Madness Is Like Gravity

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The next morning came all too fast. It was like life just wouldn't let them catch their collective breath whatsoever. Fergal was the first to rise from the bed like a zombie. He sat up and looked at Pam, sleeping in bed. She had on a little shirt that was rolling up her body. Her tummy and back were exposed, and she had no pants on. Just lying there, peaceful in her cute little undies. Fergal felt a good feeling slip into his heart. He slowly put a hand on her butt and rubbed it softly, Pam was weird about her butt, she knew she had a big one.. But the internet made her insecure about it. The objectification of the WWE Women was at an all time high it seemed thanks to the invention of the internet and cell phones. Every goddamn move they made was documented, turned into a gifset, and posted on Twitter. Case in point, Alexis couldn't LITERALLY even walk without someone turning her backside into a gifset with some cheap, perverted caption of, 'OMG LOOK AT ALEXA BLISS' ASS!'. Appreciating one's beauty was, is and always will be fine, as a matter of fact always appreciate people for the beautiful creatures that we all are. But when you make someone feel like they are less than a human being, or that their assets are the only thing about them that matters? That's a problem.. Men and women are just that, men and women. They are human beings and deserve to be treated with respect, feelings and emotions shape people, they make us individuals, not curves. So lesson of the day, don't objectify people, just stop, it really makes people insecure and not want to be themselves. Fergal continued rubbing Pam's butt until she subconsciously rolled over to prevent her butt from being touched. Fergal's hand slid across her body as she rolled and it was resting on her lower belly now. He knew what would wind up waking her up. But he wasn't sure if she was ready to wake up just yet. They had a long.. LONG night.. Making up after the longest most dangerous fight of their relationship ended with the most passionate makeup sex they've ever had. And due to the fact that it has been quite a long time since they've had sex? Both of their bodies are going to be sore as fuck all day. Fergal carefully climbed out of bed and felt the burn in his thighs and hips. He exhaled deeply, trying to alleviate the pain that he was in and move swiftly but quietly over to the kitchen. Luckily, this hotel had their own coffee maker and that was the only thing Fergal saw as a potential goal to reach. He got in the kitchen and quietly began making a pot, pouring the coffee into the machine, followed by the water and he hit the 'on' button. Fergal watched as Pam squirmed in bed, he needed to be there when she woke up, it would mean the world to her and he knew that. Fergal slowly walked back to her bedside..

    He gently put his butt down on the soft mattress, Pam looked like a sleeping little angel, she was somewhat crooked in the bed, her legs were bent in and her arms were up. Fergal put his hand softly on her bare side and rubbed her soft skin with his thumb. This is what Fergal missed about her, the peaceful nights leading into the adorable mornings. Things got so twisted and destroyed from their fighting that they lost sight on what made them fall in love with one another in the first place. The feeling that he had inside him right now was irreplaceable.. And he was getting used to it already. One thing still lingered in his mind, and that was Alexis, and why he was developing feelings for Little Miss Bliss.. He didn't understand; was it because she was forbidden due to engagement? Or was it because he had some slight feeling that she maybe, just maybe.. Had feelings for him in return? He had no idea, and it boggled his mind..

    Almost on queue, Pam's eyes slowly peeled open as Fergal's hand slid up and down her soft little body. She locked her sleepy eyes with his well awake ones and smiled, "Oh.. Good morning Fergie.." Fergal leaned down after she spoke and pressed his lips against her sleepy, warm lips. "Good morning darling." Pam was already on cloud nine after the wake up, she not only got to see him first thing in the morning, but that kiss? Ooh. Her body quivered with how much she enjoyed it. "How'd you sleep?" Fergal's hand rode up her body, passing over her chest and finding a home on her cheek gently. Fergal's touch always made Pam feel some type of way, and today was absolutely no different. "I slept okay, I'm so freaking sore right now I swear to goodness gracious." Fergal chuckled at her words, "Me too lass. My legs and hips are so sore it's unbelievable." He spoke softly as he continued to stroke her face with his thumb, "You are so beautiful I can't even put it into words. How do you do it?" Pam blushed, he was being stupidly affectionate this morning. Inside Fergal's mind, he hadn't been able to express this kind of love for such a long time, he needed to get it all out of his system and hopefully she would like it. Pam bit down on her bottom lip gently, sitting up a little quicker than she wanted to. Fergal's hand fell to her upper thigh and rested.. Very high up. She grabbed him by the face and kissed him. The kiss was filled with sleepy passion and it was one of the cutest things she's ever done to him. During the kiss, Pam felt his soft hand ride up and down her thigh, causing her to shake again. "I do it for you." She spoke finally and the kiss was over. Fergal gripped her thigh now, "I can honestly say, that if we both weren't sore?.." He paused and looked her up and down very seductively. "Y-Yeah?" Pam spoke as she bit down on her bottom lip. "I might just have to play around with you again." Fergal cut deep with that lust filled sentence and Pam ate that shit up. "Damn it.. Why do I have to be sore.. What would be better than waking up to passionate sex with the most handsome, amazing man in the world. AND THEN coffee. Sigh." Pam was being playful, they both knew that it was impossible to have sex right now, it would be the most boring sex in the world due to how sore they both were. "Yeah, I wish it too. Speakin' of coffee.." The coffee pot dinged once, signifying that the pot was done and ready to serve. Fergal slid out of bed and walked over to the pot. Complementary liquid creamer was provided by the hotel and my goodness did it look good. "Do you want pumpkin spice creamer? Or the Irish Café one?" Fergal smiled, he knew Pam would at least think of the sexual joke that she could make there..

