Sushi Bar

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The signing was going very well for Fergal, he was having a great time meeting and well, greeting all of the fans who came up to his table. It killed him on the inside when people said they were scared to say much to him, cause on the inside, Fergal really was one of the kindest, most gentle people who has ever really lived. He would never do anything to harm anyone intentionally, raise his voice, or anything that would cause people to be frightened by him. He tried to reassure everyone from sixteen year old girls, to five year old boys. They all shared the same starstruck fear that grasped at a young fans heart. It was both cute and hilariously sad.. Not in a sarcastic douchey way, but the way in which most fans, if they would engage him in normal conversation, they would realize how gentle of a soul he is. Fergal got to sit near Rami which was refreshing, he missed his old friend and it sucked that since his time off, they really had drifted apart from one another. After, they planned on getting some food together to catch up. Fergal got a text on his phone, looking at it it was from Lexi. She texted him to let him know that Pam's mood was looking a lot better and she was opening up. Fergal was so relieved to hear that, he did ask a favor of the girls to go make Pam feel better, girl time is something that she needed desperately. Fergal replied, 'Thank you so much that is lovely to hear. I'm glad she's got friends like you guys who can help her.' As much as Pam opened up to Fergal, which she told him every dark thought that she had, sometimes you needed a friend to wake you up so you can be happy again. It looks like the girls were doing their best to make sure Pam felt love from all of them. Fergal felt absolutely so relieved and relaxed now, he could enjoy the rest of this signing and then have a nice lunch with Rami. Fergal was visited by his last person, it was a small little girl who had a 'I'm a Finn girl' shirt on. Which.. Fergal had no idea existed. She seemed kind of pale, maybe that's just her complexion.. Fergal greeted her warmly but, the girl did not speak. The mother who stood right behind the girl took a step in front, "She hasn't spoken since she was three.." Fergal then asked how old she was, "How old is the little one?" The mom clearly hated this, "She's six." Fergal was floored.. This poor little kid hasn't spoken for three years straight?? He knows people who can't stop talking for three straight minutes, nonetheless years. "Not a noise..?" Fergal asked one more question, the mom then shook her head, confirming Fergal's huge worry.

This was the time where he needed to comfort a lost soul, Fergal got up and out from behind the table, and walked over to the little girl. She looked up at him with big, glistening green eyes, that well, shined far more than before when she looked up. Fergal got down on both of his knees and opened his arms for a hug. The little girl at first was put off by this, she wasn't sure, she was very frightened of him at first.. But after a few seconds of looking at that big, goofy, loving smile.. She ran in and hugged Fergal tight. "There we go.." He held the child close and tried to make her feel as welcome as possible. "Hey, I've got somethin' for ya little one.." Fergal reached back and grabbed the replica Universal Title that rested on his table. This was to show off his side plates as well as the title. Fergal grabbed the permanent marker, and a photo of him with the title from the table and signed it, leaving a little note. "What's her name?" The mom whispered, "Mary." Fergal nodded, and slowly began to write a nice little note. The mom nor the child knew what he was doing, of course the girl didn't, I mean she's six years old. She can't read all THAT well. Learning curve my friend. As well as Fergal's cursive was.. Really nice looking.

His note read as follows, "Hello there Mary. It's the big bad Demon King, Finn Bálor. I just wanted to say how important you are, and there is nothing in the world you should be scared, or not want to do. You can do anything you ever want to. Always believe that. Now, stay true to yourself, and do your best. You can be amazing at anything you want! Don't let the outside world ever change you from who you are inside, only you decide your fate. Remember that. -- Finn Bálor" Fergal wrote the note on the back of the photo, the front had his signature on it. He then signed the title belt leather and handed the rather heavy object to the mother. He handed the picture to the girl, "These are for you sweetheart." The girls green eyes lit up and she smiled a huge cheeky little grin. This was the best day in her young life, the mom was so happy this was happening to her that she began to silently cry a little bit. The photographers that were there then waited for the picture to be taken, Fergal positioned himself, "Let's get our own picture, yea?" She jumped up happily and spun, she made a goofy little kid pose and smiled, click. The picture was taken. "Alright, now you take care. Okay?" She nodded. Clearly this child was not stupid, she understood words as well as through Fergal's thick Irish accent. She ran back to her mom to show her the picture in excitement. The mom looked at Fergal and smiled, "Thank you so much.. She'll love this, whenever she can pick it up." They both laughed and Fergal bowed a bit, "Not a problem at all. You guys take care now!" They exchanged their waves goodbye and the two went off to get their picture. Fergal looked over at Rami who had been watching the entire thing play out. He was floored with how good of a person Fergal really was. That title belt was for show, the replica was not meant to be given out.. But Fergal did it anyways. Now he had to pay for the damn thing, but he didn't care at all. Rami got up from his table and walked over to Fergal, "Damn man.. That was. You're too nice of a guy to actually exist, y'know." Fergal chuckled quietly, "No no no, just doing what I felt was right. I'm hungry though, you ready?" Rami nodded, "Yeah man let's go." The pair walked out of the area and to the outside. Luckily, the bustling area made it easy for them to escape through the crowd.

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