Miscommunication & Mixed Signals

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All of the negative energy that Pam had built up inside was erased as soon as she felt the warm embrace of all of her closest friends, she knew that it was supposed to be a surprise party for her, that this was possibly one of the most important days in her entire life. This was her Main Roster guarantee, this is what she has slaved over for years now, and dreamed about since she was a child. After the group hug had concluded, she took note of the fact that Fergal was in a sling, it made her feel so guilty still, the events of the past few days were catching up to her in a big way. But before she got a chance to apologize to Fergal directly, Leah had came over to her and jabbed her in the side gently, "Hey girl..I've missed the crap out of you, and..I guess now I don't get to share the big stage with you after all.." Leah whispered through the crowd and was truly sad, she missed her partner in crime so much it was actually painful. And with this decision to put Pam onto RAW? This eliminated all hope for Baymella to be a thing on the biggest stages. "I know..I'm super sorry sweetheart..I wish you would have gone to RAW..that would have been great honestly." Pam tried to reassure her without dampering the mood too much for everyone. Leah understood of course, she wasn't trying to ruin the night at all for anybody. She just smiled and hugged Pam yet again, "Well I'm just proud of you honey buns. You better be champion like, immediately." Leah cracked a light joke and giggled, Pam smiled a little bit, "Well I gotta slay the queen and the Boss first before I get to be champion, it'll take a little while." Mercedes and Ashley were somewhat on the Main Event status, it would take some effort to removed them from that spotlight. Sadly it couldn't happen overnight even though the fans did indeed want her to be thrusted into it. At the end of the day it was an executive decision to either keep her there, or push her to a title shot. It was easily talked about but hard to execute in concept.

As Pam spoke, she looked around and even Ashley, (Dana Brooke) showed up! Crazy stuff, but, Mercedes spun her pink head around and looked over at her, "Hm? Did someone say the Boss?" She walked over, red cup in hand, "I think I'm who you're talkin' about. What can I do for you?" Winking playfully, Leah chose to go get a drink and remove herself from a situation that possibly would make her super sad. Just giggling, Mercedes smiled at Pam and whispered, "Look at you, big shot now..Not even gonna bother messin' with a low loser like me.." Mercedes made a self conscious joke about herself. In the world of the WWE, a Superstar could be made or broken in a matter of moments. Running away with the fans hearts was something that Pam was able to do easily, for some reason she touched on a real life nerve with people and they absolutely saw a piece of themselves in her. It was totally amazing to spectate, and it made Mercedes worry about her position with the fans as well as the company. "No no goodness no boo boo. You are gonna have to try a lot harder in order to get rid of me." Pam swung an arm around Mercedes and pulled her into a weak half hug. Fergal was off in the distance with Lexi and Rami. She was still going to give him space from the past week. Guilt tripping herself, she almost refused to let herself go talk to him. She didn't exactly feel like she deserved him at this point, being the worst girlfriend in the world was something that she earned in her mind and it was absolutely not going away anytime soon. "So how are you and Colby? Haven't gotten much chance to ask recently..And you've been quiet recently..so.." Pam nudged Mercedes' side gently and giggled, Mercedes on the other hand wasn't too keen on talking about Colby or her relationship that she felt like was crumbling to pieces in her hands. "Uh..It's..good..He's been distant recently.."

Pam had sensed something was wrong with her pink haired best friend, there was pain written on her face. There was a nagging, deep irritation embedded in her mind that she should pry, but this night was supposed to be happy, this night was supposed to be about Pam anyways. "Well, remember, if you need to talk? I'm your girl." Mercedes weakly smiled at Pam and nodded, "You got it chick. Now go get a drink and have some freakin' fun!!" Mercedes removed herself now, in her mind she wanted to just go and cry. The pain of uncertainty with Colby was excruciating, it almost felt like her entire heart was being clenched in an iron grip, being squeezed and wrenched until nothing was left inside of the precious vessel. Pam had to walk up to Fergal and at least try and get something out of him, she had to make sure that he still loved her and that there was no bad blood about Summerslam..As soon as Pam was about to walk over to him, the door flung open and lightning crashed, everyone saw heard it and just assumed that it was just the wind being a douche again. But as Pam kept looking at the door area, she saw a tiny brunette walk out from around the corner. She was confused, everyone was accounted for at this point in time. There was no one on her mind that was NOT there just yet..As the person got closer and closer, it occurred to Pam that there was in fact one person that was missing from the equation, there was one..tiny little person who wasn't just yet present at the party. Pam got the biggest grin on her face and ran over to the person who looked up, and moved her brown hair out of her eyes. As soon as their eyes locked on one another, the woman ran over, Pam shouted, "AJ!!!" Everybody stopped what they were doing to watch these two giant dorks run at each other and April jumped up into Pam's arms, wrapping her little legs around the taller woman. This was a moment where everyone had to out loud say, "Awww!" It was one of the cutest things they have collectively ever seen. Just happy friends who missed the shit out of each other finally get each other back.

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