Cherish Everyone

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The price of opportunity was beginning to carry some weight and it was starting to almost hurt those involved. The brand split was beginning to strain friendships, hurt relationships, and stress filled hearts. RAW was luckily over, and there were no plans for the rest of the night at this point. Fergal looked over at Pam who was still trying her best to reassure Lexi that everything would be okay, that everything was eventually going to work out..He almost felt shellshocked. His ears began to ring loudly and he placed a hand over one of them. He tried very hard to make sure that his pain went unnoticed, but it was failing at a rapid pace. Pam was preoccupied with keeping herself calm, as well as making sure her tiny friend was going to be okay. Fergal got up and looked around as he was actually quite dizzy. Pam looked up at him and tilted her head. "Hey, you okay baby?" Fergal could hear nothing, he didn't know what she was saying but he nodded at her, "I'm gonna go to the bathroom right quick.." Pam nodded and smiled up at her man, "Well okay sweetheart. Don't take too long, we're gonna leave soon." Fergal walked off and went to the bathroom. As he entered the dark room and shut the door, he flicked the light on and instantly leaned against the wall, for some reason he got a crazy bad headache. It was the strangest thing in the whole world, his brain couldn't properly function, it couldn't sift through what was going on nor could he really realize what was going to happen next. He exhaled deeply and placed his hands on his temples very firmly, trying to almost push the pain out and get it away from him. It felt like a wave, a wave of pressure that started at the back of his head and flushed right over top to his forehead. Fergal hung his head low, literally feeling his heartbeat in his temples, and also feeling the pain continue to flush from back to front..relentlessly. Pam was somewhat concerned with the look in his eyes before he left, but she trusted him enough to not worry all that much about him. "So do you wanna come with us for a little bit Lex? I really don't wanna leave you all by yourself when you're this sad..I hate seeing you sad." Lexi nodded slowly and shrugged, "I don't..wanna bother you.or Fergal. I can go..I don't mean to impose on you." Pam shook her head and tightly gripped Lexi now, "No no no you're not bothering anybody sweetie! You don't have to go.." Lexi began to get up slowly and exhale. She didn't wanna bug her friends, nor did she want to get in the way of any plans that they may or may not have had. "I'll go, thank you for being so sweet and making me feel better Pam. It really meant a ton to me, I'll text you, okay?"

Pam hung her head low now, feeling like a complete failure that her friend doesn't even want to stick around to hang out with her. Was she really this shitty of a friend now a days? "O-Okay..Be safe.." Lexi lifted Pam's head up with a finger to her chin, "Hey. I love you. Okay? I just don't wanna third wheel you guys. That totally isn't something that I feel like would be fun for anybody.." Pam understood where Lexi was coming from, but she still felt like a freaking failure. She still felt like there was something more she could do for her friend, but in reality she couldn't. She couldn't figure out what to do with any of her friends..From Lexi, to Mercedes, to April, to even Rami. She felt like the worst friend of all time now and here she was..a person who claimed to be a professional best friend. The only thing Pam felt like now a days was a professional failure..Fergal eventually emerged out of the bathroom and managed to beat back the headache. Lexi looked over at him, "Hey Ferg. I'm gonna go now..Alright?" Fergal nodded slowly, "I thought we were all gonna go out together? What happened??"

Lexi felt like that friend who bailed out on a sleepover that had been planned for weeks. She exhaled deeply and moved her blonde locks out of her face, "I don't wanna get in the way of you guys, and I definitely don't wanna third wheel or anything like that. I'll be in touch, thank you both for being such sweethearts and all that. It really means a ton to me. Like oh my goodness you really don't understand how much I love you guys." Fergal nodded and understood where she was coming from, he sighed though, "If you insist Lass. Well you know we're always here and we love you. But c'mere and gimme a hug. I don't know when I'll see you again." Lexi felt bad now, cause he was right. She didn't know when Fergal would see her again, and Pam too. Pam was still wallowing in self pity, feeling bad about not being able to make Lexi feel included. Lexi hobbled over to Fergal and wrapped her tiny arms around him, Fergal wrapped his around her and he looked at Pam, motioning for her to come over too. Pam quietly got over and hugged Lexi from behind. The tiny blonde girl squealed upon feeling Lexi hug her, "Yay. Group hug!!" Fergal and Pam giggled quietly, "I love you Lexi." After the hug broke a few seconds later, Lexi turned and smiled at Pam, "I love you too. And you Ferg. Goodness there is so much love around here I might just ask for a brand change." They all giggled again, and Lexi began to walk towards the door. "I'll talk to you guys later..Okay?" Both Fergal and Pam nodded, "Be safe you little butthead!!" Pam squealed quietly and Lexi grabbed the handle of the door, "I will be..Bye guys!" "Bye Lexi." "Bye!!" Both said their respective goodbye's and with that? Lexi was gone. Pam exhaled deeply and allowed her sadness to show on the surface now that Lexi was really gone. She put herself down on the bench slowly and hung her head low. Fergal looked over at his upset lady and tilted his head, "What happened darling?" Fergal slowly got to his knees and opened her legs up, getting in between them and as close to her as possible. Pam huffed quietly and exhaled deeply, "I just feel bad that she thought that she was going to third wheel us..Is it me? Am I just a bad friend?" Fergal grabbed her thighs gently and opened them more, forcing her to lift her head, "You are not a bad friend Pam..You are a one of a kind woman, there are so many people who love you dearly, and Lexi does too. She felt bad for intruding on us, this has nothing to do with you..She showed up out of nowhere and felt guilty about it..You did nothing wrong.."

