Tell Someone

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A buzz could be heard throughout the entire locker room area. There was a certain sense of happiness and others felt..doubt. Doubt that the WWE made the right decision, it was becoming more common for wrestlers to question the creative direction now a days, it was really the weirdest thing, people were more vocal with their opinions and definitely not shy about expressing dislike, or how upset they were. The crowd was still screaming at the top of their lungs, Fergal was soaking up the time in the sun here. It had been a long time coming, and all of the fans both knew and appreciated how hard he worked for them just to make sure they left the arena each and every night saying 'wow, that was incredible!' Fergal hopefully delivered on that tonight, his surprise return was..expected by fans who search the dirt sheets for any kind of leaked secret of what was going to happen, so most fans were actually chanting for Fergal before he even came out. God forbid if WWE decided to have him NOT come out at thirty. That would have been such a dumb move and again, not capitalizing on momentum. Which..wouldn't be new, they did that with a lot of people and by the time they gave them a shot..Fans stopped caring. But nope, not with this, they loved Fergal, they loved his unique style, they loved his unique persona. Fergal finally had to leave the ring, as much as he would love to sit in there for the rest of the night and just be with the fans, he had to go. On his way out, he stopped and took tons of pictures and signed tons of things for the fans there. It was a funny kind of balance between walking up the ramp, and signing things. He would have prefered to just sign everybody's stuff but, of course you can't sign everything for tens of thousands of people, that just would be unrealistic as shit. Fergal stopped at the top of the ramp and looked out at everyone, he gazed upon them one more time and took a bow, before saying to himself, "I love you all." Then, much to his dissatisfaction, he had to go behind the curtain. He was then met with a parade like welcome by everyone, it was heartwarming, Fergal was such a lovable guy that it really didn't shock him to see everyone flip out for him. They were like a big family, everyone there embraced him in a hug, rubbing the top of his head roughly. Fergal was the brother to the WWE family, he was always there when people needed advice, or just a friend to go to. You couldn't NOT love him to be honest.

There amongst the crowd stood Pam and the rest of the women from the title match, Fergal didn't want to..intrude on them. He was sure that they would have noticed him walk back due to the crowd backstage being rowdy now. He didn't go over there, he let the girls talk amongst themselves and be happy bonding with one another. Pam did glance over momentarily to see Fergal, where she proceeded to dart over through her female comrades and grab Fegal swiftly. "BABY!!" She wrapped her arms around his waist and Fergal hugged her with one arm due to him being caught off guard. "Hey sweetheart. You did so well out there. I think you might have stolen the show!" The other girls came up, "All of you, I think you guys did amazin'." They all thanked Fergal almost at the exact same time. It was almost hilarious to hear, like they were elementary school students answering the teacher at the same time. Fergal looked down at Pam who was tearing up, "I'm so proud of you Fergie Ferg.." She kissed his chin gently and tears streamed down her cheeks quickly, "So so proud of you.." Fergal turned now and wrapped his second arm around her, "I love you Pamela." Pam squealed, he never called her by her full name, ever. "I love you too Fergal. MY Royal Rumble winner.." She giggled quietly at her nickname.

That was going to honestly take some time to get used to for him, hearing that he was the Royal Rumble match winner and he had a guaranteed match in the MAIN EVENT of Wrestlemania was just.. Mind Blowing. There were no words for how happy Fergal really was right now, he felt a sense of.. Oh how to word it, bad. That's the one.. He was actually very proud of Pam and what she had accomplished, from not having a match at the pay-per-view to having the best match on it? With three other ladies? It was crazy to think about that kind of coordination, fatal four ways were not easy to pull off, ever. It was almost like a dance, the choreography must be spot on and perfect otherwise? Someone stumbles, which makes the other three stumble over themselves. "Wanna get out of here? I feel like we've been here for weeks. My knees hurt.." Pam mumbled quietly, Fergal simply..nodded. He didn't want her standing up anymore if she wasn't feeling all that great. He gave one final wave to everyone and thanked everyone for all they have done for him, as well as the unmatched support they were giving him. Finally pulling away from the crowd for the first time in.. a while. Fergal had Pam all alone in the locker room. "So what's this you're sayin' about your knees? They hurt now?" Pam stuffed her knee pads as well as her gear into the bag, fully being changed now and it felt absolutely incredible. Pam huffed quietly and tried to think of how to describe it. "Well it isn't really my knees knees..It's just right above it. Like my muscle right here." Pam turned to him, lifted up her dark dress and pointed to her quadricep muscle. The most important freaking muscle in a person's legs. Fergal grew a tiny bit concerned, he narrowed his gaze on her rather.. Nice looking legs to remember that she was in pain. Snapping himself out of his fantasy, "Well we need to make sure that it doesn't get any worse. You know how bad a quad injury can be." It was well documented how long it would take for a tear to heal, Paul (Triple H) missed eight months with a torn quad, and he is practically a freaking superhuman. "I know I know..I'm just gonna have to be super duper careful.." Fergal nodded, Pam was an athlete. She knew the serious nature of any kind of big muscle injury, it can be potential career ending. Oh did I forget to mention? When Paul tore his quad, he was told AFTER he healed, that no athlete has ever returned from a quad injury. Ever.

