She Might Skip Away

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Pressure was coming, Pam's little visit home was over, it was time for her and Fergal to begin preparation for Wrestlemania.. The show of shows was coming and it was coming wicked fast. Car rides were back to their normal self again, Fergal was okay with everything even though he held onto a little bit of what had happened over the past several weeks in his mind. This was something that would not soon be forgotten, how could it? The severity of the issue affected even work. No one has heard from Colby and honestly nobody wanted to at this point. Pam looked over at Fergal who was driving their rental car, "I love that Wrestlemania is literally almost in our back yard. Which meaaansss... WE CAN GO HOME BEFORE AND AFTER!" Pam's voice squeaked with excitement. It was true, Wrestlemania was in Florida this year, a definite advantage for any of the Superstars whom lived in Florida. April was not one of them, she was going into this match with Pam and there was so much pressure on her. Her comeback and burying of the former champion was something most fans welcomed, everybody missed the tiny skipper whom left everyone so soon. This thought plagued Pam, not being allowed to hold the title before meant that there was in fact a possibility that she would go over on April at the biggest show of the year.. The show of shows, the triumphing AJ returning.. Pam could beat her and the fans there would not be happy about it. How the storyline was playing out at this moment, Pam really had no idea how the hell it would go. Often times, WWE would not give out the results, or at least the planned result before the show. Primarily due to people fighting out the outcome of the match if they knew too far in advance. The arrogant, select few Superstars would often bitch, and cry, and moan about their position in the company and refuse to take one for the team by losing. Even if it were to put fully over a person(s) who the fans demanded. "I'm super excited. I get to main event it with Kevin.. I main event Wrestlemania.. Me.." Fergal shook his head, still in disbelief about how insane the last year went for him. From getting deadly serious with Pam, to all the stuff with Rebecca, and Lexi, to Kevin and Rami saving Pam, everything happened so fast and everything felt like.. Like it was not gonna stop. Fergal felt as if something happened every other day, which cracked him up..

"I'm still so proud of you for being in that spot, you deserve it so much. That goofy arm injury wasn't gonna hold you down. I'm just.. I'm glad they decided to pull you right back in for 'Mania, it wouldn't have been right if like, they didn't use you at all. I would have been so pissed." Pam explained to him, because in all honesty, Fergal was one of the biggest draws, and most unique personalities in the wrestling business today. Not including him on their biggest money maker where he would be at his best.. It would have been just wrong. Fergal parked the car and got out slowly. He didn't want to think of how much it would have sucked if they excluded him from the show.. But after a few minutes he finally addressed it. "Yea, I don't know what I would have done if one of us, god forbid both of us weren't on it. And look at you, you have one of the highest profile matches on the card.. I can't believe they are finally having a one on one Women's Championship match!" Fergal smiled at her, grabbing all of their bags and handing hers to her. It was incredible that they were having a singles match at Wrestlemania, typically that spot was meant for tag matches, or fatal four ways, if not more. Which typically sucked due to the fact that no individuals were allowed to shine, the matches were rushed, and generally speaking sucked ass. They walked towards the arena entrance now, preparing for the last house show..

After entering the arena, Fergal grabbed Pam's hand, they had to show the world that no matter what happened, they were prepared to take on all comers together, no matter what. Everyone backstage by this point in time knew that Colby had lashed out and harmed people. They also knew that he was suspended indefinitely and he would not be around which made everyone there feel good and relax. Pam was greeted by a sprinting April who was so excited to be there yet again. For some reason, in April's mind she thought that at any moment, the WWE would kick her to the curb and get rid of her again. Just trying to avoid being fired, even though the first time April voluntarily left the company. "PAM! I've been looking everywhere for you. Why are you so late??" April was not out of breath, the tiny woman was never winded, she had big lungs for such a small person. Pam was confused, "What are you talking about?? I'm early!" Fergal butted in, "April are you feelin' alright lass?" April shook her head, "The time for rehearsal got bumped up! You're an hour late.." Both Pam and Fergal's faces were now flushed of all color, they completely forgot that the schedule was changed and since they hadn't been to work recently, at least several days, they didn't get to SEE the change. "Oh my god.." April nodded after Pam spoke and the both darted off to where the women go to get changed and makeup done. Fergal ran too towards the male area. When he arrived, the boys didn't get pissed at him, they understood the situation with everything and knew he was under immense, unnecessary pressure from all corners. Of all people, Chris, (Jericho) was the first to engage him. "Listen man, don't worry about being late. Being late is almost a part of having a job. Besides, the little rat must have really rattled you, we all heard what happened man. Is there anything we can do? Or more so, me?" It was nice to know that the boys supported you, Fergal felt wanted and valued by his peers, he shook his head, "No mate, I'll be alright. If I ever do though, I'll absolutely be giving you a call." Chris nodded, "Sounds good. Let's get you up to speed." Fergal followed Chris and was greeted warmly by Kevin Steen, "Hey buddy. Everything cool? We're all good right now? Don't need a hug and back rub or anything?" Fergal laughed, and so did everyone who heard. "Uh no Kev. I don't need one, not from you at least." They all laughed again, having friends like this was so nice.

