The Storm

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Fergal was dumbfounded the entire time, he was still looking for Pam who was clearly trying to get out of dodge for what she just did to Alexis. Her jealousy has reached a boiling point both inside her body and out of it. The severity of this action was that of extreme repercussions; Pam could lose her job, her lifelong dream to be a WWE Superstar might be cut short due to a temporary emotion. This was awful of her to do, completely unbelievable and there was absolutely no excuse in the world for it. Okay, if Alexis got hit in the back? Or legs? Fine, acceptable, because that is protocol now a days with chairs and almost every single weapon that is available to use in a WWE match. But Pam striking Alexis in the head? As hard as she did? There was no rehearsing how to take a chair shot like back in the Attitude Era, where headshots were regular.. Nope, unexpected, unnecessary.. And downright vicious. Fergal found Pam in her locker room and he was boiling with anger. "What the fuck was that about?" He slammed the door behind him, the Demon paint he wore added to his intimidation.. And Pam was damn intimidated by him. She didn't speak, whether it be out of fear, or defiance.. She did not speak a word to him. Fergal shook his head, he was so angry but he knew touching his own face would result in possibly messing up his makeup before the match even starts. "You are something else Pam. You could have fucking killed her. She JUST got off of a serious head injury and you go off and do some dumbass shit like that?" His voice elevated, Pam knew what she did was wrong and right now she was filled with such incredible regret she might get sick. She couldn't speak, but when she tried to, "I didn't mean to-" Fergal interrupted her, "Shut up! I don't wanna hear your shit. There is no excuse for what you fucking did out there Pamela." Pam's hands were shaking from fear, this was the first time she's ever had a fight like this with Fergal, the other fights were quiet, passive aggressive even. Never screaming. "I'm sorr-" Fergal interrupted again. "Shut UP! I have to go to fucking work. Honestly Pamela I don't want to see you right now. I'm gonna get my own room, my own rent a car, you can fuck off right now." Fergal opened the door and slammed it behind him. The reverberation caused by the door shook every single bone in her body, all two hundred and six of them. She shivered, feeling such regret.. She dropped her bag and ran to the bathroom, from there, Pam violently vomited in the toilet, after a few minutes of this painful act, she wept on the floor. What has she become? A violent person? Someone who can't handle the existence of other people? What was she even anymore.. Surely this was going to be news across the internet..

But tomorrow was the last thing she was actually concerned with, right now she wanted to actually die. She just bonked one of her former best friends in the skull, causing who knows how much damage to her and potentially ending her already shortened career. Pam wiped her face, the tears from her cheeks, and the spit from her bottom lip. Pam potentially has just lost everything that is important in her life. Her friends, her fans, her career.. And most importantly Fergal. Goddamn it Pam.. You just blew him away from you and nobody is to really blame but yourself. Jealousy is normal inside of humans, it needs to be controlled however and managed properly. When jealousy is not managed, it manifests into a monster that makes you say things, feel things, do things that you normally would not do ever. This was the prime example of something that need not have happened if it were not for jealousy evolving into something disgusting and awful. Pam rose to her feet, grabbed her bag.. She left the locker room.. And stumbled towards the exit.

Fergal was at a new level of angry. His stress levels were so high, that if weaponized, it would send any human being into a blood crazed state. Fergal paced around the staging area right behind the curtain, he knew people were watching him and he didn't give a fuck. He was resisting the urge to cry out of pure anger. It was time for the main event, Fergal had to face Brock Lesnar, Samoa Joe, and a still unnamed competitor. The first two made their entrances, all asking Fergal if he was okay. He answered both concerned men the same, "I'll be fine." But he wouldn't, anyone with eyes would know that Fergal was fucked up and needed time.. But this was WWE, the wheel always has to keep turning and there is no stopping that whatsoever, this was no different.. Paul was frantically trying to find Fergal and he needed to fast. His entrance was next. Paul found him and grabbed him physically by the arm. "Ferg. Listen to me man everything is going to be okay. You need to focus on this, nobody else is going to get hurt." Fergal shrugged the act of concern off "I'm fine.." Paul shook his head and yanked on him a bit, "I mean it, Fergal. Lexi will be fine. Focus on your match. I'll worry about her and Pam. Got it?" Fergal nodded at the father like words. Paul patted him on the cheek a few times, "Go on Champ." Fergal nodded and put his head piece on. His entrance was just as exciting as always, the fans ate it up and Fergal was trying his absolute best to focus on the performance he was going to have to put on to make up for that display earlier. After his entrance concluded, nobody knew who the last person was going to be and even Fergal had no clue. All three men stood in stunned disbelief when out of nowhere, Seth Rollins' music hit and there he was, bursting out from behind the curtain. "No.. Fucking.. Way.." Fergal mumbled and Joe had to secretly talk to him to calm him, "Relax buddy.. It's just business." Fergal shook his head slowly. Colby was so happy and excited to be back, and locked eyes with the Demon King immediately, it was a tense moment and it only got more intense with Colby entering the ring. After the bell rang, Joe and Brock took each other out of the ring and it was up to Colby and Fergal to steal the show.. Face to face.. They walked closer to each other, seemingly trash talking but in reality? They were discussing.. Real shit. "Look Fergal. I'm sorry man. Okay? I wasn't right mentally.. At all. I got help when Paul suspended me and I'm better, I'm a different man than the one you saw doing those shitty things.." Colby seemed so sincere, Fergal shook his head to give the illusion he was trash talking, "How do I know this isn't bullshit. I've had a real bad fucking night, man.." Fergal and Colby locked up, 'testing strength' to continue talking. "Just gimme a chance, I promise. All I have left is my word.." Colby seemed genuine, and desperate to mend the wounds he caused. "Fine. But don't fuck me over Colby. I won't ever forget that if you take advantage of my kindness." Colby had to try to not smile, "Thanks Fergal.."