Of course Fergal isn't going to say that of course, that would scare the ever loving shit out of her. Instead he offered to take her bags, of course he could do it, Fergal wasn't the one nursing a weak leg. He pushed the door open for her with his foot and she peeled out slowly followed by Fergal. Pam was stopped by the other ladies from the match, "I'll go put the stuff in the car. Okay?" Pam nodded, "Thank you, I love you baby." Fergal smiled a bit, "I love you too." He felt a nagging, weight type feeling on his heart. He couldn't make much sense of it now, but he pondered the idea of what the hell he was thinking about..It didn't make much sense to him, but then again? When did ANYTHING in his life really make sense. Fergal walked carefully out to the car and popped the trunk, he noticed there was a mob of fans waiting out there behind the gates to get hopefully a picture, or perhaps a signature from somebody. He put the bags into the car and shut the trunk quietly, of course he was spotted already, Fergal was a hard guy not to spot in a crowd. Even though it was dark outside, someone noticed, and now the mass hysteria began. Fergal nodded his head and walked over to the little gate to get some fan time. He began signing pictures, belts, pieces of paper.. One girl wanted her arm signed. Fans were so hilarious sometimes. It really was something he would never, ever get sick and tired of.

Fans asked him about Pam, they asked if he was still dating her and if he was impressed by her match tonight. "Well for one, yes. She's way too incredible to not have in my life. But her match? Match of the night right there. Quote me on that." Fergal chuckled lightly and continued signing, posing for photos and making people smile. His favorite part of the job was the fans, making them smile, or perhaps helping someone pull through a hard time just for him being himself? It was the best feeling in the world. Each week fans turned on their TV's and wanted to see him, they were allowing him into their lives via the TV.. It was the most humbling feeling to know people were taking time out of their precious lives, time they will never get back just to watch you wrestle. This is why Fergal went out of his way to do little things like signing pictures, taking them, and big things like hospital visits to children, veterans, and everyone else. Anytime he's asked to do something like that he was all freaking over it. He looked over his shoulder to see Pam finally coming out of the building and she was walking rather.. Carefully. This was totally not good to see, he knew she was hurt, it was just a measure of how badly she was hurt. Fergal, who was now sad, had to go. "Alright guys I gotta go, the lady is here and she's gonna wanna skid outta here. Thank you all, I love you guys." The fans cheered him of course, he was such a genuinely good person it showed with each and every single thing he did. Fergal walked over to Pam and assisted her with her walking, she definitely needed his support.. She just didn't want to say that she did. After getting in the car, Fergal climbed into the driver's seat and started the car. "So I can definitely see how bad that is by the way. It looks like you might have tweaked something in your knee..You should have gone to the doc to get it looked at.." Pam hung her head low, like she was a child being scorned. "I..I know. I'm sorry Fergal." He shook his head slowly, "I'm not the one who's hurt babe..You are.." She nodded, knowing exactly what he meant by that. It sucked to be wrong in this kind of situation, but then again she was. She should have grown up and faced her fear of possibly being injured as shit. A knee injury can be devastating on an athlete. In wrestling? What if your knee gives out during a suplex. You're now dropping someone else, and innocent person, right on their head just because you were too scared to be told you're injured.

The fine line that she was walking right now was dangerous. Not only for herself, but anyone else she were to get into the ring with. Pam looked over at him, "Can we go out to eat? Like soon?" Fergal looked over at her and tilted his head, "Now? Pam it's almost midnight.." Pam giggled and shook her head, "No no no. Like, soon. Tomorrow? Can we? We haven't been out to eat just us in..Goodness..Forever." Fergal nodded slowly, "Sure thing baby. I'm always up for taking you out on the good ol' town and showing you off to the world." Pam giggled, "Holy moly I love you so much!" She squealed in excitement. That was something she really wanted to do, for in their busy schedule, it was hard to ever have time to just be with each other. Ironic isn't it? The most important person in your life, the one person you can't live without is just so close..Yet so far. The closer they were to each other, it almost felt like they saw each other less. Or sometimes with how it works? Not at all. The sad, ironic situation was enough to have Fergal instantly agree with her. He would have loved to have a chance everyday to spoil her. Life wouldn't allow it, they only had a little bit of breathing room. "I love you too Pam. Let's get to bed though, this Royal Rumble winner is exhausted.."

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