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The last few days for everyone has been nothing short of a stress filled nightmare. It was amazing that at least the majority of people in the locker room had been able to enhance their calm and just go to work. Knowing that the season of Wrestlemania is coming up sooner rather than later, it was crunch time for everyone..The time of put up or shut up, the scary part of the year where men and women had to prove their worth in the ring and out of it in order to get opportunities. It was hard to keep focused for Fergal and Pam recently, there were so many stupid things going on and so many things that had their attention grabbed that it was hard to maintain focus on work. Fergal and Pam were now ready for the last RAW before Christmas. It was a frightening time, like I said before, crunch time was about to begin. Fergal was ready as ever to get back in the ring and reclaim his title, but would the WWE Universe remember? Would they remember all the hard work that he put in in order to be given that Title? Who knows, the only people who know are the fans and it isn't exactly easy to just go and outright ask them if they would want Fergal as champion. Pam on the other hand was in a never ending battle of proving herself over and over and over again at the WWE Live events each and every single night. On RAW however, they still didn't know what storyline to place her in. After Saraya took her spot in the angle involving Colby and Fergal, Pam hadn't seen TV time in a few weeks now. This RAW however promised to be different, they promised that it was going to be time for Pam to go into a title run angle. It was an attempt that few had gotten the chance to even try to accomplish. Mercedes had been dominating the Women's Division for months now, but it hadn't come easy to her. She had been injured a few times, as well as had some of the hardest hitting, cleanest matches against the likes of Ashley, Savelina and even getting some independent wrestlers over with the fans. It was truly a magical time for Mercedes and despite the fact that her relationship and personal life was seemingly crumbling in her hands, her professional life was taking off like a freaking rocketship. The company finally believed in her and gave her the chances that she more or less earned. For it was a fine art to accomplish, you had to keep her as champion due to popularity, momentum, and hard work. But you also had to make it look like she was beatable, that there was a point to even HAVING a division..Luckily, with her? They did it.

This is why the amount of pressure that Pam had on herself pertaining to work was insurmountable. There was such a high level of expectancy that was just there for all of the women. Ashley and Mercedes raised the bar so high with their feud that there was almost no duplicating it. Pam had her work cut out for her in every single way possible. The pressure was there, and she was mentally struggling to keep herself sane, obviously Mercedes is one of the closest friends she has ever had in her life. Like ever, but that doesn't change the fact that every Monday night, she was not her friend Mercedes..She was Sasha Banks, the RAW Women's Champion..And she was Bayley. The perseverant hugger who would not be told no. It was a tender thing to have such a deep rooted relationship with someone you were actually going to be throwing around like a pillow each and every other night. But that was why they were here in the first place, they were here to make a name for themselves, trying to define their own legacy every day. Of course it takes two to dance, they needed each other for this to work out, and they were here to be the very best. You could say they wanted to be the very best, like no one ever was.

After Pam's mental preparations were completed, Fergal came back into her locker room. "Hey. How goes it? Are you ready for tonight? I think you're gonna kill it." Pam smiled at her loving boyfriend and shrugged, "I dunno, am I really ready to be number one contender like this? Am I really gonna be the one who tries to dethrone Mercedes?" Pam's worry showed on her face like a mask. She sighed heavily as Fergal was grabbing at her arms gently, "I'm right here by the way. And yes, I think you're way more than capable of being the one who takes her down. She is very..momentus right now, which isn't even a word. But you get my drift..I think you're gonna do great things going after that title. You're always my champion, princess." Pam blushed at his words and quickly yanked him into a hug, "I love you Fergie." He squeezed her gently, "I love you too darling. Now go out there and prove to the world that you deserve to be number one contender!" Pam released the hug and had her game face on now..She was fully ready for this match and she was fully prepared to take the WWE Universe by storm. Her love and passion for the business showed every time she stepped out of those curtains and embraced each person with literal open arms. Fergal sat down on the bench in the locker room and watched as the women made their entrances, it was scary for him to think that his little baby was going to have to fend off so many other people like this. But then again, an over the top battle royal was the best way to have excitement and opportunity go hand in hand. As soon as Pam's music hit, the crowd erupted in a crazed, lovely screaming frenzy. Fergal loved to see the fans get so behind her it was so heartwarming to hear them go nuts over her. As Pam walked down the ramp, Fergal heard a knocking on the locker room door. That is annoying to be honest, this is Pam's locker, who DOESN'T know that she is currently about to have a match, and potentially the most important match of her young career. Fergal heard the knocking again followed by a familiar voice, "P-Pam?" he got up and walked towards the door. After briefly considering not opening it, Fergal swung the door open to see a little blonde head walking away. It was Lexi. She heard the door open and turned around after she was walking, "Fergal? I thought this was P-Pam's locker.." Fergal shook his head, "She's about to have a match right now, and I'm here obviously just to watch her have it..But..Um....Have you been crying??" Fergal immediately grew concerned.

