Could They Have Been Saved?

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Pam was in a different mental state than Fergal was for the next several days. The minutes peeled on for her, while for him they kind of just went. He had no concept of what time was anymore, nor did he understand even what to do with himself. This was the first time that their relationship had hit a HUGE rough patch and for no good reason. Piss poor communication is the only reason this was happening. House shows came and went, and for the most part there were no more conflicts, Fergal never directly spoke to her unless spoken to, he didn't know what to do, so he just decided to avoid talking all together. Slowly feeling his mind sliding back into that recluse like state where he did not allow anyone entry into his thoughts. Pam on the other hand visibly showed her pain, it was how she was as a person, it was super difficult for her to find a way to be able to hide her deepest doubts and frustrations. She had been told by Paul that Mercedes would not be getting her rematch until much later after Wrestlemania, so not only did she feel kind of bad for Mercedes, she also didn't. The thought her her trying to steal her boyfriend away from her just enraged her to the point of her body quivering. She did not care for someone who would try to do that, but then again? Where was her proof? Where was her proof that Mercedes was this monster and that she was maliciously trying to take her one true love away.. The problem was there was no actual concrete proof of this happening, it was unfortunate to have anxiety that literally would create demons out of the ones you love.. The house shows flew by and into the next RAW, it felt like it was going to just be another show, nothing different happening. Pam was booked to have some match with a 'local competitor' just to keep her competing and warm for Wrestlemania time. They finally were going to implement Mercedes' exit from the title match picture for now. And the way they were going to do it was.. Over the top to say the least. Pam had no idea how it would be done, and that was the kind of exciting part? Fergal did not stay in one place for more than five minutes, he couldn't and he most certainly would not do that. His head hurt, a lot right now. Feeling his forehead he felt how warm it really was.. He was not sick of course, this was simply due to the fact that he was thinking so hard that it heated his head up..

Fergal had never had someone like Pam before, he never had someone who could really make him feel the way that he did right now. There really was nobody like her in all of the world. But then again, that is also not too good of a thing, at least for him. Not knowing how to handle certain situations like this was one of the downsides and it was dealing massive damage to their relationship. Fergal assumed this was the time in which Pam would be venturing out to find another guy, someone who would understand her, someone who would put up with things like this. He STILL didn't know what he had done so wrong to enrage her like that, due to the fact that Pam never told him. It was driving him absolutely mad and he knew there was no way that asking her would do anything to fix the irreversible damage that had already happened. Fergal had one question for her and he texted it to her, not wanting to actually face her.. He chose the painless route. Text messaging her, he simply said, 'Would you like to travel separate?'.. After he sent the message, he took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly and almost.. Painfully. His whole body ached due to this heartache and pain, it winced when he drew air deep into his lungs and sharply punctured his skin when he exhaled. This was a pain unlike any he has experienced before. Things were so simple before, there was no need for problems.. What had changed in them..

They had gone MONTHS without even seeing each other, now they can't be in the same room for more than five seconds without feeling horrible. Possibly due to the fact that they were in the middle of a fight, but hey, that's.. The only important thing right now. Pam got the text and instantly started to cry upon reading it. She had an awful feeling that this is how their relationship ended. This was the first step out the door for the best thing in her life. She thought long and hard about what to say back, how should she sound? Should she sound worried? Concerned? Angry? Normal? The decision was made to just.. Play it cool. So she did just that, replying simply with, 'I really don't want you to. But if you think it'll help... I can't stop you Fergal.' The message stumped Fergal to no end right now and Pam needed to talk to someone, she needed help.. The only thing she could think to do was get ahold of Colby. He was there just to check up on his knee with the doctors. He didn't hurt it too bad, just a light sprain but they needed to be extra sure with him. She texted him and asked him to meet her in her locker room. Colby responded about a minute later. 'Coming right up.' Pam thought for a moment that this is when Fergal would return to the locker room, right when she has a friend in to make everything all that much worse. Then she remembered last week with Mercedes, and she instantly didn't feel bad anymore. Perhaps Pam was letting her tiny bit of a temper get the best of her, or perhaps this was poetic justice.. Whatever the case might have been, Colby knocked lightly. "Come in.." Pam's voice cracked and so did the door, Colby poking his head inside and then entered the room. "Hey there. Wow, you look great, but also like crap. What's going on? You sick? What's a matter Pam." Colby walked in further and shut the door behind him, his little joke/compliment was received well by Pam, she rolled her eyes, "No, I'm not sick. Just having problems with Fergal is all. I needed a guys input on the situation." Colby sat down on the bench next to Pam and rubbed his beard, "Oh no. What happened? Did you wreck one of his lego sets? Cause that is a recipe for disaster." Colby at least had the joke part of the deal down to a T. "No no dang it I definitely didn't do that." Colby exhaled, "What happened? That serious then?" Pam nodded slowly. "I need your opinion on what this really means." Colby nodded, preparing to listen to what she had to ask him."