    "I think I'll go with the Irish Café one. I hear it's kinda creamy." Pam spoke and Fergal was absolutely right. He shook his head and poured the cups carefully. "Is it bad I knew you wouldn't be able to resist that joke with me? I mean I'm juuust saying." Fergal laughed and looked over at her as he poured the creamer into the mug. "Well well well, I mean you DO know me, don't you?" He shrugged and nodded at her words. "Yeah, I suppose I do kinda know you, now don't I?" Fergal laughed and poured his mug now, and added the same creamer. Carefully walking out to the bed, he handed her the mug and she took it with two hands, sipping and drinking a bit of it immediately. "Mm.. My goodness.. This is the best coffee I've ever had. Why are we in the wrestling business?" Fergal laughed quietly, her little joke reminded him of what he missed about her most. The fun times, the times where everything seemed like sunshine and rainbows. It always felt like those times were dying to come back to the surface.. But never did. Sadly however, this morning needed to become serious and become serious immediately..

    Fergal knew this fact, and he had to make it serious right now. "So we do need to talk, Pam. You know that.." He looked at Pam, her body language shifted entirely, the smooth, relaxed state she once was in was quickly replaced with nervous energy and anxiety. "Okay, what's up?" She set her mug down on the end table and looked back to her serious Irishman. Fergal needed to think of the proper way to say this. So he tried, he battled with sentences that made sense in his head, but he couldn't speak without worrying about upsetting her. Granted, that isn't how you should handle a problem. Say what you want to say, if people are too sensitive to handle the truth? Too fucking bad. If people don't have truth to say? You damn well better tell them the truth. Fergal inhaled deeply and let out a longer exhale. "What even are we, right now? Because judging from both of our left hands, we don't view one another as engaged anymore." Pam looked down at her hand, and then down to his. Both ring fingers were bare, they really did break up after that blow out. "I mean, have you been with other guys? Is there someone I should know about?" Fergal wanted to know, primarily due to the fact that if she said no, then he would feel awful about Alexis, but if she said yes?.. He wouldn't feel so bad anymore. Pam bit down on the inside of her cheek harshly.. "Well I didn't have sex with another guy.. But I did have one date." Fergal felt his heart sink a little deeper into his body. He swallowed hard and tried his best to hide it. "With who..?" Pam was afraid, afraid of telling him the truth. The night and morning had gone exactly their way and it was going to be a fucking shame to ruin it like this. "It was with.. W-with Aaron.." Oh no. No that. That isn't right. Pam's fucking ex? The one who treated her like property and mentally demolished her? Why the fuck even would she do that. Fergal closed his eyes and nodded his head, all his thoughts, dreams even about being with Alexis were all of a sudden not as bad as Pam's physical, and literal date with her ex boyfriend. "Oh. I see. He's a great guy. What happened?" Fergal was asking a shitty question, he wasn't asking how the date went, he was asking why did she come crawling back to him. Pam shrugged, "Just didn't feel right. That's all." Pam spoke honestly, the date with Aaron was quiet, not even worth mentioning honestly. But it happened. She looked at another guy while she still 'loved' Fergal. And for anyone that just didn't sit well. Fergal didn't hold any ill feelings towards her. He really didn't. His heart ached a little, knowing that he was now not only her first choice, but he was behind the psychologically abusive ex boyfriend. "I understand. We are not together. You can do whatever you want." Fergal was a very specific person, he chose his words so carefully it was done with near surgical precision and accuracy. Now was that time.

    "So we aren't together.. Last night was just a test?" Pam asked him quietly, she was beginning to understand where his head was at. But then again? Where was her head at. She didn't ever once say she wanted him back. They just recognized that the love never stopped on either side.. Well, for Pam it slightly shifted to her ex. And then they had make up sex. Or at least something similar to a lust filled night of expressing one's frustration. "I'm pretty sure that's what both of us were doing. We're both scared right now." Fergal was right.. Pam knew that she was doing the same shit that he was.. Fergal couldn't get Alexis out of his head right now.. All he could see was her beautiful smile, and think of happy things.. Happy things at this moment in time involved her, due to his reality being too filled with dark thoughts. Pam spoke quietly, full of regret and sadness.. "I think we both just need to think about what we both truly need..." With these new facts coming to light.. It was clear that although the pain had disappeared.. Perhaps both of their minds were not in the same place.

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