Morning After

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Life has a strange way of working out just when the lights are beginning to go out and darkness is creeping over. It has such a clever way of weaving the light back inside of you and making you realize just how special it is to have the ability to draw in breath. Events happen for reasons, there is nothing that happens in the World without some kind of greater scheme of things in mind. Last night was no exception. If Fergal hadn't gotten so damn depressed and destroyed over what he had thought happened with Pam, he would never have realized how much she actually meant to him. The pain was necessary for him to get that slap in the face from life, almost shouting at him, 'HEY. THIS is the girl you need. Know it. Own it.' As for Pam? It took her to the edge of time to figure it out, to figure out what her heart really needed. And her heart needs Fergal. It NEEDS him. There is no other way of putting it, but there was tiny little issue. Neither of them had asked the question that absolutely needed to really be asked. It was something that both of them were hoping the other person would do. It was unofficial to be honest. They considered each other together, but it was never spoken. Which was not okay in Pam's mind. She wanted him to know that he belonged to her. And when I put it that way, I REALLY mean it. Her insecurity of Fergal popping off and going away was something that was very real in her mind. She didn't think all too highly of herself; in fact she thought quite low of herself. Work the next day came all too fast. The night had seemingly sprinted to the finish and the morning came just as fast. The best part of work for now was that they did get to see each other everyday. Of course, there was the rumor of Fergal getting the opportunity to go to Monday Night RAW..which means that he'd be leaving NXT..and Pam. But she couldn't be more proud, to be quite honest there was not a more deserving person than him in the entire locker room to get that call up.

Pam walked through the doors and immediately looked around for him. She wanted to see how he was doing, she wanted to see if he was just as happy as she was. Instead; what she was was something she didn't exactly expect. She didn't find him at all. She looked..all around, everywhere..Locker room, front office, weightlifting area, the ring. Nothing. No sign of Fergal anywhere. It was a sign of concern. Immediately actually, it didn't take long for that sinking feeling to rest deep in Pam's guts and take over, flushing her all over with that nervous energy that she really didn't want to come into contact with. She finally spotted Lexi and hobbled over to her, nudging the small blonde woman in the side, "Hey, Lex? You seen Fergie around anywhere? Haven't managed to spot him all morning.." Lexi yelped loudly and felt immediately embarrassed by how loud she can be, "PAM!..Uh..I mean. Hey, and Ferg? Yea I saw him earlier, he was in the ring with Joe. I didn't like spy on him, but he is here." Lexi saw him training with Joe earlier in the morning, she didn't particularly take note of it however, I mean how and why should she quite frankly. "Oh..R-right. Okay. I'm gonna go get changed." Pam was a little bit nervous now, she wanted to at least see him before she got in the ring. He was a calming agent for her, just seeing his dorky little innocent face made her heart do backflips. But it looks like she wasn't going to see him..which was a seriously tough pill to get down. She lumbered over to the ladies locker room and walked inside, shutting the door slowly behind her.

Lexi watched as her friend seemed so down, so depressed over this. She didn't realize how strong her feelings were for him. Lexi looked over to Rami and Natalie and motioned for them to come over to her. She swallowed hard as concern quickly set into her heart. As her friends approached, Lexi pulled her hair into a tight ponytail, she cleared her throat; "Hey, have either of you seen Fergal recently? Pam was looking for him and I haven't seen him for like..a half hour now." Natalie was the first to speak, she usually was, and sometimes that was good. Other times?..Well. You know. No. "Yea I saw him walk into the med area with a few trainers a few minutes ago." Rami nodded his head in agreement, "Yea, pretty sure he hit a move from the top rope and tweaked his ankle again. I'm afraid." Rami and Fergal were like brothers, but this morning was a weird one, it was something odd in the air between them. See, Fergal didn't know Rami's secret, he kept it extremely close to the chest and no one, not even his family knows. Pam is the only person on the planet who knows about his homosexuality. "Wait, shit really?? Great..She's going to have an anxiety attack when I tell her.." Lexi felt pressure immediately build up right on her chest cavity. Fergal being potentially injured was bad for everyone, himself, Pam, all of them, the business even. See, Fergal as Finn Bálor was a giant draw for the crowds, his extremely ripped frame, his speaking, the skills in the ring he possesses..Lets not leave out the biggest appearance factor, the Demon..His paint and entrance that draws the crowds in at mass was something to be seen as often as possible. So if Fergal were to go down? The business would take a direct shot in the excitement area. He couldn't be hurt, Lexi was almost in denial, "I mean I'm sure he's okay. Right? I mean Fergal is in incredible shape..The guy is like a terminator or something." She was just trying to make herself feel better at this point, reassuring herself with some jokes as well as some facts. Goodness she didn't realize how important it was that he indeed was NOT hurt. "I'm sure he's fine Lex, don't freak over it." Natalie was a good person when it came to making sure that her friends were okay and not all too stressed. Needless to say, when they needed an ear to talk to, or a shoulder to cry on, she was generally first in line for that.

