All It Takes Is One Bad Day

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Fergal felt ashamed and scared. He didn't know how to feel right now, he basically just admitted to Savelina, Alexis' best friend in the whole freaking world that he was developing feelings for Little Miss Bliss. Savelina looked over at him as he was sinking deeper into depression, "Ferg.. Hey, whoa dude relax.. You look like you're gonna pass out.. You gotta calm down. Breathe a little. Do you need a hug?" Savelina walked over to the clearly stressed out Irishman and wrapped her arms around him, "Well too bad. A hug is what you're getting!" She pulled him in close and he actually hugged her back. "I've never thought like this before. I just." He tried to speak, Savelina interrupted him, "Shh boy. I understand.. You love Pam. So much, with all your heart actually. But what happens in some situation like this is that she's hurt you, she's damaged you as a person.. And that kind of injury you can rarely heal from. Lexi poo is a sweetheart, she has never done that to a boyfriend, a friend, a pet. A nothing. She is possibly one of the sweetest little things I've ever seen.. You desperately need that affection, and you don't feel like Pam wants to provide it anymore." Savelina's explanation was literally dead ass accurate, one hundred percent. That's exactly what Fergal was thinking, Pam was the love of his life, but that love has damaged him, hurt him, abused his trust and his mental health. It was hard to forgive someone who has done things like that to you, granted Pam did not cheat on him, she didn't lie about anything that was too dire and unforgivable. She went on a date with her ex while they were on a break; so what? They were on a break. That kind of shit happens and you just have to swallow your pride and deal with it. Fergal wasn't even mad about that, as a matter of fact he actually hoped that she had fun. In his mind, Aaron was a good guy, for the most part. He wound up turning a little insane and abusing Pam in certain ways.. Which is unforgivable and that really was the only reason why Fergal was not happy with her decision. But it was HER decision. Shit, a break means Fergal could have went on a date with Mercedes, Alexis, Cathy, anyone. They were not, and still are not together. Just because they spoke, and hung out with one another does NOT mean they're getting back together again, it simply means they tried to fix the bridge that they both blew up.. The only problem with that was they blew the bridge up, while they were both still standing right on top of it. "Is it bad?" Fergal asked quietly as Savelina released him. "Is what bad, sweetie?" Savelina was trying to hard to be like the big sister to him right now, Fergal needed that care and attention, he was a very hurt person..

    "Is it bad that I.. That I see Lexi like that.." Fergal spoke quietly. It took Savelina several moments to finally get this next sentence out. "Want the truth?" Fergal nodded at her. "Well. No. It really isn't bad.. And.. That's because my little Lexi has always thought you were an adorable, sweetheart who deserves love and admiration. She's said before that in another universe she would have been with you.. But that's not another universe." That actually made Fergal feel a little bit better, he nodded, "I'm happy that she's doing okay. I'm happy that her health is improving and I'm happy that you are her best friend." Savelina smiled at him after he spoke, she had a follow up to that, "Well I'm happy that WE ARE her best friends. She loves you so much Fergal. Life has an annoying way of doing things sometimes, and life does not want you to be with Alexis. She's happy with someone else, try and realize that your life could not have her in it at all.. Imagine that?" Fergal shook his head quickly, "Uh no. I'd rather not imagine that.."

    Savelina laughed and looked at her phone, "Well neither would I. But hey, I gotta go. I have to go kick Pam's ass real fast." Fergal laughed at Savelina's joke again, she was such a kind person. It got really quiet for a few moments and Fergal smiled at her, "Hey. Thanks for takin' the time to talk to me. It really made me feel better. If I don't see her? Give Lexi a huge hug for me would ya?" Fergal wanted to do it obviously, but he was trying to insert that distance in between them, hoping that the damage his heart had in regards to her would go away.. Not heal, but just be manageable. "Hey it's no problem, you're a great guy and you shouldn't be upset like that. Maybe you should go see Lex. She isn't gonna wrestle right now." Savelina gave him the idea, and then walked off towards the prep area. Fergal stood there, his mind was going all over the place.. Savelina's point of life without Alexis in it really stung, he almost had that fear become reality.. Alexis almost lost her life, basically two times. And who was there first and last to ensure she was okay? Fergal was. Maybe that's why he grew so fond of her, who knows.. Fergal decided then and there to go find Alexis, and possibly even try to dance around the topic but pick her brain on what he should do. He went to catering and there she was, how is it that the first place Fergal went to look, he found her. Sitting by herself, being absolutely adorable. He walked up from behind her and tapped her shoulders, "HEY!" shouting loudly, Alexis squealed and looked over at him, "Oh.. My GOD Fergal! You scared the hell out of me!" She laughed quietly and Fergal sat down next to her. "What's goin' on?" He asked quietly, he was trying to resist the thoughts in his head of his crush on her. But.. That's a hard task to do.. He right now, is actually doing well. "Well I was just eating a little bit before we leave, before you decided to practically give me a heart attack. Why? What's up? Did I miss something?" Alexis asked and she looked over at him, Fergal again was trying to not see little miss Bliss in that light, it was working still.. Even though her piercing blue eyes met with his deep brown ones. "No no no, I just wanted to come spend some time with ya. I feel like I hardly see you nowadays, y'know? What do you think I need to do with this.. Problem I have.." Fergal asked, Alexis was actually quite the wise person for being such a young woman. Alexis was in a committed relationship with Matt and although she has had her doubts waaaay back in the past, ironically she had thoughts about Fergal.. Unspoken maybe, but Fergal is the reason why she was questioning her relationship. She LITERALLY felt the exact same way he did about her right this very second..

