The Past Returns

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The day had come for Fergal to get the most important doctors checkup in his life. This could make or break him, and future planning for WWE programming. Having Fergal ready and a hundred percent ready to go for the near future was something that weighed heavily on both him and Pam. As well as, not to mention, WWE's front office. Fergal was supposed to be the next poster boy, he was supposed to be the next big thing that had already arrived. Fergal sent out a tweet saying the following, 'Ready for this appointment. The future is very uncertain.' It was different than his usual retweets of fan art, or people sending him nice things and he likes them. But this was actually him opening up his rib cage and exposing his weak heart. Immediately people started to retweet it wishing him luck, and tweeting at him to get well soon. It was always nice to know that people were on his side, always right there when Fergal needed them the most. Pam texted him and said, 'I'll be there in 15 baby.' Pam was driving him to the doctor's office primarily due to him being scared of going by himself. He needed that shoulder to potentially cry on if he needed this stage in the game he thought he might just need that. Fergal was so nervous, he sat on his sofa with a bottle of water resting on his coffee table..He watched as the condensation ran down the bottle and nestled into his coaster. Fergal really was panicking right now, he couldn't find a way to keep his nerves calm and he knew how important this day was to everything. The grand scheme of things rode on the results of this day. Fergal tried to slow his breathing down to a steady pace and it just wasn't going well AT ALL. He..felt his phone buzz, then it buzzed again. And again. It finally occurred to him that he was getting a phone call. He sighed heavily and looked at the caller ID displayed on the front and the name/picture he saw floored him.

Fergal answered the phone and was immediately calmer, not all the way calm, but definitely calmer than he was before. "Hey..What's going on? Is everything okay?" The person who called was Barbie Blank (AKA Kelly Kelly), Fergal's..ex girlfriend. It had been a while since they dated, and things did get pretty serious between them..But it ended due to differing views about the future. They were together for over a year, obviously things got serious. And Fergal decided once to ask her how she felt about children and marriage. Barbie at the time was NOT ready for either, children scared her cause she had so much of her career to live out and a kid would delay her. She loved kids, don't get me wrong, and she was really good with them. But having one of her own? It was..frightening. And marriage she just wasn't ready for a life long commitment like that. But for her to call now after all of this time away? Something had to be going wrong in her life and Fergal, being the kind of guy that he is, didn't care about what had happened. The future is what mattered. Barbie finally spoke, " I'm okay, I just. Saw your tweet a few minutes ago. Had to call and make sure that you were..okay.." Fergal didn't expect that to come out of her mouth..She normally didn't just get a hold of exes. He knew this, and remembered that her exes are basically out of her life as soon as the relationship ends. " you for checking up on me, I just am nervous that's all..Nothing new.." he let out an awkward kind of tension reducing giggle. She laughed with him to hopefully suppress his anxiety. "Yea, you always were the worrying type..But..You shouldn't really worry all too much Fergie.." She accidentally uttered a nickname for him which..She hasn't done in actual years.

Fergal caught the remark but chose to not dwell on it all too long, it didn't really matter at this stage in the game. "Yea..I always do that kinda thing..But how could I not worry, Barb? If this doesn't go well? I could miss far more time than anyone could have thought..I can't DO that.." he shook his head, even though she wasn't there to see him do it. For some reason that's what people did when they were on the phone, they did little actions that no one else could see but them..It was kinda funny actually come to think of it. Barbie took a moment to think.."Listen, you need to calm down sweetie. You're a great person, you've got good karma mounting like crazy right now. You don't do anything wrong, or make anyone upset. Your like, whole job as you is to make people happy and guess what? You embrace and slay the shit outta that. You actually are the sweetest guy I've ever met, and had the privilege of getting to know and being proud to say I've been friends with." Barbie's words hit home with Fergal, he felt his heart sink a bit and he felt his eyes well up with water lightly. He exhaled shakily and looked down slowly, "T-that's mighty kind of you Barb.." Fergal was taken back by this, he wasn't too sure how to feel about this entire thing, he hasn't heard from her in a long ass time, and for some reason she decided to poke her head out of nowhere to support him and call him the sweetest guy in the world? He was so confused at where this came from..But he appreciated it nonetheless..even though it was weird as shit. There was a long awkward pause during the call, both Barbie and Fergal felt somewhat weird about being on the phone this long. I mean, let's face it..Barbie did leave him on her own free will. Fergal hadn't wronged her, he hadn't done anything that honestly made him look like the bad guy whatsoever. She just, left him. "Well..I'll let you go hun, good luck today. Okay? You're gonna do great.." Barbie finally broke the silence with one final jab at his emotions. It was entirely unintentional, but nonetheless still stuck on Fergal like a rogue piece of dog hair that just doesn't want to go away. "Uh yea, thanks again lass for callin' me up..Means a lot. Be safe and I'll talk to you later. Bye." "Bye Fergie Ferg." She hung up and Fergal sank into the couch. He didn't have feelings for her anymore whatsoever. But there was definitely a lot of history there that definitely was just turned over like a rock at the beach.

