A Perfect End Cap

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Fergal couldn't believe his ears, he looked down at her with bright, happiness filled eyes. I wish there was a better way to describe it other than he felt absolutely stunned. It was one of those too good to be true. He..got what he wanted? Was this true, was she really saying that she wanted to be with him? He shook his head in an effort to break out of his trance like state as he gazed into her beautiful brown eyes. Pam was looking up at him, she raised her eyebrows up in a little confused look, she puckered her lips to the side slowly and batted her eyelashes. "So..do you have anything to say..? Or are you just gonna..stare at me..?" Fergal shook his head again and leaned down, pressing his lips to her forehead very, very gently. "I just am in..utter disbelief..to be honest." Pam blushed and felt her heart sink and then raise right back up quickly. It was an odd amazing feeling, she was speechless to an extent. She smiled after she felt the gentle kiss touch her forehead, she too was so incredibly happy right now, it was incredible how this all happened in the matter of an hour or two, it was incredible that she had the courage to do this, but all in all, she was so happy and so relieved that she did this. Instead of doing the typical Pam thing which was sliding back into her little shell and just letting her feelings die a slow death, she decided to go on a limb, she decided to take a chance and just say 'screw it' and go for what her heart wants. "Please tell me you planned on kissing me..I don't know how much longer I can just stare at your pretty pink lips.." Pam blushed and bit down on her bottom lip after she spoke, she didn't know she had that in her, especially after the high stress situation and the tension that was there. She supposed that this was why she desired the kiss, Fergal tightened his grip around her waist..This was the moment where he felt like he'd pass out, like all oxygen would leave his body and his eyes would close..Of course he would fall down and look completely ridiculous, but hey..He couldn't help it.

    "I mean, when you put it that way, lass.." Fergal took this chance, he took this huge risk as he felt his heart beat a million times faster than it ever did. With and gentle push, he pressed his lips to hers and felt her exhale, almost in relief. As the kiss lengthened, Pam felt her chest push in and she grabbed Fergal's hand, gently placing it over top of her heart area. In her head this was going to be ridiculously cheesy and almost childish in nature, but she needed to make him aware of what was going on inside her mind. "Please don't hurt me..This little thing right here has..been through some stuff, Fergal..Just..Just don't hurt me.." Pam's voice was shaky as Fergal watch intently as his hand was placed on her chest, he listened to her little words and was taken back by how frightened she was of him. How truly scared she was and how much trust she really did have for him..It was overwhelming, it was..just adorable. Fergal pushed his hand down a bit and felt her heartbeat..Probably the most precious thing he has ever felt in his entire life. He took a quick moment to think about what he wanted to say next and how he felt too, it was super important for him to get these emotions out and make sure she understood where he..well, stood. "I will never..ever hurt you..That 'tiny' thing is now the most important thing in my life, hell..it has been for quite a while now..Bet you really didn't know that..Did you?" Fergal's words were uttered gently and quietly, he wanted to make sure that she didn't get freaked out by how much..She actually meant to him. Pam was so happy and just incredibly relieved that he felt this way deep inside his heart. She blushed a bit, smiling a little more after his words ended.

    "No..You're a mystery, Mister Fergal Devitt. You really are; like no one can really figure out who you seemed to be interested in..Like it was definitely a discussion that the ladies had about you..We were all so curious..Goodness I never would think that the girl you had in mind was me..I never thought it would be little old me..Me? Miss forgotten horsewoman..Miss absolutely average. Literally labeled that by the company.." Pam's stance in the company as Bayley was one that was super unique, Pam is a beautiful woman, inside and out. Compared to the other women? The company sees them as more..Marketable, and more, goodness it's such a strange thing how they see her. They always push the fact that Bayley makes the average girl feel like they can accomplish things..Which is both flattering, and kind of a weird compliment. Not in a good way. "Pam, don't..don't even say somethin' like that..You are THE most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on..You. Right here, the person I have in my arms are the most incredible person I've ever encountered. I can't believe you'd think that.." Fergal hated that the company portrayed her this way, he hated that the company was so much more focused on appearance as opposed to what the fans actually wanted. Pam was flustered right now, she tugged him over to the sofa and sat down, yanking him down next to her as the pizza continued to cool off. That honestly was the idea in her head, Pam planned things four steps in advance. She wanted the food to cool off, and she wanted this conversation before food actually became a factor in the first place. Fergal went along with where she wanted to put him. He watched as she began to smile bigger and bigger, "I can't tell you how much that actually means to me Ferg, literally dude. You just made my entire month..better yet? My entire year.." The moment was far too perfect for them both to even fully understand. Pam felt her phone vibrate and she slowly pulled it out of her back pocket, seeing that it was Lexi who was just checking up on her, Pam had..an idea. She loaded up Snapchat and flipped the camera to get to the selfie side. She slowly leaned into Fergal and planted a gentle kiss onto his cheek, Fergal on the other hand made the silliest face that he's ever made in the history of..ever. After the photo was taken, he smiled and blushed, "Lexi?" He knew who needed to see this picture, he knew that it was the one who orchestrated this entire thing. It was her who basically tried to get them both to collectively see what was sitting right in front of their faces and what truly mattered to them.

