Mounting Frustration

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Fergal was nervous. He had that kind of weird shared embarrassment for people, I think that's what it's called..Whatever; that concept is what he had and he didn't even really realize that he had it until he was already head over heels embarrassed for someone. This was the case for Clash of Champions. He was always so nervous for Pam's matches now a days, primarily due to the fact that he has noticed that the ladies felt the need to try a little bit too hard to impress the world. All they had to do was just be themselves and they would kill it. But trying too hard actually is what got Mercedes hurt. She went for a suicide dive, didn't compensate for the fall enough, and folded her entire body up like a slinky. If anything like that happened to Pam, Fergal wouldn't give a shit about kayfabe, or who likes it or didn't like it. He would run out there and make sure that she is okay. He finished up cooking something quick for dinner and sat down on his sofa, there was some popcorn as well and a two liter of Diet Coke. Fergal was ready to have a nice, relaxing evening watching professional wrestling. As soon as his butt came into contact with the couch, his doorbell rang and he sighed. Now who in the hell would honestly be at his house right now. Like now? Couldn't they have rang a few minutes ago BEFORE he got all comfortable? Fergal could do nothing but sigh once more and get uo, he walked to the door and opened it up a bit. "Ferg open up! I can't hold this stuff forever.." It was a very familiar voice..Was that.."Becky?" Fergal opened the door fully and there stood the orange haired Irishwoman. Under her arms were several bags of chips that she knew Fergal liked and she beamed out a smile to him. "Surprise?" She quietly giggled and Fergal moved out of the way for her to make her entrance into his apartment "Well this is definitely a pleasant little surprise.." He smiled a bit and closed the door behind her. Fergal was wondering why on Earth she would just show up to his place unannounced like this. He figured honestly that Pam asked her to come over, which he didn't exactly have a problem with. He just wished that there was some like, oh I don't know..Mentioning it to him before so he could be more presentable? "What brings you to this neck of the woods?" Fergal walked with her until she sat on the couch, he returned back to his spot again as the pay-per-view was drawing closer and closer to its beginning. "Well, A little birdie mentioned that you weren't feelin' yourself tonight. Can't have you all sad and stuff, plus I missed your goofy face!" There was Fergal's confirmation that indeed this was an act of Pam being..well, Pam.

"Ahhh I see. So our friendly neighborhood hugger put you up to comin' over, yea?" Fergal smiled a bit and opened one of the bags of chips, that really didn't take all that long. He couldn't resist; Tostitos with a hint of lime were his absolute favorite ones in the world. Rebecca shrugged lightly, "She worries about you Ferg. We all worry about you. You're such a quiet little bugger that we never really know what goes on in that big head of yours." Fergal looked over at her and put on a silly offended face. "My head is not big. How could you." Rebecca let out one of her traditional giggles that squeaked and her voice cracked. "But really, we do worry a lot. And I mean all of us worry. Spanning from Rami, to me, to Pam, Matt, Lex, Mercedes..You have a lot of people who care about you.." She was getting deep now, it was a fact that Fergal did have a lot of friends, the guy is pretty sociable and very kind to everyone in his life. How could he not have friends with such an upbeat attitude like that? But due to recent things happening, he had no idea Mercedes even cared, he really hadn't got the chance to talk to her all that much recently..

"It's weird, I keep hearin' all these people worry about me yet half of them ask me how I'm doin'..makes it kind of hard to believe doesn't it?" Fergal was being a skeptic as well as a pessimist right now about this whole entire issue. He was a little bothered with repeatedly hearing the same damn thing from different people yet it wasn't really all that different in the end. He believed it at first, people caring is a huge thing to have in the back of your mind. Yet when none of it is ever proven, doubt begins to creep in. Doubt about everything. I mean come on now, Lexi for the longest time was the only one who proved that she even cared about how he was doing. More so than Pam for a time even which..baffled Fergal to no end like you have no idea. And now he's being told the same dry, repeated line again? Doubt had made itself known inside Fergal's mind. Rebecca took this time to think about what he had just said, were people really leaving poor Fergal in the dark like that? Were they really not actually showing they cared but instead saying it like it was a badge of honor? She was a little more than bothered to say the least by this. She didn't know people were putting him in the dark like this and it actually made Rebecca somewhat..sad. "I had no idea people weren't reaching out Ferg..I'm really sorry.." She looked over at him and had the absolute saddest look on her face. He glanced over and saw it, having to do a double take looking at her, "Hey..what's a matter? Don't be sad now.." He leaned over and hugged Rebecca gently. Looks like being with Pam so long, her habits were rubbing off on him a little bit. She hugged back and the hug triggered an emotional..memory. A flashback if you will; but not the good kind. She remembered back to when they first met, and Rebecca was heavily involved with..things that she really shouldn't have ever dabbled in at all. And she went to Fergal one night, blasted out of her mind and all she can remember was..was crying. Lots and lots of crying, followed by hugging him just like this and seeing nothing at all..just feeling the world around her spin violently. The flashback caused Rebecca's heart to sink into the pit of her stomach as she fought back the urge to point out the fact that she felt somewhat faint at the thought. That honestly is how dark her memories are..Rebecca's past is something that needs to remain in the past. Forever. Fergal knew this hence why he never, ever brought it up. But..that doesn't mean she doesn't remember those cold, dark times..

