The Dark Times Will Pass

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The relaxation that WAS yesterday had long been slipped into the past, now it was time for Pam to jump right into something she wasn't too keen on.. Facing what she did. The damage she inflicted with one wicked chair shot echoed throughout the WWE Universe and honestly the sports world entirely. It was unheard of for Pam to show such viciousness on screen, Bayley was obviously the fun loving, free spirited goof ball who was everybody's best friend. But, once that little pinch of envy, or anger, even doubt settles in.. Even the softest of softies can turn into monsters. Fergal still was not going to go, he wanted Pam to go by herself so her and Alexis could have their time together and that was a thing that was going to be wicked hard for her. To ease her mind a little? They both were looking at houses currently to move into. "I think this one is pretty. It's close to the city, but far enough so that we're kind of on our own, y'know? Oh! This one is legit just like that, it's a gated community AND it's pretty. Check it out!" Pam was like a kid in a candy store when it came to house hunting, overjoyed at each thing she saw. Fergal had to keep a somewhat level head about it however; but the one with the gate? Pam may have struck gold with this one. "Holy shit, this one IS nice. Look at the neighboring houses too.. This place might just be the one honestly. How much is it going for?" Pam looked and showed him a significant price. But with all the years of smart money management, saving, and TWO incomes from the biggest wrestling company in the world? This was not a problem. "What do you say about this weekend we go check it out? I'll call'em when you're out today and we can go up to Jersey, maybe snag April along the way and look at our potential new home? Would you wanna do that?" Fergal asked Pam without a hint of knowing what she'd say in his voice. Pam squealed and swung her arms around his neck gently, but quickly. "YES! That would be absolutely amazing babe. I'm so excited!" Pam was overjoyed to hear his genuine interest in that specific place, it was something crazy that was lingering in the air right now.. Almost.. Almost like happiness. You know? That thing everybody wants and yet nobody can really get when the need it? Well right now they were getting it in droves and it was incredible feeling. Fergal hugged Pam back tight and kissed her cheek gently. "I love you." He rubbed the side of his face against hers gently and closed his eyes. Pam felt her heart flutter, "I love you too darling." She rubbed her face back against his.

It was shit like that that really reminded them of why they were here in the first place, cute, intangible moments like that really made all of the difference when it came to being in a relationship. It was almost as if a relationship was impossible to really sustain without having things like that happen and happen often. Fergal rubbed her back softly as this little moment carried on for a few more seconds. Pam ultimately had to break it up when she realized the time just struck eleven in the morning. They had been looking for houses all morning with no realization of the time of the rest of the world around them. "I guess I have to finish getting ready, I gotta make myself look good. I know she's in a hospital bed, but I bet that she still managed to make herself look good.." Pam giggled and Fergal rolled his eyes as he shook his head, "Whatever you say babe. I think you look good now, but then again I always think you look good." Pam blushed a bit as she walked towards the bathroom to toss some quick makeup on. As she got there and a little more than five minutes passed, Pam was ready. Well I say ready, but really she was just as ready as she'll ever be for this little visit. "How do I look?" She quietly asked, doing a full spin.

Fergal smiled a bit, "Looks like someone was hell bent on stealing my heart. Again." His compliment made Pam's cheeks light up more than the blush she just put onto her face. These were the moments that she cherished so much and these were the little things that she feared people like Alexis and Mercedes wanted to steal from her. Her actions were too extreme, she almost but knows it.. But there is a little part of her that still defends what she did to not only Alexis, but the fighting that took place between herself and Mercedes. Pam literally stood on guard from every female in the company, from Rebecca, to Cathy Kelley. No one was safe from the wrath of suspicious Pam who is determined to keep them away from her man. Even the MARRIED women had to be worried about that, for there were no distinctions between in a relationship, and not, married and unmarried.. You were a female, if you were looking, EVEN LOOKING sweet on him? She'd put you on a shit list. And that's where Pam's biggest problem is, but she has no idea how to fix it. People can have friends, have interests and that doesn't mean that they want to be with them. Just because Fergal is friends with Alexis for example, and he's a fan of her work certainly doesn't mean he wants to put his dick in her. But in Pam's head? It makes sense that he would, insecurity as I've mentioned quite a lot, is a dangerous, scary thing. It can make you aggressive and hostile even if you're the kindest, sweetest most innocent little person ever. If you are with someone who is insecure about something, just work with them and understand it. For questioning it too much will only make you catch the wrath of someone who feels attacked. "I gotta get going Ferg. C'mere and lemme love you before I go." Pam opened her arms up as Fergal rose to his feet, walking over to her. As he got there he wrapped his arms around her waist, slyly moving his hands to her butt where he cupped under it in a scooping fashion. Pam's arms went around his neck and they hugged, their hugs were always so close and intimate, when they didn't talk during their hugs; they could actually feel each other's heart beat. This was one of those moments. After a few seconds of a nice tender little embrace, Fergal spoke, "Good luck babe.. Just remember that everything is going to be okay. And that I love you very much." He pulled his head back only to push it forward and kiss Pam swiftly. She returned the kiss tenfold, and then smiled, "Thank you sweetheart.. I'm just worried. But I'll text you when I get there okay?" Fergal nodded at her words and he hug was finally, reluctantly broken.

