Fall And Winter

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Pam was kind of shocked that Rebecca knew nothing about the entire Mercedes situation. It was unbelievable how half of the internet knew what Mercedes has done and yet someone who directly works with them doesn't even know. Pam was about ready to get over the fear of talking about the Mercedes thing.. And that literally was what it should be called. The Mercedes 'Thing'. For if it was given a name, it would be far uglier than it needed to be. This was a 'bury in the past' kind of deal and yet.. It never seemed to stay in the past. "Well. What had happened was.." Pam began to talk and right as she did she got a text from.. An unknown number. All it said was, 'I miss you. Call me, Aaron' Her stomach felt like it was going to drop right through her body and she actually got physically more pale.. Rebecca reached over and nudged Pam's leg. "Hey.. What is it?" Pam shook her head and locked her phone, she couldn't possibly address this right now.. She made her mistake with him.. The break left Pam lost and confused about what she really wanted and who she wanted to be around. Pam had a little secret about that whole thing that has yet to see the light of day, and Fergal did not know. Pam was not ready to lay this on him.. "Uh, nothing dear. Where was I? Sorry I just got distracted." Rebecca knew something was wrong, she knew there was something that lingered on the surface of Pam's conscious that just couldn't break through. Pam began to explain the entire Mercedes problem, she went into graphic detail about things that happened, and Rebecca was floored by what was happening right under her nose. After literally ten minutes of Rebecca nodding and Pam explaining things, the orange haired Irishwoman was stunned. "I can't believe she'd claim to be your best friend in the whole wide world and.. And she did THAT!" Pam nodded as she spoke.. "Basically.. But.. I would really love to help you with happy things like your wedding! I know that you gotta know stuff like this, but at the same time this is going to be you and Ashley's special day. She'd be here planning it with you right?" Rebecca nodded, "Aye. It only is because she's on the road for press conferences and all that jazz. But you'd be here regardless. She'd want you here too." Pam smiled at her feeling of inclusiveness. She was valued as a person and as a friend, her opinion was something that actually carried weight. Rebecca had the little books, binders, pictures resting in her lap as this entire thing played out right in front of her. And now it was time. She set everything on the table right in front of the two ladies and looked over at Pam. "Well what I was personally thinkin' is that the theme is centered around orange and blue. Like not obnoxious orange and blue, like a pale, pumpkin orange. And a pale sky blue. Ash loves blue and her.. Uh.. People? I guess I can say that. Her people would be in blue themed outfits, while mine would be in orange ones. What do ya think?" Rebecca had such a youthful happiness about all of this, Pam's heart was fluttering with joy for them both.

    "Ah. Ppsh. Well I think that's actually adorable. Honestly I think that if you guys wanted a color themed wedding that could be really nice. Wait, would there be a theme to it? I know orange is actually appropriate because, well, it'll be in like October when you guys get actually married. Were you going for a fall theme for your side?" Pam's question peaked an idea in Rebecca's head, "OH MY GOSH! What if my side is Fall themed, and Ashley's is Winter themed? She loves winter anyways, that could be wicked cool!" Rebecca immediately began to jot this idea down, primarily due to the fact that she'd forget.. Which was kind of funny here.

    Since Pam was taking quite a long time, Fergal decided to get together with some friends from work and have a decent little lunch with all of them. He tossed text messages to Joe, Kevin, Rami, Alexis, Cathy, Alan, Andrew (Luke Gallows), Chad (Karl Anderson), and Shinsuke. The reason for the mass text was due to the fact that hey, if you invite a lot of people then you leave little room to be disappointed. And honestly Fergal was going to go get lunch regardless of if anyone came anyways. He just would have rather had some company to go along with his food. Fergal got himself presentable rather quickly, for he didn't really mess around and waste time doing so. Fergal expected it to be impossible to not be seen by too many fans whilst walking around, it was just something to be thought of as normality now for a 'Superstar'. Fergal got texts from Kevin, Rami, Alexis, and Cathy. All of whom were willing to get some food with the Irishman. Fergal was quite happy about this and knew all too well how it would go. He would have a fucking blast and not want it to end, honestly the little things are what matter most to Fergal right now. He was World Champion, err.. Universal Champion. Whatever same difference, one is just red and obnoxious. He was on top of his profession, he was set to be married to the woman of his dreams.. But there was still something that he missed, more so that he lacked now a days. It was that feeling of just being able to do normal things and feel.. Normal. Like he wasn't some insane mega star, like he didn't need to be looked at as solely an idol for people. It was fun, and he wouldn't trade it for anything in the world, but being on top typically means you don't have many friends, primarily due to the fact that the company doesn't like it TOO much when kayfabe gets broken. And as everyone more than likely knows, kayfabe is the sacred art of keeping professional wrestling storylines believable. It gives you the Bayley vs Alexa Bliss feud and makes you think they hate each other. When in reality they DEFINITELY do not. Fergal arrived at the restaurant and was beaten there by Kevin. Kevin Steen.. The man who hates to be late to anything. So he was ten minutes early. Fergal got out of his car and laughed, "Kev are you always the first one to places? I mean shit man, I invited you, and you beat me here." Kevin shrugged and laughed, "Well that is my job. I think you should know that by now, bud." The two men greeted each other with a friendly hug as in a matter of moments everyone poured into the parking lot. Cathy was second, followed by Rami, and then finally, Alexis. They all greeted each other and were laughing within seconds of all getting together. Fergal kept it in the back of his mind that Cathy has strong feelings for him, that poor girl.. He really felt bad at the fact that he had to shit on her feelings like that.. Remorseful..