In the women's locker room area, Pam wasn't greeted so warmly. April and Pam felt like they were outcasts, sticking to one another as if they were glued together. April whispered, "I don't think I'm welcome much anymore.." The entire WOMEN'S locker room was there, not just RAW, but SmackDown, and NXT. Many faces knew who April was, but cursed her and scorned the woman for leaving the WWE in the way that she did. And Pam? She was a victim of the stupid idea of 'guilty by association' and that really stung. These were girls that Pam has helped MORE than once. And they shunned her because she was friends with April? Possibly the shittiest thing a person could ever do is something like that. Pam felt her heart tighten as they all reviewed how entrance rehearsals would go for them, who would go first, and next, and next and so on. Pam leaned against the wall and April slyly hooked their arms together. "I hate this high school mentality these girls have about me.. I'm not sure if I can stay.." Pam looked over at April, "You cannot say stuff like that April.. Please, if they hear that you could land in SUPER hot water. I don't want that for you.." Pam was concerned now, very very concerned about this situation, was April even going to make it to Wrestlemania? Or would the pressure from outside forces drive her away from potentially the biggest moment in both of their wrestling careers.

Entrances started with the men, there were in fact more men on the roster than women and thus, the larger crowd went first. The vast, empty arena before the last house show started was incredibly terrifying to Pam. Her world felt like it was hopeless. Things that once meant the world to her were crumbling in her hands. All she could do was have empty thoughts about the failure that hasn't even happened yet. There was something in her mind that said Wrestlemania would not be her swan song. It would be nothing more than disappointment and shame. April had to come, she couldn't be bullied away by these other girls. It was so not fair how they were treating them. But then again that was the day and age everyone lives in. You aren't guilty by actions, you're guilty by feelings, association, accusation even. If you were said to be guilty, then to the world? You had no defense, there was no chance for you. That was it, and that was the scary truth about when one person points a finger, because soon after that disgusting disease infested idea called pack mentality kicks in where then everyone thinks just like the original person. It really is a bad thing and needs, NEEDS to be avoided at all costs. Meanwhile, Fergal watched as the entrances took place and he glanced over at Pam's area, seeing she was.. Already looking over at him, almost trying to get his attention. He saw April was stuck on her close, Pam made their secret code for, 'HOLY SHIT SOMETHING IS WRONG.' by jamming a closed fist into her heart. Obviously not hitting it that hard, but it needed to be seen. Fergal's eyes widened as he saw the fear that gripped her face, he wished that there was a way that he could get over there fast. He did try, but it was not fast. Several entrances went by and he finally got over there. He grabbed at a finger and it was a pinky, somehow he stupidly grabbed April's finger, she spun her head, "Oh my, Ferg, wrong finger." Fergal was embarrassed but, but this caused Pam to giggle as she stuck her head around, "Over here you freakin' dork.." Fergal nodded his head and blushed, "Sorry lass.." he released April's rather skinny, small finger and put her hand down on her side. Fergal walked over to Pam's side now and stood next to her, first she leaned in and pressed her soft lips against his, feeling her heart sink in a good way now, she needed that warm embrace of her lover once again. The kiss lasted for, what felt like minutes and then she broke it, "Sorry baby. I needed that real bad.." Whispering as Pam bit down harshly on her bottom lip, "It is quite alright.. I can kiss you all day, everyday if I could.. But what happened, are you okay?" Pam shook her head after he spoke. He knew something must have really been troubling her if the signal was given. "Well what is it babe?" Fergal whispered as he placed a hand on her butt gently.

Pam felt her nerves calm lightly, his touches always made her body quiver. She swallowed hard, leaned in as if for another kiss but, but she did not kiss.. Pam's breath felt icy against Fergal's stubbly neck, he was somewhat shocked and a little frightened by her lack of a kiss which he was actually expecting. Pam's cold breath hit his neck more and more, sending shivers up his spine as she spoke. "I think April is going to dip out before Wrestlemania." Possibly the worst thing he could have heard, that would be catastrophic for both of them, April would surely be fired, and Pam would not only lose her title match, but a match against her best friend, AND a possible show stealing match at the biggest event of the year. Fergal turned his head to face her as she herself pulled back, "So that's what's wrong. What the hell do I do.." Pam asked him in almost a challenging tone, she obviously was so stressed out over this.. A disaster could await them this Sunday.. A disaster where there was no coming back from.. Potentially life altering..

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