The Power of Love

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Making appearances at children's hospitals was such a humbling and amazing feeling. Seeing fans anywhere was definitely something to enjoy, it showed that you, well, you made it. Fergal and Pam enjoyed their time in the ring, but they also enjoyed time out of it as well. It was a lot..Being on the road like two hundred days a year was definitely hard on the body and mind. But somehow they managed to keep their heads on. Perhaps it was due to the fact that they had each other to lean on in times of heavy stress..Or maybe they had just gotten so used to the fact that they really were always going to be going and going and going that stopping never really occurred to them all that frequently. They did have a few days to themselves and typically it went down like Fergal would build his legos, and Pam would bum around the house in sweats/leggings and read. They were like an old married couple, except they weren't old..or married. But having some time to just chill and relax was needed, it helped heal the mind and body from all the stress, all the pain that the rest of the work week typically brought. Recently things had been crazy, there has been so much stress and pain just from every single direction coming in and hammering down on them. But they managed to persevere through it all and just push forward. As admirable as it was that they managed to achieve this, it was in fact SUPER tiring..So tiring in fact that the morning came and they both ignored their alarms and instead chose to just lay in bed and go back to sleep. Fergal laid right up on Pam, as close as he possibly could be. His hand, draped over her hip and Pam pushed her back out to get as close to him as she could. Fergal was awake, Pam was not. He typically had an issue with getting back to sleep once he woke up, it just wasn't in his nature to do so. He ran his hand up and down Pam's hip area, enjoying the little twitches her body made as he did so, Pam was literally the cutest person he has ever known in his entire life..She proved it each and every day to him. Fergal pushed her shirt up so he could rub her bare hip, feeling her soft skin as he rubbed over top of her hip bone. Fergal had a wave of sadness shower over him, he didn't know why, nor did he really even know what he was sad about..But for some reason, depression just slapped him in the face like a wet towel. He gripped her hip tightly and closed his eyes, trying to ignore the fact that he was indeed super sad right now..

It honestly pissed him off, there was no real reason to be sad over anything. He had the love of his life right next to him, his shoulder pain was subsiding, which means his return to work was imminent..So what had him so bummed out? Was he being insecure again, but silently? Was he really not looking forward to returning to work? He was growing increasingly more and more frustrated with himself as he really couldn't figure out why he was so upset..As he was pondering over his own thoughts, he felt a stirring right next to him, Pam had woken up at some point and rolled over to face him. Her eyes remained closed, and all she did was whisper, "What's wrong.." She knew something was bothering him, she just had a gut feeling that there was something eating him up inside. Perhaps it was due to the fact that he had a tight, vice like grip on her hip bone and it was hurting her. Or it was because she had a sort of Spidey Sense and she just knows when her lover is in trouble..Fergal cleared his throat and acted like he didn't understand what she had just said to him. "What was that babe?" His voice was soft, and his hand ran up her incredibly soft side as he was now stroking the entire side of her fragile little body. Pam finally opened her eyes, she needed to fix him, ""

Fergal knew she meant business at this point, Pam typically wasn't the kind of person who messed around when it came to those she cared about being upset at realistically anything. But for some reason the look in his eyes screamed 'help me'. Fergal cleared his throat but continued to caress her body. "I honestly don't know Pam. I just. Woke up and felt like crap." Pam furrowed her eyebrows and bit down on the inside of her cheek gently, "Well It wasn't anything I did, is it? Like, did I do something wrong? Do I snore in my sleep or something ridiculous?" Fergal actually let out a quiet chuckle and shook his head, " my angel, you do nothing wrong..Literally ever." Pam smiled a bit at his pampering words, "Even if you snore, it really is adorable." Pam's eyes widened after he spoke and she got nervous, "I do not snore.." She began to get a little rowdy, wiggling in bed almost out of protest. Fergal chuckled a bit and tightened his grip on her, easing his hand to her lower back so she had no escape. "You do too snore darlin'. But it's okay! I love it. Like I love you." He smiled a bit and saw Pam's face, blushing and immediately flustered. She leaned up and pressed her lips softly against his, feeling his grip on her loosen as she did. "I love you too babe. I could actually stay in bed with you all day and do nothing if I had the chance to." Fergal actually agreed with her. There was nothing more sacred to him than spending this kind of time with Pam. "I know babe..Would you want to? I'm down a hundred percent to just lay around half naked with you and do virtually nothing." Pam's eyes lit up in excitement, she didn't really expect a person who always had to be moving to say something like that. "Heck yes I do! And half naked? Is that because of how I sleep?" Fergal chuckled, "Well partially..You sleeping in pants is hilarious. Cause, always somehow..You manage to get them off in the middle of the night. Pants can never hold your amazing butt inside!" Pam giggled like a schoolgirl and blushed at his flirtatious words, "Oh hush up you! My butt isn't all that amazing to say that.." Fergal turned his head and was almost..offended. "YOUR like a gift from the heavens. Actually, you are a gift from the heavens..Doesn't that technically mean your butt is too?" Fergal coyly smiled at her, he knew he was right, he just wanted to hear her say that she had an amazing butt. "Damn it Ferg..I think you got butt is heavenly. But yours is too!" He laughed now, the sleepiness had worn off of him and Pam collectively, "Nowhere near as amazing as yours is, I'm afraid." Pam made a silly, cute little pouty face. "It is too!!" The morning went from sad, to adorable as shit in about five minutes, that was honestly just the magical pull that Pam had over him..