Lexi shrugged and sniffled very quietly, she slowly began to walk back over to Fergal now who moved out of the way of the locker door, "Come, come in..Let's watch the match and talk." Lexi nodded and continued sniffling. There had to be something very wrong for her to come out of her way to go see Pam of all people. But Fergal just wondered..Why didn't she try and reach out to him? Was it out of respect for Pam to not privately approach her man with a problem? Perhaps that is what really was happening, but then again it still bugged him that Pam is perceived as this crazy lady who can't have other girls even communicating with her man. "What happened Lex? Are you okay??" He was so worried about her right now, I mean who wouldn't be worried about a close, dear friend who is damn near on the verge of sobbing her little eyes out of her head at the drop of a dime? He tried to sound calm, but Fergal was definitely worried as shit. As the match continued on, Fergal was admiring how in command Pam was of the whole thing, she dictated so many emotions in the ring it was incredible that she wasn't Women's champion already. Lexi too took a quiet few moments to admire Pam's ring work, it was very nice to see her friend killing it on the big stage, under the pressure that is Monday Night Raw.

But this was not a happy visit, nor was it one that Lexi secretly even wanted to make. She is here simply because something very clearly happened to her and Fergal needed to find out what that was. "You can talk to me..I'm still your friend here, you know that right?" Lexi nodded and sniffled loudly now, tears were visibly running down her face. "I just miss her. And I miss you, and I miss everyone and everything that used to be..I hate that I never get to see you guys anymore..It..it feels like you guys were just taken from me and I absolutely hate it..I-I miss seeing you two more than anyone else, since the draft..If it wasn't for Becks, I'd be absolutely alone..I obviously appreciate her and her being there..But goodness gracious I just, it hurts to know that I never get the opportunity to see you.." Lexi closed her eyes tight and tears flew out now, it was obvious she was getting sick of being alone and separated from those she cared about so much and it was finally taking its rather huge tole on her heart. Fergal frowned and felt himself become swarmed with sad emotions and bad thoughts. "I know how you feel Lex. We all miss you, Pam and I both miss you terribly. There almost isn't a day that goes by where she doesn't tell a story involving you, or mention you directly by name. Me too of course, I always am wondering how you're doing, we literally watch Smackdown for you and Rebecca. You guys are some of our best friends in the whole world and it hurts a lot to have that distance between us.." Lexi nodded as the match with Pam was nearing its conclusion, Pam was absolutely killing it and Fergal was loving every minute of it. How this was working right now was that Fergal and Lexi were watching the match, WHILE having this heart to heart. Pam was going to be back soon, and Lexi was so happy to know that, she needed a nice warm Pam hug. "I wish we could all get together and go get dinner more frequently. I wish that our visits didn't have to come after a terrible freak out, or because we're all crying messes.." Lexi nodded as he was talking and she continued to silently cry. Pam just won her match, and both Fergal and Lexi raised their arms almost at the exact same time. They were like proud parents of her and it was so amazing to see that smile on Pam's little face. "God I'm so happy for her.." Fergal mumbled quietly as Lexi nodded again, "I am too..That woman deserves the whole world." They both laughed quietly as their feelings about this was so obvious that it was comical at this point. Lexi looked over at Fergal for the first time and he looked back at her, "There's no reason to cry Lex..We're still here, we still care so much about you.."

The distance was what was killing Lexi at this point, she missed having that love and support from the friends she, well, loved and supported more than life itself. Pam disappeared off the television screen and eventually she got back to the locker room and Fergal embraced her in a big ass hug. "I'm so happy for you baby.." Pam squeezed back and was still out of breath a little. She saw Lexi and her tears, "Wait..Lexi?? Sweetheart, oh my gosh.." She reluctantly broke the hug off of Fergal and wrapped her warm arms around Lexi, "I missed you so much Pam..I-I couldn't like, do it anymore.." Pam knew what she was talking about. And honestly it broke her heart to pieces to see her friend this distraught. "I love you Lexi boo. No amount of absence will make me not love your little face." Lexi giggled and scrunched her nose, "I just hate this brand split garbage. I wanna share the ring with you again, I I wanna be able to see you guys on a regular basis.." Pam nodded, "Hopefully we will someday. Just remember I love you, Fergal loves you. We literally are just a phone call away.." Lexi nodded..It appeared that absence in this case has definitely, DEFINITELY made Lexi's heart grow much fonder of Fergal and Pam.

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