A Heartwarming Departure

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The stunned expressions that both Fergal and Pam had on their faces were making Alexis kind of nervous, "What? Is that like weird or something?" Her voice trembled with anxiety as her best friends were looking at her and seeming.. Off. Fergal shook his head a few moments later to reassure her, Pam did too. "No no no, it's actually quite beautiful.. You have no idea how vivid of an image that paints in my little brain.. That's absolutely incredible Lexi.." Fergal spoke quietly and Pam chimed in, "Like honestly sweetie that was basically breathtaking.. I don't even know what to say except, thank you for sharing this with us.. Honestly." Pam reached over and grabbed one of Alexis' hands and held it gently, she was so cold. Probably thinking of this as a never ending nightmare, Fergal and Pam collectively knew that and knew that it was their task to make sure that the next several minutes were easy and that hopefully they can leave a lasting happy impression on her fragile little mind. It was hard for Alexis to get over what happened to her that night, now that she is conscious, the nightmares that she saw just before being knocked unconscious.. The stress and anxiety of another pair of lights DARTING right at her.. It was unbelievable that she was alive, getting hit by another car right where you are seated is something that has a very high mortality rate. Alexis was doing nothing wrong, she wasn't texting, she wasn't looking away from the road, she was just hit by a fucking pure dickhead who was doing the things she was not. She didn't want to talk about the event, she wanted to get better as fast possible and get back inside that ring. "Did the office say anything about me?" Alexis was worried about her career being halted and losing all momentum. Fergal shook his head, "Honestly Lex? Even if they wanted to get time away from you, the fans won't allow it. They have NOT forgotten about you. We both are hearing rumors that you're coming to RAW as soon as you're healthy.. Don't worry yourself." Pam patted the top of Alexis' hand with hers gently, "We've got you too. When you come back, Fergal and I are gonna shoot down to the performance center to help your body get back to the way it was and possibly better. You know Fergal is one of the best teachers and recovery guys in the whole world. So you're really in good hands doll face." Alexis smiled at Pam, "They really demand me? Do they know what happened?" Alexis asked the question that had been kind of eating at her for a while. Fergal looked over at Pam and then back at Alexis, "Well they did announce you were in a car accident. But they never really specified how bad.."

WWE covering their ass as usual, they didn't want to disclose any information about Alexis' near fatal car accident, they did disclose information on Rebecca and Shinsuke, who were already planned to return very, very shortly. Alexis nodded, she understood they couldn't tell fans that she was basically a dead woman, it would not only send mass hysteria throughout the WWE Universe that one of their favorites was practically a corpse, but it would be really shitty now because she's alive and well. Imagine that news post?.. No, I can't either. Alexis nodded, "What are you guys gonna do when you get outta here from being stuck with my annoying self?" She smiled at Pam who shrugged, "Fergal wanted to take me to the Performance Center so we can work on getting my nerves back in the right spot, I got hit real hard." Alexis nodded at her and Fergal was now the one who chimed in. "Yea, both of you need to get Doctor Fergal's treatment of in ring ass kicking." Alexis and Pam laughed quietly, his thick Irish accent even made the most simple jokes funnier because it was so intense. His accent, that is.

Alexis smiled at them, this little visit was exactly what she needed. Seeing Matt was amazing too, her man was there for her through literally everything. But he needed to sleep, he had to be healthy too and getting sick trying to be at the hospital literally for twenty four hours a day, seven days a week would be unhealthy even for the Best Kept Secret of NXT. "Well alright guys.. Don't be afraid to come back, I really needed this, you guys are freaking incredible.." Alexis smiled and teared up a little, she didn't want them to leave, but she knew it's already been at least two hours since they arrived and the tension-filled visit finally reached a calm climax. Pam nodded and leaned down and wrapped her arms gently around Alexis. "I love you, Lex. Just relax, enjoy bed and get healthy girl! We miss you.." Pam whispered, Alexis did too, "I love you too sweetie. I'll try.. Don't let them forget me.." Alexis softly pecked Pam's cheek and Pam smiled before exiting the room. Fergal didn't wanna go either, he knew how dependent Alexis was to her friends and those she loves. So leaving her alone like this was going to really suck major booty. He looked down and his big eyelashes draped over his eyes, shoulders slumped, he was visually bummed out. Alexis cracked a worried smile, "C'mere you big goof..." She opened her arms up for the man and hugged him tight, Fergal exuded the same tightness in his hug to her. "Don't be sad Fergie Ferg. I'm okay now.. All I need is some time, some more hugs from you guys, and I'll be back on my feet before you know it!" Alexis' words were reassuring sure, but Fergal knew her better than she did, he knew she had the fear of being alone and especially now? It felt wrong for him to have to leave.. But alas, he had to. He quietly cleared his throat and whispered back. "I'm gonna miss you little one. Please remember that I'm just a phone call away. Pam is too, you call? We come running.. Swear on my life." The promise Fergal made was definitely nice to hear on Alexis' part, it was more reassurance that she needed and almost knew Fergal would have no problem giving her at any moment. The hug lasted just as long as it needed to, and that was quite a while. Alexis could feel Fergal's heart beat against her chest as she softly kissed him on the cheek. She pulled her head back and looked straight into those deep dark eyes of his, "Remember to show off that amazing smile you have, buddy. That's what I want you to do, remember that I am okay, and to expose your dorky smile that I've seen oh so much." Fergal weakly smiled, just a little one. And he nodded before kissing her cheek gently too. "I want you to never feel alone. We're always here. We're the support on the team here, more valuable than you can ever know. Not to toot my own horn here, but we literally would do anything for you, Lex." Alexis' heart felt warm again.