Pam opened the door slowly and saw her friends all huddled up in almost like a football huddle. She smiled weakly at Rami, the night before he had just dropped the biggest bombshell on her that she had absolutely, positively NO idea was coming. She slowly lumbered back over to them and flashed a sad little smile before shuffling her feet and looking down, "Hey guys." She seemed like a sad little school girl, unable to find her schoolyard crush and give him a big hug. Lexi had to figure out the best possible way to explain that Fergal was possibly hurt. She couldn't get the words out. It was such a bitch of a situation to find herself in. She had to face facts here, face the fact that not all news can be good news. But the problem she was fighting with internally was that she didn't indeed have all of the facts to even begin to explain it to Pam. "Why do you guys look like you all just saw a ghost, Do I have something on my face or something??" Even when she was bummed out, Pam was still a goofy person, she still had that happiness inside of her that beamed out even at dark times such as..right now. They all collectively giggled and Lexi rubbed Pam's back gently, "No no no, you look incredible as always sweetie. You have nothing on your face I proooomise." Lexi felt awful, but she couldn't just sit there any longer and make her wait. As life would have it of course, just as Lexi was taking in the breath to tell Pam, the door near the medical area swung open, and a hobbling man with a beanie and crutches came peeling out at a slow pace.

Pam, Lexi, Rami, and Natalie all collectively looked over at the man and Pam's jaw dropped in shock. It was of course Fergal. Back on crutches, just a mere month or two after he got off of them the last time. She immediately rushed over to him and was shocked, just shocked over this. "Oh my gosh, Fergal are you okay??" The Irishman looked over at Pam and saw nothing but beauty and concern. He smiled briefly and after she spoke his smile vanished, "Hey to you too Pam..Yea, I'm alright. Planted it wrong comin' off the top rope again..Same old stuff y'know?" He was trying to downplay the pain, hoping that she didn't see it embedded deep in his eyes. It was his main goal to protect her from things like this. His internal battles, demons if you will. They were needed to stay in the shadows, to stay hidden from plain sight. Pam was not stupid, she did see it on his face, the stress marks that took the place of where his perfect smile should be resting were far too obvious to her. "Okay..I just, I.." Pam was at a loss for words right now, she wanted nothing more than to just see him this morning so she could clear her head and get to work. Fergal limped on over closer to the wall, he backed up and pressed himself against it, resting his crutches right next to him and he watched as Pam did the same. "What's wrong sweetheart? Are you cross with me?" Fergal was a little concerned that he actually had made her upset at him somehow, perhaps his lack of a call or text in the morning following the best night in their lives was a reason enough to be angered at him. But in Pam's head she was just concerned about his health, her little cutie was battling a whole lot right now. It was fascinating that he was able to keep all of this bottled up inside and it didn't ever spill over the top. "No, no I'm just worried about you is all..Seeing you hurt like this breaks my little heart." She actually felt her heart sink in her chest just a tad, and by a tad I totally mean a lot. She for a moment thought it had flung itself right out of her body.

Fergal saw the concern on her face, he looked deep into her perfect eyes and cleared his throat, almost taken back by the fact that another person actually did care about him quite a bit. It was something he wasn't too used to beyond friends and fans. This level of concern was that of love, it was that of incredible passion. There was something different about Pam compared to other people in his life. Which was an unbelievably good thing. He flashed a smiled over at her and reached for her hand, in that instant they both forgot they were at work, but who cares at this point. Pam gave him her hand and held onto his warm one as tight as she could. "It's just an ankle lass, I'm gonna be alright, just tweaked it a little..There's nothin' to get your pretty self all worked up over..Alright? Goodness, just when I thought you couldn't shock me with how gigantic your heart is, look at what you do.." Fergal actually blushed, at work..Who would have thought that he would be like this at work of all places. As Natalie and Rami went back to stretching in preparation for the day ahead of them, Lexi sat back..Gazing upon her little creation that was Fergal and Pam..They seemed so happy, so genuine for one another. It made Lexi feel so absolutely warm and fuzzy inside to know that she had aided in this pairing of people so greatly. Fergal rubbed his thumb over top of Pam's hand and kept smiling as he saw her get more and more flustered. "Just try and relax, okay? I'll be here all day as always, for you..of course." Those words were music to her ears, Pam bit down on her bottom lip and quickly lurched over to Fergal and all at the same time, placed her hand on his cheek, and her lips against his, not caring at all who saw them do this...After a moment or two, her tiny voice whispered into his ear "Thank you.."  

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