Sudden Departure

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Fergal was actually overjoyed right now to be here. He had a decently long road to get back to Pam, but it was all actually worth it obviously in the end. He held onto her tight and almost swung them both around in little dorky circles. "Can I never leave like that again? Or at least have you with me each and every step of the way this time? I don't really wanna do this without you anymore.." Fergal exclaimed, the words just spilled out of his mouth like he almost couldn't help himself do it. He gently had to put Pam down but his hands rested on her little hips, "You know I wish I could go with you.." Pam looked down, a little pinch of defeat settled into her heart as she knew that due to business, she couldn't really be the one making demands right now. She had work to finish up in NXT and there wasn't really a whole lot of other things she could do about it. Fergal also was one to know exactly how the world of professional wrestling operated, how pushes worked, how opportunities needed to be taken as soon as the rose to the surface. And sadly, Pam only had one stint where she had a chance on the main stage and she killed it. Her debut was close, but they weren't ready for her yet. "C'mon. Let's get inside." Pam began to tug on Fergal's arm and yank him inside of her apartment. She wanted to spend as much time as he had with her, which was clearly not a lot for him to just pop in randomly like this. Fergal walked inside and saw a quiet, somber little place now. The normally lively and bubbly apartment atmosphere that Pam always like to keep up on was now replaced with that of depression and..quiet. She looked over at him and saw that his face was actually a little confused looking; "What is it babe?" She asked him in the most curious little voice she could muster. "No nothing, uh. Just seems different in here. I dunno." Well the breaking of April happened in this place, she couldn't tell him that and nor did she really want to. She didn't even have the courage to tell him that she was here still. For some reason she figured that he'd get irritated if she told him she was.

April of course, on queue emerged from the bathroom and brushed off her legs a bit, "Oh, Ferg. Hey buddy." April's broken voice was even heard through the lying tone she tried to keep on right now. Her skies were so dark above her head, her blood was cold, there was little to no happy feelings or thoughts inside of April's heart or mind anymore. Yet still she tried to make sure that there was no questions, no doubts in anybody that she was not okay. April wasn't that type of person, she didn't prance around telling everyone how broken she was. If you knew she was? Then that was just it..You knew she was. "April, hey. Didn't see ya there. How are you?" Fergal was an observant person, not much got passed him, he saw how sunken in her eyes were, taking note, he noticed her posture was slouching and somewhat gave off a defeated glow from her skin. Fergal had suspicion that she was messed up, but what kind of douche would he be to just assume something like that. Something so serious that he needed to just keep his trap shut and if she wanted to talk about it, she would talk about it. April smiled weakly, "I'm doing well. Thanks. How bout you? Life on the road treating you like a champ yet?" Fergal smiled and shook his head, "No champ here. But road life is indeed cool. I miss this one like crazy though." As he finished his sentence he tugged on Pam and pulled her closer to him. Pam during all of this awkward little encounter was trying to think of something, anything to remove herself from the situation. She knew that something was brewing under the surface, but she didn't want to really deal with it right now. "Anyone want some food? I'm kind of hungry right now..Figured I'd offer!"

Fergal recognized this act as a desperate one of Pam to try and get out of a tense situation. She for some reason knew that Fergal had something to say, and it was surely not good news at all. But Pam recognized that Fergal knows her very well, she was relieved when he spoke, "Yea sweetie, is there anything quick you can whip up? I'm a bit hungry to be honest.." Fergal was happy to help Pam, he saw that little look on her face that was screaming for help, screaming to 'let me get outta here' and he had to lend a hand and aid her in that. "Great! I mean, uh yea. I got something in there I can find. Be right back!" Fergal nodded at Pam as she scurried as fast as her little legs would take her. April sat in stunned disbelief, she knew exactly what the hell was going on and she was a little bit offended actually that Pam would try and run away from a potential serious situation. April shook her head and sighed quietly, "So Fergal, what's been new with you? Anything go on?" April was smart, very smart. She knew that she could put him on the spot and hope that he would actually break. Fergal on the other hand was a tough one, he was not one to just crack under pressure like that and just tell her what was really going through his mind. He figured that if he waited it out a little while longer, he'd be able to just brush her interrogation under the rug like it never ever happened. "Uh nothing really, just getting ready for Summerslam, y'know?" Fergal was being as vague as humanly possible, he didn't want to give her an inch on a suspicious look, a suspicious gesture, a anything at this point. April was in full detective mode right now, she knew that he was trying to shield her from something and to be honest she almost appreciated that he was trying to protect her. But April didn't like help like that, she didn't like to know that someone was trying to keep her away from the truth due to their fear of her breaking further than she had already broken.

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