Unholy Alliance

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It had been several weeks now since Fergal and Pam started their break. It was beginning to show serious results to everyone that is around them constantly. And honestly they were all equally petrified for them both as individuals as well as for being a couple. Fergal was basically emotionless, he was like a robot. Dead to the world and nobody wanted to truly deal with him. He was isolated all the time, drinking more to even feel something and when he was at work? He still worked just as hard and put on just as good of a show as always.. But there was something different after the fact. When he used to get backstage after a match, he hung out with the boys and had a grand old time. Now? He disappears before anyone even realizes he came back there, in some instances people don't even SEE him at all. Pam was on the opposite of the emotion meter. She could be set off at a moments notice and it was scary for people directly involved with her. Her family was growing more and more concerned, the usual Friday night FaceTime calls ceased to exist, talking to her friends basically stopped happening at this stage in the game. And she cried, a lot. A lot a lot. Even if she got a smell of something that REMINDED her of Fergal, she was done. It was getting so out of hand and it was becoming apparent to more and more people that the most amazingly cute and adorable couple, was dead. They died a bloody thrashing death and there was nothing anyone could do to bring it back to life. Well, that's what ALMOST everyone thought. A phone call was made, actually several phone calls were made between two concerned friends who needed this madness to stop happening to two people who SURELY did not do anything wrong to deserve it. "Yeah, no totally. I understand. Look I just want them to sit down together, I want this to stop. I can't stand it any longer. I tried to stay out of it. Of course, yeah I know you did too. This was not our fight, y'know? But now it is. Now I'm scared for THEM.. We need to try, we need to do all we can for them, because honestly I love them both so much that I can't stand to see them suffer alone." Alexis was on the phone with a familiar skipper who was just as worried about Pam as she was Fergal, Alexis was doing most of the talking today and April finally chimed in. "I know. Look, I love Fergal, I love Pam. I love you too you little shit. We can do this. I believe in us. Let's plant that idea into them, I'll talk to Pam, Jon and Leah can help me out too." Alexis had that same idea after April spoke, "I'll snag Joe and Rami. They're dying to do something to help Fergal.."

    "So it's settled, we're gonna partner up?" April questioned, trying to make sure that this war on two fronts was going to be fought and fought hard. Alexis responded promptly, "Yes, absolutely AJ. Thank you so much for wanting to do this. I owe you." "Hey, no problem babe. I gotta go. I'll talk to you later." Alexis was relieved that this agreement just went down and hopefully would yield positive results. I mean shit, anything at this point is more positive than what they're dealing with. "Okay. See ya later sweetheart." They both hung up and plans were now being concocted to start this intervention, this way to make them both realize that they are killing themselves over this. This was two people who needed each other so badly and didn't even realize the unnecessary damage that they were inflicting upon each other by NOT toughing this out. Alexis texted Rami and Joe, whom responded with a resounding yes almost within one minute. And April texted Jon and Leah, who responded just as fast. It seems like all the participants are ready to go here. Now all they had to do was convince Fergal and Pam..

    Alexis was on the road with Fergal every day. It was easy for her to find him and get in touch. Although, she didn't travel directly with him, for Fergal literally wanted nobody around him; they were both on RAW, so this was kind of easy for her to do. They arrived at the arena where Monday Night RAW was going to be and Alexis instantly took to the battlefield to find Fergal. She was partially ready for the show, her outfit was entirely done, complete with black, blue and pink ring gear, boots and one of Fergal's Demon King t-shirts on, Her hair was half done, but she didn't have time to worry about her freaking hair she had WAY more important shit to get to. "Hey have you seen Fergal? I need to find him, like now." She asked anyone and everyone who walked in front of her. It took several minutes, but she ultimately found Fergal after asking at least two dozen people. He was hiding away, isolated as always with his hoodie popped up like he was cosplaying Assassins Creed. She didn't out him by shouting his name for the world to hear, but she did slowly approach him.. Being cautious with her best friend was kind of insane to even think about. Once she got over to the hunched man, she rubbed his back, "Hey.. Fergal?" He didn't move, didn't flinch when she touched him, didn't look up when she spoke. "It's Lexi.. Can I talk to you for a few minutes?" Fergal still stayed silent. He didn't give a shit who or what tried to talk to him at this point. She continued to rub his back for a few quiet moments before squatting down right in front of him, hoping that the sight of her would bring him back to reality. "Well. I had this idea that.. That we sit you down with Pam. And we try to hash this out. What do you think of that..?" Her gentle approach was the smartest, and safest way to go without upsetting Fergal. But if she managed to actually upset him; she needed an award. Nothing made him have any kind of reaction now a days.. She stayed in the same position for a few more quiet moments before she heard quiet sniffling. "Hey.. Wait, Fergal?" She moved more towards him and wrapped her arms around him in a reassuring hug. "No no don't cry.. Everything is okay.. I want to help." Fergal finally broke his silence, his lips had to be peeled apart due to the lack of him opening his mouth for anything. "I don't want to see her. This relationship.. Is broken." Alexis leaned up and nuzzled into him softly, "Then let me try and fix it babe. Please?" She was being gentle, like handling the most fragile piece of glass she has ever held. And if that was a fair comparison? Fergal is MORE fragile than that even.. How scary..