"Babe, you've got a straight up bubble butt, I can't even compete with that." Fergal mumbled and Pam giggled, "But you do too!! I love touching your butt, as a matter of fact? C'mere.." She reached over and grabbed a handful of Fergal's butt and squeezed it, pulling him closer to her and now there was nothing in the middle of them. "Mmmm bubbly butt." She giggled at her own stupidity..But who was going to judge her? She was having a damn good time and there was nobody who could tell her otherwise. Fergal chuckled at her words, "Well, you call it what you want, you're the butt queen. As well as the beautiful face queen, and the ab queen..and the boob queen.." Pam cut him off, "Ummm do you see a ring on this finger? I am no queen, I'm a princess." She cheekily smiled before Fergal made it real, "I don't see one yet.." Pam knew what he meant by that and she literally loved it. She loved the fact that this man actually wanted a future with her and not to just get in her pants, and dip as soon as he gets the chance to do so. Pam stopped being silly for..just a moment.."I can't wait till I do have one though.." She blushed now.

The thought of marrying Pam always leaned heavily on Fergal's mind, in some places he wondered why he hadn't already popped the question to her. But then again there was that fear of her saying no, or her finding another man to get with, or just getting sick of his face. He typically never knew what was going on inside her head, but he really, REALLY needed to before he popped the question to her. He had looked at rings before..A few times. He gazed at them and imagined how he would even remotely get to asking her..It was such a sensitive subject to him that there was almost no proper way of even preparing for it. "Someday..Someday you'll have a ring..And it'll be the most beautiful ring, for the most beautiful woman in the world." Pam blushed and felt butterflies flutter all throughout her tummy. She couldn't believe that someday she'd be considered a wife. Goddamn it now she wanted it now. No, bad Pam. Be patient..She smiled as wide as she could and buried her face in his chest roughly, "God I love you Fergal Devitt. Don't ever change, you're my everything." Fergal hugged her gently, counteracting her rough head burying. He knew how important marriage was to her, and she just didn't know how important it was to him. "Only thing I will ever ask to change of you, is your last name..Believe me." Pam let out a child like squeal when he said that, she further hid her face to hide the fact that she was blushing so goddamn much it was almost embarrassing..He continued to hold the small woman in his arms and relish this little moment..Times like these made him realize why he was put on this planet. Pam was overwhelmed with emotions right now, she wasn't sure whether to smile, or cry, or cry and smile. She finally unburied her head from his body and blushed like mad, "I really do love you, and each inch of your precious being baby boy." Pam leaned up and kissed him on the lips again, enjoying this small, romantic little moment. She tossed her leg over his body and Fergal proceeded to place his hand on her thigh. "I love you Pamela." He rubbed her leg and Pam again, got giddy inside like a teenager. It was incredible the pull that this man had over her..Almost she was speechless under his rather romantic self. "I love you too.." He continued to hold her close to him and softly rub her bare thigh, Pam was not only the most important person in his life, he was also the LOVE of his life. Two things that are separate, but in regards to Pam? They were the exact same things and that was the absolute most important thing to Fergal.

The mood in the room right now was affectionate, soft..It was something they wanted to do for so long. And that was honestly to just have some time to appreciate each other's company. Being on the road, sure you do spend a lot of time together, and some people actually get sick of each other when they're stuck around each other all the time like that. But not these two, they couldn't get enough of each other and honestly? They would LOVE to have more days where they can just wake up in bed next to each other, take their time waking up, poke fun at one another for some giggles. And ultimately just enjoy the fact that they are in each others lives for a reason, and that reason was..well. Each other. They were each others reason to wake up, to smile, to be enjoy the life they had been given. Having that person in your life is the literal most important thing you can ever achieve as a human being. Fergal turned the TV on and put some animated Batman on, just to bond further with this beautiful human being, for if Pam loved anything else? It would be ANYTHING to do with Batman.. In Pam's mind, she felt like nothing could go wrong, this was going to be their time together. A day off? Ppsh. More like a day to enjoy the love that they had fought so freaking hard to get, and the love that they honestly deserved so, so much..

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