappeared only to reappear when she needed him most. Fergal needed to stop doing that, he needed to stop running away from his feelings and running away from his problems. He's honestly been doing that for the entirety of their relationship, sadly that was the only way he knew how to deal with certain issues. Inside Fergal's brain, if there was no solution between two fighting people, why stick around and make the wound bigger? Why not cut your loses and just leave for the time being? That made more sense to him as opposed to sticking around, fighting more, having the fight increase in severity, possibly hurting more.. And STILL having no solution? That just seemed so dumb and irresponsible. Fergal was driving back from picking up their food and he was still thinking about Alexis.. For some reason that tiny little woman would not leave his mind.. Fergal was confused..

    He sat at a red light, zoning out just enough to be aware of the lights when they changed, but also enough to picture Alexis' tiny little face. She was engaged, she was going to be married to one of his close friends, she was happy, and she was in love. No matter how Fergal was feeling.. He can't change that, and he shouldn't WANT to change that.. But there is a part of him.. A tiny part of him that in quiet moments.. Really does want to change the fact that she isn't with him. Fergal shook his head to clear the cobwebs out, and then the light changed to green. He took off and tried to not think about Little Miss Bliss for the remainder of his drive. He needed to focus, focus on what he had in front of him and be appreciative of it. The problem with that was there really was so much damage inflicted by Pam and her sometimes insane actions/words. Pam has made mistakes, she has done things that she obviously regrets to their relationship as a whole.. It was hard to see what you have when all you remember is pain.

    Fergal pulled into the driveway and parked the car. He shut it off and sat there for a solid minute before moving, he grabbed the food and slid out of the car. What he was thinking about was how he can make Pam feel better. She was always there for him, he needed to be there for her as well. Fergal didn't know if he wanted to stick with her relationship wise, but he did know it was almost a must for him to be here during this problem. He walked up to the door and knocked twice before opening the door. He had left it unlocked just so he didn't have to use a key to get back inside. "Knock knock? Pammie? Where are you at darlin'?" He closed the door behind him and locked it, he then walked to the kitchen table and set the bag of food down. "I'm up here.." She quietly shouted down. By quietly shouted I mean she spoke BARELY loud enough for him to hear her downstairs, but it was still technically yelling. Fergal walked towards the stairs and literally walked out of his shoes as he went up the steps slowly. He got to the top and looked around, "Pam?" He wanted to ask one more time, she might be in the bathroom, the guest room, her bedroom. He didn't know right now. "In here.." She spoke, the weak voice came from her bedroom. Fergal looked over towards it and walked inside the dimly lit room. There she sat.. Fergal saw a weak, broken down woman who was beautiful on the outside, but was clearly in an immense amount of pain on the inside. "Hey.. What happened?" He slowly approached her and sat down on the edge of the bed with her. "T-this is my fault. I deserve this. Is this karma for how awful I've been to you?" Pam was beginning to freak out, Fergal placed a hand on her thigh and he tightly squeezed it. "Hey! Stop that. You don't deserve this. Never. You aren't THAT bad to me.. It isn't like you've cheated on me, or anything like that.. And besides. Even if you did? You STILL don't deserve to be injured." Pam looked over at him after he spoke. His voice was so soft and soothing it almost made her feel a little bit better. "I love you." She looked him dead in the eyes and bit down on her bottom lip gently. Fergal was now put on the spot.. Did he return the I love you? Or did he just go in for a kiss to get the problem away. No, he was a man. He was not afraid of how he felt. "I love you too, Pamela." He ran his hand up and down her leg, admiring silently the fact that the leggings were incredibly soft to the touch. She leaned up and kissed him softly, speaking during the kiss. "I'm sorry I'm not the most.. Appealing right now." She was referring to the fact that she was in just a little outfit with no flash, and of course the fact that her arm was indeed in a sling. "What are you talkin' about? You still look hot as hell."