    Part of the reason he invited her is because he felt remorseful towards her, he saw every time Fergal walked by, Cathy would take two looks and her eyes shined brightly in the lights. In another life? Fergal would have gladly taken the wonderful Cathy Kelley into his arms and embraced her strong feelings for him.. But sadly for her this was not another life, and Fergal was in the storm of a relationship that was with Pam. Everybody seemed so well off, to Fergal's surprise. Typically there was SOMETHING going wrong in SOMEBODY'S life that would dampen the mood.. But all of them sat down at a table, and Fergal's dream of a peaceful, fun loving lunch with people that he cared about a lot was about to begin. He silently was thanking life, thanking it for allowing him to have a day where things didn't have to completely be tragedy, followed by another tragedy, and capping the day off with yet another fucking tragedy..

    While Fergal was having his lovely little get together with friends, Pam was hard at work with Rebecca. Their takeout was about to be delivered and they were basically finalizing the choices, or at least the ones that Pam was suggesting. The thing is that Pam, Rebecca, and Ashley have almost always thought on the same playing field, they typically knew what the other was thinking and what the other wanted. Hence why when they were set to wrestle each other things were magical, and flowed like a beautiful fountain pen writing elegant cursive writing. As Rebecca wrote one more thing down and put a big dot on it, she slammed the binder shut. Inhaling deeply, and letting out a sigh of relief. "Holy ass. That was awesome Pammie. I mean I don't know if I woulda been able to get through the first drafts of the plan. It looks beautiful and I'm almost sure that Ashley will LOVE it." Rebecca beamed with joy for what her hugging friend has suggested to her. Pam smiled and it was only about a half smile.. That text from her ex boyfriend still lingered on the brain. The muscles in her face tightened, and her eyebrows were physically incapable of rising up.. "Hey no problem, that's what I'm here for ya know.." Pam's words set Rebecca off, she could fight the urge to question no longer. "Okay. So. Who texted you earlier? And why oh why has it bothered you for four and a half hours." Rebecca was someone who was observant, she saw things and due to her spiritualistic lifestyle she felt energy levels in places and people change at a moment's notice. Pam cleared her throat as there was a knock on the door. Well, there was the food and Pam had at least two more minutes to figure out what she was going to say to the orange haired woman. Rebecca huffed quietly as she had Pam in the corner, figuratively of course. She got their food and set it down on the table in front of them. Pam cleared her throat again, this time there would be no knocking on Rebecca's hotel door.. "Well. Um. Remember Aaron? The guy I was with before Fergal?" Pam began to explain herself.. This was one demon she just wished she could keep locked up inside and NEVER speak of it in public. Since she has to acknowledge what happened, and what she did in that brief 'break' period.. Rebecca nodded slowly, squinting at Pam. "I sure do.. The one who used to beat the shit outta you, yeah?" Rebecca added, insuring the fact that Aaron being a scumbag to her was not going to go unnoticed. Pam nodded, "Yep. That one.. Well you know how me and Fergal kinda broke up/took a break from each other a little while ago..?" Pam's voice cracked, Rebecca was literally her big sister and this was going to be the worst kind of heart to heart/confession in the whole fucking world. Rebecca knew where this was going..

    "Okay.. I have a feeling.. A real funny feeling I see where this is going. But please.. Tell me more.." Rebecca reached out and grabbed one of Pam's hands, holding it in her own. "Please, I won't judge you." Rebecca assured the extremely nervous Pam. Her anxiety levels were through the roof right now as there was visible shaking coming from her hands. "U-um. Well. When me and Fergal were.. Were not together. I met up with.. Aaron.. We had some drinks, some dinner.. And it was really nice.." Rebecca pulled her head back in a state of almost too confused to speak. "Okay.. So.. Is that all? Is that everything that happened between you two? Or is there something else.." Rebecca added on, Pam was far too shaky to be innocent of just a harmless dinner.. She shook her head. Rebecca saw that coming. "After the dinner, I was pretty hammered.. He took me back to my room.. And we.." Rebecca shook her head, she knew exactly where Pam was going with this.. Rebecca cleared her throat and shook her head slowly from side to side, "Holy... Shit.."

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