Pam began to walk out the door and she closed it behind her, she didn't want to do this today. I mean yesterday was so perfect, they watched old horror movies all night, ate awful food that was secretly delicious, they cuddled a lot and just had a damn good time. Actually the last two days have been pretty decent in Pam's mind, she got to spend an exuberant amount of time with the love of her life, who made her feel better no matter what.. And she didn't have to face the music just yet. Well, that dream was over, and she was just hoping that it didn't suddenly shift into a never ending nightmare. She began to drive towards the hospital where Alexis was at and had some serious PTSD flashbacks.. Remembering when she was attacked, remembering the accident with Shinsuke, Rebecca, and Alexis.. All of these things were flooding back into her head and she began to have a minor panic attack. Her chest began to tighten up rapidly and her mind was racing at a million miles a minute. Her vision became foggy and blurry and she shook her head quickly, trying to not pass out right now. Tears silently built up in her eyes as the cold, harsh reality of how much shit she was thinking about, and the severity of those days was setting in..

Did I say minor panic attack? I meant full on panic attack with no signs of stopping. Speaking of stopping, Pam swerved her car a little before slowing it down, avoiding becoming just a statistic in the 'Died whilst driving' column. She stopped the car, put her four ways on and sat there, violently shaking as she could not stop freaking out. She hated hospitals, absolutely hated them. It was at a hospital that she realized that she had a problem inside of her head, it was at a hospital where she almost saw her friend die, it was at a hospital where she found out Mercedes tried to seduce Fergal and sleep with him. She never wanted to go back to a hospital ever again. God forbid she ever gets seriously injured again and has to spend an extended period of time in one. She would probably just die at that point. Pam's phone vibrated a few times for she was receiving text messages. It was Alexis, ironically of all freaking people. 'Hey Pam. I don't know how you feel right now. But I hope it's well.' 'Also, I really wanna see you soon. Stop by today?' Pam felt the irony grip her being and rip her apart. She was literally on the way there already. 'Yeaa. I'd love to.' She began to calm down when she remembered that the task at hand was to better her life by rebuilding this bridge. The reason why this thing with Alexis bothered her more than Mercedes did, even though Pam was stupidly close to Mercedes, Alexis was one of Fergal's closest friends. Considering that she and the likes of Rami, Kevin, Rebecca, Joe, Andrew (Luke Gallows), Chad (Karl Anderson),  were considered to be his closest friends, Alexis was one of two girls that were in that list and as of late one of his closer friends. Not taking anything whatsoever away from them, it just happens that out of a group of people considered family, you will be closer to one person or two over the rest. Rami and Alexis were the two closest.. Pam regained composure after a solid fifteen minutes of panicking in the car, she finished the drive to the hospital and parked in that same dreaded parking lot that she was in before. Already dreading what Alexis was going to say.. She walked inside of the building and asked the receptionist where Alexis Kaufman was at. She directed her and Pam walked off. Nerves set in now, big time..

Once Pam got to her door, she peeked inside and saw Alexis on her phone, as always. Hopefully she was in a good mood. Opening the door, "Knock knock.." Alexis' eyes darted up to the door and she saw Pam. "Pammie!" She was.. Happy about seeing Pam, almost too happy.. Pam smiled and hid her face like an embarrassed elementary school student, "Hi hi!" She closed the door behind her, "C'mere and gimme a hug." She opened her arms wide and smiled at Pam who proceeded to power walk over and hug her extremely tight. "Lexi, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to-" Alexis cut her off, "Hey. None of that. You're good. I understand and honestly it looks pretty badass to watch back. Here's Bayley, lovable and adorable Bayley.. Wouldn't hurt a fly. Knocking the LIVING daylights out of the nasty bitch, Alexa Bliss. It is so cool honestly. Just, hurt a little, y'know?" Pam giggled and held the hug tight, she softly rubbed Alexis' back and secretly felt really bad still. "You are a little trooper. I swear." The hug broke and Pam sat down at her bedside. "You gotta be getting out soon, right?" Pam asked as she tilted her head to the side. Alexis nodded, "Yeah! I get out tomorrow. Still can't wrestle, but I can at least be there setting up our rematch. So I can kick your cute ass!" They both laughed and locked eyes, it was a clear understanding that Alexis really did forgive her for what she did to her.. It was such a relief for Pam's conscious, what a load off knowing you could have killed this person, and they still love you to pieces. "I'm really glad you came today Pammie." Pam smiled softly, "I'm glad I did too Lexi. Thank you for everythi

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