    Fergal smiled after his flirty compliment, and Pam blushed like mad. "How so? I'm disgusting looking and my arm is all doofy." She looked down slowly. Fergal furrowed his eyebrows. "Well, you have such a beautiful face for one. Your neck looks incredibly soft and yummy, you still have the best body in the world." Fergal spoke softly as he lifted Pam's chin up, "You've never been that into me sexually.." Pam quietly muttered that last sentence, it was time for this to get talked about again. Fergal was not a fan of his desire for her to be put on blast like this, but it needed to happen. "How do you figure?" Pam huffed quietly, "Well.. From what the internet says, I have big boobs and a rather large butt. And if that's true? You either don't like them, or you don't.. Like them.." Pam pulled a card that the internet liked to use. They did this to all of the females, Alexis, Ashley, Rebecca, Mercedes, Savelina, Pam, etc. If they so much as WALKED with their back facing the camera? Best bet there will be a gif of it come the morning. It was disgusting and filthy, but Pam did have a point.. Fergal never paid attention to her assets.

    He sighed quietly, "So.. Me being a guy who respects your body. Is being told to.. Appreciate it more?" He asked with a quiet pitch to his voice. Pam nodded, "Mhm.. I just want to know that I'm doing something right in my life." Pam really was desiring that appreciation that so many other women received. Fergal nodded, "I would ask how you'd want me to do that.. But that feels childish. Do you want stuff like.. This?" Fergal spoke quietly as his hand rode up her body, rubbing her belly briefly before finding a home grasping one of her boobs. Pam nodded slowly, "Something like that. Words can s-suffice t-too." Due to the fact that she never really got attention like this, she was flustered almost immediately. But.. If something were to come of this? How would they exactly have sex with her arm like this? I mean they could, it would just be ridiculously slow and careful. Fergal massaged her breast for a moment before stopping, "You look beautiful baby. Your body is fuckin' phenomonal. I love every single inch of it. And I promise I'll be better at showing my appreciation for it." He finished up his massage of her and then cupped her cheek very gently. "I'm sorry." He spoke quietly one more time. If nothing else was learned from this, it is that progress is going to be made, he was making that effort to try and fix the mistakes he makes. Pam saw this as clearly as black and white. She then realized that there had to be things she did wrong, but she was fearful to ask. "Don't be sorry sweetheart. I'm sorry I'm such a needy asshole sometimes.." Fergal kissed her after she insulted herself. "Well, my sexy little thing, you wanna get some food? It's waiting for us.. Why don't we for old times sake watch the Adam West Batman movie? Y'know? The one that makes you laugh hysterically for fifteen minutes every time Robin makes one of his crazy 'Holy crap Batman!' lines. Or we can watch The Dark Knight or Dark Knight Rises.. If you want real old times sake.." Ferga's idea was amazing and Pam loved it. "Let's watch The Dark Knight. That one has fond memories with you, baby.." Fergal nodded and softly caressed her cheek, "You are so fucking gorgeous.. My god.. Your face is literally perfectly sculpted.. If you haven't noticed, I actually stare at it so much." He whispered softly, Pam blushed and she actually did see this happen all the time. "Y-Yeah baby boy, I do see that quite a lot.." Fergal smiled at her shaky words and stood up, "C'mon love, let's go eat." Pam stood up slowly and began walking with Fergal. He figured that now would be the time to start that appreciation he was talking about. His hand found its way to her butt and he grabbed he gently, before resting his hand over it slightly. Pam silently squealed, and blushed.

    He really was going to try and fix the error of his ways.. Goodness. Even after Pam has fucked up so many times, he still was willing to try and fix the things HE did wrong. He tried to also fix what was wrong with her as well, but being able to admit you have done wrong is so mature and incredible. They got downstairs and Fergal got some plates, some forks, and napkins. He also snagged some Coke Zero for them and walked out to the table, setting everything down. "I can get everything set up babe. Don't you worry." Fergal had to baby her right now, and he loved doing it. He got her dish set up, carried her stuff out, including her drink. And set it down. "Thank you so much Fergie. You da besssttt." She winked, and he giggled quietly. Fergal set the movie up on her Xbox and grabbed his food/drink before walking out. He set his plate down on the coffee table and sat down next to her. "Before it starts.." He looked at her and leaned over to kiss her on the lips. She returned it and felt that butterfly sensation in her tummy. "You take my breath away.." She spoke softly, Fergal smiled, "You're welcome..? I think." He giggled again, and started the movie. Pam was confused.. Was life giving her a second chance with the man she loved so much..? She had no idea.. Who knows what tomorrow will bring..

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