"Thank you so much for everything. This.. This reminded me why I wanted to wake up in the first place.." Fergal smiled at her kind words, she hugged him once more, whispering in his ear, "I love you Fergal." Fergal felt tears crowd his eyeballs. "I love you too Lexi." The friendship these two had was incredibly strong, he literally functioned like a big brother to her throughout her entire professional career, and personal life. Pam and Alexis were close, yes, but that was because they worked together often back in NXT. Fergal went out of his way to ensure the new blood were okay and to ensure that they had a future due to a great support system. That's how Fergal and Pam met too, he even arrived late to NXT, after Pam did but he still offered immediate support, pointers, in ring tips and everything. Fergal was just an amazing friend to have, and Alexis was amongst his closest. He reluctantly released the hug and backed up slowly, waving like a sad boy going to kindergarten for the first time, "Bye Lex." She smiled, "Goodbye Fergie."

Opening the door, Pam could see the pain latched on Fergal's face, she didn't peek through the door like a crazy lady because that would be SUPER disrespectful to do. She gave her man the privacy he deserved and immediately hugged him. "Shhh.. She's okay. I'm okay.. Everybody is okay Fergal.." He hugged her back and squeezed his eyes closed tight. All of this trauma was taking a gigantic toll on his psyche and making the normally optimistic about everything Fergal, turn into a pessimistic shell of his former self. She rubbed his back, trying to warm him back up to the ideas that he pushes on everyone, positivity conquers all. Fergal nodded slowly as he tried to fight of a tsunami of tears that were ready to fly out of his eyes. "I'm good, I'm good.. Let's get to the Performance Center, we gotta get you back up to speed." Fergal tried to begin walking but, but was held up in place by Pam. She softly stroked his cheek with her hand, "You know, you have one of the biggest hearts I've ever seen in a person. You care about so many people and so many things, it's amazing the world hasn't turned you into a potato." She continued softly caressing his cheek and then had the disturbing realization that she made a potato joke to an Irish person, "Err. A raisin, not a potato. Sorry." Fergal smiled at her silliness and shook his head, "The Irish Potato Famine was like, a hundred and eighty years ago. I think you can say potato in front of me without me freaking out. Pam, I eat FRENCH FRIES. They literally are fried, cut up potatoes." She smiled again and her attempt to be cute was ruined by her own stupidity, she smiled a bit more than she just was and laughed, "Well. Okay. But honestly baby boy. You're incredible. I'm so blessed to have you in my life, Lexi is blessed to have you in hers, Rami, Joe, Colby was until he went batshit crazy.. Everyone you encounter is blessed to have you in their life, I can't imagine mine without you baby." She was reminding him how amazing of a person he truly was. Fergal saw his huge heart as a weakness and instead of embracing it, he often tried to run away from it. "Thank you baby.. You're the light in my life." He leaned in and softly kissed her on the lips, holding her by her hips. Breaking the kiss, Pam blushed at him and smiled, "Can we get outta here though? I don't wanna be in another hospital, really, until I have a baby." She giggled and Fergal did too, "Yeah, let's get to the ring. I gotta throw you around and beat ya up!" They began walking, arm in arm, "You wish, Fergie!" The last time they were actually in the performance center beating each other up was.. Sheesh, before they even started dating. Alexis and Joe saw something in them that day and they pushed for this. In a weird sort of way, Fergal and Pam owe their ENTIRE relationship to the eyeballs and brains of two close friends.

Fergal and Pam began to walk out of the hospital, and almost in a weird psychic link style event, they began thinking about before they met, and also that day they were in the ring with each other, showing their skills off to the rest of the boys and girls at the performance center. It was insane honestly how back then, they were looked at in such high regard and that honestly never went away. Pam never thought of herself even being worth a damn, so having people die to see her work and pick her brain for idea is still baffling to her. So many things have happened since that day, so many tears, laughs and everything else in between. At one time, they were just best of friends who cared deeply for one another. Now? Today? They are life partners who are more than dedicated to one another and have big plans to be married sometime. Of course recent events have prevented them from even planning such festivities, but nevertheless. The wedding of Fergal Devitt and Pamela Martinez was coming, and it is going to be GLORIOUS.

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