It Happened..Almost

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Fergal was having a hard time trying to get Pam to calm down. After he kissed her, she seemed to shake periodically and it was the weirdest thing to him. He just wanted her to know that everything was going to be okay. "What can I do to make sure you know that I WILL be here for you..I don't care what the job asks me to do, you are my number one priority no matter what..What can I do to help.." Fergal softly stroked up and down Pam's cold arm with his index finger. Anything that could make her calm down and soft touching was among the top things to start the process. Pam's mind was a mess, there was so much bullshit going through her head right now that no one would really even be able to understand what she was thinking about right at this very second. It was one of the hardest things for her to cope with knowing that she was unable to help a dear friend, and have to keep a super secret from another. She just wanted everyone else to be happy, and at this rate she didn't even care if it came at her own expense. "I don't know Ferg.." She placed a hand on his stomach and leaned her head on him a little, Fergal had to adjust on the fly, his hand gravitated onto her back now and he rubbed her back really gently. "Well if you think of anything, anything at all you just..just tell me.." Fergal was trying really hard to make sure that she was okay and that she was going to be calm and happy..There was just nothing that he could really do about anything at the moment. Pam needed confirmation that her friends were okay, Fergal was worried too, but his biggest concern was a shivering woman in his arms right now. Pam actually rubbed his tummy lightly, she wasn't too sure why, she just felt it was right. Intimacy was something Pam struggled showing, especially when it came to Fergal. He was just different in her eyes and her heart. She was thinking that maybe..just..just maybe..the time was finally right.

Pam let her hand fall down his stomach now and slide up his shirt, softly rubbing his abs with her fingertips. This sent Fergal into a bit of a tizzy, he wasn't particularly expecting Pam to just jump all over him like this especially when she was sad. Sad Pam is not okay. "Think of anything, love?" Fergal continued to rub the young woman's back ever so gently, Pam on the other hand, was now fully thinking dirty, her mind was so far in the gutter that if she were to look down at it, it would practically not even be there anymore. " see..I was thinking.." Pam dug her fingernails into him and lightly drug them down his body, stopping at the hem of his pants. "I mean..You..You know what I mean.." Fergal was taken back, he knew exactly where she was going with this yet he didn't really want to acknowledge it just yet. He didn't exactly pin Pam as a dirty sexual type. As Pam's hand slipped into his pants and rested at the very very top of them, Fergal squirmed lightly, Pam had such soft gentle hands and fingers. And they were cold as hell too, just simply adding to the effect that he was already becoming intoxicated with. "I.." Fergal's voice was quiet and weak now, Pam had him at her mercy entirely now. He was willing to go along with anything and everything that she was trying to get him to do. "You what..sweetie.." Pam let her hand drag down more and more..inching ever so closely to her prize, her salvation for how she was feeling right now. "I know what you mean..And I..I won't be stopping you.." His voice almost broke when he spoke, and he's lucky that he stopped talking just as Pam came into contact with his length, for if he was? He surely would have been entirely taken back, and possibly gasp like a fool. "Mmm..good..That is just what I wanted, no, needed to hear from you, baby.."

Where the hell was this coming from? Pam was never like this. Even in previous relationships it was always the guy who made the first move on her. It was weird, this time it was different, she felt like he was in her shoes now and that she needed to take care of him first so he knows that..the water is fine, and that he can jump right in. She softly poked him and watched his reaction, "G-goodness your hand is cold.." She smiled lightly, seeing that the sensation of being touched by a cold hand was something that he was definitely into. "Well good.." She leaned up now, whispering in his ear, "I know you like it.." She softly began to slide her hand to take more of him into her hand, "'re quite big.." The more and more she found out that there was..just..more of him to grasp, she actually found herself being somewhat shocked by it, "Really..big.." Her voice cracked now as she finally got to the base and was entirely taken back by his size. He blushed, but then again when didn't he when it came to her. She had a rough idea for how large he was but the only way to find out was at a time just like this and there was no other way of that happening. This wasn't like a 'Show me yours and I'll show you mine' type of game, this was a helluva lot more serious than that. Fergal felt nervous, simply because he loved Pam so much that he DEFINITELY didn't want to disappoint her like that. This was a freaking huge deal to him, perhaps she felt the same pressure, and that is why she was able to channel this hidden, dirty side to herself. Who knows honestly, he wasn't going to complain really, the love of his life was LITERALLY trying to get into his pants. Who was he to even think about anything else right now. Pam continued to softly rub up and down on him, she could literally feel him growing in her hand as she did it. She always felt somewhat shitty about being sexual, working at WWE and more specifically, NXT, she had a lot of girlfriends. And they often talked about their sex lives and Pam really just never..Felt like she was on their level. She always felt like the outcast, like she didn't have a dirty enough psyche to be able to even carry on a conversation about sex. But it looks like she was trying to break that little mental block she had going on.