Fergal actually felt her..shake. A tad, just a little shake. He pulled back a bit, "Hey..what happened? Are you alright? Becks..Hey.." He looked down at her and she shook her head a little bit, "This is supposed to be to make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, not to make me feel anything. I'm okay..Don't you worry about me." Rebecca grabbed her phone and texted Pam, 'Here with Ferg now sweetheart.' As soon as she sent the text, she felt it buzz, then buzz, and buzz, well. That might just be a phone call. Oh cool, FaceTime, and Pam was the culprit. "Heyyy Pam. What's going on?" Rebecca smiled into the camera and Pam smile back, she was relieved to know that Rebecca had made it there in one piece and to know that Fergal was not going to be alone, at least for one night made it all the better for her, as well as easier to calm her own mind down a bit. "Where's Fergal?" Pam asked with a little bit of worry in her voice, Rebecca moved the camera over and showed Fergal's rather camera shy little face. "Hi there. You're a tiny screen." Fergal's rather dry joke actually made Rebecca laugh, but Pam didn't giggle all too much. "Oh ha ha ha, real funny babe." In the background, Fergal noticed Mercedes was there..but she really didn't seem all that happy. Inside of her mind however, she still felt kind of hurt by Pam..

Her lack of faith in her own best friend made Mercedes really ponder the idea of why. Why didn't she trust her..Mercedes shook her head each time Rebecca was acknowledging that she was there. It was annoying honestly, and it really did hurt Mercedes' feelings. "Well I'm gonna go now guys, got a match with a Boss and a Queen to get ready for." Pam smiled a little bit when she spoke out what her match was. She still hadn't gotten over that now she was sharing pay-per-view time with her best friends. "Alright, good luck Pam!" Fergal butted in, "Love you. Good luck." "I love you too, thank you both. Bye!" They all hung up and Mercedes went back to focusing way too hard. Her mind was racing at the thought of this whole best friend thing and just felt like shit about it. "What's a matter? Are you okay?" Pam was clueless, there really was motive for why she didn't want Mercedes around Fergal. And that motive was indeed due to a sinister fear. It was a dark thought that she had conjured up one night while laying in bed. Mercedes' love life is in shambles right now. She was still avoiding Colby like he was a zombie, her emotions were running high and could go off on anyone at any given time..This had the writing on the wall for Mercedes to go visit him, and wind up in bed with him. It was an extreme, obviously. But when emotions ran stupidly high? Human beings didn't think at times like that. Granted, this also meant that she had trust issues with Fergal as well. But it was clear due to this suggestion of Rebecca visiting that the ISSUE was NOT Fergal; but Mercedes instead. "I'm fine. Just focusing on the match tonight. I'm gonna go though. See you out there." Mercedes felt so much pain in her heart, she wasn't stupid. She has in fact had friends before that did the same things to other people and now? Now she was the instrument of Pam's insecurity and she hated it. She can't even talk to one of her closest friends that she has ever had due to Pam's insane thought process. Whatever. Mercedes has been beaten to the ground by work, her love life, and now her social life? What the hell else is next..Pam sat in the same spot and watched as Mercedes walked away, she wondered why her friend would silently dip like that. Back in the NXT days, these two were inseparable before matches, they always prepared together, they literally did everything together before they were set to go on the big stage..Now? Everything was different..But she had no idea why.

Fergal was enjoying his time with Rebecca, the show had started and it was going well. Fergal got to watch his buddies from the old Bullet Club have the stage and of course, they delivered. The results of matches really only ever bothered the fans now a days. The Superstars even involved didn't mind losing, it was all for a greater cause and they knew that. There usually was always a plan for why someone was winning or losing. Granted; there were exceptions to those rules and some wrestlers didn't like the creative direction all that much, but it was okay..Nobody was really like that at the moment. "I'm actually really glad I came by. I forgot how like, just relaxing it is to spend time with you. Everyone on the Blue Brand is high strung as hell. It really is weird, you outta see it sometime." Rebecca giggled quietly as the Women's Title match was starting right now..Fergal looked over at her, " me a favor?" Rebecca nodded, "Can you keep an eye out for Lexi? She's actually wicked tender right now and could use your guidance and to show her basically which side of the road to stay on.." Rebecca nodded. "Of course I can. No problem! I like the girl, she's so tiny and adorable." Rebecca giggled and so did Fergal. The title match commenced and not to his surprise? Ashley won. Pam looked utterly deflated and Mercedes seemed to be enraged..He was hoping what was bothering Mercedes remained behind the scenes..Nothing could boil over like this..That would be a disaster.

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