Inside of her mind, Pam knew that he was right, she knew that he had a point. Lexi was smart, she was smart enough to know that showing up out of nowhere when your friends who are in a relationship are currently at. Fergal squeezed her thighs gently, making Pam squirm a bit, "Hey now, don't do that." Fergal smiled a bit and felt his cheeks turn a little shade of red, "Nah, I don't wanna stop..I love your legs. You know that babe." Fergal chuckled quietly and smirked a little bit, "My butt does hurt, could you give me a butt massage when we get back to the room?" Pam whispered quietly and Fergal nodded, "I'll do whatever you want dollface. Let's just get outta here first. Okay?" Fergal nodded once more and got up onto his two feet. "Let's go, I don't wanna be at work anymore." Pam nodded and gathered her things, ready to get the hell out of the arena. After a few moments, they got out of the locker room and eventually to the parking lot. Somehow, someway, they managed to get out of the way of all the herds of insane fans waiting to get a simple picture with anyone who walked out of the building. Luckily, they looked like basic crew members who were doing nothing but getting out of the arena and to the parking lot. "We are getting good at this subtlety thing, aren't we?" Fergal nodded slowly, not wanting to talk just yet.

They got in the car and were lucky to have avoided everyone. They were always open to fans and always open to spend time with the people who loved them so much. But sometimes you just wanted to get the hell out of the sea of clamoring fans and to a place where they can peacefully relax. Sometimes you were so overwhelmed with things that you just..just felt like tearing your eyes out of your head. The frustration that some fans brought upon you was just immense, it was too much to deal with. They made you feel bad if you wanted to go. Going to social media and 'calling you out' for being rude to fans. It was a fine line to walk, and some people walked on the 'rude' side. Others walked on the 'nice' side. Fergal and Pam were traditionally on the 'nice' side, but even they had some moments where they just wanted to get away from the madness of fans and go somewhere quiet and relaxing. As they got to the hotel parking lot, they parked and got out. Gathering their things and walking into the hotel lobby. Pam recognized this tiny girl who was in the lobby with another boy. They both looked so incredibly young, it was almost kind of funny that they were potentially checking into a hotel. It slowly began to dawn on her that this was the girl from a while ago, the one who was organizing the visit with the sick children. Pam was actually the one to engage the girl in conversation. "Well hey there. The world is preeeetty small now isn't it?" She giggled and the small girl turned around, her eyes instantly widening and her jaw dropping. Her hand quickly reached back to grab the guy's hand and turning him over to look at the Superstars. "Hi Bayley! And..Finn? Ohmygosh HI!" She tried to keep her calm and Fergal knew this was gonna happen, he wasn't upset about it. Making people's day was something he thoroughly enjoyed doing. "How's it going?" He knew a simple sentence would make a fan freak out, "My boyfriend absolutely loves you. He literally has been a huge fan of yours since years before WWE, like, Japan days." Fergal smiled and nodded, "Yea? That is incredibly kind of you."

The guy was clearly a little flustered and starstruck. Not only was he seeing his favorite wrestler, but two of them. "Yea absolutely. I can't wait till you come back to be honest." Fergal shrugged and nodded, "Neither can I." The guy grabbed his replica WWE Title and Fergal had a pen in his pocket. "Yes, I will sign this." They all laughed at this, words didn't need to be spoken before they knew what was going on. "Pam? You wanna slap your John Hancock on this too?" Pam nodded, "I'd love to!" Both of the fans were so happy to hear that, Pam looked at the girl, "Are you still helping the kids?" The girl nodded, "Yes! Yes absolutely I am." Pam signed the belt and handed it to the boy. "Hugs for everyone?" They all nodded and exchanged hugs. Pam hugged the boy tight and then the girl equally as tight. Then Fergal engaged them both in separate, equally as tight hugs. "Well we're gonna be going now, thank you guys for everything. We love you." Pam spoke softly and the two people nodded, "Thank you both for being amazing to us." The guy spoke quietly and then the girl did too. "Yea, thank you guys so much." Pam smiled, "Of course sweetheart. Take care! Hope to see you guys around soon." Everyone said bye, then Fergal and Pam went to the elevator. "God I love those kids.." Fergal nodded and the elevator dinged at their stop, "Yea. Those are two special people right there. Do they date? I wonder.." Pam shrugged, "I think so. If they do, they are so perfect for one another." It was funny how they cared so much about their fans, even the smallest moment was cherished so greatly. They got to their room, set their things down..And quickly collapsed into bed, and each other's arms. Pam whispered, "I love you baby boy." Fergal squeezed her butt gently and giggled before kissing her cheek, "I love you too. Let's do something fun tomorrow, yea?" Pam whispered back, feeling excitement fill her heart. "I'd love to!" 

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