    "I think you need to do what that little thing in your chest tells you to do. If you don't feel like Pam fills your heart anymore? And you feel like the pain she's caused you is too great to get over? You might just need to leave before it gets worse. I love you Fergie. I don't wanna see you get hurt anymore." Alexis spoke softly, almost like she knew how to reassure him and quell his dark and petrified thoughts. Fergal nodded, "I understand what ya mean. Lemme ask you somethin' else too. What if you're in a situation similar to this, and you begin to notice someone else in that saaame kind of light.." Fergal asked and he was hoping to god right now that he wasn't gonna get busted. "Well.. I don't know Ferg. It depends on the situation, does this other person know? Are they in a relationship? Do they even know how the other one feels? There's a lot that I can't really speak on.." Alexis was a little suspicious, but she didn't want to be. She didn't want to think that Fergal had feelings for her.. Primarily due to her being scared.. Scared of how old feelings might be dug up and how old feelings might become her only feelings soon..

    Fergal nodded, "I was just wonderin' lass. No need to worry." Fergal spoke softly to her this time, It had been about ten minutes since Savelina and Pam's match started.. Neither woman has returned yet and that was good. More time for the women meant everyone was really happier. But it was at this time where a WWE official ran up to the table and was out of breath. "Fergal! Hey listen... I-I got here as fast as I could, you gotta come quick!" Fergal stood, "What the hell happened??" Alexis got up too, she finished the food that was in her mouth and began jogging with them, "It's Pam, she took a bump and they're thinking what happened to you is happening to her!" Fergal knew what that meant, his entire shoulder/arm exploded at Summerslam last year, if Pam had the same thing as him? That would be the literal worst case scenario.. The three of them ran to the trainers room, and they were forced to stop outside due to the fact that Pam was undergoing examinations by the doctors. Savelina was pacing a few feet away from the door and Fergal approached her. "Savelina.. What the hell happened out there?" He wasn't angry, or at least he was hoping he didn't come off as that, Savelina was actually crying. She felt horrible. "I-I went to throw.. T-throw her out of the ring and when I did.. She f-fell on her shoulder really hard. I'm so sorry I didn't mean.." Alexis hugged Savelina, "Hey don't cry, please don't cry love. You didn't mean to hurt her it was an accident.." Alexis spoke softly and Savelina's crying was still going on, but it was quieter than Fergal expected. "It's okay.. Yeah, don't cry.. That won't make anything better.." Fergal didn't know what to say, he tried to reassure her but as soon as that door opened and the doctor slid out, Fergal walked right over to him. "What is it?" Fergal asked, the doctor shrugged, "We can't tell. She's really swollen right now so we're icing it and trying to figure out what happened. When the swelling goes down? We'll know for sure. Until then we just need to wait and be patient with her." Fergal nodded, "Thanks doc." Fergal then glanced back at Savelina, he walked over to her and Alexis broke the hug, she knew what he was going to do. Fergal then proceeded to hug Savelina tight, speaking quietly, "It's going to be okay. Stay here with Lex, I'm going to go check on Pam.. Okay?" After he spoke, she nodded and Fergal glanced at Alexis who smiled softly at him. Fergal entered the room now, there she was. A hot sweaty Pam, hair all messed up, arm bandaged with giant ice inside the wrapping. She looked up at him and instantly felt tears in her eyes. Fergal walked over to her as he heard the door shut behind him.. As he got to her bedside, he wasted no time, Fergal leaned in and pressed his lips against hers hard.

    The kiss caught Pam off guard completely, his warm, soft lips felt incredible. She had almost forgotten what they felt like. Fergal took his right hand and cupped her cheek as the kiss had to be re-established over and over. After about a minute of this, it finally broke. "I'm here for you." Fergal whispered and Pam nodded, as tears slowly rolled down her cheeks. "It really hurts.. And I don't know what's wrong with me.." Pam spoke softly as Fergal took a seat on her bedside, "Regardless of what it is, you'll kick its ass, and I'll be here for anything you need. You were there for me when my arm exploded, and now I'll do everything I can to repay you for that kindness." Pam smiled briefly, literally for only a second and she looked down. "I'm sorry I'm all sweaty and disgusting right now." Fergal scoffed at her words, "You do realize who you're talking to, right? How many times do I need to remind you that we've gotten hot, sweaty, and disgusting together.. Granted, under better circumstances.. But I like seeing your glistening skin in the light.. It actually is really attractive.." Fergal smiled and placed his hand on her rather warm thigh. "I'm here Pam.. remember that sweetheart."

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