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After Rami and Rebecca made their collective ways out of Fergal's apartment, things quieted right back down again. Fergal and Pam hadn't even gotten to discuss what happened yesterday, it was a day that was now, at least in his mind, a blur. He knew that they fooled around in the morning which..which was incredible. He remembered they had an amazing day just lounging around the house, actually he thinks they attempted to bake, but they were pulled in by their...desires. "So..yesterday though.." Pam spun around and smiled over at him, biting down on her bottom lip very, very gently. Fergal tried to play it cool, "Yea? Pretty amazin' wasn't it..? I mean to be a hundred percent honest with you..there's only a little bit that I remember from it.." Fergal blushed, his honesty getting the better of him. Pam chuckled, she had an amazing memory overall. She remembered every fine little detail. "Well, we woke up and played..And then we both took a nap. Following it up, we put on the animated Batman show..and then we TRIED to bake some cupcakes..But we got..distracted." Pam paused to bite her lip, the memory was still so fresh she could practically still feel his cold little hands on her body. "Then you were super super tired, and you fell asleep." Fergal shrugged his shoulders, "Y'know, I a hundred percent believe that I would do that, I'm sorry I fell asleep on you sweetheart." Fergal reached over and softly caressed her cheek with his index finger, "Wanna still bake? I'm up for it, and cupcakes sound rad as hell right now." The day was slowly slipping away from them both. Rami and Rebecca's unexpected visit took several hours out of the day. Considering how it was a visit as well as a..well, coming out party. "I would love that very veryyyy much." Pam smiled and winked at Fergal, "But no foolin' around..! I'm just a little to a lot sore all over..Ya poophead." She giggled and blushed at her own words, her body was very sore from Fergal, it was crazy to think a man who was so gentle all the time, literally all the time..Changed so drastically when THAT was going down, and technically he only had one arm! Fergal stood and nodded slowly, reaching down to help her to her feet, "I solemnly swear, that I will not attempt to fool around with the most beautiful woman in the world, AKA, you. Now come, let us baaaakeee!!" Fergal giggled and Pam rose up, walking with her man to the kitchen. The kitchen was so neat and clean, Fergal really liked to keep a tidy house.

As they walked into the kitchen, Fergal couldn't resist himself, he gently reached down and grasped her butt gently. Pam however, much to his shock, didn't tell him no..She just quietly enjoyed the gentle little squeeze, and actually grunted really quietly. Pam loved the way that he didn't mind being affectionate with her, she didn't mind the occasional butt squeezing, I mean after all. It is like, there. Squeeze away sir! Fergal grabbed the box of cupcake mix, and Pam grabbed the frosting as well as some rainbow sprinkles. "How did I know you'd grab the rainbow ones?" Pam giggled and shrugged, "I dunno, cause I like dem rainbows." She giggled and set her things on the counter. Fergal noticed that he was entirely out of milk. Of course, why wouldn't this just go smoothly. "Ugh..I gotta make a store run. We need milk." Pam looked down and puffed her lip out, "Okay baby. Be safe, and quick." Fergal nodded, leaning in and kissing her swiftly, giving her butt one final squeeze, "You bet'cha babe." He backed up slowly and turned around, grabbing his keys and walking out of his apartment. Pam watched her man leave, and she was a little bummed out, but not too much. I mean after all he was just going to the store, about six-ish minutes away, give or take with the traffic and other things that could be going on in the outside world.

After all this time with him, Fergal still managed to give Pam butterflies even when she thought about him. Pam was beginning to get a little bit sad though, she missed those times when Lexi would be basically her backbone, basically the one telling her 'Don't sweat it girl, everything will be alright.' From the word around the locker room? Lexi wasn't doing so well, her emotions were shitty right now, and she felt utterly alone. Now why nobody has tried to reach out to her was a mystery to Pam, then she realized that..she hasn't attempted to reach out to her either. She tossed a quick text to Lexi, 'Hey dollface, I miss you like crazy, we need a spa day soon, deal?' And put her phone down. After a few minutes, Fergal's front door received a knocking. Pam was a little confused, but she slowly, and cautiously approached it. She peeked through the peephole and all that she saw hair. No way..This couldn't be any worse timed at all. Pam opened the door and immediately felt her blood boil slightly. Mercedes was standing there with a rather large fruit basket. She beamed a smile at Pam, "Pam!! Hi girly! Oh my gosh I didn't know you were here.." Pam tried to maintain her composure right now, she tried to remember that this was her best friend..Her thoughts were drifting away to dark places involving Fergal and Mercedes. "Hey. Come in.." Pam stepped out of the way and Mercedes walked into Fergal's quiet little home. She looked around a little bit and was a little shocked with how tidy and cute his place was. "Wow, Fergal really runs a tight ship here, doesn't he? I thought while I was in town, I'd stop by and see him and bring him a fruit basket. Cause I know that Fergal if he likes anything except legos, he loves fruit." She set the basket down on the kitchen table. Pam crossed her arms, she felt the tension build up in her chest, she was in shock that Mercedes would have just popped in like this to see her man? What else could she have wanted to do except have sex with him..Bring a fruit basket. Get out of here with that nonsense. "So is that why you're here? To bring him fruit?" Mercedes didn't initially detect the hostility in Pam's voice, "Well yea, and to see him. I haven't since he went down I don't think..I may have, I don't know though.." Pam bit down on the inside of her cheek. She was now burning with anger, there was no way that this little teapot was not going to squeal and boil over. "You sure that's all you're here for? Just that? Cause if that's the case, Fergal isn't here. And honestly? You shouldn't be either." Pam did it, she blurted out something very, very hostile. And this time? Mercedes picked up on it. She slowly raised her head and looked at Pam, almost with a little bit of a shocked look on her face..