    Alexis could hear Fergal's heartbeat, it shot up in beats per minute, only to shoot down, and then to shoot back up. His entire body was out of whack and it was insane to think that this was happening to the once happiest man she has ever known. Alexis continued to embrace him in a way that would only be perceived as the most concerned friend that has ever existed. After several minutes now, Fergal moved.. For the first time he moved and he moved one arm to go around her, hand planting on her back. He patted it a few times and whispered. "Fine. I'll go with you." That is all that she needed to hear, Alexis smiled wide and kept herself where she was, thinking Fergal needed to feel that presence of somebody trying to hold his falling apart self together. "Thank you Fergal. It'll be okay. I promise.. I'm sorry I haven't been here recently, I just didn't want to cause further damage to you, I missed you, and I am NOT going away ever again. Okay?" Fergal slowly nodded and rubbed her back now, he was appreciative of her support, Alexis was one of, if not his closest, his best friends.. And this was just solidification on that fact. Alexis' job was done, she got Fergal to see the logic in her idea, now it was all up to April..

    April had to approach this with open eyes, and she needed to make sure that she watched each and every move that Pam took. For one thing would set Pam into a crazed, crying state. April approached Pam's apartment and took in a deep breath, letting it out as she knocked on the door and waited for Pam to respond. Choosing to come here at night was the better idea, for Pam and April actually bonded over the fact that they enjoyed the night more than the day. To them, daytime was overrated. The sun was too damn bright, it typically was hotter during the day, and everyone loved it. They enjoyed the darkness, the stars glistening in the night's sky and above all else? April introduced to Pam the lovely concept of just looking at the moon, watching each night as its shape changes and just how bright, vibrant and beautiful it is. Pam opened the door, she had puffy eyes and she looked sickly. "Hey.." Pam sniffled once and greeted April with a wave, no words. She moved out of the way to her dimly lit apartment and April walked inside. "I've been meaning to stop by babe. So here I am. How.. How are you?" Pam swallowed hard and cleared her throat, you could hear the fact that she had been crying in her voice. "U-um. I've been fine. H-how have you been? I've missed.." As soon as she said 'missed', tears rolled down her cheeks again. She missed April, yes, but all that did was remind her of how much she missed Fergal.. "Don't cry, love.. I'm here.. Okay? And mama AJ is here to make everything better. I promise." As April spoke, she walked closer to Pam and hugged her. It was petrifying to do this, Pam's body was so frail, it was obvious that she had been not eating like she used to, AKA, she was losing weight rapidly which was.. Obviously horrifying. April released the hug and held Pam's hands. "Let's sit down. There's something I wanted to talk to you about.." Pam nodded slowly, the tears ceased forming and rolling down her soft cheeks for the moment. But April was sure that they were to be making a comeback sometime soon. As they sat down, and April felt how light Pam was, she shook her head lightly. "Well. Something came up and I need to ask you a favor. If you have ever loved me, you'll do this.. At the very least heavily consider it.." April's gentle tone was her new approach, she realized that Pam right now at least was in a talking mood. So she didn't need to be as forward as she planned on being. Pam nodded, "What. April.. Eat food?" Pam's voice cracked, and April shrugged, "Well you do need to eat, because if you die, I'll fucking kill you." April's little dark humor made Pam actually smile.. "But I was talking about something else for now.. I need you to talk to Fergal."

    Before Pam could refuse, April took that forward approach she planned, and cut her off. "I know what you're gonna say, just listen to me. I want you to have a sit down with him, possibly hash this out.. You guys are fucking meant for each other I don't care how ugly this is right now and how much you think it's over. Just because it's over, doesn't mean it's OVER.. Y'know? But look look, if you do this, I promise you won't regret it." April was basically trying to sell Pam on this idea, and Pam was so hesitant.."F-Fergal would never want to see me.. I know him. I ruined him. I ruined so much of him." April grabbed Pam's hands again that somehow managed to slip away from her. "That just is a lie. You love him. He loves you. You guys love each other. He is just as hurting as you are babe! Please, I'm begging you to humor me on this.. Just sit and talk with him, I won't be in the room if you don't want.. Just you two, privacy and talking.." Pam thought about it, minutes passed by with no words being spoken by either party. After the last minute peeled on, Pam looked up, her bloodshot eyes locked onto April's. "Okay.. I'll do it."

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