Shared Dreaming

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Fergal's quick appearance, and then follow up disappearance made Pam feel a little weird inside. She broke the hug with Alexis who did not see him due to her back facing that direction. She looked up into Pam's eyes, the eyes of someone who seemingly just saw a ghost.. "Pammie? What happened? Why on Earth do you look like that.." Pam shook her head at Alexis' genuine question. She was not going to say that she saw Fergal, for if she did, the fiery Alexis would surely go right after him and find out why he didn't approach them. "Huh? No I'm just tired. Don't worry." Pam's voice was quiet, and unconvincing.. Alexis furrowed her eyebrows and turned around. "Did someone make a face at you? Or me? That kind of thing has been happening to me a lot recently.. People saying and doing things to me behind my back.." Alexis was having to deal with a lot of shit talking and people even attempting to touch her. It was the most uncomfortable thing and as a result of this, the WWE Security Team that stood behind the barricade have had to toss out at least a dozen people in the last week or so. She turned around, looking for what Pam saw while her back was turned and found nothing.. "I told you there's nothing there babe.." Pam tried to make it believable, yet Alexis was having none of it. She knew that Pam was full of it and she was just trying to protect her from.. Something. "Okay Pammie, you go in and get checked up. I'll be here when you get out, okay? Good luck!" Alexis jumped up and hugged Pam one last time, Pam hugged back and released her. "Thank you dear." Pam turned her back now to Alexis, and went inside the doctor's room. Alexis saw that there were quite a many people in there already, it was of course injury season, and passing the psychological test after injuries for some Superstars was almost as hard as physically healing. The door shut and Alexis turned into James Bond. She walked up the hall and looked around each corner, her tiny legs took small steps, but she walked quickly. After several minutes of searching, she turned one final corner and saw Fergal at catering. This would definitely make sense as to why Pam freaked out as she did. Alexis got a little.. Frustrated with him, she walked over to him and he looked up at her, "Oh hey Lex. When did you get here..?" There weren't many people around them, Alexis leaned down and whispered into his ear, "Come with me. Now." She stood up straight again, Fergal had a hunch that she knew he saw them and potentially was spotted by Pam. He got up slowly, looking at the somewhat irritated Alexis.. "What's going on? Are you okay?" Alexis grabbed his arm like a mother scorning a child and walked away from people, isolating themselves in a corner behind some equipment. After she drug him over to the super secret spot; she crossed her arms and looked up at him.

    "What was that about? Hm?" Alexis asked, with irritation dripping off of her voice. Fergal looked around, "Um.. What was what about? I don't follow.." Fergal tried to lie to her. All Alexis had to do was look dead into his eyes, raise one eyebrow and speak.. One more time.. "Yeah..?" She was clearly already informed about his presence earlier, there was no lying to Alexis. She knew him too well by now. "I didn't want to go over to you guys because I really don't want to. Pam is. I don't know what she is to me right now, Lex. She once loved me more than life itself, she once trusted me more than anyone or anything in the whole wide world. She once never sided against me, always defending me. That all changed when she blamed me for what Mercedes did to her fucking self. SO. I don't know what you expect from me, lass.."

    Alexis got angry now, "What do I expect from you? Oh I don't know. How about you either love her or let her go. Don't leave her in suspense like this. I'm sick and tired of seeing that poor woman stressed, crying, not eating, not sleeping. All of it. The whole nine yards, I. Am. Sick. Of. It. I love you guys so much, I was helping her even before you were the love of her life. She needed that push to let you in, she was originally scared of you. How I don't know, but she was. And now I feel like you're leading her around like a puppy who you won't give the treat to. Stop this stupidity Fergal. I'm serious.." As Alexis kept talking, Fergal zoned out as he looked upon her. His dream from the other day about.. Her was still fresh in his mind. Fergal didn't want to be like this. But how can he say he loves Pam and wants to marry her yet he dreams about Alexis? It just wouldn't be right. Fergal couldn't fight it anymore, his frustration was hitting a peak. "I had a dream about you the other night, Lexi. I didn't want to say anything and you have to swear on everything you will NEVER fucking speak of this." Alexis pulled her head back, she instantly became a little put off.. But anxious nonetheless.. "What.. happened?" Fergal extended his pinky so they could pinky swear that she wouldn't tell anyone about it. Alexis couldn't help but smile at him, he was such a dorky man who was so intimidating to so many people. She raised up her little hand and wrapped her pinky around his. "I swear I won't say anything sweetie.. And I'm sorry I got mad at you. I'm just overwhelmed right now, please tell me what happened. Did I die in your dream?" Alexis asked quietly. Fergal shook his head slowly. "Uh. No. Quite the contrary actually.. I didn't see a lot, nor do I remember a lot. But all I remember was being hugged from behind by someone with little arms. And little chubby fingers. And when I turned around, you were latched onto me so tight.. I knew exactly what kind of hug that was.. It was not a Bayley hug, it was an 'I love you babe' kind of hug.. And I.." Fergal put his fingers over his eyes and pushed down. Trying to get rid of some of the pain in his head. Alexis covered her mouth from fear right now. "I don't know Lexi. I can't say it felt bad, or it felt wrong. For the first time in weeks I didn't feel lost. I didn't feel alone.. No cold feeling.. Just warmth. Like I was being cared for for the first time in weeks.. Months even.." Fergal looked down slowly, hanging his head in shame. Alexis knew she had to comfort him as best as she possibly could without being overbearing. She put a finger under his chin and lifted his head. "Hey.. It's okay.. I've had dreams like that too.. Recently even.. And I've been engaged longer than you. Goodness just by time alone we're practically married. Please don't feel ashamed or afraid.." Alexis' voice was so calm, reassuring even. Fergal looked at her finally, "What do you mean.. Recently.."