"What exactly is that supposed to mean.." Mercedes could already feel the hurt sitting in as her mind was beginning to understand why Pam was being like this. "That is supposed to mean, you shouldn't be coming to his house like this. Unannounced? Really? Is that what you do now? You just go around visiting guys houses like this?" Mercedes was just subliminally called a whore..Ouch. "I actually don't thanks a lot though for implying all I wanted to do was come here and sleep with him. I actually miss the guy, a lot. He's helped ALL of us through some hard times, and I figured that I'd come here and help him with his." Pam's mind was so dark now, her thoughts weren't coming out clearly, this wasn't her. Mercedes knew this, but it didn't make it any less hurtful. "Yea help him with his hard time by wanting to get in his pants. Jesus Mercedes, I really thought better of you." Pam rolled her eyes and looked away, she was like a bull right now, and Mercedes was drenched in all red. "I can't believe you just said that to me.." Mercedes was dumbfounded by Pam's extremely hurtful words..How did they devolve into this..?

Pam didn't say anything, she was too stubborn and angry right now to even realize what she was doing. The friendship that she was potentially ending, over..what? Trust issues? "So let me get this straight, Lexi can come here, and Rebecca can come here, and freaking RAMI can come here, but I can't? I can't come visit my friend like they are?" Pam knew about Rami and Rebecca, but not Lexi, that was news to her and honestly? That didn't even bother her, Pam trusted Lexi, not so much for Mercedes.."Well honestly I know that they wouldn't do anything wrong. They have restraint." Mercedes pulled her head back, "And I don't have restraint? Where the hell did you even get that from.." Pam rolled her eyes, "You date Colby, a man notoriously known for having zero restraint. Hence oh I don't know, his history. Do you really buy his story of basically date rape? Really?" Pam was going off, everything this peaceful soul once kept hidden away from the world was oozing out in a bloodcrazed rage. Mercedes was floored, she didn't think of it like that, and it seems that her friends were all too scared to put it to her like that. But the fact that Pam thinks that just because of who Mercedes is with will shape how she behaves? That's just insane. "You really have no trust in me, do you..I have never, EVER done anything to intentionally hurt you, I have no feelings for Fergal like that at a-all." Mercedes began to feel her eyes well up with tears rapidly, "And you're gonna do me like this?" The tears now began to roll down Mercedes' cheeks, she looked down and they rolled faster, splashing against the ground, like painful raindrops..Pam was beginning to see what she had done, she was beginning to realize that she has big trust issues with Mercedes..and now she was seeing what those trust issues just did to someone she cares so much about. Her rage was beginning to subside, but it was too far gone now, Mercedes was hurting badly, "Out of all the things I've done for you, and done for him..Y-you.." She couldn't even get through her words, violently sniffing and rubbing her nose/eyes at a rapid pace. "I'm..I'm sorry, 'Cedes, I-.." Mercedes shook her head, her pink hair falling into her face as she did, "Don't bother..I'm leaving.." As Mercedes quickly walked passed Pam, not once did she look back, not once did she even bother to look at someone she once was proud to call best friend. Mercedes exited Fergal's apartment and scurried to her car, the storm that only made its presence felt once before, decided to show up again, and a downpour of rain began to fall, Mercedes visibly jumped at the sound of the thunder, poor thing almost fell she was so upset...All Pam could do is stand there, watching her friend walk away.

After a few more, quiet, extremely depressing moments that Pam had to herself; Fergal walked through the front door. He still carried with him that cute little smile he was growing famous for. "Honey I'm hooomeeee..Its rainin' like crazy out there!!" As he walked inside, he could physically feel the sadness in the air, he saw Pam sitting at the kitchen table, staring at the fruit basket. "Oh, did you get this?" He admired it, "Aw man, this looks so good.." Pam sniffled quietly, "N-no, I didn't, it was M-Mercedes..She um..stopped by to give it to you." Fergal noticed the crying, he set the things down on his counter, "Hey..Hey Pam, baby..what happened?" He dropped to both knees in front of her, placing his hands on her sides gently. He gazed up at her and watched as tears visibly formed in her eyes, "C'mon darlin', talk to me..what happened, did you two..fight somehow? I'm here for you sweetheart, okay?" Pam looked down at him and sniffled quietly, reluctantly, she spoke. "I-I think I just made a huge mistake.." She then closed her eyes gently, and silently began to break down right in front of him.

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