The Trip To Jersey

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Fergal awoke on the floor of his hotel. He didn't even remember when he fell asleep the night before, but nevertheless he woke up on the floor. The last thing he remembered was saying goodbye to Pam and he got into his car. He grabbed his phone and saw that he had thirty six unread messages from her, and eight missed calls. Uh oh. Fergal was groggy, he could barely open one eye up to see his surroundings. Luckily he could, and that is how he identified where he was at this point in time. He unlocked his phone and struggled to get through all of Pam's texts, they ranged from; 'Hey baby boy. I miss you.' All the way to, 'Holy fuck Fergal where are you? Are you safe? What is happening?!' He didn't even bother texting her back, he called instead. It didn't even ring once, "Fergal! Where are you! Are you okay!?!?" Pam's voice was clearly one that just finished crying. Fergal spoke sleepily, "I'm fine.. I don't know what happened babe. I just, I woke up in the hotel. I don't know where I am town wise. How long was I gone for?" He couldn't really remember anything whatsoever, it was starting to freak him out a little bit as to what went wrong in his head that made him literally lose.. Who knows how long of his life. "You've been gone for eighteen hours. Literally as soon as you left me, I heard from you for about a half hour and then you were gone. I've been up the entire time, waiting for you to come back to me.. Jesus Fergal.. You can't do that ever again, I can't handle that.. Nobody can.. I had Rami, Kevin, and Joe looking EVERYWHERE for you.. Savelina is gonna kick your ass, you scared her and made Lexi cry." Fergal huffed quietly after she spoke, "Fuck. I'm sorry baby girl. I'm okay.. I don't know if I just, I don't know.." Fergal was stunned as to why he lost this much time, what happened inside his mind was a mystery to him. Pam sat down, easing her shoulder as she did, no sudden movements because of her injury. Luckily for her the severity of the injury was not all that high. She was only going to potentially miss weeks, possibly eight at the absolute most. "How did your crossfit session go?" Fergal still remembered that she had that to go to and really wanted to make sure that she was doing well. He felt so bad, it was such a shitty time for him right now.. "Well it went fine, just did some routine stretches and workouts to see how far along I was and luckily for me I don't need surgery." Pam was still scared, she really did think that something happened to him and she didn't want to even think about what would her life be if something bad ever happened to him.. "Hey.. Why don't we go look at that place in Jersey this weekend. Remember? The one you really really liked? Would you be up for that?" Fergal asked quietly as he regained more of his awareness, the groggy effect almost gone now.

    Pam was taken back a little bit, she rubbed her chest gently, "I would love that Fergie. Would you want to? I know you just asked, but I also know you better than that by now." Pam asked with curiosity in her voice, Fergal often wanted to do things solely because Pam did, he was generous like that. "No no no, I want to do this. So what do ya say?" He asked again, there was a certain new sense of sincerity in his voice that typically wasn't there when he asked to do something he knew she wanted. Fergal was still working hard on turning over that new leaf, trying to make sure that he did nothing consciously to piss her off, meaning that he never wanted to make her mad/upset on purpose ever again. "I would love to babe. Hey I gotta go though, my little break is over. Time to get my butt kicked for the next few hours! I love you! Try not to disappear again, would ya?" Pam giggled, "I promise I won't disappear baby girl."

    The next few days went on without a hitch. Fergal was at work, selling out arenas and carrying the RAW brand on his shoulders like it was no big deal. And Pam was making amazing progress in her physical therapy. There was a chance she may even return before schedule but that was not certain just yet. The boys in back were worried about Fergal due to his episode of literally disappearing and being unable to be found. They quizzed him on where he went, what happened to him, and why it happened to him. Fergal of course had no answer, how could he know what went down that night? He didn't know.. It was NOT due to drinking, mainly because he didn't drink, his memory vanished when he was driving, not when he was at a bar getting so drunk he blacks out. Fergal texted Pam early Friday morning, 'Hey dear, I love you so much. Also, I think it'd be easier if we met each other in Jersey as opposed to waste time driving and shit. What do you think?' Pam saw the message a mere ten minutes later, 'Well I would like to go with you, but you're right. It would save more time if we just went separate. I'll look into flights. When should I meet you?' Fergal being Fergal had a quick response. 'ASAP.' Pam responded. 'Packing a little bag now My flight leaves in an hour. I love you poopy face.' Fergal was flying out of Louisiana, and Pam was flying out of Florida, they both were so excited to go see this place, unbenounced to them they were both set on it. They just wanted to be professional and mature about it by going to see it in person. Since they were set to be married sometime in the future, it was about time that they freaking lived with each other. Enough has happened between them that they should live together. Fergal's flight was quick and painless, boring nonetheless, but painless. Pam's flight was a little more annoying. Little kid in line was so disrespectful to his mother that it made Pam cringe with second hand embarrassment. It was insane to her to watch a child be so rude to their parents, does that reflect on the parent who raised the kid? Or does it reflect on the douchey, rude, unreasonable nature of children. It was a fine line to cross where a person understands what they are doing.. Sometimes kids abuse that fact and use it as a crutch for as long as possible. Pam shook her head disapprovingly at them and tried to remain unknown to the crowd. She got on the flight and from there it was smooth sailing. Quiet, peaceful, and fast. After a quick flight, she got off and turned Airplane mode off on her phone, typically you don't have to do that, but Pam was a nervous wreck about that and would take no chances with it not in that mode. She looked around for Fergal and then saw her handsome Irishman, beaming a smile at her. She kind of ran over to him and hugged him with her one arm, he returned it with giggles and happiness. "Baby! I missed you! Goodness.."