Fergal on the other hand was so surprised with her actions, he was just confused as how it went from being about her being sad to her being literally stroking him. In Fergal's relationship history, it was indeed the girl who often made the first move, giving him a green light to do anything which usually, he wasn't too fond of it for the girl just..demanded so much from him. There was very little payoff for him when it came to sexual things. There was very little time to where he was like, 'Shit yea, I'm excited for this.' It was usually, 'Well, here we go again.' And that is literally the moral of all of his relationship stories, there were a few gems, but they often had things that were so bad about them, and things that just didn't mesh well with him that he just couldn't deal anymore. So instead? He continued to respect them, and give them what they wanted. Ninety nine percent of the time they left him on their own terms, looking back on it? He wouldn't change a damn thing about how he handled relationships. "Goodness Pam.." Fergal was kind of shocked as to how well she was handling all of this, he again, didn't pin her as the super sexual type, so being able to flip on a switch and engage into sexy time was impressive to him. She cleared her throat, "What is it baby boy?" Her hand softly was beginning to win the battle of making him hard, and he knew that. But was he really ready, was she really ready for what they were both about to do? Was her mind..ready to give him the most important thing to her? And was he willing to just, take it? Who knows..Only time will tell if they can mentally handle..this.

Almost on a shitty queue timer; Pam's home phone rang, and rang and rang. She finally turned her head only after getting super frustrated and saw it was her mom, it rang across the television on who it was which was nice, and annoying. Both of them forgot who even turned it on, perhaps it was Pam's knee when she leaned over on him.. "God. Sigh. Okay, be right back." Fergal understood, being typical Fergal of course he understood. Pam removed herself from him and grabbed the phone. She walked into the other room and Fergal readjusted himself to get back into relax mode. After a lengthy, fifteen minute conversation, Pam came back into the room and exhaled deeply. She set the phone on the hook and sat back down next to him. "Is everything okay Pam?" Fergal was way too nice for his own good, how much he actually looked out for others literally ALL the time was something to marvel over. "You care so much about me, sweetie. Don't you?" Pam blushed at the thought of how much he actually cared for him. She was overwhelmed at times when it came to how much he was really concerned with all aspects of her life and everything that came with it. It was a weird feeling when you know that there is another person of entirely different background who was willing to do anything for you. There was really not another feeling like it in the entire world. Of course with these two right this very second, the sexual tension and the hot mood was all but gone. Both of them knew this and really didn't mind all that much, maybe they weren't mentally ready for sex. They both had the exact same unspoken fear that sex would complicate this relationship at stage in the game. Pam of course felt bad for getting him all hot and bothered like this only to have the plug systematically pulled out without either of their say so. Which was totally a buzz kill to be a hundred percent honest, but there was nothing they could really do about it. "'m sorry, by the way baby..I didn't mean to ruin the mood like that..I just know if she calls then she has something kind of important to say..I'm sorry babe.." Pam felt super guilty and just overall shitty about this whole situation, she had high hopes that Fergal would be actually calm cool and collected about this, he usually was pretty calm about almost everything in his life, even when he was stressed and/or mad about something he did it in a calm kind of way.

"Oh no..grr I'm so mad at you right now..Grrrr..See this face? This is the face of someone who totally understands, don't be sorry lass, I know, family first. Don't worry..We'll have plenty of time in the future to mess around.." He winked and offered a gentle, reassuring smile to her. God Pam loved this man, she smiled back, "Well, yay.." She now leaned on him in cuddle mode and Fergal quickly selected to play Episode Four of Star Wars. A movie that they both could enjoy and bond over. Especially due to the fact that they were super nerds and that they both could freak out over how sick nasty Darth Vader is, and how nerdy and almost lame Luke is. Fergal exhaled deeply, during all of this chaos of recent events with literally everyone and almost seemed like life was trying to drag them both them down the tubes and make sure that they both were just as miserable as they were. Of course the fact that Fergal and Pam were two of the happiest people by nature, it didn't hurt the fact that they refused to be taken down by life, they refused to let other people influence them in ways that they literally did nothing wrong. Fergal sat back and relaxed, Pam was relaxed..This was definitely, DEFINITELY the best way possible that he could spend this day off. With her, watching Star Wars, snuggling? Ppsh. Let's be perfectly honest here; is there really anything that could possibly be more perfect than that?  

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