    Pam nodded and smiled, it had to be just a hunch, or perhaps Lexi was trying to get Fergal to man up a bit and face his fear, who knows. "Oh absolutely. She'd be sooooo happy to get this. You have no idea." After Pam spoke, Fergal smiled a little more and giggled quietly, he knew that Lexi would be happy, and exactly how happy she'd wind up being is something he'd have yet to actually see. After it sent, the phone rang a solid two minutes after the Snapchat was sent, a giggly, happy Lexi was on the other end of it. "Mmmmm Elloooo?" Pam was in such a good mood right now there was almost no way she'd be able to frown. Lexi squealed loudly on the other end and all you could hear was her making noises. "Lex you alright? Sounds like you're possessed by a dinosaur over there.." Fergal was so happy as well, the amount of happiness shared between him and Pam was absolutely off the charts. After he spoke it finally sunk in to Lexi that this was something that she had done, that she helped along..Not taking full credit for it, for it did require them both to get the guts to open their hearts to one another. Lexi calmed herself down a bit, trying to figure out words to go with next, "Who did it?" That was really all she got? Damn..She needed to work on her people skills.

    "Well..That's where it gets complicated." Pam spoke quietly and both her and Fergal let out quiet laughs, "We both kind of did..I mean, it was Pam who showed up here and saved me..per say. And y'know, big bad manly me was the one who broke the ice here." Pam laughed at his obvious lie, Fergal knew just how to make her laugh and knew just how to make her enjoy herself. "Well I know that's bullshit." Lexi spoke before laughing really, really loudly. You could hear her struggle to get breath at how hard she was laughing, "Hey now! I can be manly if I wanna be!" Fergal continued to mess with her, he looked over and saw Pam begin to giggle too, this is where he slowly wrapped his arm around her very gently, pulling her right into him. "Well if you're done messin' with me, the Hugger and I have a movie to watch, enjoy your evening Lex!" Fergal said what the both of them were thinking. Lexi completely understood and definitely didn't want to encroach on them, "Okay okay I'm going! Bye guys! Stay cute!" Lexi hung up quickly and felt a sense of relief come over her body. Her work here..was done. Pam let out a happy sigh and sniffed a bit, "The pizza smells like it's all goodie goodie. Wanna go snag it and come back out here?" Fergal nodded and stood up, helping Pam up to her feet where he poked her right in the tummy, "Ooph! My tummy!" She giggled quietly and poked him right back in the stomach. "Fergal winced, he was secretly ridiculously ticklish and his stomach was the area that got him laughing very hard. "Hey now!!" Fergal covered his stomach and slowly backed up to the kitchen, watching Pam's eyes light up bright as she now knew exactly what she would do to him later. He turned around and reached up, grabbing two plates, Pam on the other hand just grabbed the pizza sheet, they both began to walk out back to the living room. "It smells so good..For a first timer you really know how to put it out there." She winked at him and bit down on the side of her lip. She wasn't sure if he would take that in an inappropriate way or not, but hey at least the mood was in such a high state it couldn't be brought down. "Well thank you sweets, glad to know my efforts in getting myself out there were noticed by you.." He winked back and felt his heart flutter a little bit. She was someone who put her heart on her sleeve, wearing it like a badge. This little subtle sexual joke was something that she wasn't used to, but hey. Risks have to be taken.

    They both sat down, the plates rested on the table and the pizza sat right next to it. "Oh shit, Fergal I gotta ask you to do something really, really important to me. Like right now. Okay?" She began to fidget with her fingers and felt a nervous little feeling set deep into her heart. Fergal turned his head over as the movie rolled on, second by second. She was full of surprises tonight, he wasn't too sure just what she had on her mind and what she planned on hitting him with next. After he turned over to him, Pam lunged over and pressed her lips against his, her hand quickly found his cheek and rubbed it very gently, after the kiss broke, Fergal found his hand had placed itself on her hip and his heart was now pounding with a nervous type of intensity. "D-damn.." Fergal spoke, and that was honestly the only thing that could come to mind. Pam blushed and smiled, keeping their faces close to one another, she batted her long eyelashes at him and smiled, "I just needed to get that outta ya before the movie started to get really into it..Ya know?" She blushed and got back into her spot, still super closeish to Fergal. He didn't even see her grab some soda and cups, she must have done it earlier when he was still in shock from the evening. But hey..tonight was perfect..It was going absolutely how they both wanted. There was nothing that was going to bring this moment down. Fergal and Pam..now have each others hearts in their own hands, there was something that honestly just felt..Right about this. A fresh love has begun tonight.

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