    Pam responded, "I missed you too.. I don't wanna cry I don't wanna cry I don't wanna cry." Pam was so happy to see him she was almost in tears over it. Fergal pulled back and rubbed her face softly with one of his hands, "Don't cry pretty lady. My god you look amazing." Fergal's compliment made Pam blush like mad and squirm, "I won't.. I love you." Fergal smiled at her and replied with a certain cheer in his voice, "I love you too. My sweet sweet angel." They hooked arms and walked towards baggage claim, the airport was somewhat quiet, the typical traffic of people was very light this morning and it was a lovely thing to see, well it wasn't really morning anymore, but it still felt like it. They found their luggage and left the airport, snagging a rent a car and darting to the hotel that Fergal booked. "So tell me about your training babe, what's been going on with it? Are you totally fucked? Or are you gonna come back soon?"

    Fergal was making small talk to avoid the fact that the traffic was beginning to piss him off to no end. "Well. If I told you I'd return tomorrow, I'd be lying. But tons of individual arm workouts, tons of light to severe stretching, you know, the basics. But apparently I'm smashing it all out of the park." Pam was so pleased with herself and how far she's come in a short time. "Speaking of smashing it.." Fergal looked over at Pam who blushed INSTANTLY. "H-Hey now.." She bit her bottom lip and looked at him. "The shows have been kinda dead recently. The crowds show up in abundance, but they seem to only care about Finn, and Alexa. Whenever we come out, respectfully, they only get loud for us. Mostly anyone else just gets a quiet reaction, or none at all. The company is so pissed, but that just means they get to work me and Lex like we're race horses. I need this fucking vacation honestly. But I don't think they'll let me now." Fergal's little confession about the fans was right, apparently the fans were only invested in the Universal Champion, and the RAW Women's Champion. Right now was an odd time for them, they were getting what they wanted but at the same time they practically refused anything other than them. "Well shit. Maybe I shouldn't come back. They'll boo me or something.." Pam spoke quietly, being booed was something she didn't want to experience, it sucks when your idea or your dream gets SOUNDLY rejected by the fans. And the peaceful, fun loving Bayley being booed would be just sad as shit. "Hey I'm gonna text April and tell her we're here house hunting. Let's see how fast she calls me." Fergal laughed at Pam's idea and the traffic FINALLY subsided. "Go for it dear." He gave her the green light and she texted the tiny skipper, 'Hey baby mama. I'm in Jersey with the demon boy looking at houses.' It took no more than forty five seconds and bam, phone call. "Hello?" Pam spoke, Fergal literally heard April's excitement in the phone, "Y-Yes, yeah we have a place lined up and we really love how it looks. Dinner tonight? Well sure sweetie. Is Jon gonna be there? Of course of course. Y-.. Yeah yeah I'm fine, just relaxing the arm, I have a few days where they said rest is needed, and Fergal wanted to look at this.. Yeah. Yes mother. I got it. Okay, see you tonight. Yes I'll take tons of pictures. YES! Okay. Love you too babe. Bye." She hung the phone up, Fergal and Pam both looked at each other at the same time before busting out laughing simultaneously. "So that went well, and what was that I heard? Dinner now?" Fergal questioned as they arrived at the hotel. "Yeah, I hope you don't mind.." Pam felt guilty taking liberty with Fergal's schedule. "Nah, it's fine. I love that little shithead." He laughed quietly and parked in the hotel parking lot. Getting out and grabbing both bags, he wanted to help Pam out as much as possible. "Oh, thank you babe." Pam said quietly as the two went inside and checked in, heading up to their room, they weren't even tired.

    After they got into the room, Fergal set the bags down in front of the little table and watched Pam get into the bed and lay slowly down. "This bed is so comfy. When do we go see that place?" She asked from her rather comfortable looking position. "Well we have about thirty minutes before the appointment. So we can freshen up a bit then we have to get going again." Pam huffed quietly. "Okay. That actually is decent time." Fergal chuckled and went to the bathroom to make sure he didn't look like death. "Let's actually get going now, I wanna check out the neighborhood, make sure it's safe, y'know?" Pam actually agreed. She nodded and sat up, going to the bathroom and adjusting her makeup quickly. "You all ready to go sweet heart?" Pam nodded and kissed him on the cheek quickly. "Let's go tackle our future, baby boy."

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