Well now that the pleasantries were out of the way; the match commenced as planned. It saw tons and tons of momentum changes, Brock suplexing everyone out of their skin, Joe choking Fergal out but the match being saved by Colby. Weapons including chairs, HITTING PEOPLE ON THE BACK. Tables, even a ladder saw use by Lesnar. Which by the way, scariest thing in the world is Brock Fucking Lesnar with a ladder. The thirty minute extravagant match saw anything and everything happen. Fergal ultimately got the win after Joe choked Colby out, but was taken out of the ring by Brock and he slid over top of Colby for the cover. The fans blew up, they were so happy that their favorite Demon won and retained his much deserved title and Fergal for a slight single solitary moment.. Felt happy with himself. He felt the joy that wrestling once provided..

But, as his arm was raised in victory, the somber thought of what he was going to have to deal with crept up on him.. His smile slowly turned to an expression of anger and resentment as he exited the ring first, which was not supposed to happen. He raised the title above his head at the top of the ramp for one final pop and then he crossed over passed the curtain. Fergal humbly smiled at everyone clapping for him and the other three men, he was greeted with a hug from Paul. "Come on, let's go see Lexi. Thank you, by the way. You are possibly the most professional person I've ever seen." Paul's compliment made Fergal somewhat smile, "Thanks boss.." They both left the area almost unseen, and made their way to the medical area. Fergal had this almost disgusting feeling in the pit of his stomach, the one person whom he always protected was the one person who inflicted this damage, this wound was caused by someone he knows, and loves.. Paul opened the door and stepped to the side, Fergal looked down and then slowly walked towards it. Alexis was being examined by doctors and her head was now bandaged up, apparently her head was bleeding from the shot, but Fergal did not see that until now. Alexis was woozy, she saw Fergal though and cracked a weak smile. "Hhey." Fergal looked down again as both him and Paul entered the room. Paul grabbed the doctor to find out the real damage. Fergal went to Alexis and hugged her, "I'm sorry I'm all sweaty. I am so sorry she did this Lexi.. I don't know why she did it.." Alexis slowly and carefully shook her head from side to side, "I know why she did it. And I understand. I'm not even mad.." Fergal was shocked by this and instantly questioned it. "Why though.." Alexis raised an eyebrow, "Because she loves you, and she thinks you love me and me to you. It actually is romantic minus the fact that I have a gash in my head now." Fergal chuckled at her somehow dark humor. "Don't be mad at her, comfort her like you are to me. Please take care of her, Fergal." She placed a hand weakly on top of his and he looked into her glazed over eyes. "I'll go see her after I leave her. First I need to make sure that you're okay and you won't need help getting home." Paul came over and shook his head, "Can I talk to you a minute, Fergal?" Fergal nodded and rose to his feet, walking with him. "She has a concussion, and this is the second one in recent weeks. This is really fucking bad, man. I have to suspend Pam until I know she isn't a danger to herself or anybody else. You know that, right?" Fergal slowly nodded, the thought was lingering in his brain, but a suspension is better than fired.

"She also has to take at least two weeks off without doing anything. So she's going back to Florida with Matt. We've done all we can, she has to have her brain heal, and no. We aren't taking the title off of her. This was intentional, and completely wrong." Paul exclaimed and that fact of no stripping of the title made Fergal feel better. "Thank you for telling me. I'll make sure she gets to her hotel safe and I'll get her to the airport tomorrow morning." Paul nodded at Fergal's words, "You're a great man, Fergal. I'll see you later." Paul exited the room and Fergal looked back at the dizzy Alexis whose head was bobbing from side to side very slowly due to her current state. The fact that she was telling Fergal to be easy with Pam even after such a cheap attack was incredible. He thought Alexis would tell her to cut Pam off altogether and honestly she would have every right to do so right now. But.. No.. She didn't, she said to love her and take care of her as he is to herself. Fergal walked back over to Alexis and smiled weakly, "You're goin' home, lass." His words made Alexis smile, "Let's get you to your hotel, your plane leaves tomorrow at ten." She nodded slowly and writhed in pain. "Easy! You dummy.." Alexis laughed, "Thank you for being here with me."

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