    Alexis knew she had some explaining to do.. "Well.. I just. Have had dreams recently. Like the last few days I've been having odd dreams involving people I know, that's all." She began to fear telling him this, even insinuating that she dreamt about other men.. This was becoming a strange confession session of sorts.. "Who? And what? Why do you look so pale.. Lexi?" Fergal saw that her face was slowly becoming more and more pale as the seconds peeled on, she looked like she was going to faint. Her chest rose and sunk rapidly, "Hey hey.. Relax.. Holy shit. Sit.." Fergal grabbed her by the forearms and assisted her to a little spot to sit down on. Alexis began to heavily sweat, her anxiety was overtaking her right now. After a few tense minutes, Alexis regained control of herself. "Hey. Are you okay..?" Fergal asked quietly. Alexis grunted, and spoke ridiculously quiet, her voice cracked. "They were about you, Fergal.."

    Fergal's mind began to turn on itself.. He looked down at Alexis and felt so bad.. Her tiny little body shook rapidly. "You need to calm down.. Please, you're literally shaking right now. I think I see your boots comin' off.." Fergal's quiet joke made Alexis actually laugh a little, "A-am I a bad person? Matt is such a great guy, and here I am having dreams about.. You.. Am I shallow? Am I bad?" Fergal nudged her gently, "NO! You are not a bad person, at all. You are actually a wonderful person. You're beautiful inside and out, lass. I promise you aren't a bad person.. You might just be curious, confused even. I don't know why I had one as well, but it's there. My subconscious is trying to show me something and maybe that something is just good. Maybe.. My brain is trying to show me you, because I do love you a lot.. And it's trying to show me love again. I don't remember what it feels like, I don't remember what it feels like to be held and told how I am loved.. Matt tells you that all the time, doesn't he?" Fergal asked, and Alexis nodded slowly. She often was vocally appreciated by those she loves and that love her. Fergal on the other hand.. Was not. The last person who showed appreciation to him was.. Alexis. Perhaps that's why he dreamt about her.. Or maybe he was falling for her and he was just in super denial. Who knows? "I'm sorry." Alexis stood slowly and turned to him, "Pam's gonna probably be getting out soon, I should head back." Fergal looked up at her, his deep brown eyes show such immense pain and despair.. She slowly reached over and put her hands behind his head, pulling his head into her tummy in a light little hug. She softly rubbed the back of his head. Fergal hugged her back but had to CAREFULLY avoid touching her butt, that would be not only a mistake, but highly inappropriate. Alexis rubbed the back of his head softly, she was kicking big sister mode on right now, trying to avert his thoughts of being with her, if there even were any at this point. She shushed him quietly. "Shhh. Please relax Fergal. I'm so sorry I don't want to go. I love spending time with you.. I just. I have to go." Fergal spoke, his head was facing to her right side, "I understand.. I'm sorry.. I.." She interrupted him. "No. No apologies. No nothing like that. You need time to think, and honestly I understand that now. At first I was so pissed at you, but now? I see what's going on.. And.. As much as I'm not sure if this will hurt you or not.. That dream you had?.. It needs to.. I-it needs to stay that way. Just a dream. Nothing can come of it, Fergal.. I'm with Matt. And.. You're in love with Pam. Right now you're just confused, you don't think you have anyone or anything.. And I just so happen to be the face in your dream.. Please do me this one favor? Talk to Pam.. Just, sit with her.. She's better now.. It's your turn.."

    Fergal wasn't sure if he should cry, or just bury the feeling he had inside of him. He tightened the hug on Alexis and then released it, it almost felt like life was doing this on purpose to him. Alexis was acting a way, and Fergal was taking it the wrong way. Sound confusing, but, in all actuality it was not all that odd. Fergal nodded as he crossed his arms, "Yeah.. Yeah you're right. Sorry Lexi. Get back to Pam. I have to go anyways." Fergal stood up, clearly his feelings were somewhat hurt. Well in his mind he felt as if she was brushing his fears, thoughts and dreams under the rug.. "Fergal, wait!" Alexis tried to catch him, but he didn't want any of it. He kept on walking and Alexis walked back to the door of the doctor's room, ashamed that she had hurt his feelings.. After twenty additional minutes of Alexis waiting for Pam, she was wrong, she could have sat longer with him.. Pam bursted out of the door. Alexis was almost sleeping, "Holy crap. You scared me!" Alexis squealed as she rubbed her eyes. Pam smiled though, before Alexis could realize what was happening, Pam wrapped her arms around Alexis. "I GOT CLEARED! I'M COMIN' BACK ON THE ROAD!!"

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