The Beat Goes On

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Fergal was confused, he didn't know what to say, Pam was sobbing right in front of him, there was a random fruit basket from Mercedes and apparently they had fought bad enough to warrant...this?? "What do you mean.." Fergal spoke softly as Pam continued to silently sob, Fergal was so oblivious to what actually could have happened. Pam had told him some of her internal struggles that she was having to put up with, and now with this? That only exasperates them to the maximum. "S-she came give you a fruit basket..a-and to visit.." Pam was struggling to speak, poor thing could hardly breathe..And here she was also trying to talk as well? Not a good combination. "Slow down..Okay she stopped by, dropped off a fruit basket..and what? You guys laid into each other? Why??" He was beginning to grow suspicious of why..the thought was beginning to fester deep in his mind. Almost as if shadowy tendrils were slowly wrapping themselves around his brain. If he were to understand this, he would have to realize just the bare minimum of what happened. Actually, to put it so it's easily understood, he had to simplify it. In his mind, a friend who is a female stopped by to drop off a gift as well as potentially visit. Fergal was starting to see the big picture here. And now to add in variables, the biggest one was that it was Mercedes. Whom, Pam seemed to be a little more hostile towards when it involved him as of late. Even if he isn't on the road, he knows what goes on almost all the time. Fergal got a little closer, placing his hand on her cheek softly and stroking it with his thumb. "C'mon babe..I'm not the enemy here..Just talk to me. I want to help. Anyway I possibly can.." Fergal was trying to be as calm, cool, and collected as he possibly could be right now. Pam looked up at him, "We fought..Over you." Fergal knew it. He knew that it was Pam's jealousy that possibly caused this. Granted, Fergal was also a realist. Mercedes stopping by unannounced is what the problem was, or at least he assumed it was unannounced. "Did she say she was stopping by? Or did she just pop in outta nowhere.." Fergal needed that verification from her, and he got it. She nodded slowly, "Out of nowhere.." Pam whispered and Fergal understood everything now. He knew that she shouldn't be jealous like this. All it is, is toxic. It's toxic for her heart and mind, as well as everyone around her. It is an infectious disease that he needs to try and cure, for if he doesn't? Pam might not even let him go to the store alone anymore..I mean, who knows who might be there..Fergal cleared his throat as what this means was finally setting in on him.."Who..started this?"

Pam pointed at herself and continued to weakly weep all over the place. She hung her head low like a child who was just suspended from school. Fergal exhaled deeply, knowing that she was taking full blame for this. "Listen, honey. I told you before there is no reason to fear when it involves me..I love you. Not Mercedes, or anyone else in this world..or any other for that matter. I know you're takin' this wicked hard right now. And honestly I don't want you to, but I understand why. Pam, sweetheart. You are not the only one wrong. Mercedes should have told you, or me that she is stoppin' by. Then it woulda been a grand old time. Baysha in the house, partyin' with Fergie-Ferg? C'mon baby.." When Fergal was dropping all these subliminal jokes like Baysha, and Fergie-Ferg, she smiled just slightly, Fergal continued to talk, "She was wrong too. Okay? It isn't just you, or her. Right now it hurts..right here doesn't it?" He placed his hand over top of her heart very gently. She nodded slowly, "I know it does..But.." He exhaled shakily, "C'mere baby.." Pam looked up and he had his arms open wide, she scurried and buried her face in his chest.

Fergal hated seeing her like this. It killed him inside and he just wanted to make her feel all better. He held her as gently as he possibly could, any kind of force could be seen as an act of frustration and trigger her to no end. She slowly began to stop whimpering as well as the crying began to slowly die down. After she composed herself just a little more, "What should I do? She hates me, Fergal...I watched her face..I hurt her so bad.." Fergal listened to her and bit down on the inside of her cheek, "I don't know. She probably cried..Poor thing always is cryin'.." Pam nodded in agreement. "I don't know, you're gonna have to apologize to her eventually. Let her simmer down a bit, maybe she'll try to approach you about it sometime. You just need to let her immediate wounds heal before you can bandage the rest. Y'know what I mean?" Pam nodded again. As she spoke once more, her voice cracked, "If you ever stop wrestling..You'd make a killing as a therapist." Fergal giggled quietly, and Pam simply smiled. "No no, I'm no good at advice, just tryin' to do right by you. That's my priority-" As he was just about to continue reassuring Pam, his door had a loud knock go down. And then several more. He got up, "I'll be right back.." He walked over to it and peeked through the hold, there was no way that he was seeing this person. No. Way. He opened it and was immediately a little angry. "Can I help you?" He was trying to be distant, Pam listened, the person had a very, very familiar English accent and they were asking about April. Pam stood to see that Saraya was there, and she looked awful. She had a giant black eye, her other eye looked like she hadn't slept in a week, and she overall looked like she needed a hospital. Pam walked over to the door and stood next to Fergal, "Why are you looking for April? So you can beat her again?" Saraya looked at Pam, she could see on her face that she was in her own world of pain, so she decided not to be confrontational with her. "No, that isn't even how it happened. By the way." Saraya was getting drenched with the torrential downpour of rain that was happening and Fergal was beginning to feel bad, " want to come in? Get you outta this rain? Besides. We need to have a little chat." Fergal moved out of the way and Pam did with him. Saraya walked inside and was actually clueless looking in what he was talking about. "Okay..I expect nothing more than a police interrogation from you. But I have nothin' to hide." Saraya sounded almost..confident. Confidence that really only shows up when you indeed have nothing to hide away from the world. Fergal shut the door as the loud crack of thunder rang out once more, Saraya looked back and shrugged, "Good timing."

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