"Well. I'm not naming any names. But, last week Fergal was.. Consoling someone and I wasn't too fond of it. I don't even know what he was doing over there but he was super duper close to another girl who seemed really stressed out and I don't know if that means something.. Or if it doesn't?" Colby stopped her, "Whoa whoa. This was Mercedes. Wasn't it?" Pam pulled her head back a little, "The jig is up." Colby chuckled and shook his head, "She told me about the conversation they had." Pam was a little confused, "I don't follow.." Her voice cracked yet again, "We broke up, Pam. It wasn't what was best for her and I'm all about that for her.. It was a tough pill to swallow.. But she's taking it way harder than I am and it really sucks.. Last week? Her title was taken, I know you won it and that is the only good thing about it. But she was devastated to give it up. As well as we split? She had nowhere to go.. Fergal saw this and reached out to her and tried to help her off of the ground. She told me that happened, there still is a mutual trust and concern between us, Fergal was apparently the only one who actually DID reach out to her that night.." Colby finished his statement and everything clicked and it all made sense, the leaning on his shoulder, the crying.. He was just trying to make his friend feel like the world was not ending. And Pam flipped out due to what she saw and thought.. Not facts.. Goodness she was so blind..

Fergal mind you was still avoiding the world, he was still isolating himself to the point where people didn't even know if he was in the building or not. The segment where Mercedes would be removed from the title picture was about to come on and as life would ironically place it, was right dead ass in front of him. He lifted his head up to watch as Mercedes prepped for her interview, she smiled warmly and waved at Fergal. He then raised a hand and lightly waved back at her. Her interview started but it was all white noise to Fergal, he couldn't make out a single word she was saying, his head was cloudy, a mist filled his skull as he was clueless to what she was saying. His eyes were hazy, he closed them and looked down again. Vertigo is what that kind of feeling is called, his world spun round and round in violent, tornado like circles and gusts. It was painful for him, that horrid nauseous feeling that soon followed him was coming on fast and strong. Mercedes actually glanced over briefly and saw him damn near tip over. She swallowed hard, continuing the segment on and was eventually attacked from behind by AJ, she squealed so loudly that Fergal jumped up in place a bit, startled by the loud squeaky noise. He looked up to seeing the shit be kicked out of Mercedes and he shook his head, disapproving of how the WWE would write her off. Classic. April tossed Mercedes face first into the television monitor, shattering the screen and Mercedes fell lifeless to the floor. It was a frightening sight to see go down that way for Fergal who was all but loopy as shit right now. As the segment ended, and the camera faded on a lifeless Mercedes, they team of medical people rushed over to her to make sure she was indeed okay. April herself called for them, "Hey hey I didn't really pop you did I?" Mercedes rolled over and sighed, "No, but dang that was kind of close.." April let out a sigh of relief, "Well I am so sorry sweetheart, I didn't mean to scare you like that.." Mercedes sat up and looked at Fergal instantly who was no longer watching, his head was low, his hood was popped up high and he was.. Wobbly. Mercedes' hands were shaking violently due to her being genuinely frightened, April helped her to her feet, gave a quick, gentle hug, and then skipped off into the distance.

Mercedes brushed the pieces of fake glass off of her tummy and walked over to Fergal, placing a hand on his back, her tiny hands were still violently shaking all about.. "Hey? Fergal are you alright?" He shook his head slowly, "No, no.. You poor thing.." She sat down next to him and rubbed his back gently, "It's Pam isn't it.. It can't be anything else.." Fergal nodded and loudly sniffled, "Hey don't.. D-don't cry Fergal.." Mercedes quietly pulled her phone out and texted Pam, 'DUDE. You need to come to the shooting area place thing I don't even know. Fergal is really messed up..' She continued to try and calm him down, "Shh Fergal hey buddy listen, it's gonna be okay.." He slightly leaned over and used her as support. It was ironic to Mercedes to think that just a week ago, Fergal was the one who had to talk her off of a cliff, and now it was her who had to keep him from falling off of the cliff. At the end of the day this is what friends were for to be honest. Fergal sniffled again, "I don't think I'm right for Pam anymore Mercedes.. I think I need to go. I don't know what I'm even doing anymore." He was breaking down so low, she had never seen this side of him before. Now crying softly, Mercedes knew this was a bad time for Pam to come, she texted her again, 'Wait no don't, let me try to help him. It's about you guys. Let me handle this sis." She set her phone down, "You're a great guy Fergal.. You can't think that way about yourself, dude.. Listen, any girl would be blessed to have a person like you in their life, nonetheless have you as their own.." Fergal listened, did not speak.. He was having to make the toughest decision in his entire life up to this point.. Was he going to have to walk away from Pam.. 

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