Almost on queue, Pam knocked on his door and opened it up. She strolled in and looked around for him, "Babe?" Pam hadn't seen Fergal for quite some time actually which really, really sucked badly. But right now wasn't about the past, it was about there here and the now. Fergal stood up and locked eyes with her, smiling when he did. Pam scurried over to him and embraced him in a giant hug. Fergal's hands rested on her waist/lower back and her arms wrapped around his neck quickly. "Hi darlin'." She giggled a bit and quickly kissed him on the lips, causing him to tighten his grip on her waist. "Hello sweetie." Fergal smiled and blushed at her words, he missed her so much that all he could do was hug her even tighter than he just was. The hug actually lasted quite a while and was finally broken up when Pam patted his butt and pulled away. "You about ready to go?" Fergal nodded at her and didn't really wanna speak. Pam turned around and headed for the door. Fergal opportunity. He walked up real close to her and grabbed her butt, whispering in her ear, "Nice butt sweetheart." Pam squeaked and giggled, wrapping her arm around him as they walked. "All yours cutie pie." They were being extra intimate and totally lame with their cuteness primarily due to the fact that they hadn't seen each other in so long. Not to mention, their friends were relying heavily on both of them to NOT collapse into nothingness.

They walked up to the car in which Pam opened the door for the injured Irishman, "Thank you kindly." Fergal muttered before he climbed inside the vehicle. Pam nodded and closed the door, walking over to the driver's side and climbing in as well. She started the car up and looked over at him, "Stop being so nervous baby..It literally is all gonna be okay, I promise you." She reached over and grabbed his hand tight. Normally the roles were reversed with the two of them. Pam needed to be talked off the edge and Fergal was always the one to do it for her. But now? With these circumstances? No. This was her time to be there for him and make sure that he was okay and not falling apart at the seams. "I hope it will be Pam..I just don't want bad news..I can't afford bad news..Not now.." Fergal shook his head and peered out the window and just gazed at the sky. It was strangely blue for this time of year which hopefully was something to be happy over..I mean blue skies usually meant things were happy and going to go well, right? "I know..happy vibes babe. That's all I can suggest..Just be happy and cool with things and it will work out. Also, you've got the most rad girlfriend ever who does anything and everything for you..! How could you possibly be luckier?" Fergal listened to her and smiled as she spoke. She had a point. Pam was the nicest person he's ever met, she was perfect combination of inside beauty, and outside beauty. Fergal was definitely a lucky guy to have this perfect little creature begging for his affection at every turn. But at the same time? He deserved it at this point in his life. He had been through some shit with everything and even though he doesn't have the most experience with women, and he didn't care to..There also is a reason for that. Barbie is primarily that reason. Hence why it never is mentioned..ever. The closer that they got to the doctor's office, the more she had to realize that he really did need her, even though it was an unspoken kind of need, he still needed that woman now more than ever in their entire relationship. "I love you. Okay? Remember that.." Pam's voice was low, and quiet. Her lisp usually got in the way of her trying to be sentimental but right now? It didn't matter if she had a mouthful of food. It was absolutely needed to be said to and heard by Fergal.

He smiled a bit and rubbed his thumb over top of her hand gently. "I love you too, Pam. Way more than you by the way." They both giggled a little bit and she pulled into the doctor's office. Fergal felt all of his happy energy drain out of his body as he saw that building. He was way too nervous to accept the fact that the foreseeable future of his life was going to be decided inside of that there building. Pam parked, turned the car off and leaned over into his lap almost. She kissed him extremely passionately right on those cold lips of his and kept her face there, "I'm always here for you, Fergal. Okay?" She kissed him again and he nodded as soon as he could. "Thank you.." She reluctantly got out of the car and helped him out as well. They both walked inside, checked in and sat down promptly. The tension in the room could be cut with a knife right now. He wanted to get this over with now but he didn't actually want it to happen. Pam sat next to him, just holding his now warm hand and occasionally rubbing over top of it with her fingers. He looked around the waiting room, there was luckily no other people in there waiting to be seen. So waiting would not take all that long..It felt like an eternity had passed, when in reality it had only been ten minutes or so..But Fergal looked over at Pam and whispered, "When do you think I'll get in? Before 'Mania?" They both exchanged a nervous little laugh as a nurse bursted out through the door, "Mr. Devitt?" Pam looked over at Fergal who turned pale immediately, "Looks like not.."

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